Correct Way To Add App.Config

Dec 7, 2011

I am new to VS 2010 and in my application I want to add an app.config to contain to variables.I have been adding the app.config through the solution explorer, add item, general tab, configuration file.However i have noticed each project creates a default app.config in the project folder but which doesnt show up in the solution explorer.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Getting Configuration Settings From Web.config/app.config Using Class Library

Mar 26, 2009

I have a class library (Named ADI), that needs some configuration settings from the project using it (like connectionstring, filesystem locations etc).

I want to define these settings in my Windows Forms/Web Projects App.Config or Web.Config, like other settings.

Here is part of my app.config for my windows forms application:

<setting name="ADIImageRoot" serializeAs="String">


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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

View 1 Replies - Class Needs Info From Either The Web.config Or App.config

Jul 6, 2011

Our main application has both a and winforms component. There is a class that is used by both sides and needs info from either the web.config or app.config files. The class itself does not know if it's on the client side or on the web server (at this point). We are getting errors when it's attempting read app.config when it's on the web side. Is there a way for the class to tell if it needs to read web.config or app.config?

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Is It Correct To Correct Properties Values On The Fly

May 15, 2010

Is it correct to correct properties values on the fly? for example: (note the .ToLower)

Public Property X() As String
Return _x.ToLower
End Get


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Connect To SQL DB Receive The Code And Then Check If That Code Is Correct And If Its Correct Download Silence The Pro File?

Jun 8, 2010

i'm working on a system that upgrades a basic version to a proversion but i have a payment gateway . it generates a code in an SQL i have a form in VB that has a textbox and a button how can i let VB connect to my SQL DB receive the code and then check if that code is correct and if its correct download silence the pro file. from an url.

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VS 2005 Getting The Correct Number Of Attributes To Match The Correct Number Of Text Boxes?

Apr 18, 2009

I have created a basic query generator which allows a user to select the Select, WHERE and criteria attributes using a number of checkboxes.However i have got stuck. In the results form i have the following code

Private Sub DisplayRecord()
RichTextBox1.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(0)
RichTextBox2.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(1)
RichTextBox3.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(2)


The program keeps on crashing if the user does not select the corresponding amount of display records from above for the amount of attributes they want for the SELECT part of the query in the intreface in form 1.

How would i go about making something where the number of SELECT attributes selected which are listed in a string create the correct number of textbox fields in the results form (form2)

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.NET Config Files, Which One To Use

Aug 14, 2009

I have an .net addin that loads w/outlook. Being a .NET assembly, I naturally have a .config file that you would expect. From my previous research, I named my app.config file to be Outlook.exe.config because outook is the executing assembly, and naturally, that's where you would expect that. This for the most part is fine.

In some installations, and I am not sure as to the conditions why, My addin will hunt for the config file under the dll name in another directory. So, more clearly stated, Office is in its directory, and my addin dll is in its own. So: MyAddin.dll.config vs. Outlook.exe.config. So, fine, I just made 2 copies of the config file and covered both cases. Now, I find that the addin is hunting for Outlook.exe.config in MY program directory (not the outlook dir)

FYI I log which config file is being used using: [Code] So, can someone tell me WHERE it is determined where the config file is read from, and if I can "Force" it to be used from a certain location?

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Access Web.config In A WCF?

May 12, 2011

I have a self-hosted WCF (as a Windows service), it has a web.config file.

Inside one of the functions, I have this code (which doesn't seem to work)[code]...

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App.config Error?

Aug 5, 2009

I am getting the following error when i try to run my application on some other machine along with the related dlls and other files**********************************************************See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: The 'add' start tag on


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App.Config For WCF Service?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to write a WCF Service as a console app. How do I make the contents for the App.Config? Do I hand code it, or is there something that will generate it?I know that svcutil.exe will generate stuff for a client from the service and its config, but how do I build the config contents for the service?I have .net 3.5 At home I have VB 2005 Express At work I have VS 2005 Suite?

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C# - Set WCF ClientCredentials In App.config?

Sep 16, 2010

Is it possible to set clientcredentials for an WCF in App.config?

I would like to avoid doing this:

Using svc As New MyServiceClient
svc.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "login"
svc.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "pw"
End Using

Rather the login and password should be part of the configuration.

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Use A Config File?

May 22, 2009

What i want to do is use a config file to save the value that a user sets in a Folder browser dialog so that i can use the directory they select to write to files in that directory

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VS 2010 Using A Config?

Feb 29, 2012

Dim accConn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Access") & "")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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Where To Use A Config.ini On Project

Aug 30, 2009

where i can use a config.ini on my project.

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Addhandler Is Not Correct

Dec 16, 2009

My add handler is not correct for some reason. I don't know what I have incorrect. trying to add a row to the datatable upon formload. it says that NewM8_CustomersRow is not an event for BA_TruckingDataSet.M8_CustomersDatatable


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Cannot Get Calculations Correct

Aug 7, 2011

I am doing homework, but i've done the work already. My Issue is, I cannot get my program to compile the calculations for the payments properly. Maybe I'm just too tired to see it, but It should be working from my view. Here is what i have so far...

Module MortageCalculatorWK5
'Loan Amount Input
Dim LoanAmount As Decimal = 200000


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Correct Use Of Trim?

May 20, 2012

I'm a bit confused at why this code does not trim "say" but instead only the first letter "s".

Public Class Form1
Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Integer) As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


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Get A Handle On The Correct Way?

Jul 2, 2009

I am trying to get a handle on the correct way and easiest way to do things. By easiest I am not talking about being lazy just accessing and modifying later on. I have started using my own classes and such but I have a few questions. Sometimes I want to create a control on the fly through code instead of using the designer. Should I create this control in the main form file or in a separate class? If I make it in another class it seems harder to access later on. Then again if I dont know that the control is going to be created(user clicks a button to add a control) how can I access it? Also it seems alot harder to access certain things when it is in another class. For example if I create a new window in a class and then want to check if it is there or not it is alot harder to do.

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Get Correct ID From Combobox?

Jun 28, 2011

I have this student table with these columns: ID and Name. I binded this table to a combobox to display student's names. My question is how would I get the right student Id (in vb 2010) when I selected a student's name so that I can assign the student ID as a foreign key to the Teacher table.

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How To Set Some Of Correct Values

Apr 17, 2012

My VB code uses a timer with a slider, and uses AddSeconds. I am trying to use the slider with a min value of 0 and max value of 600, and set up ticks every 30 seconds between 0 and 600.At a beginner level coding VB,I am not sure how to set some of the correct values in the slider's property box.Min, Max and Value, I am guessing are 0, 600 and 0 (sets the slider thumb starting positionat the far left). But I am not sure what other values, like tick and small and large change, etc. need to be set and set to what value? I've read online, but so far cannot find how to configure this.

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Know If VB Is The Correct Program?

May 24, 2010

I want to be able to make a program that incorporates my spreadsheets so that I can get the the results of the spreadsheets without the look of spreadsheets, also everytime I let somebody loose with one of my spreadsheets it needs fixing within 24 hrs as they have totally screwed up the formulas. is Visual Basic 2008 the right program to do this?

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Retrieving The Correct Value?

Aug 26, 2011

I'm trying to download files and fill the progressbar correctly. The problem is that I'm missing something in the code below, because it doesn't work:

Dim streamer As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(streamer)
Using fs As New IO.FileStream(PathAndFile, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)


However, this is downloading the file.

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Saving The Correct Tab?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to build a tabbed a notepad, I was using the tutorial from DIC to guide me along.The problem is, when I go to click save, how do I tell it to save only the tab I have open?Also, It crashes at line 15 of the SaveAs function, Error message says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"Here's my code:

#Region "Globals"
Dim Tab As TabPage 'Holder for the currently selected tab page


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Edit Web.Config File

Aug 18, 2011

I'm attempting to update some values in the web.config file from code during an install process.So far I've found this for updating the connection string,[code]However I need to update another section and I'm not sure how. I have the settings for an email and I'm not sure how to update them. Relevant web.config section below, [code]

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.NET 1.1 And .NET 2 Config Files Working Together

Jun 27, 2012

I have inherited a rather large project consisting of an application written in VB6 and several DLL's and ActiveX controls written in VB6, VB.NET 1.1 and VB.NET 2. I want to change one of the settings for one of the DLL's written in VB.NET 2 that is in its application.dll.config file, but it seems to be having no effect.My main VB6 application (I will call it Alpha) has a configuration file (Alpha.exe.cnfig) which contains settings used by my VB.NET 1.1 DLL (which I will call Bravo). After calling Bravo, Alpha calls Charlie (my VB.NET 2 DLL). However, even though I have changed the application settings in Charlie.dll.config in the subdirectory where the DLL lives, it has no effect. I have tried putting Charlie's settings in Alpha's config file but this causes Bravo to fail with an automation error (which I think is because the format of the config files changed from .NET 1.1 and .NET 2).[code]If I try putting the applicationSettings section under directly beneath the appSettings section (i.e. as another child element of the configuration element) in Alpha.exe.config then Bravo.dll fails.

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Add App.config File To Project?

Apr 20, 2011

Can anybody tell me how can i add app.config file to the project?

i try add new item in the project but i can not see any app.config template.

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Add My Own Object Into App.config And Read It?

Apr 10, 2011

I'm trying to add a new section to my app.config file under the applicationSettings section and then read it from my WinFroms VB.NET application.[code]...

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App.Config Ignored After Pre-Build Event?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a solution with several projects and several developers, each with their ownenvironment (of course). To manage connection strings between each environment, I have created several app.config files for each environment:,, etcThe pre-build event simply copies the app.config.$(ConfigurationName) to app.config. This pre-build event is done for each project in the solution, and the connection string is included in each (including the test project).

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App.Config On A Network Share?

Apr 26, 2011

Visual Studio 2008 / Windows 7 / .net framework 3.5 / Windows forms application

My applicaiton has the following App.Config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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