Creating Custom Events In Project?

Sep 28, 2009

I am working on a project that has some events already created and working. One of these events is called SelectedIndexChanged Event. I am using it for one of my Subs in my frmNewInspection Class, and I am trying to use it for a second Sub and it says that "Event SelectedIndexChanged Cannot Be Found".

The event is created here in a class called LabelComoBox
Private Sub tctlInspection_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tctlInspection.SelectedIndexChanged
'MsgBox("Index: " & tctlInspection.SelectedIndex.ToString)
[Code] .....

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C# - Creating A Custom Start Menu Shortcut Link For A Visual Studio Setup Project

Feb 24, 2010

Is it possible to create a custom start menu shortcut link?

The only possibilities I see in the setup project are shortcuts to folders or primary output.


What I ended up doing is creating a custom action on commit that dynamically creates the link using Windows Scripting Host. Then on uninstall, removing the link.

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Create Custom Events In .net?

Nov 21, 2011

I have created a control in Now I want that control to send some message(fire an event called recieve) and the parent application that implements it will have to create an even listener called recieve and do actions accordingly.

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How To Create Custom Events

Feb 11, 2011

Is it possible to create my own event in .

I need an event for WindowState = Normal.

View 1 Replies - Add Buttons With Events To A Custom TreeNode?

Dec 22, 2009

I extended treeview, treenode, and nodetype so I could have custom nodes. Certain nodes have image buttons on them allowing them to add a child node or delete the node. I can't handle any of the events from my buttons.Public Class ContentTreeView Inherits TreeView Public Event OnAddChild(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Public Event OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)


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C# - Design Pattern For Custom Events In .NET?

Feb 21, 2010

What is the proper design pattern for custom events in .NET (VB or C#).

I am refering to custom events, where in you override the AddHandler, RemoveHander, and RaiseEvent methods.

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Good Time To Use Custom Events?

Nov 3, 2009

How to implement my own events I'm not sure why do I use them. I mean instead of rising event you could simply call functions right? This is as close as I got to a good reason:
1) If you call a function that does one thing and then based on result it needs to do something else it may be a good idea to do that something else in event function that is raised when that first thing was done. This way you avoid creating long functions and can make system more intuitive.
2) If object1 is inside object2 (a variable) and object2 has function DoThis and in that function affect something in object2's parent class it's better to use event in object1 rather than mess with parent (object1) inside object2.

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IDE :: Create Custom Toolbar Events?

Jul 22, 2009

i just creates a new custom filters toolbar and compile into a dll to be used on my projects but now i face a problem
the controls inside my toolbar used t create a filter (combos and text boxes) has the event for when text change but this event does not pass through my dll to be used on my projetc so i have no way of knowing when the user change a value on the filter, how can i pass this event?

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Catching Mouse Events For A Custom SplitContainerDesigner

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a user control that will provide a draggable splitter between two panels — exactly like SplitContainer — in a custom IDesignerHost implementation. SplitContainer itself, as far as I can tell, is not an option; it will raise an exception unless used in Visual Studio's Designer.

My implementation would look roughly like this, except that I'm not receiving the necessary mouse events. I've tried event handlers, On* overrides and overriding WndProc in the user control itself, the host control, and the parent form, but I don't appear to receive WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_LBUTTONUP events anywhere. Per this bug report, I should be receiving WM_MOUSEMOVE in "the control designer"; I'm not sure what that refers to in this case.

how I can implement a draggable splitter?

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Catching Mouse Events For A Custom SplitContainerDesigner?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to create a user control that will provide a draggable splitter between two panels — exactly like SplitContainer — in a custom IDesignerHost implementation. SplitContainer itself, as far as I can tell, is not an option; it will raise an exception unless used in Visual Studio's Designer. My implementation would look roughly like this, except that I'm not receiving the necessary mouse events. I've tried event handlers, On* overrides and overriding WndProc in the user control itself, the host control, and the parent form, but I don't appear to receive WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN or WM_LBUTTONUP events anywhere. Per this bug report, I should be receiving WM_MOUSEMOVE in "the control designer";

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Create Non-blocking Custom Events In Class?

Jan 11, 2012

Declare Custom Events To Avoid Blocking, with more than one custom event. If I duplicate the Public Custom Event section and just change the event's name, then both events are called even if my code only calls one of them.

Public Class TestClass
Private EventHandlerList As New ArrayList
Private EventHandlerIndex As New ArrayList


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How To Create Custom Events For User Control

Oct 15, 2009

How to create custom events for contol. i have created a user control mytextbox & i am showing some properties of textbox & now i want to expose user control events

I am showing Following properties to user


How to expose Events

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Shadowed Events In A Custom User Control?

Nov 11, 2009

I have created a base class for some user controls, then I created controls that inherit this class. This is so I can CTYPE the inherited controls back to the base class and refer to properties, methods and events in a common interface. The base class declares has some Public Event BLAH(Sender as object, e as EventArgs) declarations. The derived class then has Public Shadows Event BLAH(Sender as object, e as eventargs) declarations. My parent form adds handlers for the BLAH event. When the derived class fires the event, though, it does not get raised to the parent form.

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.net Creating Objects In An Array With Events

Jul 25, 2011

I'm having a problem at the moment developing my application. What i need to do is find out how many modems they are connected to my system and send data to each one in turn. I have the programme working for one modem at the moment.

So I can send data to a modem that i specify, for example a modem on COM port 1. I have functions already that will give me a list of COM ports that I need to open.My problem is that i want to dynamically create a new modem object along side existing modems and store them in a collection.


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VS 2008 Creating Object Events?

Sep 19, 2009

In a reply to one of my posts, a user said I should create an event for Textbox1.TripleClick.So, I would need to create an event.My problem is, how do I create an event for a textbox so that the event shows up in the textbox events?

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C# - Add Custom Property And Events To A Control Say Textbox Or Button

Jan 13, 2010

I want to add a custom property to a button in window form. Currently i am using following code to create my logic. but i want to create an enum value for a button control.

btnPartyDetails.Text = "View";
btnPartyDetails.Text = "Add";


I want to do something like this, where ActionType will be my enum.

I also want to create custom event based on the value set. How can i do this ?

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Creating And Coding Of Events Of Dynamic Controls

Apr 5, 2009

I had been searching as to how I could create an array of controls dynamically, and after some searching found some helpful code as shown below [code]This way in the above code "structureComboBoxes" will have an array of comboBoxes (VB6.0 was way easy to get this crap done!! I guess its cleaner here)Now my next problem is How do i code for events of each of these combo boxes?

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VS 2008 Creating Events For Lists Of Buttons?

May 21, 2010

i have created a list of buttons using the following

Dim Butt(20) As Button
Dim i As Integer = 0
While (i <= 20)
Butt(i) = New Button
i = i + 1
End While

this means that buttons are created in the code and not on the form to begin with, so I don't know how to create an event for the click of a button in a list. Is it possible to do it with a parameter for i so that there is only 1event for all buttons in the list, and i is the button index array clicked?

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VS 2008 : Use The Keydown/keyup Events With Buttons In The Same Project And It Not Working Properly?

May 12, 2009

I am trying to use the keydown/keyup events with buttons in the same project and it not working properly. I have 4 red boxes and when I press an arrow key the box should change to green according to which arrow key it corrosponds to. I have this part working fine, however only when there is nothing else in the project. When I add in say 3 buttons, Button1, Button2, Button3 and try runing the program instead of the correct red box changing to green, button outline just moves between buttons 1,2 and 3. I have tried turning tabstop off for the three buttons but that didnt work. how to read the keydown/keyup while still having buttions that can be pressed with a mouse?

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Two Objects That Are Raising Some Events - Pressing A Button - Raise A Custom Event, Then Execute A Method And Then Close The Form

Mar 30, 2011

Problem that you may have when dealing with two objects that are raising some events. Here, to make it obvious, I am closing the form, but the problem can be experienced with any other 2 classes event. First, what is the problem !

Let suppose that by pressing a button, you want to raise a custom event, then execute a method and then close the form

In that case, you may use a code similar to this

Event BeepIt()

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RaiseEvent BeepIt()


View 14 Replies - Creating A Custom Gridview?

Apr 10, 2012

I would like to create an order form for my page (I included an example image below). However I don't know how to approach this. I'm assuming the best method would be a gridview but it would involve two levels of grouping. Other requirements would be be to accept a quantity and then calculate the total price. Can anyone point me to some good books or websites that explain creating custom grid views like this (or maybe a better method than using gridview, I'm open to whatever). I consider myself to be an intermediate programmer in

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Creating A Custom Control Box?

Dec 15, 2009

Is this possible? I am trying to create my own "X" and "minimize" buttons on my form -- the only way that I can currently think to do it is by making my form have no border, and creating a 'fake' menu bar using labels and buttons for minimizing and maximizing. The goal here is to be able to have custom icons for maximize, close, etc that may not match the Windows default scheme.

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Creating A Custom Control?

Apr 15, 2010

want to create a custom control of the button such as the button will be a bit enlarged and with a different colour.A custom control is a class that either inherits the Control class directly or some other control.So Iadded class named class1.vb and added this line:Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button

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Creating A Desktop For Custom OS?

Nov 16, 2010

Iam developing a OS using wince Kernel.It supports .net framework 2.0.

so i succesfully extracted the kernel and i booted my mips processor,Now i can see a black screen running wince kernel.

Now i want to create a form that should look like a desktop in and should have desktop huh?

what are the properties of the desktop.


The Deskstop should be attached at last.

For Example:when a application is opened it should have the capability to open the application on the top of the Desktop.

and it should be locked on the background.


If i close a application in my kernel the application is closed but the image stays still because there is no desktop background to repaint i want to create a form with the two properties above Mentioned.

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Visual Studio 2008: No Build Events Folder On The Project Properties Page

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional to build a VB.NET console application. I have a text file that I want to copy to the output directory after a build. I would like to create a build event to do that, but I do not see a "Build Events" folder on the property page. Is there a setting where I can get this folder? Or, is there another way I can set up a post-build event to copy a file to the output directory? The folders I see on the Properties page:


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Creating A Custom Font Dialog?

May 17, 2011

I'm having a bit of trouble with my project here... and Google isn't helping very much. To put it briefly, I'm currently making a sticky note program (one fairly similar to Sticky Notes, for those of you familiar with Windows Vista or 7). It's relatively simple, as the "note" itself is basically a glorified Rich Text Box.

My problem is this: I obviously want to allow some for some customization with the font, however I don't want to use a standard full-on Dialog Box. So I designed a small form with 2 Combo Boxes--one for font and the other for size--and 2 buttons, "OK" and "Cancel". What I'm attempting to do is program this form (named dlgFont) to more or less be recognized as a Font Dialog Box. I've got some of it figured out I think, but I can't seem to put the pieces together in a way that actually works.In the code for my main form, I have this within the Class... stuff:

Friend WithEvents dlgFont As System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog

As for the Command Button that pulls up the dialog box itself, well, it's actually a Context Menu Strip Item... I'm not really sure what to put. So far I've only tried this:


And for the Apply event, I've got the generic stuff:

Private Sub dlgFont_Apply(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dlgFont.Apply
If dlgFont.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Font = dlgFont.Font
End If
End Sub

That's all I have for the main form. This is what dlgFont looks like: 'A limited-ability font dialog box.

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Friend Class dlgFont


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Creating Custom File Type In .net 08?

Feb 5, 2011

i want to make a custom file type like "" which should have all the attribs of a directory like

moving other files and folders to it, open, close, delete, create new, etc... in or

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Creating Custom Folder With Setup?

Jul 20, 2009

I want to create a folder " c:imagebox " when the user runs my setup. I tried this in " Add special folder --> Custom folder " then a folder appears i renamed it to ImageBox and in default location i typed " C: " and set its property to always create but when i tested the setup on xp an vista i did not created any folder.

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Creating Custom Generic Class?

Jan 1, 2011

Here are essential excerpts for the code creating the class and the page using it:

Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Public Class Test (Of T as xyz)
Inherits Collection (Of T)


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Extending Or Creating A Custom Vb Component?

Jan 11, 2010

I am wondering if I can extend a component (e.g a button ) in vb the same way I can in java which enables you to modify the component for your specific requirement or create a new one from scratch.

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