Creating Text Boxes With A Button

Mar 2, 2012

Im trying to make when you click a button to make a drag-able text box. But i cant seem to find anything on creation one with a button.

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VS 2008 Create The Form With A Button And Two Text Boxes - Move Text Between The Two Boxes

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?

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Creating A Class For Adding Dynamic Text Boxes?

Aug 8, 2011

How can I create a class so that I'll just call it to my form:This is the code of my Add Text box button that adds multiple text boxes.

Public Class Form3


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VS 2010 Sum Of Text Boxes No Button?

Apr 20, 2011

I need help getting the sum of a bunch of text boxes into another text box without using a button. Ive tried using TxtTotal = Val(txt1) + Val(txt2)... in the Total1_TextChanged but nothing happens. Someone once said I should use databinding but I cant see how that would work when Im using user input as the data to be Totaled. Also I dont know a whole lot about vb as I am just learning, and databinding

ps the values Im adding are in currency format. So I guess i would need to convert them back to add them, but im not sure.

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Delete Text Boxes From A Button That Uses Me.Controls.Add()?

Jul 14, 2011

The code below shows adding three text boxes using a button, I'm thinking when there's excess of text boxes that has been added, how can I delete the excess using another button.[code]...

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Make VB Program That Has Two Text Boxes And One Button?

Nov 29, 2009

I want make VB program that has two text boxes and one button. Text boxes are for Proxy server IP and port. And button is just confirming it. So, user just types in Proxy server IP and port and presses button, and now, when he go to internet, he is anonymous. Now, I need code that sets proxy on after button click.

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Setup The Form With Five Text Boxes And A Button?

Feb 19, 2012

I want to have 5 numbers randomly selected from 500.I've set up the form with five text boxes and a button but I have no idea how, when the button is pressed, to get five random numbers to appear in each of the five text boxes.


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Clear The Information In The Text Boxes After The Button Has Been Clicked?

Jan 21, 2009

After I have entered data into 12 textboxes and pressed a button to execute the code, the data from the text boxes goes into a database.I want to clear the information in the text boxes after the button has been clicked, at the moment I have 12 lines of code which are similar to this.

MsgBox("Data Has been Added to The Database")

is there a easier/simpler way to remove all data from the text boxes without using 13lines of code

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VS 2005 Login To Website - Hidden Web Browser - Two Text Boxes And A Button

Aug 22, 2009

I have a hidden web browser, two text boxes, and a button. I can add the login information to the forms on the web page, but how do I login? Heres my code so far


Basically I want to grab the ID of the sign in button (the name/id is SI) and click it. I've tried RaiseEvent(Click) and Click() but neither work...I'm not sure about the syntax and how it works in general....I don't even know if I'm doing it right.

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Printing Picture Boxes And Provided Option For Dynamically Creating Picture Boxes As Well?

Jan 23, 2010

I have some operations of Picture Boxes etc being performed. After the user finishes with the formatting, I want to give the user an option to print the work.But its the work is not done on the Rich Text Box but on picture boxes. I am not even sure, how many of the picture boxes would be there after the user finishes the job, since I have provided option for dynamically creating picture boxes as well.

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Combo Boxes And Arrays - Create For Random Numbers And Place Them Into For Different Text Boxes

Nov 3, 2010

So as the name states; I am a newer coder.

This is the code i have:

Public Sub RandomNumbers()
Dim s(4) As String
Dim RandomNumber As Byte

I don't know if you can tell what I am trying to do here, so I will try to explain. I what to create for random numbers and place them into for different text boxes. I also would like to do this with combo boxes and their selected indexes. So if the combo box has 10 items in it; the new selected index would be the random number generated above.

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Send Data From Text Boxes / Combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.

The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

I've already asked on other forums and people are where replying giving me third party programs that I could use to implement this, something I don't really want to do.

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Sending Data From Text Boxes/combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

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Forms :: Using Mouse Overs To View (make Visible) Text Boxes And Picture Boxes

Jul 5, 2011

Im trying to make a program that allows the user to view additional information via moving the cursor over the label to view (make visble) additional information, in the form of text boxes and/or picture boxes. How will i go about doing this?

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Move Info From Text Boxes On One Form To Binding Source Text Boxes On Another Form?

May 8, 2009

how to move info from text boxes on one form to binding source text boxes on another form. I am displaying array info in text boxes on one form and i need to add them to the database on another form. How do I do that?

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Combo Boxes Creating Settings?

Oct 10, 2009

In my program, I have recently found it necessary to include a settings window. Here, there are two "Combo Boxes" which the user can click on and decide what to select. For example, in FireFox, under Startup and "When Firefox starts: you have a selection. This is what I want integrated into my program. Also, when the preferences have been selected, they can click an "apply" button in which their input can be recorded into a settings file. At this point I do not know where to go. Another important thing you should know is that all of the input is based on "Yes/No (Boolean).

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Creating Serialized Picture Boxes

Dec 27, 2010

I'm building a simple game which involves many pictureboxes with which the player may collide. For instance, I'd have a hundred bricks spread throughout the level. In an old version of pacman I built in VB6 (and upgraded to .net), I implemented this like so: [Code]

As I understood, the brick(I) array exists thanks to the naming of the bricks, which ranges from _brick_0 to _brick_217 (as nowhere in the project a brick array is declared implicitly, at least not that I could find). I'd like to do the same in my current project, but even when I duplicate an existing brick it automatically renames it to "PictureBox123" instead of _ExistingName_NextID.

I saw a method of declaring a picturebox array and adding the bricks one by one, but since I have so many pictures this would best be avoided (especially due to the fact that not all pictures are bricks, so I cant just loop through every picture in the form). In short, my question is: How do I duplicate pictureboxes so that they'd be serialized in a way would interpret as a picturebox array? As you can see, i'm a really newbie to and wf in general, just started studying wf a couple days ago for my B.Sc and even that was accomplished with c#.

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Creating/Populating List Boxes At Runtime?

Oct 8, 2009

I am building a form that will eventually list a group of functions on the left. If you drag a function onto the form, it will create a listbox and a label at the loction you dropped it to. If you drag a function into a listbox, it will add that function as a listbox item. I have this working kind of. The problem is that once I create a new listbox, I am no longer able to add items to the previous ones. Here is my code:

Public Class Form1
Private MouseIsDown As Boolean = False
'rivate Functionlist As ListBox


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VS 2010 Creating Serialized Picture Boxes?

Dec 27, 2010

I'm building a simple game which involves many pictureboxes with which the player may collide. For instance, I'd have a hundred bricks spread throughout the level. In an old version of pacman I built in VB6 (and upgraded to .net), I implemented this like so:


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Creating Multi Level List Boxes In Access?

Oct 25, 2010

The first list box contains the project name. Based on whatever is selected in the Projects list box, the 2nd list box is generated with Custodian names associated with that project. I am having problems generating the 3rd list box. This holds the data sources associated with whatever is selected in the 2nd list box (Custodians)

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Creating Two Combo Boxes That Will Let The User Change The Font

Jan 26, 2010

what I'm trying to do in the title. I've got a rich text box and two combo boxes. I used a code snippet to show all the installed fonts in the first one and I implemented the use of an integer for the text size. I think that what I've done is correct but the application throws an Inner Exception whenever I try to change the font or the text size.


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Jquery - Creating Dynamic Boxes (divs) With Different Titles Returned By SP

Jan 3, 2012

Wish you all are doing fine at the start of a new year

I am a beginner developer. I am developing a website. I have few divs which made up dragable boxes enhanced by jquery portlets. see the codes below.(html).

<div class="portlet">
<div class="portlet-header"> Category A </div>
<div class="portlet-content">


I also have a stored procedure from the database developer that return the list of categories. Depending on the user selection, the list of categories can vary.
So i have to dynamically create those Boxes. Each categories returned by the SP should replace Category A, Category B, and so on. As i can't know the number of categories returned by the SP i just hard coded those divs. My question is simply how ? How can i achieve this?

I have to be using in VS 2010. The database is in SQL server 2008.

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Reading A Specific Line From A Text File And Displaying It In Individual Text Boxes?

Feb 16, 2010

I've been writing a weight program for flooded pressure vessels and I'm having trouble retrieving the data from the text files I've been saving. I know how to write the data to the text file, but retrieving it with OpenFileDialog is not so easy for me.The user has individual text boxes that they input strings or numbers into and when they save the file, each text box input is written to one line in the text file. For example, the first text box is for the username, therefore the first line of text that is saved is the person's name, the second text box is the customer, thus the second line in the text file is the customer name, and so on.

(Actually, the first line of text in the saved file designates whether English units were used or Metric units because when the user retrieves the saved file, English units will open one form and Metric units will open a separate form, so some If...Then statement will need to occur).I need to be able to read the first line, have either my "EnglishForm"form open or my "MetricForm" form open, and then have each subsequent line of text be displayed in their corresponding text boxes. I know I need to use ReadLine or LineInput, but I don't have a clue what to do.Assuming the syntax I've displayed below would just magically work (if only life were that easy), it would look something like this

If FirstLineOfTextInFile = "English" Then
ElseIf FirstLineOfTextInFile = "Metric" Then[code]....

And so on...I read a lot of articles from the MSDN library and exhausted each link that I've looked through from Google and Bing, but most only retrieve data from the file to a single text box through some loop or streamreader and don't take into account multiple forms.

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Forms :: Generate Text Boxes Programmatically Using Generated Text Box Names

Jun 22, 2011

i am trying to automatically generate multiple text boxes on a form with the following code

Private Sub CreateTB(ByVal x As Integer)
Dim y As Integer = 1
Do Until y = x


i need it to generate as many text boxes as the variable x states, so i used the do until loop thing. But i am stuck when it comes to naming the text boxes because obviously all the text boxes cannot share the same name. so i would like to know how to programmatically name each textbox uniquely.

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Forms :: Reading File, Split Text And Write To Text Boxes

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to read a text file that contains info like this:

ACX-101-011 , J2168
BTXR-130A-013, D6733
AJ4-233-614, T8211

I want to split each line at the comma and write the left side to a textbox and the the right side to another textbox. I'm close, with the code below, but I can only post results from the first line in the file. How do I loop this and append the text results in each of the textboxes.

Dim TempFile As String
TempFile = "temp.txt"
Dim sw As StreamWriter


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VS 2008 - Saving To Text File Using Multiple Text Boxes And Labels

May 27, 2009

how to permanently save to text files then re-open all of the information again using SFD and OFD. Now my teacher has come back at me and said that i need to be able to save the information from multiple text boxes and have the text in certain labels to also be saved into the one text file (the labels need to be done because it is a database and these labels are like the fields and the right text box needs to match the right label)

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Visual Basic 2008 Tutorial - Save And Load Text From Multiple Text Boxes

Aug 16, 2011

So i watched this video here. [URL]

And i want to do this for like 40+ text boxes, how can i do it?

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Clear Combo Boxes With Button?

Mar 20, 2010

I need to know how to clear what is currently in the combo box with a 'Clear' button. Basically, I have a combo box with a list of destinations for the user to choose from. Say the user selects Australia, when I click a clear button, I need this selection to disappear, and be ready for the next user to select a destination.

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Make A Small Database Out Of Text Boxes And Text Files?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a small database out of text boxes and text files, something where sql would be overkill, not to mention beyond my experience. I want to be able to write the contents of the text boxes to a file.txt (the easy part) then being able to retrieve them back out into individual text boxes. How would I pull this one off?

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Read Information From Text File And Put It In Text Boxes On A Form

Jan 2, 2010

I have a text file containing 10 pieces of information. I want to read the information from the text file and put it in text boxes on a form, so that the user can view the information and edit if required. What is the best way of approaching this?

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