Create Web Style Forms In 2008?

Dec 11, 2010

How to create web style forms in visual basic 2008

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VS 2008 : Windows Is Running In XP Style Or In Windows Classic Style?

Feb 5, 2010

how to get the current Style of the Windows Xp programmatically. At the program startup I need to get if Windows is running in XP Style or in Windows Classic Style, so I will set my buttons Flatstyle property to flat or standard.

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.net - Given A Large Number Of Objects, Create Multiple Forms In Designer For Them Or Use Code To Create The Forms?

Dec 29, 2010

If I have a large number of classes, each similar to the other in certain aspects (they all share a common base class, but each does things differently), and I need to create Windows forms for each to allow easy changing of their values through a GUI? Create one matching form for each object in VS' forms designer, Or Use code to create the forms dynamically at runtime.

#2 makes the most sense to me, because a lot of these objects will share very common features of the form, notably "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons. But one object might need to draw a textbox on the form while another might need to draw a combobox. Not to mention, if I want to put icons on the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, I'd have to do this for each copy of the form in designer, and that sounds like it could get out of hand quickly.But is drawing forms through code sane? VS' forms designer is pretty sophisticated and designed to make life easier. Am I wise to consider ignoring its functionality and diving into the trench warfare of forms design through code? Or are there examples of automating form creation based on an existing object's properties?

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Forms :: Outlook Style Month Calendar?

May 11, 2009

This is my first post. So there goes it. I have been trying to make an appointment calendar with different views ( weekly, daily, hourly, monthly) in my windows form application using VB express 2008. I have tried using a tablelayoutpanel and splitting it so each cell will correspond to a date in the monthcalendar control. My problem is how to link the two together. How to select a cell in monthcalendar and assign it to a cell in the tablelayoutpanel. I can do this when selecting a date but I would want all to be loaded when form is loaded. My end result would look similat to the calendar on this forum.

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Forms :: Windows Form Border Style?

Feb 28, 2009

i set my forms FormBorderStyle to None in want to assign a border line in different colour which is not inside the form.

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Forms :: Resolved ClassicXP/win98 Style GUI On Vista?

Jan 26, 2010

my application has "picked up" the old style button design. In Vista the buttons have a slight shadow / 3d effect, however, my application appears not be using the default style and instead applying the older XP, Win98 typ appearance. At first it didnt bother me, however, not its annoying and rather than rip all my code out and apply it to a new project, i would prefer to remove the offending code call.

Its a long shot, but i thought i would see if anyone here knew what might be causing it?

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Forms :: Set Style For Html Properly With Webbrowser Control?

Aug 31, 2009

I have tried function like htmldocment.setAttribute() and"font-size:34px"

it's not always working, why?

for example

Dim a As HtmlElement
a = wb.Document.GetElementById("tableID")
a.SetAttribute("border", "3px")


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C# - Create Vista-like Style ContextMenuStrip?

Dec 7, 2011

I've never worked with it , but I saw some of my friends used it in their .NET apps.

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Create And Use Custom Visual Style?

Jul 2, 2009

My goal is to be able to create a costom Visual Style like Aero Glass but with some modifycations... Also Id like for it me to be able to use that style in one application... like Norton 360 dose they have their yellow style thing going on...

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Create Office Style Zoom Bar?

Oct 22, 2011

How do I create a zoom bar like the one in Office? I mean the one that has a circular + and - button, and a numeric button that you can click on. I just assumed it was part of, but I can't see it anywhere.VBA VB.NET developer

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Create Winxp Style Controls?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to make my controls look as cool as xp theme enabled controls like gradient fill background in container controls and colour thames support etc


I found it to enable visual styles but didn't give me visual thames to apply. So in order to apply thames or colour schemes what should i do?What other commands should i use with combination with it? as I have seen my application giving ugly look even applying that command and other program showing nice loook in my win2003 server

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How To Create Tweet Style Application

Dec 22, 2010

I am making an application that will be used to communicate with others like a shut box but not a chat box so like one or two people can post up something in this application and other users can then see this message.

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How To Create Wizard Style Form(s)

Aug 15, 2011

I have began building a piece of software that needs to collect a series of information from the user. This information will all be based on what has already been entered. I would like to create a window that has a "NEXT" button in it. As they enter information, they can click NEXT to continue on, similar to how an install wizard works.

My question is... Is there a form type that does this? Or must I create a window with a next button, and when it is clicked, I need to set the visibility of buttons/listboxes/comboboxes/textboxes/etc to false and new ones to true?

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WinForms - How To Create Wizard Style UI

Jul 5, 2011

The idea is that I would have a set of forms, users would click through a "forward" and "back" button, and the current form would change to a different one. My issue is that I can write code that just pops up a new form, but im not sure how to do a "replacement" of my current form. How is this usually done?

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Create A Menustrip In The Style Of Outlook 2010?

Apr 12, 2011

Do anyone know a component that can create a menustrip in the style of outlook 2010?

Ive tried a few like infragistics but cant find what i want.

I want like the default menustrip that comes with vb 2010 but in the style of office 2010 black where you highlight the button and it goes orange.

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Create Pre Style Snap To Grid On Panel

Feb 20, 2012

how can i implement a pre style snap to grid effect on a panel (at design time)?if you remember, you start dragging a control + the grid has a (gravitational) pull on the control

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Using Explorer Style Toolbars/menu Strip On Windows Forms In Vb2005?

Dec 25, 2009

I wish to add a toolbar that looks like the one in windows explorer to my windows application in my visual basic 2005 application. Although I have currently deployed the default 'toolstrip' that is avilable among the controls but I don't understand how should i change the appearance of the toolstrip from office 2003 to the one present in windows explorer.Please provide a solution to the above problem.

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C# - Create Visual Studio Style Options / Settings Dialog

Sep 13, 2011

I am currently in the process of improving my options dialog for a winforms application. At the moment I am using a tab control. I would like to create a form/dialog for settings that is similar to Visual Studio's. How is this done? I can see a treeview like control on the left hand side but what control are they using to display each of the options pages, it doesn't appear to be a tab control. I would like to be able to build the controls for each of the settings at design time.

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C# - How To Create IPhone Style Icon Effect On Thumbnail Image

Oct 23, 2009

I have an image upload facility in my project, when uploaded a thumbnail of the image is generated and saved to disk. What I would ideally like to do is apply some nice styling effects to this thumbnail image.. similar to the look of the icons on an iPhone.. perhaps a slight gradient, smooth rounded corners, and a border.

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VS 2008 Create Expandable Forms?

Feb 13, 2010

IN, how would i be able to create expandable forms? For example, you have a form , and you click a button, expanding the form to a new size. i currently hav a button that uses a while loop to increment the increasing and decreasing size to make it look animated. any other options?


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Change The Native Scrollbar Style In Application To Custom Style?

Mar 23, 2011

how i can change the native scrollbar style in my application to my custom style. I can adopt a custom scrollbar to attain this purpose but this will not serve my purpose because i want this attribute in entire application. Like it the text in textbox gets longer than its bounds than the scrollbar appers are my custom bar not the formal ones

View 12 Replies (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Will Not Create Resourse File For Forms Application?

Apr 19, 2011

The environment will not create a resource file for a newly created Windows Forms Application. When I add a button Visual Studio displays a dialog "File Exist". That'sall, plus an OK button. There is no file name or the file name is in unreadable characters.The dialog comes from Visual Studio because the title is "Microsoft Visual Studio".There is no resource file so it must be that the resource file cannot be created.I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio 2008. It did not change anything.I believe the problem was caused by opening the same project rapidly twice on an i7 laptop. I have done this unintentionally before and I can testify that unpredictable

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Forms :: Experts Modify UPDATE Codes According To INSERT Codes Style

Dec 25, 2009

Dear Experts modify UPDATE codes according to INSERT codes Style.


I need update codes as there are insert codes

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C# - A Style That Activates Depending On Another Style?

Dec 24, 2010

I am trying to make a style that only gets applied if the parent element of the element that the style refers to, has another specific style. Kind of like in CSS where you can do ".class1 .class2" to specify that the "class2" theme only applies if it is within an element with the class "class1". I do not wish to use any form of external DLLs or libraries for this task. I want to know if it's possible to implement on my own.

I've tried using MultiTriggers with no luck. I have a style that applies to all TextBlocks. I want the textblock to do the following: If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "PinnedSuggestion", set the foreground color to "#FF505050". If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "Suggestion", set the foreground color to "#FFCCCCCC". The conditions that I have tried to write to make this work, are as follows (the font-size condition is true, but the other one is not). The conditions are inside a style that applies to all textblocks in general.


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VS 2008 Style.css In Webbrowser?

Mar 24, 2011

I have one webbrowser and it isn't loading the .css of the page.. I set it to formload the index.html and inside the index.html I have entered the css inside the <style type="text/css">....</style> tags but then the browser only displays the html not the html formated by the style.

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VS 2008 Font Style Combo Box?

Mar 30, 2010

I wanted to create a combo box loaded with installed regular fonts and painted with its own font's style. I was able to load the font's name but not the painting of the font's style. [code].........

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Create A Data Forms With Forms Wizard In VB 2005?

Jan 21, 2010

How to create a data forms with the data forms wizard in VB 2005

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Game Programming :: Create A Zombie Style RPG Game

Sep 11, 2009

Is there any visual basic 2005/2008 RPG games with the source code available for download.Could you possibly reply to this post with a link to the website with the game.Or is there a template i could use to try create a zombie style RPG game text or graphical.

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Change The Button Style And Button Text Style On Mouse Rollover?

Mar 7, 2009

I am creating an application and am very new to VB. I have 4 buttons on my form which is like my applications main menu. I would like that each of the buttons behaves in the following way when there is a mouse rollover: The Button back color is changed from the default to Red The Button text is changed to Blue, Bold, and increases in font size I would also like all the buttons to go back to their initial state when the mouse leaves.

Another thing, instead of me writing code for each of the buttons event handlers (Mouse Hovers, and Mouse Leaves) is there a way I can write this code once, maybe as a function and then always call it for any button that I create from here on so that any new buttons take on this behaviour.

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