Data Exchange Between 2 Applications In VB?

Aug 4, 2009

I have 2 applications which we can call for example Client/Server.

I would like to exchange data between these applications but basically don't know which is the best route.

I have managed to speak to both applications using text files, but there must be a better way of doing this.

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Extract Data From MS Exchange?

Aug 18, 2009

I need to convert a VB6 application into VB.Net Windows application. The program pulls data from MS Exchange (UserID, firstname, lastname, etc - not the emails themselves) and places it in a .txt file. The code has been converted, but the program does not work. When the application is run, the .txt file is created, but is blank and I get a pop-up that shows the following, "trying to access email in outlook do you want to allow this?". The popup box is gone in an instant and when I try to click on yes, it does nothing. I always have to end the program as it is non-responsive.

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Extracting Data From MS Exchange?

Mar 19, 2010

I need to convert a VB6 application into VB.Net Windows application. The program pulls data from MS Exchange (UserID, firstname, lastname, etc - not the emails themselves) and places it in a .txt file. The code has been converted, but the program does not work. When the application is run, the .txt file is created, but is blank and I get a pop-up that shows the following, "trying to access email in outlook do you want to allow this?". The popup box is gone in an instant and when I try to click on yes, it does nothing. I always have to end the program as it is non-responsive.

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Connect Different VB Applications To A Database Accessing Data From One Database By Different Applications?

Aug 15, 2011

how to connect different vb applications to a database accessing data from one database by different applications...

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Data Exchange For Parent / Child Processes?

Apr 23, 2010

I am writing an application in VB 2008 Express which will consist of a parent process which calls / runs / executes several child processes. I can happily start up a utility program from the parent process, passing parameters to it through Process.StartInfo.Arguments

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Extracting Data From Outlook Or Exchange Server?

Mar 26, 2012

I need to realize an app that read appointments from an exchange server or (I think it's easier) from various outlook folders.

I can retrieve datas from my own calendar using this

Dim objOLApp As Outlook.Application
objOLApp = New Outlook.Application
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace


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Global Variables For Data Exchange Between Forms

Sep 14, 2011

Is it a good practice using global variables in a VB (.NET) application in order to exchange data between forms? As global variable I mean a public variable defined in a module and not a public member or property of a class. Moreover as my personal rule I never access a global variable from a class, but I pass the values to the class via functions.


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Live Currency Exchange Rates Data

Nov 26, 2009

I have only just started on .Net (C#, VB) programming. Does anyone know how to retrieve live currency exchange rates data for example SGX stock market exchange rates. I am supposed to do a program which retrieves live currency exchange rates and then make use of the data on a currency converter.

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Server-Client Data Exchange Using MySQL (.Net)?

May 3, 2012

I developed a simple examination system with registration forms. I used VB.Net as the programming language. I haven't tried manual coding for my problem yet.Anyway this is a project for the company from which I am an intern. The plan is to get every client pc to have this examination/registration application and this application will send the personal info and the score to a central database(server pc).I used MySql as the dbms and developed the application on the same machine which means that the Database server I used is only on the local host.

Now I was about to try to implement the application to one client pc(as a beta test) and installed the necessary files(.net framework) and I also installed MySQL Server(and workbench) in the server pc.When I run the application in the client PC it didn't detect/connect to the ServerPC's MySQL server instance and therefore was not able to record the dummy values I input in the client application. Take note I changed the connection string of my app to point to the ip address of the serverPC.

Should I install the MySQL Server(and Workbench) to every ClientPC so that I can create a server instance that uses the REMOTE HOST option and configure it such that it will connect to the SERVERPC's Database?How should I setup the server so it gives access to the application I installed in all clientPCs?

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VS 2008 Data Exchange Beatween Forms

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to make an application, that gets data from OPC server to form1 and displays some pieces in form2. The app works that way: on start - form1 starts. Form2 must be started manually after form form1 is statrted (i mad a buttton for that). If some values in OPC server changes i need to see some of them in form2. Here is a sub which shows how do i get data from OPC server.[code]but nothing happened when i opened form2, nor on change of data in OPC server (i wrote the code that on form2 load all values are shown in msgbox, message box did not show up).

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[2008] How Can Two Independent .NET Application Can Exchange Data

Jan 28, 2009

I wanted to know how can two independent .NET application can exchange data. Something like DDE which was there in older versions.My purpose is to have an upgrade application (which is a seperate .net program) and my main application. Now I wanted to know that when my upgrade app runs it should be able to confirm that my main application is not running. How can I achieve this ? I know thru process name I can find out if my main program is running or not but thats risky if there is another program with the same name.Thus I wanted a way whereby my independant .net program (upgrade app) is able to determine if my another application (main app) is running or not.

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VS 2005 - Retrieving Live Currency Exchange Rates Data

Nov 26, 2009

I have only just started on .Net (C#, VB) programming. Does anyone know how to retrieve live currency exchange rates data for example SGX stock market exchange rates. I am supposed to do a program which retrieves live currency exchange rates and then make use of the data on a currency converter.

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Controlling Outside Applications - Resize Multiple Applications And Send Keystrokes To Each One

Sep 12, 2011

I am working on a project that is used for key broadcasting. Don't worry nothing illegal, I'm making a multibox application for world of warcraft. However I am having trouble when it comes to launching and manipulating other applications from another.


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Data Interchange Between Two Independent Applications

Feb 19, 2009

Which is the best way (fast and robust) that .net framework (3.0/3.5) provide for interchange information (for example: dataset packages) between two independent applications?

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Inserting Of Data Through The Window Applications?

Oct 1, 2009

I am doing a project on inserting of data through window applications. I am using the MS Access 2003 for the database. I have this form1 and in this form1, it consists of 6 textbox which is custName,Address,position,companyName,Email,Telephone and 1 combobox which consists of the lists of industry.My problem is that I want to insert the data when running this application.

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Notify Applications Of Data Change?

May 7, 2010

I have below codes on how to notify forms of data change.

If I were to convert it to exe, how do i then notify the multiple instances of this application of a data change?

Public Class Form1
' use the WithEvents keyword in that the events of frm2 can be handled using the Handles keyword


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Pass Data Between Two Winform Applications?

Feb 14, 2011

I have two VB projects in one VS2010 solution. The first program brings in about 60 integers every few seconds from my PC's serial port. The second program, published via Click-Once and running on my customer's PC, needs to see that new data every two to five seconds.

Is there a simple and reliable way to accomplish this, staying with VB? WCF is way over my head.

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Share Data Between Two Winform Applications?

Feb 14, 2011

I have two VB projects in one VS2010 solution. The first program brings in about 60 integers every few seconds from my PC's serial port. The second program, published via Click-Once and running on my customer's PC, needs to see that new data every two to five seconds.

Is there a simple and reliable way to accomplish this, staying with VB?

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Share DDL's Shared Data Between 2 Applications?

Jun 25, 2011

I would like to know if it was possible to share data between several assemblies using the same DLL.

I'm not looking for a workaround using memory or disk files of some kind of pipes to do the job I just want to know if and how:

1 - I can run an App. referring to a DLL which contains a given shared data structure.

2 - Run another App. referring to the same DLL that will use the already loaded DLL and data instead of creating a new base instance.

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Share Static Data Between Applications?

Sep 16, 2011

I want to build a main application that make the autentication process and store the loged user... Then use X and Y applications to ask the current user and depends of the user will have full access partial or none access to the app. In future a Z application could be created and will ask for the current user also. XYZ apps are lauched from Main app, when Main app is closed the others are closed and User ID data is cleared. Of course the main app will handle the log on/log off process.

- Store User ID in a Database is toooooo much for just do this

- Save the User ID in a local file like XML is a security problem

I tried to do a WCF Service but i think its not possible to send data and store in it.The other point is who to handle the instantation issue... each program will access to the same static data not create independent.

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Making Applications That Retrieve Data From Sql Databases

Jun 9, 2011

I have started making applications that retrieve data from sql databases.

I write the database with Sql management studio then apply that database to my applicaton.

My question is, how can I make my applications more secure against hackers. Some applications store user names and passwords and personal information / finantial information and so on.

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Share Data Tables For All Applications (only One Instance)?

Feb 25, 2012

I have 5 websites running on same server and I have some sql tables that I access frequently. that was time consuming and by defining them shared I pumped them in memory. So my application is accessing those static data tables from memory quite efficiently.
But I realized I did a mistake and I occupied my memory unnecessarily while I keep same tables 5 times for each web application. Now I need to find the best way to share that table only 1 time. my options are;

1) using a local database - sql CE. my original sql database is on other server. so it makes the access slower but I can add a sql CE database(to be honest I never used it and dont know if it gives me anything) to access only these tables while they have static rows.

2) I read over forums that making a WCF using tcp binding. not sure if it will give me any advantage.

3) windows service: is it faster than wcf? programming is defiantly faster as i have experience with winservice but nor sure about performance.

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Database - How Data Sources Are Linked In Compiled .NET Applications

Jun 18, 2009

When I try adding a new data source to my project I get a prompt saying "The connection you selected uses a local data file that is not part of the current project. Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection?"This sounds rather obscure to me, as I'm new to VB.NET and programming non-script apps in general. The data source in this case is a .sdf SQL CE file.

Question 1: If I say that I want to copy the database to the project, what will happen after I compile the app, where the database will be? (how will I edit it from another app?)

Question 2: If I do not include it, how the data source will still keep linked? Can I link using filesystem enviroiment variables like %ProgramFiles%MyAppDir?

Question 3: Can I just tell it to use a read-only (Just needs to read it) data source on the web, like on an FTP?

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Retrieving Custom Formatted Clipboard Data Across Two Applications

Aug 11, 2009

I am having issues retrieving a class serialized in another application. If I put the code all in one application the set and get both work. If I separate the code into two applications the retrieval fails. Any thoughts on how to set the object to the clipboard in one app and get it back in a second one? [code]

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Switch From ADO To ADO.NET - Regards To Data Access When It Comes To Windows Forms Applications

Jul 21, 2009

I have some friends who are 'old-school' VB6 database developers and I was telling them about .NET and its features, specifically ADO.NET. In our conversation, they brought up the following reasons why they would rather stick with ADO than move to ADO.NET: The Dataset is disconnected (What if power fails?)

The same amount of code still has to be written The new options of Dataset, BindingSource and TableAdapter seem confusing the same code is written programatically access the Database, all that changes is how that command is laid out. Why ADO.NET is 'better' than ADO with regards to data access when it comes to Windows Forms applications. What does ADO.NET provide that ADO does not? What does it do better than ADO? I'd like examples that do not involve LINQ.

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Write Code That Will Control And Read Data From Applications?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to run different programs with my VB program. Using Excel and other MS office programs is easy enough since I just add in the relevant COMs, but I can't for the life of me find out how to run other programs. I promise I spent many hours searching before bothering you kind folks here! I'd think this is a common issue so maybe I haven't been searching for the right to write code that will control and read data from applications.I know you can do "Process.Start" to open any application, and it looks like there are ways to determine the controls available on an open application, but I can't figure out how to do it. Is this possible? Or do I have to import a .dll file for every program I want to control? Or are both possible?

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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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Running Applications Within Applications?

Jul 24, 2009

Is there a way to, when a parent application is opened up, that at the click of a button, or anything of designated event, that this parent application can open a secondary one?

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.Net Exchange Web Services?

Aug 31, 2011

I created an application using the Exchange Web Services, everything works fine, but after running 3 or 4 times, I suddenly get the error:

There was an error downloading "whatever/ews/services.wsdl"The remove name could not be resolved:There was an error downloading "whatever/ews/services.wsdl/$metadata"That gets me is its working find for a while, then it just stops working. I do an update and get the error. wait a little longer, try to browse it through browser and it prompts me for a user name and password, even though I checked the box "Remember".

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Ews (Exchange Web Services)?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm looking at using ews to move new emails to a sub folder and download attachments to a network drive. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this particually using but all and any advice?

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