Creating Object And Assigning The Value To It?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a class defined as follows. How to create Product object with part1 and part2 values in Component Field

Partial Public Class Product
Private ComponentField() As Component
Public Property ComponentProperty() As Component()


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Assigning A Value Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object.

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to assign a value to serialize to XML via a class (below) but keepgetting the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is the line that generates the error:

Dim iTranList As New InvestmentTransactionList
With iTranList
.DTSTART = Date.Today.ToString


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Assigning Set Of Properties To Each Object In Array

Aug 19, 2010

I am new to Vb I am trying to assign to each one of the objects in an array a set of properties and I get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim pointer As Integer = 0
depart(pointer).id = "text"
depart(pointer).name = "text" 'here I get the error
[Code] .....

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Forms :: Creating Command Button Ans Assigning Click Event Through Code?

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to write a program using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition that will automaticlay generate multiple Command Buttons that have different Texts and perform different commands.For example I want to generate Button_1 and Button_2 where Button_1 when clicked enters the value "1" into a textbox and Button_2 enters the value "2" into the same textbox.I know this can be simple done by using the designer and wirting the code in the Button_1_Click, but what I want to eventually achieve is for various buttons to be generated across different Tabs in a TabControl.So far I can create a button on a windows form using code, but the button has no purpose so command is assigned to it. The code i've used is listed below:


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Constructing An Object Without Assigning It In Visual Basic.NET?

Feb 11, 2011

I've used for several years now, but keep coming across little quirks that I don't know how to work around. Curiosity finally got the best of me, so I ask now: is there a way to create an object without assigning it?For example, say I have an Engine class, that I want to instantiate and have it immediately do whatever it needs to do. If there's nothing I need to do with Engine after creating it, I have, till now, done something like:dim myEngine as new Engine()Is there a way to avoid the "dim myEngine as" part? You certainly can in Java. I could just create an object with "new Engine()" in java and not assign it to anything.

Why do I need this? Because often I want to create a delegate object (hence I called it "engine") that performs some functionality, but otherwise I don't need to ever reference it. I used to have such objects have a "public sub perform", but have found that cumbersome -- I'd rather just create the object and not worry about remembering to call its perform method. And I find it aesthetically displeasing to create references to objects that I don't intend to use

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Error In Assigning Object Of Nullable Type?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a structure that contains another structure. The inner structure is nullable. Now wht I do is something like the following. I create a new instance of the inner structure, set the member variables and assign the whole structure to the inner structure of the parent. But it is giving an error. The assignment is not successful. If I try to peek into the structure in the watch window, it says "property evaluation failed" for the HasValue and Value properties.

Dim testData As List(Of TestData) = Nothing
Dim testData_List1 As New TestData
With testData_List1.commonTestParam


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'Object Reference Not Set To Instance Of An Object' While Creating Pivot In Excel

Jun 23, 2012

I'm trying to create a pivot table by opening an Excel file from my drive.But I'm receiving the error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".[code]

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Error - Creating The Form - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Apr 13, 2012

I'm having this problem with my code and cannot seem to get past it although it was working fine before. The error is "An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The code is:


I am trying to get information to be pulled out of a database and show in text boxes on another form (frmviewsdets). The error occurs when it gets to the line frmviewsdets.txtsnumber.Text = rdr("StudentNumber") and even when a breakpoint is applied there it just moves on to the next and so on.

I have tried to show frmviewsdets before I pull the data out of the database beut I get the same message.

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Creating An Object Array Of Different Object Types?

Mar 29, 2010

I am having some trouble creating an object array of different object types. Here is what I have so far:

Public Sub New()
Dim b1 As New Book("Book Title 1", "Gold Book Publisher", 1.0, "Bob Jones", "192DJDJD212", "01/02/10")
Dim b2 As New Book("Book Title 2", "Gold Book Publisher", 1.0, "Bob Jones", "192DJDJD212", "01/02/10")
Dim b3 As New Book("Book Title 3", "Gold Book Publisher", 1.0, "Bob Jones", "192DJDJD212", "01/02/10")


If I define the array As Book (Public publicationArray(6) As Book) or Magazine (Public publicationArray(6) As Magazine) I am able to access the properties of that class but not both. I think I need to define a type for each array instance but not sure how to do this.

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An Error Occurred Creating The Form. See Exception.InnerException For Details. The Error Is: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 30, 2009

WTF, here's my code...

Public Class Form1
Dim BIT01 As Integer = BIT_01.Text
Dim Value As Integer = TB_OutPut.Text


View 1 Replies Mvc - Creating A List (of String) Giving Error" Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object"

Nov 1, 2011

MVC 3 razor VB.NET project. I have resorted to manual building a list for a drop down box so I can insure certain values are available in the select list and also to control what the first item is in the list. The below is my code snippet for the part that is giving me problems..


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Assigning An Object Property Using A Variable As The Property Name?

Aug 4, 2009

I want to assign an object property by referencing the property dynamically, with a variable name


dim propName as string
staticObjectName.propName = 'whatever

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Creating A New Instance Of An Object?

Apr 24, 2011

Suppose a click event is fired and a particular gridview datasource is set in the code behind page by retrieving a data table from a business logic class.

So programmatically speaking, what is the main difference between the two set of code listed below.
Private Sub btnGetGridViewData_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim myBLL as New BusinessLogicClass


I guess my main question is, what is the purpose of creating a new instance of an object in the above scenario?

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Creating An Object With Methods?

Mar 25, 2010

In the code below (which I just wrote here - it closely mirrors what my actual code is...) the problem is with the line:


It says: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Yes - it is "nothing" before I try to use the Add method so I must be doing something basic and wrong.The object I am trying to add is fine - I can tell you it is correct, it's just that I apparently cannot use the .add method on the Thing.ThingObject until it is properly created - which I have apparently not done.

Private Sub DoThing()
Dim MyObject as New Object
MyObject = MakeMyObject


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Creating Instances Of An Object?

Nov 21, 2006

I'm trying to create 3 instances of the the Workshop selector form for the 3 individuals that I have inthe listbox to appear when I first run the program.

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Object Is Not Creating An Instance

Apr 9, 2010

My project is done on vb,net& sql2000 but it is not running and showing error -

" object is not creating an instance " what to do ?

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.net - Creating A New Instance Of A Class Object Box()

Sep 29, 2011

my aim is to create a new instance box at the push of a button, the box has strings name and Id to be filled concatenating the auto generated ID i.e. 0 to 210 plus a string "Box" added by the user. I had problems earlier creating a structure within the class box, frankly I am not sure if the code below will work, as i try to run it in VB I get an error indicating that I am using the variables strBoxPositions() and strBoxNumbers() without assigning a value to it. The thing is the strBoxPositions() should automatically be filled by arrPosition() which will be created at the same time the new object box is created and the strNumbers() will be created with empty strings to be filled at latter stage by the used as and when necessary.

how could I initialise those arrays to get the program to run and perhaps ill be able to see if the code works or not, or just correct this code with a better way of code with comments, also if possible some indication on how could I update the strNumbers array inputing the strings one at a time on a text box field.

Public class form1
Public Class Box
Public intBoxID As Integer


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Creating A Public String Object

Jul 15, 2011

i'm having problems creating a public string varialble in a class or module. i am going to be refering to it in many forms so this way i only will have to change the text of the string once and not on each form.Currently when i try to use the new string variable as an object variable from another form, it isnt showing up as an object i can reference. [code]

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Creating A Random Number Or Object?

Jan 23, 2010

I have an application with 6 cars 'racing' across the screen. Ideally I would like the random function to move only 1 of the 6 objects (cars) at one time and then loop until one car reaches a predefined finish line. However I'm not sure if this is achievable. Would I need to create a random number then create if statements?

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Creating A Shared Instance Of An Object?

Feb 13, 2012

I would like to create a global instance of a User Class that can be referenced by all the forms in my MDI application.This object may be set during the login procedure by the Login form but the user attributes are to be available for other forms. For example, MyUser.ID will be required for meeting the audit requirements whenever data is changed.

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Creating Moving Object In Rectangle Box?

Mar 20, 2009

1. I have created a moving object (which is a button) in a form (rectangle box) called "Enjoy Button" and it moves when
2. A specific button named "Start Timer" is pressed...When the "Start Timer" button is pressed,
3. The "xTimer" event is called and the button moves in a rectangle box and bounces of the walls...=animation
4. However, i need to write a For..Next Loop in the
5. "For Next " Button= a button named for next
6. And also put a counter in the loop to control the animation time..
7. The loop should stop at a certain time, and the object too should stop at that time,at a new location

This is what I have so far
Private Sub ForNextButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xForNextButton.Click, xTimer.Tick
Dim MyTime As Integer = 5
Counter = 1000
For Counter = 0 To 1000
xTimer.Enabled = MyTime * 1
' Move the button for a set amount of time
' Exit the loop

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Creating Object Defined In DLL With No Reference

Jul 23, 2010

I have the full path to a dll, but not a reference, where I need to instantiate an object that implements an interface that I've defined. I do have control over the other dll, so I am able to do things like stick a static function in the dll that returns the object I need. I'm just not sure how to call that function, or even if I'm approaching this right.

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Creating Object Instances Globally?

Nov 19, 2009

this is probably something I should know, but I'm puzzled by this.I'm trying to create some objects and being able to access and modify these globally. I tried to create a Public Module and declare a few objects in this.I am able to access these from another sub, but I get an exception error when after building and runing the process and trying to modify these object. The same thing happens if I declare the object in the Public Class Form1. For example like this:

Public Class Form1
Public appWord = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
Public wordDoc as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document


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Error Creating Configuration Object

Jan 5, 2010

I create a Visual Basic .net console application where my file paths are in the app.config file. When I run it from a command prompt a windows scheduler it works fine. When I run it from a purchased job scheduler, I get a message stating that it cannot find MyAppli~.config. MyApplication.config is present.[code]...

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VS 2008 Creating Object Events?

Sep 19, 2009

In a reply to one of my posts, a user said I should create an event for Textbox1.TripleClick.So, I would need to create an event.My problem is, how do I create an event for a textbox so that the event shows up in the textbox events?

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Creating A Custom Entity Class(object)?

May 13, 2011

How would I create my custom Role class based on that autogenerated class? I have read a few articles on the net but I am still lost. Can someone please show me how to do this, and what I must import(using visual basic). I want to add some validation to the string property where Role1 cannot be more than 50 characters.
Autogenerated class


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Creating Arraylist Name/object That Auto Increments By One

Oct 4, 2010

I want to create hypothetically infinite array lists each that can hold hypothetically infinite items. The name of the array list is "arraycalc". How can I perform a procedure that will create a new array list called "arraycalc1"... the next time after that the procedure is run and a new array list called "arraycalc2"...and so on and so forth.

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Creating User Control Object In Runtime?

Jan 5, 2012

creating a user control object in runtime using createobject function or whatever better function in

here is my code:

Dim b As New Security.Sec_Role
b.Name = "Sec_Role"
b.visible = true


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Difference Between Inheriting And Creating Object Of A Class?

Jun 29, 2010

When we can access the public methods via object then why is there need of inheritance.

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Object Creating Code & Passing Values To SR?

Mar 29, 2011

This code works, as is, on my system. Problem lines are commented out. The last three commented lines are the problem.It creates the objects alright but a line that should send a message into the list box doesn't work. I am almost sure that the problem is in passing information into the sub routine. Forgive my use of ALL CAPS as it helps to see my comments on comments. A few comments in passing information to SRs would be helpful.

Also, how it is that I can comment out the .Name option and it still works?(I hope that this shows up properly. If it ends up as a big useless paragraph, I will repost it after learning how to do it properly.

Here is my

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' -------------------------Create ann exit Button -----------------------------------------------------
Dim btn As New Button


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