DB/Reporting :: .rdlc Report With A Dynamic Image Inserted Question?

Jul 6, 2009

directly here is the issue:a "OpenFileDialog" on a windows form is made to choose a picture and then insert it into a rdlc report under VB.net 2008 so i need the exact command to access any picturebox in the rdlc report.

i used to do the job under VB6 as the following:Set ReportName.Sections("SectionName").Controls("Image2").Picture = LoadPicture(fileName)

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VS 2010 Dynamic Rdlc Report?

Jun 30, 2011

I've been googling around to find a way to dynamically assign a DataSet to an rdlc report but i was unable to find a clear method to do it.Does anyone know if there is a way? I end up trying to use this method because i also found no way of adding parameters to the rdlc report. The VS documentation is vague on this issue..

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DB/Reporting :: View An Rdlc Report By Pressing A Button In Runtime?

Apr 29, 2007

How do I view an rdlc report by pressing a button in runtime?The report is called summaryReport but I can't seem to find the code to actually run it.I was trying to do something like summaryReport.Show(), but by typing summaryReport doesn't even show any related events or methods, like the control didn't even exist.

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DB/Reporting :: Dynamic Crystal Report Including Parameter Value

Jan 16, 2009

This for a semi-automated application. Basically the user provides a list of parameters (entered as an offline spreadsheet). The application automatically selects the required report and logon information. Each line in the given spreadsheet will be used as parameter values for a certain report.Therefore the requirements for this (vb.net) applicaton include:

- dynamically select a different Crystal reports

- each report may read data from different tables from an Oracle database.

An old application of mine that had done something similar and it works normally. Those Crystal reports retrieve data from a SQL server stored procedure. (The stored procedure reads data from Oracle using linked server concept). I do not have to set the logon information dynamically in the vb.net code because every report uses Trusted Windows logon concept. The application can also pass dynamic values to different Crystal report parameters without problems.Then I modify this old application for the required new set of Crystal reports. Because these reports access Oracle database via ODBC and not every report reads from the same Oracle schema, it appears I have to write codes to pass ODBC Dataset and its logon information (the users do not want enter it everytime). The application does not run after the change. The report printout shows blank. Although I can accomplish what is needed by modifying each report to use Stored procedure. But this is not prefered and not a simple task because of the number of reports.I have tested each report and it does run normally in interactive mode.I am not sure if I need to write codes to set the datasource for these 'new' Crystal reports. In my test codes I set the reportsource for my CrystalReportViewer object to an non-typed report. Is there anyone who can show me sample codes that

1) achieve odbc logon

2) select a report dynamically for preview/printing

3) pass values to parameter

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Dynamic Creation Of Rdlc Reports?

Dec 16, 2010

How can i add columns to rdlc report at runtime in windows based application using vb.net

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Add Columns Dynamically To Rdlc Report?

Nov 16, 2010

built rdlc report with report wizard, now i want to add columns dynamically to existing rdlc report instead of adding columns of drag them from the data source. i am using vb.net

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Custom Code For Rdlc Report?

Jun 14, 2010

In my report I want to display the dollar amoumt in textboxs.So I set the textbox property Format as currency.My question is that I want to reports show brackets for negative dollar values. It works out except "$" sign being showing whenever there''s an amount showing. I want to remove this "$" sign from the report.

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Password Required Fo Rdlc Report?

Oct 19, 2011

I created a report (rdlc) based on a dataset coming from an Oracle database table. I inserted a ReportViewer into a form and associated the report with the ReportViewer. This made VB to automatically create a binding source and a table adapter. The problem is when i run the report the application hangs (with no error). Later i discovered that it is because the Oracle user password which is required for the table adapter to retrieve the data. I found this because i tried to preview the data in the table adapter and the password was required.

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Refresh Data In Rdlc Report?

Aug 30, 2010

I create a small vb 2008 Windows Form application which pick data from SQL 2005 and display in rdlc report.

Report creation and initial data load is fine.. but when i do any change to data and when i pull the report again, it does not getting refresh and still shows the old data.

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Set Maxlength In The Textbox Of Rdlc Report

Jun 11, 2011

Do you know how to set maximum length of character in the textbox of rdlc report? I already dug all of its properties but I didn't see any.

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DB/Reporting :: Editing .rdlc XML With VB2005?

Feb 18, 2009

I am trying to edit a .rdlc report file before displaying it to the user. it will eventualy read from an MS Access database, but first im just trying to get it working. I have included the proper namespaces(i think!!), but when i try to change the innertext of a node, it gives me the folllowing error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I have google worn out trying to find the solution...i know its probably somthing realy simple in the code but, for the life of me, i cant fugure it out.Here is the xml and code ( i have compacted some of the XML to make it fit)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">


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How To Load A .rdlc Report File Into The Reportviewer

Jun 22, 2010

I am having trouble loading and displaying my .rdlc report file in my reportviewer. I've been all over the internet and nothing worked.I think it might be because i am using vb.net 2008.Also I am wondering if there is a click event in Microsoft Reports or in Crystal Reports where I can link certain data in my report to other files in my project, eg. form2.vb

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RDLC Report Files Edit By Client?

Jun 12, 2010

In these days I'm using VS 2008. Now i'm stuck with a problem. I'm using RDLC reporting files for the reports. But is there anyone who has a solution for the client editing reporting in 2008. The client wants to edit his own report. SO basicly I need a RDLC editing tool for the Client side.

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VS 2008 Sum Of Filtered Amount In .rdlc Report?

Mar 21, 2012

i filter report by bank code filter success bus sum of amounts is not accorting to filter values its total sum of all amounts in data base.i am using this formula in field.=Sum(Fields!tamount.Value, "ibnDataSet_info"i shows sum of amounts for whole data base i want to get sum of filtered amounts only

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Windows Form RDLC Report Parameter?

Mar 20, 2012

I am working on a Windows Application,Having trouble crating a RDLC Local report.

There are just 2 text boxes in the report, One is Employee Name & another one is address.

Everything is alright but I couldn't figure out how to pass RDLC Report variable & show its value in the Report text boxes or in the report .

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DB/Reporting :: Rdlc Background Color Expression?

Apr 15, 2008

just want to check whether i am doing this right,i am using visual studio 2008 and have inserted an expression in the backgroundcolor properties for one of the textbox in the table which is suppose to highlight the textbox accordingly. the expression is:-

=iif(fields!element1.value = "hello", "Red", "White")

but however, the expression did not seem to take any effect on the textbox and remain transparent.

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SQL Server Reporting Services VS Rdlc And The ReportViewer

Mar 28, 2012

We are planning on creating reports to be run on the same computer that the database application is running on. which of these is the best approach? (SQL Server Reporting Services or creating a rdlc ReportViewer report) Also I tried to locate detailed rdlc ReportViewer report tutorials both in books and online and found none. It's probably because I'm looking in the wrong places.

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.net - RDLC - Report : Repeat Table Multiple Times?

Apr 19, 2012

I am designing a rdlc report in vs2008 for windows application. I want to display the purchase and sales based on department. If i select one department it works fine but have no idea about how to display each department's purchase and sales data in different tables. I have used embedded resource to the report. Report is designed based on the DataTable(on dataset - xsd file) and which contains, ITEMS,Purchase,Sales and Net as Fields. I have attached an image with describes the format that i want to display.

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Adding A Rdlc Report To An Existing Excel File?

Jun 2, 2011

This may be a lengthy explaination, but I am hoping to make myself clear.I have an existing Excel file that is created using the following code:

Dim warnings() As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.Warning = Nothing
Dim streamids() As String = Nothing
Dim mimeType As String = Nothing


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Asp.net - RDLC Report Exporting To Pdf With Page Number In Footer

May 27, 2011

I am rendering an rdlc report to the client directly, tried adding the page number using the code below in the footer

=Globals.PageNumber & " of " & Globals.TotalPages

I am getting #Error when the report is rendered as pdf on the client. Need assitance to resolve the error.

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RDLC + Microsoft Report Viewver > Several CheckBox Lists

Mar 27, 2009

i would be glad if someone would give me sugerencies of what could be a good way to represent a Checkbox List on my report. Actually im using RDLC+Microsoft ReportViewer. the solution im evaluating at this moment its to just thread them as images just capturing the checkbox list Hdc and then exportingto the report but the bad thing its that users wont be able to select stuff there and also the .PDFs im planing to create gonna be kinda heavy.

i would emulate the checkbox list with labels, but its that this project has soooo many checkboxes that its not really a good idea to make it in that way.

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RDLC Render Report Messes Up Date Format

Feb 17, 2011

I have an error when converting a text string to date, I've tried all the date conversions I can think of and still get the same error (cdate, date.parse and Convert.ToDateTime) this happens after I export an RDLC report to a PDF. As you can see in the below code, there are 2 identical variables called newDate1 and newDate2, one being declared before the render and the other being declared after the render. The first one works no problem but the second one I get the error: Conversion from string "16/02/2011" to type 'date' is not valid. This now becomes a program wide error and affects every date conversion done in the program, this problem remains until the program is restarted.

In short: CDate converts MM/DD/YYYY no problem, but after a PDF export it tries to convert to DD/MM/YYYY which gives an error

Public Function ExportPDFReport(ByVal ReportPath As String) As String

Dim newDate1 As Date = CDate("16/02/2011")

Dim bytes As Byte() = uxReportViewerRDLC.LocalReport.Render("PDF")


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RDLC Report Viewer Control Is Blank At Runtime?

Feb 22, 2010

Can't get the report viewer to do anything at runtime.After watching the tutorial on MSDN, it seemed simple.But I can't reproduce it. The data configuration is straightforward and no errors occur. Dropped back to putting something static on the designer like lines, backcolor and textboxes. They disappear too. The runtime control is active, just blank

<a href="http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p195/stevedelegard/?action=view¤t=BlankViewer.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p195/stevedelegard/BlankViewer.jpg" border="0" alt="BlankViewer"></a>

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VS 2008 How To Load A Rdlc Report File Into The Reportviewer In Vb?

Feb 17, 2010

I am having trouble loading and displaying my .rdlc report file in my reportviewer. I've been all over the internet and nothing worked.I think it might be because i am using vb.net 2008.

Also I am wondering if there is a click event in Microsoft Reports or in Crystal Reports where I can link certain data in my report to other files in my project, eg. form2.vb

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VS 2010 Extra Blank Page On Rdlc Report

Oct 21, 2011

I have an rdlc report that always produces the last page in blank. In this page, the header and the footer are printed but no data is shown (all data finishes in the previous page). I already checked and re-checked the horizontal and vertical printable areas and all the report definitions fit into these areas (if not, a blank page will be produced in between each page, I guess). If the report has one page, two pages are printed, if there are ten pages with data, eleven pages are printed

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Local SSRS Report (.rdlc) With Object Data Source?

Apr 15, 2011

i created more projects using ReportViewer 2005 and 2008 in local processing mode than I can count on my hands. All Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 ASP.NET web forms projects. I always used some flavor of Object data source for the reports.Tonight, I attempted to add the same functionality to a Visual Studio 2010 MVC 2 project and am failing miserably. First, the Add New Item > Reporting > Report is now a 2008 RDLC and not a 2005 RDLC report. Secondly, when trying to add a DataSet, my usual method of create a data proxy class with static methods that return IEnumerables(Of Stuff) will not show up as sources in the DataSources drop down

Thirdly, my only option is to add a Database connection. There is no "Object Data Source" to pick from: Like I kind of alluded to, I have no problems whatsoever actually rendering a report using the ReportViewer control. What I can't do is figure out how set up a Data Source in these new-fangled 2008 reports with Visual Studio 2010 so that I can pump a list of domain objects into the ReportViewer and display the report.

UPDATE: With some more research, I've found that MVC projects do not allow object data sources to be used within them. One solution for my issue is to create a separate project in the solution -- a web application, a service, or even just a class library, to add the report to and design it accordingly.'m still looking for alternatives here, so don't run away too fast!

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Add Columns Dynamically To Rdlc Report Using Dataset In Windows Based?

Nov 15, 2010

Q:how can i add columns dynamically to rdlc report from dataset in windows based.

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C# - Create RDLC Report In Visual Studio 2010 With Group

Jun 11, 2012

I want to design RDLC report via visual studio 2010, it is big different with visual studio 2008. Please guide me create RDLC report in visual studio 2010. I have a Class table combine with table Student with 1...* relationship in database. I will fill this data into report which one each row of Class table is row group and multiple students below. Example: [URL]

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DB/Reporting :: Main.vb : Click A Button And Open Up Report1.rdlc

Jan 12, 2011

I am using visual studio 2008 vb language I create a sql table and i want to show it in a nice format. I use the report wizard and point everything to the sql table. i create a form with the extension rdlc (i think its crystal)from my main.vb i want to click a button and open up report1.rdlc how do i do that?

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DB/Reporting :: Check Whether Records Inserted?

Nov 20, 2008

i have a query as follow:

strSQL = "INSERT table_name (....) " & _
"SELECT fields_name FROM table_name2..." & _


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