Cursor To Appear In Textbox At Start Of Program?

Nov 5, 2009

I need the cursor to appear in my text box when the program is started so you don't have to click on the box to start the input. I have been trying tons of different things, including the .focus() command and "selstart" and no matter where I put them, they don't put the cursor there when the program is started. So I guess my question is what code do I use and where do I put it so that the cursor starts in the textbox for input.

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Cursor Moves To The Start Of The Textbox?

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to insert a character at the end of a textbox string. The character gets inserted ok but the cursor moves to the beginning at the text. Is there someting I am doing to cause this.

Sub insert_french_char(ByVal
_char As


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VS 2010 - Masked Textbox Cursor Start Position

Dec 23, 2011

I have created a maskedtextbox to do a simmple validation >L99999. My problem is when the user clicks on the empty box the cursor stays where they clicked it, not at the beginning of the box as it would with a normal textbox. I have found some suggestions but these all seem to affect the way the cursor moves within the box rather than just changing the start position. As far as the end user is concerned the box should behave just as any other textbox but with validation.

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Program To Position The Cursor At The Start Of The Text?

Nov 30, 2011

Using VB 2010 Express

My program writes text to a multiline textbox. After the input is finished, the cursor is at the end of the text. I want the program to position the cursor at the start of the text so that I can see it.

MSDN suggests:-
tbPositionCursor.Select(0, 0)

I believe the cursor is now repositioned, but I cannot see the start of the text. How do I scroll back automatically, refresh or whatever so that I can see the start of the text?

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VS 2008 THe JuMpIN CuRsOr - Make Cursor To Jump To The Next Textbox After Type The Digit

Jan 14, 2010

how can i make my cursor to jump to the next textbox after i type the digit

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How To Set Vs2010 When Program Start Do Not Selected Textbox

Oct 9, 2010

how to set the vs2010 when the program start do not selected the textbox?

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How To Put XMLTextReader Cursor Back To Start

May 9, 2012

I've got a function api_request which takes API method as an argument, and returns XMLTextReader.
Shared Function api_request(method As String) As XmlTextReader
request_text = method & ".xml"
url = "[URL]" & request_text & "&access_token=" & token
Return New XmlTextReader(url)
End Function

I call this function from different places to make request to site API and depending on the method results are parsed very differently. So in each method I have something like this:
Dim s As Xml.XmlReader = api_request("users.get")
While s.Read
If s.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then
If s.Name = "user" Then
[Code] .....

As you may see, I have the code ElseIf s.Name = "error" Then error_handler(s, "user.get"). This is because when error happens, server always returns something like this:
<error_msg>Incorrect signature</error_msg>

This is parsed in error_handler Sub, and depending on the error following actions are chosen. This code works, but I have to check if I encounter error like that ElseIf s.Name = "error" every time, though all the methods call the api_request function. Is it possible to check for error in api_request function before returning the Reader? The problem is if I start reading xml there, and there isn't an error, I can't anyhow position the Reader to the start.

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VS 2005 Trace If The Cursor Is In The Selection.start?

Dec 12, 2011

RichTextBox1.SelectionBullet = True
RichTextBox1.SelectionIndent = 10

using the above for numbering in richtextbox, how I can trace if the cursor is in the selection.start which is in the place where numbering is there...

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Maze Game - Send Cursor Back To Start When Button Releases

Jun 15, 2011

I am making a maze game like the one shown in the how to, I recently discovered that if you hold the right mouse button a you can go through the wall. Is there a way to make the mouse lock and not move when the user trys to hold the button down
When the user releases the button it resets. Like in the web browser with
If e.KeyCode =
e.SuppressKeyPress =
But with the mouse button when it releases send the cursor back to start.

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When A Button Is Clicked It Will Make The Program Start On Start-up

Mar 29, 2009

How can I make it so when a button is clicked it will make the program start on start-up but only if the checkbox is checked?

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How To Automatically Start My Program At Start-Up As Administrator

Jun 2, 2011

I know that to start a program at startup, we should add this subkey

"C:Program Files<myprogram's path><nameoftheprog>.exe"

But the problem is when my program has to delete a certain file in C:/ at startup, it just can't because it's not ran as administrator!

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Make Program Start At Windows Start Up?

Jun 12, 2010

I have a application and want it to start at Windows start up only if the user checks checkbox1 the procedures on how to do this and the code

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Start The Program At Position Which Start Minimized?

Feb 11, 2010

While i Minimized the program and clossing the program , next times i start the program, it also minimized. how can i prevent this problem happen!! And i want to start the program at position which start minimized. how can i do it!!!

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Keep Cursor Out Of Textbox?

Aug 28, 2010

how to keep the cursor out of a Textbox? The Textbox is read only and no tabstop. Still when i run the app, if you click on the Textbox the cursor is there and i dont want it.

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Textbox With No Cursor?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a string that will be of varying lengths. I want to display this string in a textbox so scroll bars will appear if the string is larger than the size of the text box. This info is read only - I don't want to give the user any input with it.I still see a cursor and my string highlighted even with the ReadOnly set to true.Is there any way to disable the cursor altogether in a textbox so nothing is highlighted?Maybe I'm not using the best control for this, but I don't want to use a label.I generate this textbox at run time, if that matters at all.

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Which TextBox Is The Cursor In

Sep 3, 2011

I have a form which uses many TextBox's. TextBox1 through TextBox3 are already working the way I need them to. The other 123 I am having a small issue with. Basically, I need to detect which TextBox (4-85) the cursor is in, since a change in that box will modify some or many of the other boxes.

If I use something like TextBox4.Text.Changed, I will get caught in a massive loop, since a change in TextBox4 will alter the contents of TextBox36 and TextBox44. A Change in TextBox36 will alter TextBox4,5,6,7 and 44, and a change in TextBox44 will alter TextBox4-43.

The second set of TextBox's (45-85) act the same way. The last group of TextBoxes (86-126) are calculations based on the other 2 sets and are not user adjustable.

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Detect When The Cursor Is In And Out Of A Textbox

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to Visual Basic and i am using VS 2008. I have a form with multiple (7) text boxes. What i would like to accomplish is basically, when i click on textbox 1 a predefined message would load to label1 and when i click on textbox2 label1 would now displays a different pre-defined message and etc... I've tried using the "focus" parameter of the textbox but it doesn't work. So i am thinking of using the cursor as a way to solve my problem but i don't know how to work with it. I found a very similar thread titled " Detect when the cursor is in a textbox/typing in webbrowser?" on this forum but i don't think it applies to my situation.

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Get Cursor Inside A Textbox?

Jul 27, 2010

How can I set the Curor to be inside a TextBox as soon as it is created or relocated?

I dont want the user to have to click the TextBox to get the Cursor inside, the Cursor must allready be inside the TextBox ready to reseve text from the user.[url]...

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How To Set Cursor Position In Textbox

Jan 31, 2008

In my application which is written on,i search for a word by typing the same in textbox here i have doubt to focus the cursor in the text box.. if i press first letter, say 'a', in textbox that will automatically search what are the words start with 'a'but after searching, cursor is not focussed in the textbox and to type another letter, say 'b', i need to bring my mouse pointer over the textbox and click so that i can type another can i keep my cursor focussed in the textbox unless i click somewhere else.

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Add A Text In The Cursor Position In A Textbox?

Oct 6, 2010

i need to add an text at the end of the cursor position in vb .net .i tried

TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Insert(TextBox1.SelectionStart, "<br>")

it works but the cursor position sets to starting position

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Can't Type In A Textbox That Shows Cursor

Jan 15, 2010

I am having some bizarre issues with getting focus on the child objects of some user controls that I am developing.The base control, DatePanel, consist of three radio buttons, a textbox, a combobox, and a datetimepicker.Depending on which radio button is selected depends on which of the other controls are visible.The default state of the control has the textbox and combobox visible.When I test the control in the VS test container, I click in the textbox, the cursor appears but I cannot type, if I click in the textbox again then I can type.I have tested enough to figure out that if I click on any other control and then click on the textbox I can type.I have tried adding a gotfocus event for the user control to both Focus and Select the textbox and neither does anything.This user control is on several other user controls that are in development because I didn't catch the behave at the beginning.To make things a little stranger in one of the other controls, I found that if I set the tabindex of DatePanel A to 0 then I was able to type in the textbox after selecting it the first time, however if instead I click in the textbox of DatePanel B the cursor appears in that textbox but when I type the text appears in the textbox in DatePanel.

In terms of code on the DatePanel there are 6 properties and 3 events.The 6 properties return values of the fields on the DatePanel and the three events are for watching the state of the radio buttons.Other than that I did try adding the GotFocus event to no avail.I can provide any code that is needed but between myself and my colleagues we couldn't see anything that would have any influence over the control focus.

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Cursor In Textbox Freezes On Pressing F10?

Jan 12, 2009

I am checking if one of the function keys is pressed in the KeyDown event of a TextBox using the following
If e.KeyCode >= Keys.F1 And e.KeyCode <= Keys.F12 Then
'do something here
End If
This works fine, except when I press F10 the cursor in the textbox freezes (ie. stops blinking) & doesn't free up until another key is pressed. Does Windows use this key for some other functionality that causes this behavior?

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Cursor On TextBox And Focus On Button?

Apr 28, 2009

if I click on the SearchSearch Textbox, I want the highlight to be on the Search Button and not on save without using AcceptButton or any TabIndexing so if whenever i press ENTER and the 'I' cursor is on the SearchSearch Textbox, the search button will be triggered.

function getFocus(textboxName,e) {


before i made the Search button on focus whenrver i click on the Search textbox. so what happens is everytime i click on the textbox it instantly focuses on the Search button making me unable to type anything. I tried also making a Panel for the Search textbox and button having a DefaultButton but it doesnt highlights the Search Button

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Cursor Won't Jump To Next Textbox When Tab Pressed?

Mar 28, 2011

i am here with another problem also relating with tab .now i had 15 textboxes in my form ,when i press tab on form it simply jumps from 1st textbox to 9th textbox .

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Finding Cursor Location In A Textbox?

Sep 10, 2009

How do you find the location of the little blinking cursor where the user can type, column and row? I couldn't find this anywhere.

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Hide The Blinking Cursor In Textbox?

Jun 15, 2009

how to hide the blinking cursor in textbox? after i do this: txtbox.text="X" i want the cursor to be hide

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IDE :: Put The Cursor In A Textbox When Load A Form?

Jun 19, 2009

Put the cursor in a Textbox when I load a formla

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Put The Cursor In The First Textbox After Clearing All The Texboxes?

Apr 16, 2010

i hv a "clear" btn on my form. so as soon as i click-->clear, data in all the texboxes(30 in no.) should be cleared + THE CURSOR SHOULD BE IN THE FIRST TEXTBOX. iam done with clearing the texboxes but UNABLE TO PUT THE CURSOR IN THE FIRST TEXTBOX. how can i put the cursor in the first textbox after clearing all the texboxes?

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TextBox Or RichTextBox Cursor Position?

Nov 26, 2010

I Would like to position the cursor in a text box using X,Y coordinates with X being the line number and Y being the column number. Is there any way to determine the line and column numbers of a textbox that is full of text. Using the .selectionstart paramenter only lets you position the cursor a certain distance from the beginning of text but there is no line information that I know of. By the way, I not an expert at VB so bear with me if these questions seem kind of basic.

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TextBox To Follow Mouse Cursor?

Dec 19, 2011

how can I make a TextBox follow the mouse cursor on a simple form?

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