Converting File Into Bytes And Then Converting Those Files Back Into Its Original Form?

Aug 22, 2011

my goal is to

1.Take an file(exe,dll,etc)

2.Convert it into hex that hex values in a stack

4.Execute the values inside the stack to its original form(i.e. take the elements out of stack and then convert it to a compile format)

Imports System.IO
Sub Main()
Dim fileName As String = "ABC.exe"


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Converting Hexadecimal Back To Its Original Format?

Dec 11, 2010

I have been working on creating a carving tool to extract data on an image file.So am able to get the data present in the image in the form of hexadecimal.My problem is that i need to convert the hexadecimal back to its original format, that is for example get back a jpeg file back in its normal form.What am getting -> FF D8 FF EO.........FF D9 ( for a jpeg file in hex

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Converting Hex In A String Back To Bytes?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got the following simple code to convert Bytes to a Hex string :-

Shared Function BytesToHex(ByVal bytes() As Byte) As String
If bytes Is Nothing Then Return ""
Dim S As String = BitConverter.ToString(bytes)


The HexToBytes routine obviously can take a lot longer to complete than the BytesToHex routine and is noticeably slower when dealing with a lot of data. As I'm converting a lot of hex strings back to bytes, I wondered if there was a more efficient way of doing it without looping through the whole string as I am doing?

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Converting Form Text To Bytes?

Jul 28, 2009

I made a thread about Converting Form Bytes to Text and I got the answer but I wanted to ask if I can do the Opposite (Convert Text To Bytes).

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Converting GB MB KB To Bytes?

May 7, 2009

i have seen many posts resolving issues with converting bytes to KB, MB and would i convert GB,MB and KB to bytes?

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Converting Bytes To Another Format

Jan 20, 2011

I have been looking for a way to convert bytes down into another unit and append the unit format to the end and return it. I have found a few posts about it but I didn't perticularly want to write that much code that they listed, so I designed "my own" (I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done this method).Since I am pretty new at all this, I was wondering if anyone could let me know if there are any problems with how it would process the information and perhaps make it faster.[code]

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Converting Singles/Doubles To 8 Bytes?

Jun 13, 2010

I am tasked with the job of reading the X and Y coordinate of a Text label from a "save file" of a 2D CAD drawing. I found the exact position of the coordinates in the file, but I still don't understand how to read them 100%. They aren't simple ASCII characters.First, I read the file byte by byte, and load them into a textbox seperated by spaces as numbers from 0 to 255. Here is an example X and Y coordinate

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Converting String To Bytes And Viceversa?

Feb 18, 2011

Ive 2 buttons and 3 text boxes.Button 1 encrypts the data from textbox1 to bytes, converts it to string and display it in textbox2.Button 2 reads string from textbox2, converts it to bytes and decrypts it displaying it in textbox3 (textbox1 and 3 got to match).The encrypt/decrypt process works fine but the conversion from string to bytes is failing and cannot seem to find the problem. The error states that the string doesnt have the same format (Bytes(i) = Byte.Parse(Values(i))


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Converting String To List Of Bytes?

Jun 2, 2011

This has to be incredibly simple, but I must not be looking in the right place.

I'm receiving this string via a FTDI usb connection:


I would like to receive this as a byte array of


In Python, this I would convert a string to a byte array like this: [ord(c) for c in 'UUU']

I've looked around, but haven't figured this out. How do I do this in Visual Basic?

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Converting The Bytes() To A Readable Text?

Oct 6, 2010

I am having trouble converting the Bytes() to a readable text.

I will be receiving packets from a UDP Connection, but due to lack of connectivity issues, they have provided me a .mem file that i am assuming is the whole stream of the packet.

So for now, i am trying to read the file and i get a collection of bytes(). but i cannot convert it to readable text.

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Serial Communication - Converting To Bytes

Dec 1, 2011

I want to take a number such as 600 (0x0258) and send these hex values to a C-based system which is assigning char's to the received bytes and rebuilding to the original number. Currently, I am converting to bytes in VB.Net but it is not giving me the expected outcome (because of the ascii nature of the transfer most likely) [Code] I've also tried using Hex but this doesn't get the data in the correct format.

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Conversion - Converting Bytes To A Signed Integer

Nov 29, 2009

I have query that involves a cross-language operation, namely converting 4 SBytes to a signed integer. The source language for this operation is Java, which utilizes the ByteBuffer in order to extract a signed integer from the data stream. The inner workings of ByteBuffer are at best a black box to me, as I haven't been able to find any hints to what actually goes on when Java extracts the integer. [Code]

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Converting Bytes To IEEE Float And Vice Versa?

Dec 6, 2009

I am reading and writing binary data through a serial port and must (a) reassemble the incoming four bytes that make up a IEEE single-precision float into an actual float, and (b) disassemble a float into its four constituent bytes before squirting them through the serial port.

I am using VB.NET 2008. In VB6, I could use the LSET command, as in:

Private Type typByteArray
B(1 To 4) As Byte
End Type


But of course this code won't work in VB.NET. In C it would be easy to handle situations like this by using unions, but VB.NET doesn't support them.

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VS 2008 Converting A String Containing Bytes Into Array Of Elements?

May 19, 2009

I have a string of bytes which I am reading from a microcontroller via a serial port which is as follows : 02 10 18 14 CB 73 43 D3 14 00 0D 00 09 00 1B 00 04 B8 3C 00 00 24 00 30 AB

I would like to write some code to place each the bytes into an array with each element of the array consisting of one byte each.

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Converting A String To Double And Back

Feb 24, 2012

I am storing a value (represented as a string originally) like this -2345678901234.12345678912 - in a double variable. After storing, it is represented in an exponential format (with an e). How do i convert this exponential representation to the original(string) representation?


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Converting Access Mdb Back To Txt Using VS2008

Feb 14, 2011

Now I am trying to go backward and convert the mdb file to a txt or csv. Is it possible to simply reverse the code so to speak and use it that way? below is the code that I am using to convert from txt to csv. I reverse the code to produce the next result but am getting error message; "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement".


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Converting An Array To A String And Back?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to convert a large array to a string, and then back into the array again after sending it over a network connection. No problems with that, but to keep my string as small as possible, I want to convert each array element into a single byte. I know that each element is going to contain a number no bigger than 100, so there will be no problems keeping them all 1 byte long. Problem is, I can't find the correct conversion commands. I think I should use 'Chr' to convert them into a string, but I can't work out how to convert that back into a number at the other end.

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Converting String Back To Hexadecimal Value?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a database that is giving me mac addresses as strings. What I need to do is to convert this string to a decimal value, increase it by 1 and convert it back to it's hexadecimal value. I'm familiar with c# but I have to do this in vbscript.

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Converting An Empty String To A Date, And Then Back?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to do some validation testing in VB.NET. If Entity.WeekEndDate.ToString = String.Empty Then ErrorList.Add(New cValidationError("id", "Incorrect Week End Date"))

Where WeekEndDate is of type Date. When I originally build the object, how can I insert a value into WeekEndDate that will generate an empty string(ie. "") when converted from a Date to a String?

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Converting Timespan String Back To Integer

Feb 2, 2012

Working on a personal project.Originally had the file loaded had the program read a number and had trouble converting that number of total seconds into a TimeSpan.Finally got it working with a simple code, after COUNTLESS tried of different code.[code]Now I'm stuck converting that Timespan (in the DD:HH:MM:SS format) back to a integer of total seconds.Tried a bunch of codes I could think of but it was time that I had a fresh idea from other people.

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Get Distinct Values And Converting Back Into DataTable?

Mar 14, 2012

I have a "result" which is DataTable and I like to get the x distinct values(City) and convert it back to DataTable how do I do this the code below gives me an error

Dim query = (From x In results.AsEnumerable()
Select (x.Field(Of String)("City"))).Distinct().CopyToDataTable()

so what I want is records of distinct cities I can get that but the problem I am having is converting it back to Datable.

Edited:I am using "where" in this statement and it does convert to Table(works fine) but not on "select"

Dim results = (From myRow In ds.Tables(1).AsEnumerable()
Where (myRow.Field(Of String)("xxxx") = xxxx)
Select myRow).Distinct().CopyToDataTable()

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VS 2008 Converting Letters To Numbers And Back Again?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm rather new here (actually just made this account in hopes of getting this question answered. I'm currently attempting to try and get text from a textbox to change the letters to numbers. A weak encryption if you will.Example:jack and jill ran up the hill in numbers would be say j=30 a=20 c=99 d=200 ect

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VS 2008 - Converting Byte Array To String And Back?

Mar 4, 2012

I am looking for something that will convert a byte array to a string and back, anything in-build that does it as this method would:

To string:
Dim b = ByteArrSerialize(Obj, Compress, EncryptKey)
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each item In b

To byte:
Dim b(0 To Len(TheString) - 1) As Byte
Dim bCount As Long = 0
For Each item In TheString
b(bCount) = Asc(item)
bCount += 1

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Form Doesn't Display Until File Is Done Converting?

Aug 1, 2011

I am writing a VB.Net program. In my Main form, I ask the user if he has an old file that he wants me to convert first. If he says "yes", I start converting the file, loading the records into an Access database. I want to update a line on the form, showing my progress. But the form doesn't display until AFTER the entire file is converted (and loaded into the database). That means the user has to look at a form for 2-3 minutes without knowing if the program is actually processing, or is hanging up (looping).

I don't understand what is going on, and so I don't know what to do about it. I'm sure SOMEONE with experience has come across this situation before.

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Converting String Back To Array For Accessing Individual Elements

Aug 9, 2011

I have the following function,
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("webdirect", New Object() {Company, LocationCode, CustomerNumber, OrderNumber, OrderRef, OrderDate, WebLines})
o_Company = CType(results(1),System.Nullable(Of Integer))
o_LocationCode = CType(results(2),String)
o_CustomerNumber = CType(results(3),String)
[Code] .....

So the return type of this function is a string, but I would like to get it back to its original form so I can access the individual sections i.e. o_LocationCode,o_CustomerNumber, etc how can I do that ?

Entire functions looks like this
Public Function webdirect(<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal Company As System.Nullable(Of Integer), <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal LocationCode As String, <System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(IsNullable:=true)> ByVal CustomerNumber As String,
[Code] .....

Called like this
Dim returnArray As String
returnArray = client.webdirect(10, "123", "123", "123", "147", "2011-11-1", webLinesArray, 10, "", "", "", "", "", webRespArray)
No errors on run time but the string seems to be just blank, thats why i was wondering how I convert the string back to the array so I can access the individual elements.

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How To Call Back To Original Form

May 20, 2010

I have 2 forms. Form1 and Form2. When Form2 is closing, how do I make Form2 to inform Form1 that Form2 is closed.

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Bring The Search Window Back To Its Original Form When It Has Filled The Whole Screen?

Apr 12, 2011

how to bring the search window back to its original form when it has filled the whole screen? Usually there are at the right upper corner small buttons to resize or to close, but I don't see them (visual basic 10 express edition)

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VS 2008 Revert A Form Including The Controls Back To A Original State Without Closing The App

Jul 16, 2009

How do I revert a form including the controls back to a original state without closing the app? For example I got a picture box and 2 buttons in a form..


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Converting .bas Files From VB 6.0 - Project

Nov 4, 2009

I have my project in which i have many .bas files and now i want to convert the project into VB.NET. The vbp files are directly converted by Visual Studio 2005 but .bas files are not being converted.

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Converting Files Without An Extension?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm at present looking at various ways on how to convert files without any extension and making them with a .txt extension. At present, I'm using the RENAME feature within windows to do this, but i takes time when there are a lot of files to rename. Can anybody give me a few pointers on how this can be done using Visual Basic?

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