DB/Reporting :: How To Use Update And Also ADOX Use

Sep 14, 2009

I am very new to VB.net express and I am getting confused as to what does what. I have to work with DBF files (clipper/ Dbase iii or iv) I have code to create a new DBF file with a reference to ADOX. The code example seems to work. I can open and display a dbf file (from a clipper application) using an oledb.connection This allows me to fill a dataset and bind to and display a grid view. I have yet to succeed in updating the source dbf file.

Does ADOX do anything for me beyond creating a new DBF file?The DBF file is unsorted and not otherwise indexed. For the data massaging and manipulation I may use a temporary sort but the data relations do not need that and the tables are not related.That being said, it appears that the data wizards or command builder will be of little use.


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Creating DB With ADOX?

Jul 25, 2009

I'm trying to create a DB using ADOX and it works just fine, problem is ADOX.Catalog.Append(Table), throws an exception: "Parameter is incorrect" I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Express edition here is my code,this is where I set the fields I want to be added, the DatabaseField type is a structure I've created to make it easier for me to add fields to the DB

' Define the field list
Dim Fields As New List(Of DatabaseField)
Dim Field As DatabaseField


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Append A Table With ADOX In .NET

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to append a table to database using ADOX in .NET (as you probably surmised from the topic title) I get the following error:

Create Database Failure: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040E3D): Type is invalid.

It says the Type is Invalid on the line where I try to append the objTable to the Catalog

And here is the code I am using:


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Use ADOX With MS Access Database?

Sep 4, 2009

How do i use ADOX w/ MS Access database? for connecting to Access , querying the database, adding,deleting,updating,etc.. are there any sample code for all these?

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Using ADOX To Remove AutoIncrement From A Column?

Nov 28, 2011

I have an Access 2007 database with a column defined as AutoIncrement. I need to remove the definition while I programitically load data into the database and then re-add it when I'm done. I've unsuccessfully tried the following code, but get an error: "Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0CC1" I'm using the following code to try to remove the attribute:

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim objTable As New ADOX.Table()
Dim objField As New ADOX.Column


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.net - ADOX Leaving File Handles Open?

Apr 27, 2011

I am experiencing a strange issue with a VB6 -> VB.Net conversion. There is a function that uses ADOX to look through the tables in a given database, and reset the seed values of any columns in said tables with the auto increment property set to true.I tracked the issue down to a call of "col.Properties("Autoincrement").Value". If this line of code is commented out, then the file handle properly terminates when I close both the ADO and the ADOX connections at the end of the function. If I leave that line in, the handle stays open despite the closing calls and forcing garbage collection.Here's how I am closing the objects:

Dim connection As ADODB.Connection = cat.ActiveConnection
If Not connection Is Nothing Then


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DB/Reporting :: Why Can Not Update A Dataset

May 12, 2010

Today i have been checking out the concept of datasets and i like the way they work except for a minor issue i have with it.The following code should get a databasetable and put it in a dataset and return that set to the user.[code]I submit the table name and it will select it, read it and fill the dataset with it, then return it. And it does exactly that once.If i try to re-read the same datatable it just returns the exact same dataset as the first time yet i am 100000% sure that i changed it .

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C# Syntax - Create A New MS Access Database Table Using ADOX

Oct 22, 2009

I want to create a new MS Access database table using ADOX. On this page, is code in VB.NET, but obviously it's not working in C# (when I want to "convert" the code). I'll be grateful if someone converts it correctly.

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DB/Reporting - Update Database From Dataset

May 23, 2009

i'm using vb 2008 express editor, and 3.5 compact sql, through my program, i make changes, like altering rows, deleting or adding new rows, to a dataset. i want, that when button 1 is pressed, all changes made to that dataset, are updated to my database. what is the line of code that does this? [Code]

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DB/Reporting :: Access Update Error?

Oct 29, 2009

Well here I am again, could really use some expert eyes on this. I've got an update statement for access 2007 and when I run it it's giving me a "No value given for one or more required parameters." error. I've spent at least 2 hours on this now and searched all over the place and none of the suggestions I found are fixing it. I've got an insert statement to the same table that works fine, I took this same syntax for the update statement from another project where it was working perfectly. I've verified the spelling of the table and column names, As best as I can tell there are no reserved keywords being used and I've eliminated any spacing from the names. I've even tried updating a single row with no variables, just like for like data directly from the table and it still throws the error.

Dim DAEdit As New OleDbDataAdapter
Dim update As New OleDbCommand("UPDATE ActiveContracts " & _


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DB/Reporting :: Cant Update If Filter Datagridview

Apr 18, 2008

My problem is once I filter my datagridview I cant seem to be able to update the database. The error I get is Concurrency violation: the Update Command affected 0 of the expected 1 records. Why is it that I cant update after i filter????

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Select Row And Update Recordset?

May 1, 2008

I am trying to use sql to select a row and then find the minimum and maximum values in the row, do some preprocessing, update the recordset using in visual basic 6.0, and then go ahead select the second row, find the minimum and maximum values again.. and go on, until the last row.

The problem is I am having difficulties using sql select for a ROWS.. I am aware how to do this for COLUMNS.. if I want to extract the first row from a recordset, find the min max values, and then, extract the second row and so on.. how will it be possible? (discouraged to use VBA, since i am limited to VB only)..

Here is an example of my recordset:


This example only lists two rows currently. I want to extract the minimum and maximum values from each row at a time, and then the second row. The reason for extracting minimum and maximum values is because I want to normalize my data in the range from 0 to 1.

Logic: After I find the min and maximum values for each row, I will use the recordset back, read the same row, and update every columns entry with my normalized data value... then proceed to the next row and do the same for every row in my database.

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DB/Reporting :: Update 8 Tables In A Transaction?

Apr 25, 2011

I have an application which upon a save button needs to save data to 8 different tables. 7 of those tables will have multiple new records added to them, while 1 will have just one new record. I want to encapsulate this giant Insert operation in a Transaction so that it will not complete unless I can save successfully to all tables.I have considered using Insert commands to a command statement, but adding what amounts to like 50 parameters, and the fact that using a parameterized query means it becomes very difficult to troubleshoot problems such as invalid values in the SQL statement (since I cannot figure out what the statement looks like with values in it

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DB/Reporting :: Update A MS Access Database?

May 30, 2009

I'm trying to update an MS Access database, but that doesn't seem to work. I do NOT get an error, but nothing changes in the database.

Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand = Nothing
Dim strUpdate As String
strUpdate = "Update Settings Set Data = @Data Where Name = @Name"


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DB/Reporting :: Update Database From DataGridView?

Aug 27, 2009

I�m trying to make a simple database editor using DataGridView.I have one DataGridView containing a lot of data on products and some parameters on how they should be tested. Some of these parameters, for example "Test method", is just a number. But if I look in the table for Test Methods that number has lots of other parameters. So if I select a "Test Method" Cell and click a button that table opens in a new form with just that "Test Method" (if I for example have selected a cell with the number 1, Test Method 1 will be shown in the new form). So far everything I�ve said works. I can even change values and update it to database in the first "Products" table. So here is the problem The DataGridView that shows the products is bound to a table and always shows the same thing which makes it easy to change and update using the following code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Me.TestPlattformDataSet.AcceptChanges() End Sub

This will change later when I add a search function. Then this will need the same modification aswell. The DataGridView thats shows the other parameters can�t be updated using just this code cause I get an error that says

"InvalidOperationException" "Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."

It seems like the problem is that because I change the data under run its not really bound to the database. And I haven�t found any complete solution to this. I have found some similiar problems and it seems I need to update each row using the command


Here follows the entire code for showing the Parameter Table in a DataGridView. This does not work.

Public Class Form3
'ID is the value from the cell selected in the Products table
Dim ID As Integer


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DB/Reporting :: Update GridView On BindingNavigator Next?

Nov 11, 2008

Visual Studio 2008Visual Basic / .NET Framework 3.5I am developing an application to access data from multiple tables.Example Tables:- BaseInfo - Terms - OtherPeripher

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DB / Reporting :: Syntax Error In UPDATE Statement.

Oct 5, 2010

I try to update my data into Access using VB but I got the following error "Syntax error in UPDATE statement." [code]

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DB/Reporting :: How To Create/update Tables Programmatically

Nov 10, 2008

A suite of apps will be using various tables out of the same sql server database.Regardless of which app is being used, the database structure must stay current. (ie:contain all the tables/fields to run any/all of the apps)So, when the user starts any of the apps, it needs to check the database, for the existence of all the tables and fields it needs, then update if necessary.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert And Update From A Table In MSAccess

May 29, 2009

I'm trying to insert and update from a table in MSAccess I've declared everything: Connection, DataAdapter and Commands.I didn't use the Command Builder instead I supplied my own Queries.My problem is if I add three rows to my table all the three rows in my database have the same values from the first row. It seems like the parameters are stuck on the values from the first row. [code] I'm using a DataTable with my DataAdapter since I'm dealing with a single table.I'm filling the table with a parametrized query, and updating it with the same dataadapter.I'm adding rows to my datatable and manipulating the table through code. I know that my data is there and every row has it's own values, I can see them when I debug my program.

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DB/Reporting :: Syntax Error In UPDATE Statement

Sep 17, 2009

I build a command.text that looks like this.

UPDATE a_list Set NOTE = 'This is text in a memo type field.' where index = 2;

I get the error --- Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

The provider is jet and the table is in an ACCESS MDB. I get the same thing on a DBF file.

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DB/Reporting :: Update A Database When I Click In A Button?

Mar 31, 2008

I am using visual studio 2002,and microsoft access,and i am trying to update a database when i click in a button, depending of what i enter in 2 textboxes.the code goes like this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cmdUpdate As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Update Shippers set CompanyName=Textbox1.Text where ShipperID=Textbox2.Text", cnn)
End Sub

I'm doing it this way, but it does not work.,

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DB/Reporting :: Update Database - Syntax Error ?

Nov 22, 2010

So im writing a program, basic enough, to allow a tutor to enter student marks into a database and edit them and navigate etc...on my form that displays my database information, when i click on the update button im getting a syntax error. "Syntax error in UPDATE statement." Code below :

Public Class frmDatabase

Dim iResponse As Double

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection


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DB/Reporting :: Update Database After Fill From Excel

Jul 6, 2009

I've been searching the net for a week now but I can't find the answer I'm looking for.


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DB/Reporting :: Update Database With Data In Dataadapter

Dec 12, 2008

i am trying to update database with updated data in data adapter. here is error message. "Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows." here is my code.i get this error when i try to update dataadapter with following line.


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DB/Reporting :: Update Error: No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters

Feb 24, 2008

I'm getting this error, Update error: No value given for one or more required parameters, which seems to indicate a variable is not making it to Access or is empty. My procedure is meant to update a product record in the database.

Private Sub btnChange_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChange.Click
Dim cmdOrderEntry As OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim strSQL As String


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DB/Reporting :: VB 2005: Actual Database Will Not Update

Dec 19, 2008

I have recently wanted to start work on an application that uses an MS-ACCESS database. The problem is that no matter what I do, the actual database will not retain any records added. I have followed the Microsoft examples to the letter and it does not work. As long as I have my app running I can add, edit and delete the records. As soon as I close it and run it again, all the records are gone. The mdb is not read only, I've checked it. I also decided to try the my video collection example program that is included with VB 2005 and it will not retain any records either. Is there any code I need to add to get this to work or is my copy of VB 2005 broken? This is extremely frustration because I plunked down a lot of money for Visual Studio 2005 Professional. This is a key feature and it should work. Microsoft had me do a reinstall and apply a couple of patches and it still did the same thing. They told me either I am not coding it right or my system is flaking out. I did a fresh install of Windows (I even formatted the drive before installing), and reinstalled VS yet again and even with that being the only program on there, it still will not work. So I installed all my programs again, restored my backups and now a day and a half later I am writing this.

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DB/Reporting :: Update The Count Of A Field In A Table Via Subquery

May 24, 2008

I wrote some code to update the count of a field in a table, but it is very slow. So I'm trying to do it in a subquery to speed things up, but I'm not very good with subqueries. I'm getting the error "Subquery returned more than 1 value".


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Retrieving The Com Class Factory For Component With Clsid Failed Error: 80040154 ADOX/?

Dec 18, 2009

I have a line of code that is producing the error: Retrieving the com class factory for component with clsid failed error: 80040154 ADOX The line of code is:

ADOXTable As New ADOX.Table

This error only occurs on one computer.

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DB/Reporting :: Automatically Generate Update/insert/delete Commands

May 18, 2010

I followed an example from a VB 2008 Wrox book on creating, binding and updating a data set but I am having a problem. The code is supposed to automatically generate the update/insert/delete statements for me (according to the book) but when I call the update command, the data is not saved.

Here is my code

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class FrmAddExpenses


After the form is loaded, I change the EntryDate field (which is a DateTimePicker) and close the form which should save the change but it doesn't work.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Update A Money Data Type Field Using Vb 2005

Aug 18, 2009

I am linking to an SQL table with 'Money' field. When i try to update this field in VB.NET I get an error message that "Can not convert a character value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax".


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