Create System Using Barcode Reader?

Feb 4, 2011

I need codes on how i could create a Library System using Barcode Reader. I have no idea at all on how I could create s system using barcode Reader

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Asset Management System - Barcode Reader?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm looking at creating an asset management system for all our electrical equipment, the equipment already have security labels with barcodes on them. What I am wanting is to be able to do is create a form where i can state some general information about the piece of equipment and then scan a barcode to register the equipments security number. so that if an employee needs to use that piece of equipment off site then I can just scan the barcode and register that the employee has taken the equipment.

My understanding is that the barcode reader is generally plug and play and acts as an input device? So what I would need to do is find a way to identify which input device is used, and if it is the reader find a way to assign a labels text to the value that has been read, rather that insert it into a textbox? I also want to display the actual barcode itself above the label, so I assume I would need to re-generate the barcode as an image and then display the image?

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How To Detect Input From A Barcode Reader

Feb 25, 2008

I am planning to buy a USB barcode reader. I don't want to use it as a keyboard wedge scanner.But before I do I wonder if it's possible to see whether the input comes from a barcode reader.I need a Windows Service that detects whether a barcode is scanned and depending on the text on the barcode starts another program.Is this possible and has anyone experience with this?

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Integrating A Barcode Reader In Vb 2005?

Nov 27, 2009

I am a student and I am about to make a program that will use a barcode scanner well ofcourse to scan a barcode. My problem is i don't know what library to use and what certain things i need to do so that when i am going to scan a barcode it'll be something like show it on a textbox and pull something from the database. i've actually research some. i've seen mscomm1 (not so sure about that) and POS for .net (haven't fully understood its use) were those will help me develop my program?

i have a metrologic ms9520 Voyager barcode scanner. and i am going to create a program for it in vb2005.

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Can't Manage To Connect My Barcode Reader To Program

Feb 5, 2009

Im creating an EPOS system and nearing the end of the application.I need to connect my newly acquired barcode reader to the form in so that whenever I scan an item in the items ID number appears in the necessary textbox.After some research I have bought the relevant barcode reader making sure it supports the relevant barcodes including retail.I have plugged it into the computer through the usb port, it has installed automatically all of the relevant drivers, and below is the code Im using in vb.The below code is include for where the form loads up:Me.KeyPreview = True

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Communications :: 2008 - Implement A Barcode Reader ?

Aug 10, 2011

I am wondering how to implement a barcode reader on 2008. I haven't started creating a program yet. I have only these simple questions

How to declare Barcode Reader on vb .net?

If I want to scan a product on the barcode reader how to catch the data that is being scanned?

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Configure My Barcode Reader To Act As A Keyboard Wedge?

Dec 5, 2009

I tried to configure my barcode reader to act as a keyboard wedge but it didn't work. (I'm using Metrologic Voyager MS9520) I figured out that the scanner still uses the serial port RS232. So i tried to use the MS Communication Control in VB 2005.


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Connect Barcode Reader Device Into 2005?

Jun 17, 2011

how to connect barcode reader device into visual studio 2005? My device model is acanlogic cs-2030?

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Connecting Barcode Reader In Desktop Application?

Apr 5, 2010

What are the steps that I have to follow while i connect the barcode reader in my desktop application.

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Method For Text Search Use Together With Barcode Reader

Jan 5, 2010

I'm beginner in this field and confuse with better method to use for text search. I'm intend to use it for specific length of string. For the text input, I'm using barcode. Also I need to fill a few field(text field) which I want the field automatically jump according to the text input(via the barcode). So, I'm figure 2 method and confused with it(hehe...):


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Build A Retail Store Application That Uses A Barcode Reader?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to build a retail store application that uses a barcode reader. I need to know how to get the barcode data in my application and use it against my items database.

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Connect Barcode Reader Device Into Visual Studio 2005?

Sep 5, 2011

how to connect barcode reader device into visual studio 2005? My device model is acanlogic cs-2030?

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How To Use Scanned Barcode In System

May 7, 2009

I have a barcode scanner & I want the output of my barcode scanner as input to my system.

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C# - Developing An Effective Barcode System / Code

Jun 15, 2012

I'm sorry if the title is misleading but I have to develop the format for a barcode (either 1D or 2D, doesn't matter). The barcode needs to include a Purchase Order #, Bill of lading #, as well as the Line #, product ID # and quantity of each item that appears on the purchase order. Here is what I've come up with so far:


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Create Barcode For Each Item Through .net?

Feb 18, 2006

i am using inventory system which is base on stock. i want to create barcode for each item through

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Create Barcode Using Itext?

Jul 2, 2010

Ive been trying to find a example for using itextsharp to create a barcode in i have found a few C# examples. And apperently im not smart enough to convery the code myselfHere is an example. Perhave someone could tell me what to do to convert itI however would like to save the file as a jpg.

# dfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
Barcode39 code39 = new Barcode39();


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Serial Port Barcode Scanner Delegate Sub Firing Twice Per Barcode Scan?

Aug 2, 2010

I am using Richard L. Grier's Enhanced Serial Port dll to read input from a serial port barcode scanner I notice that the datareceived event fires only once per barcode scan, but the delegate sub fires twice per barcode scan. Once for 1st half of Barcode , 2nd for 2nd part of barcode This makes it hard to capture the full barcode so it can be passed to routines in my 2008 windows application In Richard's example 'Test Enhanced Port' program he sends it to a textbox using .selectedtext and it works fine Richards Delegate code ......................

Public Delegate Sub DisplayData(ByVal Buffer As String)
'This delegate routine marshals receive data from the receive thread context DataReceived to the Windows Form STAThread context
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal Buffer As String)


I am trying to set a variable to the full barcode to pass to routines, instead of writing to a textbox but am not having any success

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Make A Program That Will Use A Barcode Scanner Well Ofcourse To Scan A Barcode

Nov 27, 2009

I am a student and I am about to make a program that will use a barcode scanner well ofcourse to scan a barcode. My problem is i don't know what library to use and what certain things i need to do so that when i am going to scan a barcode it'll be something like show it on a textbox and pull something from the database. i've actually research some. i've seen mscomm1 (not so sure about that) and POS for .net (haven't fully understood its use) were those will help me develop my program?i have a metrologic ms9520 Voyager barcode scanner. and i am going to create a program for it in vb2005.

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Create Barcode In Crystal Report And Export To Pdf?

Apr 23, 2012

I am working on a crystal report in Visual Basic .NET that needs a barcode generating function, and the crystal report should be exported to a pdf file. The pdf file should be open by clicking the open button.

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VS 2005 - How To Create Custom Barcode And Control Scanner

Sep 4, 2011

A friend of mine called me to that we need a program for our club that when a member will enter in club gate so first of he will have a card upon which a barcode will be printed and through barcode reader his code will be scanned and will be find out that whether he is a temporary member or regular member or absent member or other. Only regular members are allowed to enter into club and allowed to avail all services of club. Now the question is that i dont know that how the custom barcode will be created and how the scanner will be controlled with

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VS 2010 Create Xml Reader (sort And Range)?

Dec 8, 2010

So i want to create a program (or specifically a part of a program -form?) that will be able to load a xml file.I have managed to save an xml file from a xlsx workbook, i want the program to be able to sort each column either by it's value if is a number or by it's text if it's a text , i would also like to have a range sort so the "program" will only show results from a specific range

View 23 Replies

Create A ComboBox Autofill Using SQLite Data Reader

Apr 24, 2011

I have two Combo-Boxes like this

I need to create an auto-fill feature for the 1st Combo-Box. It should list the EmployeeID if Search-By Field is specified as Employee-Number. Similarly it should list Employee First Name along with Last Name if the Search-By Field is Employee-Name.

How can I do this? I have no clue, I am doing this for the first time. I am using SQLite, Visual Studio 2010.

Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT " & Search & " FROM EmployeeTable WHERE Status LIKE '" & Status & "'"
Dim myConnString As String = "Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "DatabaseSimpleDB.db3"


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Launch An Application Called Foxit Reader Pdf Reader?

May 18, 2011

I want to launch a application called Foxit Reader pdf Reader .I know System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path) can do it but . Requirements are Foxit Reader should be installed on machine.Now if it is installed how to serarch for the path of its Executable to provide the parameter as I can not hardcode the path for different machines.

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Printing A PDF Using FoxIt Reader Or Adobe Reader?

Feb 28, 2012

I am having an issue with both Adobe Reader and FoxIt Reader when trying to print a PDF document. Both issues are different but a solution to either one will allow me to fix my issue.The issue I am having with Adobe Reader when trying to print using the following code is that it will not print it to the network printer I specify but just the default printer.

Dim AdobeReader As New Process
AdobeReader.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False
AdobeReader.StartInfo.Verb = "print"


View 1 Replies - .Net Iniatialising A Class Using System.Reflection And System.Type To Create A Session Based Singlton Extension Method

Jun 11, 2009

I have had several occasions recently to access a specific class several times over a relatively small time frame.So I've been storing the value of the class in Session and trying to access it on page load, if it's not available creating a new instance and storing that in session.

So instead of constantly replicating the same code for different classes on different pages I'm trying to create an extension method to do this for me.


I'm stuck on what to do when I make my new instance of my class (it would have to have a New() sub)

I'm not sure where to go from here... or even if this is the best way to do it.

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Create A Folder In A Networked System From Another System?

Sep 17, 2009

i want to save a jpeg file from one system to another system which is connected through network.its in a windows target system's name is "abc".how can i do this ?

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File I/O And Registry :: Stream Reader I/O - Saves The File With No Crlf's For When Use Reader

Sep 24, 2008

how would I accomplish saving a large piece of data, using the Stream Reader for the Line-by-Line, while keeping the carriage return line feeds in there?


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Create A Data Row Using Data Reader Object?

Jun 15, 2009

I have a data reader "dr " that returns a row fo data, Assume dr returns values of 6 columns I need to create an instance of DatarRow using "dr", so that later I can create a collection of datarow objects that I will be adding to a table. However, how do I create a DataRow using dr object?

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Create A Login System Using SQL?

Oct 23, 2011

I have recently set up a YouTube account where I will post various tutorials on how to make several programs. Code languages will very from Visual Basic to C++. I have just posted a video on how to Create a login system using SQL (In Visual Basic).

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Create A Login System?

Dec 26, 2011

I've been looking all over for a MySql Database Login tutorial. Does anyone know how to create a login system (Using and mysql)?

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