Copy Form And Make Identical?

Jan 24, 2012

How can I copy form and make identical form

say want to copy the style of one form & coding and make identicel form 2

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Copy 'Roger' Object Over Top Of 'Sally' So They Are Identical?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a Class called People.I have an object called Roger, another called Sally.How can I copy my 'Roger' object over top of 'Sally' so they are identical?

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Equate Two Identical Structures With Different Names In Effect Copy One To The Other?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a structure that I want to copy, but I don't want to have to copy it item by item if I don't have to. Is there a way to do this? EX:


I remember in Fortran and C there were statements like Common, Union, etc. that would equate two objects or arrays or words or arrays. Does VB have anything like this?

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Make Make Syntax Highlighting And Keyboard Behavior Identical For C# In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 25, 2010

Types have their own color (cyan by default).Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion.

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Forms :: Make A Model Form, And Copy That Form As Many Times?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm making a program like PostIt! Well, i want to make a model form, and copy that form as many times i want.I think it works with something like frmPostit1 = frmModel.clone()

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Bitmap Drawing #2 - Make Something Identical To A Map-editor For A Game?

Feb 7, 2010

I don't want to spam the forum with questions, so I'll just ask a two questions I can't figure out in one thread since they all involve a specific task I'm trying to create I'm trying to make something identical to a map-editor for a game. Right now I'm just learning the basic functions of drawing on bitmaps. I'll show you what I got right now and then tell you what I'm trying to achieve:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim mySource As Rectangle
Dim myDestination As Rectangle


So my map size is 1000x1000. When I press the button, it creates the map, draws 250 tiles(pixels) in the top left corner of the map, and then displays it on my form. Now to my questions: How can I zoom into certain X, Y positions on the map? After I zoom into the map, how can I call a function when I highlight a tile(pixel), and then another function when I click on a certain tile(pixel)?

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How To Get Form To Make A Copy Of Itself On A Button Click

Feb 10, 2007

i have been lookin for a refrence on how to get form to make a copy of itself on a button click. without having to make multiple forms in my project. like say i want to open 6 forms and want them to be the same as form 1 i wouldnt want to have to make 6 diffrent forms in my code just to that.

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Functions Nearly Identical, One Works, One Locks Up The Whole Form?

Feb 9, 2012

I've have found answers here frequently in the past just from browsing. But now I'm completely dumbfounded.

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express, on Win7 32bit. My application talks to an Arduino via a virtual com port provided by a cheap Bluetooth to serial adapter. I use a text based protocol that is working fairly well. BUT one method in my code, taht seems functionally equivvalent to the other methods is locking up my whole window.

It does this whether I'm debugging or running the exe.Below are the offending method, and a simmilar one defined above it that works with no problems.


If I comment out the cal to write, everything works fine. Aside from me setting some state bools and playing with button titles in the first method, I can't see the difference as to why one works fine and the other hangs.

I really hope someone has some experience in the SerialPort object and VB that can shed some light on this.I've tried everything I can think of. I thought maybe it was the inline concatenation, so I dim'd a local and assigned the string to it, and passed that to Write. But I have another method that uses inline concatenation that doesn't do this.

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How To Make It Copy One Folder

Oct 16, 2008

This is my code..this code will copy from destop to device. this code only can copy a file is possible to copy 1 folder?

Imports OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication
Imports System.Diagnostics.Process

Dim WithEvents rapi As New RAPI


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Make A Copy Of Picture?

Apr 17, 2011

How can I copy a picture when the program (Visual Basic 10 Express Edition)

runs? The picture is a JPEG image in a picture box. In some basics there are instructions such as GET and PUT. Is that possible in VB? I looked at the answers about pictures in the Forums but I didn't find an answer applicable to VB 10

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Make A Copy Of A Thread In Net?

May 23, 2011

Is it possible to make a copy of a thread in .Net? Kind of like a fork() but on just a thread instead of the whole process?

I have a recursive algorithm, and for testing purposes I wan't to evaluate several different branches that the code can take. The easiest way would be to clone the thread at the decision point in the code and let each thread continue in a different branch.

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How To Copy File And Make It Hidden

Aug 13, 2009

How can I copy file and make it hidden .... I want to make file when the user click on create I want to copy file and make it hidden ....

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How To Make Copy Code Vb 2008

Feb 12, 2009

i wonder how to make a copy code in my vb 2008 express edition

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VS 2008 Make Copy - Cut With Right Click?

May 16, 2009

we highlight some texts in a richtextbox.and then we click right click and there will be appear some choices such as:copy,cut,paste etc. make the example of the program i mean?i mean just a simple program.

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Copy Value From ShowDialog Form To Child Form

Sep 8, 2010

I have three form First Form is MDi form and Second Form Is Child Form and third Form Is small form.The small form conatin DataGridView searcher for name and I want whe I press the Event Mous Click he copy value from cell"column" of DataGridView to Child Form..[code]

View 7 Replies

Can't Get Any (copy) Effect - Make Dragdrop Event?

Jul 19, 2009

When I use the code below, I can't get any (copy)effect as I drag things onto the picture box(img). Therefore, I can't dragdrop files. How can I make dragdrop event possible?


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Make A Copy Of A VS 2010 Project And Application?

Dec 8, 2011

I would like to find out how I can make a complete copy of an existing project.The purpose of this is not for backup but rather to be able to resue some of what I already designed/coded in VB and turn it into a new or different application.

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Make A Copy Of An Access 2000 Database?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a folder C:databases and in that folder there are subfolders C:DatabasesDatabase1 and CDDatabasesDatabase2 What I want to do is have a VB script or code that will go through each directory and make a copy of all .mdb database files found within the folder or subfolders of C:Databases.

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Make A Progressbar That Follows The Copy Folder Function?

Nov 5, 2011

how to make a progressbar that follows the copy folder function in real time with a percentage too.

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Make Listbox1 Item Copy Itself To Texbox1?

Jul 21, 2009

How can i make listbox1 item copy itself to texbox1(no using if in texbox1)

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Make Content Of My Tabitem Copy Of Another Class In My Solution?

May 28, 2010

How can I make the content of my tabitem a copy of another class in my solution?

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VS2008 Make A Program That Copy An Hide The Files

Sep 2, 2010

I want to make a program to copy files from the directory c:/program files/common files/apple/apple application support to c:/ And hide these files

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Two Identical Check Boxes But They Don't Look Same

Aug 15, 2010

Most of my check boxes look like these (on the left of the picture) (ignore the checked check box in the upper left corner , I am not talking about tat one) :However , ONLY on tab 2 the check boxes look differently in both cases the check boxes are Disabled , but they don't look the same . Why is that ? I even tried copying the check boxes from tab 3 to tab 2 but to my surprise they once again looked differently ! This only happens on tab 2 . How is this possible ?

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.net - Identical If() And If Yield Different Results

Dec 22, 2010

What is the difference in the two blocks of code below? I expected them to return the same result, but they don't.

In the case where xml.@Type = "null", I want PatientMetricTypeID (a nullable Integer) to end up being Nothing.

Block #1: If()

In this case, it ends up as 0. It looks like Nothing is being treated as an Integer and converted to 0. I can sort of see why this might happen but not fully... I would like to understand exactly how this works, and if there is a workaround.

Dim PatientMetricTypeID As Integer? = If(xml.@Type = "null",
CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(PatientMetricTypes), xml.@Type), Integer))

Block #2: If

In this case, it ends up as Nothing -- expected behavior.

Dim PatientMetricTypeID As Integer?

If xml.@Type = "null" Then


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Are These Two Vb Methods Identical In Function

Feb 2, 2010

Are these two vb methods identical in function


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Contents In All Four Tabs Will Be Identical

May 25, 2011

1. This is probably really easy and I'm just missing it. I have 4 tabs in a controller. The contents in all four tabs will be identical (pictures, text boxes etc.) the end user would then add whatever to it. Whenever I try to copy the contents from tab 1 to any other tabs using ctrl+c and ctrl+v they get all out of alignment. Is there a way to duplicate a tab in the editor so that when flipping through the tabs all the text and pictures are in the exact same spot? I'm going out of mind on something that seams so simple.I don't want to have to write down the location of a couple of hundred controls and then retype them all 3 more times.

2. I can also only select text boxes, labels, and pictures at the same time. It will not let me select text boxes, labels, pictures and drawn lines all at the same time. So I can't really copy and paste everything at the same time I have to do it twice which makes the alignment get even more screwed up.

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How To Consolidate Identical Strings

Mar 1, 2012

i have n-Strings. Something about 100. But most of them are identical. How could i remove these multiple string and have only each string one time?

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ListIndex Or Identical Property?

Jun 20, 2012

is there any listindex property is available like vb6 in ? .because i want in the combo box .when it loads at least very first item needs to be selected .so let me know any way to do it

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Program Won't Run On Identical Machine?

Apr 17, 2010

I made a program with Visual Studio Express 2008, compiled for .Net Framework 3.5

I transferred the .exe and the other 2 files to my brothers laptop who also uses Windows 7, .Net Framework 3.5.

Every time I run the file it says "Windows Application has stopped working..."

However, I run it fine on my PC and it is also Windows 7, .Net Framework 3.5

Can anyone else think of a reason the program won't work on my brothers laptop?

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Make A File.copy To The Program Files Folder But Can't Get Access To It?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to make a file.copy to the program files folder but can't get access to it.This is on windows vista and 7.

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