CreateObject("WScript.Shell") With Cmd Window Minimized?

Nov 2, 2009

I using visual studio 2008 and visual basic.I need to create a form that pings my companies servers and gets the return value of the ping and displays the results in a label and run with a timer. I have eveything pretty set up and working the way I want it to but I would the command window pops up when the command is run. I found some code that was supposed to keep the command window in the background but it doesn't seem to work. [b]Can ayone help me figure how to make the command window run in the background or at least keeping if from popping up?/B]This is the code I found. According to the article I read False should keep the command window minimized. I tried it with true and I also tried it with False and neither worked.

objCmd = objWShell.Exec("ping " & url, 0, False)

This is the actual code I'm trying to run.

Public Function fnPingmeVer3(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim StringReturn As String
Dim objWShell As Object = New Object


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Use The Wscript.Shell Properties In .Net?

Apr 21, 2009

How can i use the Wscript.Shell properties in .Net?

Foe eg,
Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "X:", "\atl-fs-01public"

When i use the same in, i'm getting errors? Is there any namespace for that? How can i overcome the Error and use the same in

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"WScript.Shell" Equivalent In .NET?

Jun 15, 2011

i was wondering if there exists an equivalent statement in for

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

and can we then call something like this "msiexec /i /passive",1 , True What are the thoughts about achieving the same thing in

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Capturing Audio Stops When Main Window Is Minimized Or Obstructed By Another Window?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a VB.NET application that uses Managed DirectSound to capture audio.Everything works just fine until (a) the application is minimized or (b) the application is completey obstructed (covered) by another window.

The thing is that the CaptureBufferDescription structure does not include a GlobalFocus property so I don't know what to do to let my application continue capturing when the main window is hidden.

Here's the basic initialization code I'm using:

' Create a buffer description object
bufCapDesc = New CaptureBufferDescription()
With bufCapDesc


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Window Is Minimized, When Called From Another Window?

Jan 20, 2010

Why is it when I call another VB program, it is minimized?

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Get The Window's Handle Once It Has Been Minimized?

Mar 1, 2012

<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Private Shared Function SetActiveWindow(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr) As IntPtr
End Function


I'm trying to make use of some functionality from an external app in my program.

My problem is this:

My program manages to start the external app correctly and I can even get the WinHandle correctly if I don't use "ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized" when starting the app.

If I start the app minimized, WinHandle = ProcID.MainWindowHandle returns a 0 and as I understand it, it's

because the app is hidden in the system tray.

How can I start the app minimized and then get the window's handle once it has been minimized?

I've tried various functions like FindWindow and BringWindowToTop but none of them seem to work.

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How To Send A Key To A Minimized Window

Feb 26, 2011

But i have a problem so i want to Send one key to a minimized form if u know what i mean like running it in the background its the key "F5" that i want to send. It works if the window is focused but as soon as i start my internet it refreshs the sites there and not where it was ment to b

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VB Sending Keystrokes To A Minimized Window/app?

Apr 26, 2012

im a complet noob in vb . i have been trying to figure out how to send keystrokes back to my own application , while minimized/ Or focused on an other window.i think i need to use PostMessageA . i read about it on forums. But its like chinese for goal is to run these little programs by the 100's on 1 pc. and they just press a key in their own application , over and over.i was thinking something like this

Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const WM_CHAR As Long = &H102
PostMessage("notepad", WM_CHAR, "T", 1)

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Forms :: ListView.TopItem And Minimized Window?

Jun 15, 2011

I have an issue in a project trying to auto-scroll down a ListView (used as Details with columns) when adding a new ListViewItem when the window is minimized. I guess we have to use TopItem property to set force the listview to scroll down.I get two exceptions when the form is minimized: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." "Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list."

I'm just using standard .Net components (Events/Delegate) with standard way to use them.

I made a small test code to isolate the issue:


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MdiForm - Set Focus To Window And Make It Minimized

Dec 22, 2008

i have an mdiForm. it has the standard "windows" menu option, thats lets you change the layout of the child windows, it also has the list of currently open windows. is there a way to access that code that generates that list so i can alter so that is window from the list is selected and it has been minimized, it wont just set the focus to that window but open it to the normal state?

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Send Key Strokes To A Window In Program While It Is Still Minimized

Jun 28, 2010

I used to know vb6 and I need to make a quick application.

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Send Mouse Click To Minimized Window?

Jul 27, 2009

Heres my code that does not work:



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Send Mouseclicks / Keystrokes Into Minimized Window?

Mar 3, 2009

I know how to send mouse clicks and keystrokes into an application when it is open and active, but this particular application the task is very repetitive and can be done with a script of sorts. What i want is how do i make a program to be able to send inputs (key clicks) into the application when it is minimized (the application minimized that is). doing this minimized would then allow me to do other more important things whilst the vb program is sending instructions into the other app.[code]...

View 24 Replies

Press Button Of An External Not Foreground / Minimized Window?

Dec 28, 2010

Known the external window size, it Hwnd and the x/y coordinates of the button to press, I am trying this code, like seen on the web[code]\...

View 4 Replies

Way To Hide A Shell Window

Jun 16, 2011

I have been searching for a way to hide a shell window.[code]How can I hide the shell window that something like this opens? The window would be open the entire time the program runs if not hidden it is used to do calculations.

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Call Up Translucent Window (shell)

Jul 2, 2010

I need to call up a window from my application.

1- I want this window to be translucent and shows in front

2- I want this window to be translucent and shows behind

RetVal = Shell("C:EnergyPlusV5-0-0RUNEP.BAT", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

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Hide A Shell Command Window?

Jun 6, 2006

I have the below code in a VB Console project. The AppWinStyle function is not hiding the window as expected?[code]...

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Keep Shell Window Open When Launching A Process?

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to launch a command line exe I created. For now it's a test program that writes Hello World to the console. I can launch it, but the shell window it displays it in only stays for a split second.

I know I can add a line to my console mode program (readline). But I would like to control it from the process launch. I will be using console mode programs that I did not write myself, and many of them don't stall the output. I can't find the right properties and methods to control the default shell behavior!

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VS 2008 Send Mouse Click's & Send Key's To Minimized Window?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a filter that is used to populate a grid view and the url will conain: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

It will then have a link to page 2, which allows them to edit something.I then want them to click a link that will send them back to the gridview under the same parameters of: /example/grid?value1=1&value2=2

Is this possible? How do I hold on and fill in the URL values so it knows how to refill the grid view accordingly?

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Cscript/wscript File To Run Program?

Mar 17, 2012

I'm in need of vbscript file. I'm planning to run something like "wscript.exe Psexec.vbs" on a WHS 2003.

I've come up with the following but my server doesn't like it Line1: Set Command = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Line2: cmd = "c:windowssystem32Psexec.exe \192.168.0.xx -i -h -d -u Administrator -p Password "c:program filesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe" "http://192.168.0.xx/mControl/Editor.aspx#/PageCameras""

Line3: Command.Run (cmd) The Psexec code in Line2 works fine at the command prompt, but I don't know how to get it into a vbscript file.

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VS 2008 Make A Shell Replacement For The Windows Default Shell

Aug 1, 2009

I'm going to attempt to make a shell replacement for the Windows default shell: explorer.exe. I'm not sure if its possible using Vb.Net, but I can't seem why not. My end goal is to use a custom made shell for a Windows Preinstallation Environment instead of the default command prompt. I plan to use a 3rd party program to compile the program with the .NET Framework. Otherwise, it wouldn't work because Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.

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Use Shell To Have Application Call An External Application But Its Not Working - Error: ''

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the Shell to have my application call an external application but its not working...I don't understand why. I get the following error: '' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression!

Heres my code....any ideas what I'm doing wrong. Its got to be a simple...stupid error.

Private Sub mnuUpgrade_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Expression.Web.Interop.Legacy.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles mnuUpgrade.Click


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Cannot Create ActiveX/CreateObject(). - Permissions?

Jun 30, 2011

I am troubleshooting a program that normally works, and has worked in the past on the machine I am working with.I am a very novice programmer, I didn't program this myself I am just trying to get it to work.I have done as much research as I can, which has lead me to believe it is permissions problem with the CreateObject command.I have tried a fix in the .net 2.0 machine.config file, changing the processModel user to System, that didn't help.The machine does have norton on it, and norton was installed since the program stopped working. However I have tried disabling norton and running the program. A friend suggested it might be some settings on the computer that Norton changed hence disabling it not helping.Here is the error:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.[code]... When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.

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Com Object Failing On Server.createobject?

Jun 12, 2006

I am having problems calling a Com object that I created under Visual Studio 2005 with Standard ASP I registered it using regasm.exe.Below is my code (VB) . have tried creating the object two ways.What am I doing wrong ?

Server.CreateObject("TestCom2.TestFunction") and
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed


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VB6 - Call A Function With CreateObject ( Type )?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a dll ( vb6 ) containing a public class with a public Type ( named Test ) and finally a public function that wants a variable passed by ref of Test type. Obiouvsly, if I reference that dll in a new project ( vb6 ) I can see the public function and the Test type I must use...the problem comes when I must call that dll creating it at runtime without any reference, using in example CreateObject. Can I reference in some way the type Test inside the dll by having created it at runtime? If I declare a type IDENTICAL to the Test type in a public class in my new project, VB issues a TypeMismatch error even if both data type are the designed the same say, have the same name and so on! how it comes?

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.net - Release A File Lock On A COM DLL That Has Been Instantiated Via `CreateObject`?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a .Net 4 WinForms app that generates a DLL, calls CreateObject on the generated DLL then calls one of several methods that the DLL contains. The DLL is eventually used by a separate app. This WinForms app is just to generate and test the DLL hence why it can generate the DLL multiple times.The problem lies in the fact that calling CreateObject on the DLL locks the file to the process. The next time the DLL is generated it can't overwrite the previous DLL file on disk without closing the app completely and starting it again.

I've tried Marshal.ReleaseComObject, executing the CreateObject in a separate AppDomain, even setting the variable holding the COM object to a different COM object via CreateObject, manually calling GC.Collect() and a whole host of other things but none result in unlocking the file.The code flow is basically (simplified and generic names, etc.):

' Compile and generate DLL that is COM enabled and works fine
Dim foo As Object = CreateObject("Bar.Foo")


is there a way to release a file lock on a COM DLL that has been instantiated via CreateObject without killing the process?

Note: this is a continuation of this original issue. I now have the DLL registering without locking the file but now the issue is with the CreateObject call not the DLL registration.

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Create An Object Dynamically With CreateObject Function?

Oct 8, 2011

I am trying to create an object dynamically with CreateObject function. The code is below but it gives error:"ActiveX object can't be created" while calling the CreateObject function.

Public Class Form1
Public Delegate Sub DButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Private Sub DButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
MsgBox("You hit me")


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When Run Script, The Error Appear"Object Required: 'wscript'"?

Aug 15, 2011

My codes is the following: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run "calc"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Calculator"[code]....

When run to the step "WScript.Sleep 100", the error will appear "Object required:'wscript'". I don't know why the error appear,

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Send Email - Windows 7 (64 Bit) - Getting An ActiveX Exception On The CreateObject?

Mar 26, 2012

I am sending email via Office as per the example below.I am seeing an ActiveX exception on the CreateObject if office is already running (see below). If I close office prior to the CreateObject call, all works as planned.


' Start Outlook.

' If it is already running, you'll use the same instance...

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

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CreateObject (InternetExplorer.Application) With Protected Mode ON With Trusted Site

Sep 13, 2010

I have one project created with VB 6.0. Step to reproduced this issue,

1. Start Internet explorer and add the site "[url]" to trusted site. now set protected mode check box to Off for the trusted site zone.

2. Open the Visual Basic 6.0 and created standard Exe project.

3. From Tools -> references add "Microsoft Internet Controls".

4. Copy and Paste below code. [Code]

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