Copy Word Table And Paste It In New Page

Jun 5, 2011

I have a table that I'm trying to use as a template that I can then copy to a new page. I only got this much

Dim oWord As word.Application
Dim oDoc As word.Document
Dim oTable As word.Table
FileCopy("C:/1535.doc", "C:/1535_1" & ".doc")
oWord = New word.Application
[Code] .....

So I want to get a copy of oTable then after the page break it makes a new page but I don't know how go to that page and put a copy of oTable.

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IDE :: VS 2008 Error After Copy And Paste Component From One Page To Other Page?

Jan 31, 2009

I am having problem with my windows based application in VS 2008. I have a page from where I copy the component and use the same on another page for saving my designing time.It works fine and run without error.But when I restart the solution then the 2nd page where I had pasted the component is not displayed in the form designer. I get the following on the screen

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Copy And Paste A Word Document?

Sep 23, 2009

how to copy and paste a word document from one location to another

i wanted to copy a CV doc from one location say desktop to another default location where all the

CVs are located.

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Adding Cut / Copy And Paste Functionality To Word Processor

Mar 16, 2011

I need to add cut, copy, and paste functionality to my word processor. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and we have no textbook this semester. I know they're in that tool box somewhere!

Public Class wordProcessorForm
Dim mblnDirty As Boolean
Private Sub wordProcessorForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

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Copy/Paste Items From Listbox To Any Doc (Excel, Word, .txt)?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm unable to copy/paste items from my listbox to any document (Excel, Word, .txt). I would need to select multiple items in the listbox. I searched for it but there seem to be multiple vague answers around there.

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Generate A List That Can Copy And Then Paste Into A Word Document

Apr 6, 2012

I need to generate a list that I can copy and then paste into a Word Document. I tried using a listbox, but I couldn't copy from that. Basically I don't want to have to type 200 different numbers and I thought this would be quick and easy to write, but I'm stumped. I need the list to be generated in this fashion and it would also be nice if it was all in one line:


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VB - Copy This Data In Exactly The Same Format And Paste Is In Word Or Textpad?

May 6, 2011

I have a simple application where output is posted on to a textbox.


John Smith
101 Road street

I need to copy this data in exactly the same format and paste is in word or textpad. How do I go about this. What do I need to make sure when I copy the data from outputtext box the format of the text is exactly the same as it is the textbox?

View 12 Replies

Avoid Webbrowser Data Copy, Paste To Word Or Notepad ?

Dec 15, 2011

How to avoid webbrowser data copy, paste to word or notepad in Disable right click on webbrowser by using IswebbrowserContextmenuEnabled =false

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2010 : Copy Multiple Word Tables Separately And Individually Paste Them?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a document that has bookmarked tables I create a new document using this document as a template I then loop through the tables and cut them off to the clipboard I would like to save each of these tables as a variable or value and paste them back in a user definied order This could be like Table1,Table7,Table1,Table2,Table4 Or any combination required I have looked at Clipboard.SetData and GetData but just cannot seem to store the tables I can do text, and images of pictures but cannot seem to get tables working?

View 9 Replies - Copy Table From One Data Connection And Paste Into Database In Another?

Dec 23, 2011

I have a table I created in SQL Server Management Studio. I had to create it there because I needed to use a function for an alpha-numeric ID column that increments itself. I then exported the table, but had to use my local server. Now, in visual studio, I have the local server connection that contains the table I want to copy to a connection for a remote server. I can right-click and select 'Copy', but I can't right-click and 'Paste' into the database I need.

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Stop The Screen From Flashing As A Table Is Being Created Using Multiple Copy Paste

Sep 1, 2009

My code is evaluating a table on one sheet and if the record meets the criteria it is copy and pasted into a target worksheet. While it runs the screen is flashing as it updated each line. I thought I saw that you could disable this screen refresh until the program was complete. Can anyone tell me how this would be done? Below is a section fo the code which is performaing this task.

SourceWS = "DASHBOARDSTG" 'Set Source Worksheet Name


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How To Copy And Insert A Page In MS Word

Sep 7, 2009

I am not sure if this is the best place to post this comment, but here goes. I am setting up a document in MS Word 2007 and would like to have a checkbox at the bottom of a certain page that is enabled when true to insert a page break, copy the page above and then insert the copied page into the new page that has just been created.I have got the checkbox in from the developer tab, opened up the Microsoft Visual Basiceditor and got it to insert a page breakhen it is selected (checked)iving the new page.

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Getasynckeystate Using Copy And Paste Word Or Ctrl + C And Ctrl +v?

Jun 8, 2011

using the getasynckeystate for ctrl + c and ctrl+ v or copy and paste..How will I do that in this code? For example when i type in notepad it should also do in the richtextbox with this code it work but when it comes to copy and paste word in notepad it does not works and the richtextbox is empty?

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
For i = 1 To 255
result = 0
result = GetAsyncKeyState(i)


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Textbox - Copy/paste Program - Particular Field To Show When Paste It

Nov 20, 2011

I have a small copy/paste type of program. You put text in the boxes, click copy and it copies it to the clipboard. I have a text file attached to format the text when it is copied. what I want to accomplish is...If I don't fill in every single textbox with text, I don't want that particular field to show when I paste it. Example, I have the layout like below on the text document.


No matter what, when I click copy, the text document is going to copy textbox1,2,and 3. If I only put text in textbox 1 and 3, I don't want it to copy textbox2 if its empty.

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Use Clipboard Copy Listview Data To A Word Document Table?

Aug 9, 2010

I have some data in listview, How to use the clipboard copy this data to a word document table in

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C# - -copy A Formatted Cell In Excel To A Table Cell In Word Using .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc as a template. It has a table at the top which I can copy to the end of the doc, add rows as needed, and fill in the word table cells with the data from the excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, all the formatting disappears. All I get is the text itself.

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Copy / Paste From More Then One RichTextBox

Jun 17, 2010

in VB6 the Copy/Cut/Paste etc. feature could be setup with "AutoVerbMenu". In .net 2008 this feauture is not available as far as I know, thus I configured the functions manually.

Everything work so far as expected for my first RichtTextBox.


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Copy And Paste Macro?

Aug 5, 2010

In my Sheet1, i will be having a data From column A to F and in Colunm D (The Red one) it will be empty, The data can be 10 rows or might be more the 60 rows sometimes and in Column I i will have some more Data.

Now i need a macro where in sheet 2, Automatically the Lines from Column A to F should get pasted and it shlould take the Column D from column I. Once the Total line are pasted the it should go for next list of Column I.

Exm: IF i have 50 lines in Column F and in Column I i have 5 lines Then i should get the result of (50x5=250 lines) 250 lines each of 50 as per Column I.

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Copy Paste Gridview

Dec 31, 2010

How do you copy (rightclick) some columns from a gridview ( and paste it in excel? When I try I get one line with all the data pasted in excel, and it should be in the same columns and rows as the gridview.

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Copy That Value And Paste It In The Same Column?

Sep 20, 2009

I have a form text box that populates a cell in the excel sheet.I then need to copy that value and paste it in the same column. I do not know how to define the end Range since it is varible.

This is how I am getting the info into the open Sheet.

Dim Maildate As String = maildatetx.Text
wbTemplateSAS = exTemplateSAS.ActiveWorkbook
wbTemplateSAS.Sheets("SAS").Range("G9") = maildatetx.Text

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Copy/Paste In DataGridView?

Nov 3, 2008

I have a datagridview and I would like to be able to select an entire row by clicking on the row header column, hit CTRL+C, then put the cursor in the next row, and hit CTRL+V to paste the contents.

Right now, it pastes all of the contents into the first cell of the new row. If I paste the contents to the clipboard, I see them correctly and they are tab delimited.

Once I get this working. I would like to be able to copy and past multiple rows at a time.

FYI, I am not using a data source at all. Most of the rows are combo boxes where a user is selecting values. There is no database connection.

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Richtextbox Copy Paste Between?

Dec 30, 2010

I have an problem with copy and paste between 2 richtextboxes part of the problem is if I new the 2nd Richtextbox actual name I could paste it using rtf format because I have so many of them I use a loop to go through the controls until I find the right one using typeOf control. The problem is with that that it really doesn't act as a richtextbox. See code below.

Dim RTB As New RichTextBox
RTB.Name = sender.Tag
For Each itm As Control In EnumerateAllControls(Me)


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WebBrowser Cut Copy Paste?

Aug 14, 2011

How do I access cut, copy, paste in a WebBrowser control?

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Insert New Page With Formatting And Bookmarks Into A Word Document Using VB Word

Jul 13, 2009

I have document, with numerous pages, that will populate at key locations using a UserForm and bookmarks. One of the pages in the document may need to be repeated. In other words, one of the pages may need to be populated more than once (and inserted successively in the document).

The troublesome page has bookmarks that will need to be repopulated with different information for every new instance within that same document.

I am considering making a table with the verbage in the "Troublesome Document" located in a Table. When I need to repopulate a new instance of that page, I think I should:

1. populate the document
2. copy and paste the wording in a new page
3. insert the new page (without bookmarks yet maintaining formatting) before the "Trouble Document"
4. repeat steps 1-3 for every necessary instance
5. delete the "Trouble Document" with the Table

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Add Copy , Cut & Paste Functions To My Listview?

Apr 6, 2009

I have a basic file explorer, which has a treeview and a listview

How can I add copy, cut & paste functions to my listview

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Copy & Paste A File From .Resources?

Apr 7, 2009

How Can I Copy & Paste Lets Say Test.txt Or Test.exe From My.Resources To "C:\Temp\" ???

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Copy A Section Of An Image And Paste It In Another?

Jan 26, 2011

Lets say I got two images in VB.NET. Both are 100x100.

Then I want to copy a section of the first image and paste it on the second image.

For example, lets say I want to pickup the rectangle (25,25,75,75) from the first image, and paste it at (25,25) point of the second image.

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Copy And Paste From One Excel Sheet To Another?

Mar 18, 2011

I have 300+ excel files that need to be combined. There are 4 different types and in 4 different directories on my network. I need to copy the data out of each one and combine the data into a new single workbook (1 for each type). I have come up with a solution that does MOST of what it is supposed to do. Only problem is I can't figure out how to have the paste operation go to the same single workbook. No matter what I have tried it opens a new copy of excel to paste into everytime. Here is what I have so far.[code]...

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Copy And Paste In Rich Text Box?

Jun 30, 2011

i am write a complaints form for work i am try the copy and paste with text boxes and rich text boxes i can get the text boxes to copy and paste but having a problem with figuring out how to do it with rich text boxes. I have a menu strip which controls the copy function (shown below)


But i want to be able to copy from a rich text box as well, that where i am having the trouble i know this line below will get text from a rich text box:
Clipboard.SetDataObject(CType(ActiveControl, RichTextBox).SelectedRtf)but how to i check the form to see if it is trying to copy from a text box or a rich text box i mean something like this ( this not working code or in anyway right its just to show you what i mean.


i want to be able to check what type of text/rich text box is be use so that i can copy from a text box or a rich text box

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Copy Control, Paste As An Image?

Apr 21, 2011

In my program I have a custom control that is a combination of a datagrid, labels and images.

My customer wants to be able to select the entire control, then copy it and paste it in another document as an image.

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