Create One Array From Two Other Arrays In Program?

Feb 20, 2012

I have two arrays



now I want to create a 3rd array which should at least contains one numeric number and rest of alphabets, this code will generate unique usernames so it should not repeat the pattern of selection which is present in main array[code]...

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Create A Multidimensional Array That Contains Arrays Of Different Lengths?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there any way to create a multidinensional array that contains arrays of different lengths (similar to nesting arrays of different lengths in python).

Because if I were to declare a variable Dim accounts(2,2) As Integer all 1D arrays at each dimension have the same length. Is there any way to create an array so that this is not the case?

e.g The above code would create an array like this:
but would it be possible to create this:

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Create A New Array In Program?

Jun 13, 2009

Possible Duplicate:VB.Net Initialising an array on the fly

This maybe a stupid question, but its got me exasperated. How do I declare a new array inline? Is this possible? I've tried all of the following and they all don't work.[code]...

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.net - Combining Array Of Arrays Into Single, Distinct Array Using LINQ

Apr 19, 2011

Can this be rewritten any better using LINQ? I'm a C#er trying to think in VB.NET for this current project. It's in an ASP.NET Web Forms .vb codebehind:

Public ReadOnly Property AllowedCategoryIds As Integer()
Dim ids = New List(Of Integer)


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Create JSON Array Using Program?

Mar 5, 2012

How to create this JSON array using array [code]...

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Create New Array From 2 Compared Program?

Jan 15, 2012

I have 2 arrays one is a and second is b. how do i compare each of them and insert to new array c?[code]...

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Create A Program That Accepts A Square Array Size 4 By 4

Nov 6, 2010

Trying to create a program that accepts a square array size 4 by 4. Then it should print the totals of the rows and columns. I started with a form and made text boxes and created a print button. I made it so that numbers can be input into the boxes. When hitting the print button, it should print the totals of what was input, however, it isn't doing that. Is there a different way to write the array code so that it will print it? Should i not have text boxes but rather have labels with fixed numbers set in them?

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Create A Program Which Reads A Text File Into An Array?

May 10, 2009

I'm trying to create a program which reads a text file into an array.


But that's just silly so how can I fix this? Lines isn't being assigned a null value it's being assigned the first line of text in the file which has text in it so I'm confused.

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VS 2008 Create An Array Of Constant Variables For Program?

Nov 5, 2009

I want to create an array of constant variables for my program. But from everything I read about arrays they are handled by a number. I want to be able to pass back a variable that will hold the name of the constant as well as the value. How would you go about do that.I want to when I type the variable to have the constant name show up as I am typing.

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Create A Set Of Grammar Rules For Speech Recognition Program With An Array

Jun 15, 2012

I have been trying to create a set of grammar rules for a speech recognition program with an array, but cannot seem to accomplish this task. Here is the general idea:[code]But this did not work, because I cannot convert strings into srgsoneof.

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For Each On Arrays Of Array Not Updating?

Aug 26, 2011

I would like to update string arrays in batchlets say I have 3 string arraysI want to for example redim them and then up load them with data.I have tried for each on array of arrayI have tried the end none of them are updated.

Dim Str1(10) As String
Dim Str2(10) As String
Dim Str3(10) As String


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Get A Value From Array Based On The Value Of Others Arrays?

Apr 6, 2012

Supposed that I have two arrays:

Dim RoomName() As String = {(RoomA), (RoomB), (RoomC), (RoomD), (RoomE)}
Dim RoomType() As Integer = {1, 2, 2, 2, 1}

I want to get a value from the "RoomName" array based on a criteria of "RoomType" array. For example, I want to get a "RoomName" with "RoomType = 2", so the algorithm should randomize the index of the array that the "RoomType" is "2", and get a single value range from index "1-3" only.

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Return Only 1/3 Of An Array From 2 1d Arrays?

Jul 10, 2011

This is a school project, supposed to be a beggining VB.Net class. I'm having difficulty with one section, sorting the array is OK but I need to only return a 3 of it. I had it working when I was selecting single files but when I went to selecting multiple files at once the formula stopped working for me. I'm retuning the array just fine but the select a 3rd seems to just pass by without being acted upon. I've been working on this a long time and don't know where to look for an answer. Here is what I have for the sort method;

Private Sub sort()
Dim Count As Integer
Dim count2 As Integer


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Way To Have An Array That Holds Other Arrays

Dec 8, 2011

Is there any way to have an array that holds other arrays in VB? So you could call it like Array1(Array2(0))

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Checking Arrays - Set The Corresponding Number In The Array

Dec 4, 2009

I have an array for all 26 chars of the alphabet as a boolean. What I want to end up doing is have the program take the user's guess char and set the corresponding number in the array to true. I'm new to arrays and I have no clue how to begin doing this. this is how I am declaring my array. I am declaring the array as a char for now because I don't know how to go about using a boolean array for my game, but it seems like it would be the best way to do it. [Code]

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Combine Two 1-D Arrays Of The Same Length Into One 2-D Array?

Sep 3, 2009

how to combine two 1-D arrays of the same length into one 2-D array ?

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Divide An Array Into Small Arrays?

Apr 11, 2009

How do i divide an array into small 5 is a byte array

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Dynamic Array Of Byte Arrays?

Jun 24, 2009

A project requires to allocate a varying number of byte arrays (buffers).

It would be ideal if the following definition would be possible:

Dim ArrayOfBuffers() as buffer(10000) as Byte

The byte arrays must be ordered sequentially because they have to be written to a file by efficient procedures destinationFile.Write(ArrayOfBuffer(3),1000,1000)

The number of buffers will change during program execution sometimes. Therefore it would be nice to be able to do a ReDim on the data structure when needed.

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Why Are Array Initializes Only Allowed For Arrays

Mar 1, 2010

This does not compile. Dim Tom As New List(Of String) = {"Tom", "Tom2"} This does Dim Tom As String() = {"Tom", "Tom2"} IMO this features should be allowed for all collection types and not only arrays.

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Control Arrays - Fill Array With A Loop

Jun 17, 2009

I am trying to port a program I wrote with old VB 1 and I have many control arrays in the program, and it was so easy to do this in older versions of VB, now I am trying to find how to do this and all the answers I have found are a major productions, to replace something that was so easy to do? I would think that microsoft would make programming easer with each new incarnation. instead they are making it harder. doing away with the DATA and READ statement, now it is much harder to fill an array with a loop, now you have to enter each item in an array ONE by ONE. they did away with the ON statement, I had several ON statements, I had to make complex Select case constructs. to replace a simple one word statement?

To make an array of controls in OldVB all you had to do is Name a Second control the Same as the First, and a dialog pops up and ask if you want to make an array, you click Yes, and that's it, what could be easier than this?

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Initialize Arrays - Get Values For Array Elements

Nov 5, 2009

How to get values for array elements in VB.nET from the user.also i wanted to display these values in the combo box.[this is easy i could manage this].

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Pass An Array Of Arrays As A Function Argument?

Nov 11, 2010

I have several parameters consisting of separate System.Byte() arrays. What I need is the syntax for a function declaration where the parameter is an array of arrays - I do not want to delve into System.Collections, and it's my preference not to CType each array into an Object and then back into a Byte().

Problem I'm having here is that:

Public Function MyFunc(arrayparam() As System.Byte) As System.Byte()

accepts a single-dimensional Array of individual Bytes.

Then Public Function MyFunc(arrayparam() As System.Byte()) As System.Byte()

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Split An Array Into Multiple Smaller Arrays?

Apr 9, 2010

if its possible to split an array into multiple smaller arrays?

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Split An Array Into Two Smaller Arrays At A Given Index?

Mar 4, 2012

I want to split an array into two smaller arrays at a given index?

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VS 2008 String To Array & Searching Arrays?

Dec 17, 2009

I have 2 groups, the information i get comes out as follows.

Dim group1 As String = "3 4 7 8 10"
Dim group2 As String = "0 1 2 5 9"
The placements are predetermined, so when the first perso


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Arrays - Create New T[] In .NET?

May 28, 2011

How can I do the same as the following in VB.NET

List<T[]> result = new List<T[]>();
// single combination
if (k == 0)

result.Add(new T[0]); // T is function type argument of generic function How can I write the last line above in VB.NET?

I tried:

result.Add(New T(0)) 'doesn't work!

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Get The Correct 1 Dimensional Array Return From A Function With Arrays?

Nov 9, 2009


Expected Results: A scalar result of the comparison between Array1 and Array2 such that when Array1>Array2 it is true. See expected array above.
Actual Results: When Result(x) is true, all elements become Array1(x) and Array2(x) .What is wrong with the function?

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One Dimensional Arrays (accumulate The Value Of Each Item Of The Array) And Classes

Dec 12, 2010

I have written a class for my one dimensional array The idea is to collect user information, put the info into an array and accumulate the value of each item of the array so there is a running total. The problem is that the code is not totalling the array when my btnSum is clicked or maybe at all. I am getting no errors, but I am also getting no total.


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VS 2008 User Submitted Array - Swapping Arrays?

Apr 22, 2012

Create two arrays, ask the user to populate them and display both arrays Swap the contents of the arrays using loops and then display the content.

What is the best method to have the end user populate an array? I am doing this as a windows form. Have multiple text boxes that they have to fill out? Set the elements of the array to the text box values? And how to swap the contents at run time is something I am not sure of. Isn't there a Array Swap function or something? Here is what I have so far:

Note: the bottom section was a test..and it isn't working as expected.



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Create A Jukebox With 3 Different Arrays?

Jan 16, 2012

So I have to create a jukebox with 3 different arrays, and 3 push buttons. Basically it looks like this:[URL]..


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