Data Table To Database?

Nov 20, 2011

I am new about VB. I've got one problem I can't solve by myself. The goal is to add to VB project form some command like table where I could enter some records and after that this data would be inserted in database by pressing commandbutton. Is it possible for datagrid to do something like this or Yhere have to be different data entry controls?

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Database Population - Display All The Data From The Database In A Table On Form?

Jan 14, 2009

I am using the tutorial posted here for my database testing. I have gotten it to display the data using a messagebox but it just goes through them 1 by one. I want it to display all the data from the database in a table on my form.

Using connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Server=; Database=database_test;User ID=sa;Password=greddy6;Trusted_Connection=False;")[cod

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Data Logging Application That Stores Data In A Table In A MySQL Database?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a data logging application that stores data in a table in a MySQL database. Data with a TimeStamp is logged into the table anytime the data from the sensor changes. This means that there maybe 2 seconds between data points or there maybe 20 seconds between points depending on how the data is changing.

When I need the data I have 2 dates and use this command to fill a table..SELECT FROM myTable WHERE timeStamp > date1 AND timeStamp < date2 This gets all the data that has a TimeStamp between the given dates, but in most case the first date in the returned table will be after date1, so I need to get the data from one row before the date returned in the table to know what the data was at date1.How can I get the data row that immediately precedes the returned data set?

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Sql Server - Dump Data From One Database Table To The Other Database?

Mar 18, 2011

I have to write a code in (2010).To get a data from Database A table 1 and dump it to Database B Table 2.What's the best way to do this? Most efficient way? I know I can do this very easily in sql management studio but I need to write a code to do this in

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Transferring Data From One Field In A Table In A Database To Another Field In A Different Table But Same Database In .NET?

Jul 22, 2010

I am creating a database in VB.NET for a movie rental place. I currently have three forms;

Member Information
DVD Information
Borrow DVDs

What I would like to do is when I am viewing a member's details, if I click a button 'Borrow DVD for Member', the member's ID number transfers over to the Borrow DVDs table in the Member ID which also would hold some information from the DVD Information table, but I'm sure if i can figure out how to do this firstly, I will be able to apply the same rule and work it out myself.I have been trying to use a query statement like;

INSERT INTO [Borrow DVDs].[Member ID] [IN goodstuffvideos.mdb]
SELECT [Member Information].[Member ID]
FROM [Member Information]

but that has been coming up with error codes and completely not working.

Borrow DVDs table fields are: Borrow ID, Member ID, DVD ID Number, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit?

DVD Information table fields are: DVD ID Number, Title, Rating, Hiring Fee, Borrowing Limit Member?

Information table fields are: Member ID, Family Name, Given Name, Address, Town/Suburb, Postcode?

The error coming up is; Error in INSERT statement. Unable to parse query text.And under that it says The query cannot be represented graphically in the Diagram and Criteria Pane.

View 1 Replies - Get The Last ID Of A Data Row Inserted Into A Database Table

Aug 4, 2011

I'm using to add a record into a table:

With SqlDataSource1
.InsertParameters("Name").DefaultValue = fldName.Value
.InsertParameters("Email").DefaultValue = Text1.Value
.InsertParameters("tContent").DefaultValue = taLE.Value
End With

I now realize that I need to get the id (a Unique Identifier that Auto Increments by 1) of the record I just added.

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Save Data To A Table In A Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I am quite new at this so bear with me. I am trying to just download data, save it row by row into a database, then upload it (sorta a backup). I am using vs2010 and VB. The database I have in vs is a .sdf (not sure if i should remake as a .mdf) and the download of data is working fine. Saving it into a table isnt going so well. I am using a form to click a button to start the download, and most of my vb code is in another vb file. Making it into a method is causing me no end of pain due to the object refernce errors and nonshared reference errors. But I go to far for this. Anyways I tried to use


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Database Table Attributes - Query A List Of Table Names In The Database Ordered By Date Created

Jan 22, 2011

[Code] my issue is that now i need two cases, first i need a query that will return the date created and modified of the table and i also need to know if its possible to query a list of table names in the database ordered by date created but that have a certain thing in their names. for example the database contains the following tables: [Code] and what i need the query to return is the tables that contain "Data", settings and employees are for the other functions of the program. so the query should return the 4 data tables in order of date created. but i have no idea how to go about doing that in the query, does anyone know how this is done?

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Add/delete Data From A Specific Table In The Database?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a Form1 that is the main application form, that display certain data from a database. Then I have Form2 that add/delete data from a specific table in the database.My problem is, When I add data to the database, and save it, it work fine, But, it does not reflect on the main form, after I close Form2. Only when I exit the application, and open it again, it shows. Is there a setting or something I need to do to update/refresh the info added so I do not need to restart the application?

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Filer Data In One Table And Copy To Other In Same Database?

Dec 17, 2011

I'm working with the project that require save all user personal information in one table when they login my system. The problem is too many users login my system per day ( or one user can login/out many time per day), it's very hard to manage. So, I want to add one more function which can specify one user information. My solution is create a text box and a find button to filter the user whose name in text box and copy to other table after that show that table, the problem is I don't know how to do that.

I also try the code which show below, but with that way I can't achieve my require[code]...

Another question is how can I delete all information in a table in database?

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Insert A New Row Of Data Into Table In An Access2010 Database?

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to insert a new row of data into table in an Access2010 database.There are 5 fields in the table called Users. ID, Username, Password, Manager_Access and Admin_Access. These fields contain data types ID(autonumber this is the primary key), Username(text string),Password(text string) and Manager_Access and Admin_Access are true/false boolean. I am using a comboBox, a textBox and two checkBoxes as the source of the new row data.I have used the Dataset Designer to raise an INSERT Query on the Users table called InsertNewUserRecord. The SQL statements look like this.

INSERT INTO Users[code]....

I have set the ExecuteMode in the query properties to Scalar.The code then looks like this

Dim Username As String = ComboBoxUsername.Text

Dim PW As String = TextBoxPassword.Text()

Dim MR As Boolean = CheckBox1.Checked[code].....

I am getting error messages telling me "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.If I try a query with just the Username and Password which are both text then it works fine.If I try a query with just one of the Boolean fields it works fine.If I try both Boolean fields or the text fields and one Boolean field then I get errors.

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Inserting Data Into Table In Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

i had problem in inserting data into a table in access database.i am using visual studio2005 for the is my code

Dim strConnection As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=" _
& "c:UsersBELLCONSULTDocumentsLIBRARY2.mdb "
Dim cn As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConnection)


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Load A Data Of A Particular Table In Access Database?

Jun 22, 2010

sample code or project on how to load a data of a particular table in access database in to a data grid view

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Regarding Parsing HTML Table Data To Database?

May 15, 2009

I want to get data of one of active web page open by the user in the internet explorer , since he or she might can open lot of tabs or windows and i want to extract data from the specific page , so i am detecting the title and then running the script for data extraction but unfortunately i am unable to do that , i am able to track the page but there is however some issue that its not reading the data from HTML page ?my question , how i can reading specific tags or data like for table , tr and td first load into some text file and then do some search on it to collect specific data, kindly see my code below i am using for getting data

Imports SystemImports System.Collections.GenericImports System.ComponentModelImports System.DataImports System.DrawingImports System.TextImports System.Windows.FormsImports


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Filtering Dataset - Dataset (WW1Dataset) With One Data Table(WW1) (database Used In An Access Database)

Feb 1, 2010

I have a dataset (WW1Dataset) with one data table(WW1).(database used in an access database) I'm trying to filter the dataset e.g a user wants to filter by a chosen surname (SurnameTextBox.text) so the datset is filtered to display only those records wherethe surname column in the dataset matches SurnameTextBox.text.

View 1 Replies - Copy Table From One Data Connection And Paste Into Database In Another?

Dec 23, 2011

I have a table I created in SQL Server Management Studio. I had to create it there because I needed to use a function for an alpha-numeric ID column that increments itself. I then exported the table, but had to use my local server. Now, in visual studio, I have the local server connection that contains the table I want to copy to a connection for a remote server. I can right-click and select 'Copy', but I can't right-click and 'Paste' into the database I need.

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C# - Retrieve Data Rows In M Table In Database Randomly?

Sep 26, 2010

i would just like to ask how do i retrieve data rows in my table in my database randomly... i was able to create an online quiz wherein it displays the question,choices in consecutive order but what i want is, every time when user will start a quiz it will show questions in random order. I am using mssql 2005 as my database below is my code.. a

<asp:DetailsView ID="questionDetails" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False"
CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333"
GridLines="None" Height="50px" Width="550px">


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Database - Exporting Excel Data Into Oracle Table?

Jun 11, 2009

I am trying to export an excel file directory into an Oracle table as opposed to looping through the range and executing a lot of insert statements. I would think that there are better ways to accomplish this in .NET but I can't seem to find any other answer besides convert excel to csv & load it using Sql Loader or External Table. Does anyone know a cleaner & more efficient way that looping through the ranges creating & executing insert statements?

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Database - Load Data From Table And Display In Datagrid?

Feb 2, 2012

How to load data from database table and display in datagrid in VB.NET? I know how it is in C#. I am not familiar with

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Delete A Data Table In Access 2003 Database?

Dec 17, 2009

I am using vb2008 express to work an Access 2003 database. I want to use code to delete the table after I have used it and before I close the program. Is there any code to accomplishg this?

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Populate A Data Object Containing 30+ Properties From A Database Table

Sep 21, 2010

I have a need to populate a data object containing 30+ properties from a database table. I could create a simple class containing a public variable for each of the required properties, but I don't want to.

Is the following code a bad idea:

Public Class DtoEmployee
Public EmployeeId As String


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Populate DataGridView Table With Data From An Access Database?

May 19, 2009

I have made DataGridView in the designers and connected an Access database to the datagridvies and the Column headers appear as they should and when I check in preview mode all the fields are correctly populated. However, the DataGrid is not populated in normal mode at all. I have been trying to run the project but nothing is happening. What can I do to populate the field.

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Read Data From A Database Table And Write It To A Txt File?

Mar 31, 2009

what I am trying to do is i have a table with four records and I want to write it to a txt file. I am running sql server 2000.I am able to connect to my database and I am able to right data to a txt file my only problem is it always returns the 1st row of data.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C: emp est2.txt"
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter


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Reading Data From MYSQL Database To Form - Table?

Oct 22, 2009

I have login system and also I know how to get 1 exact row from mysql but how can I create a table which will be filled with values from mysql table?


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Save DataTable Structure And Data Into A Database Table?

Mar 10, 2010

How to Save DataTable Structure And Data Into A Datatbase Table..

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Select Data From DataGridView And Save To A Different Table In Database?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a form that displays data from a table in a DataGrid.I put an unbound Check Box Column in the DataGrid.Upon a user's selection of the various check boxes within the DataGrid, I need to save this checked data to a different table in the database.

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Table In A HTML Report That Want To Populate With Data From A Database?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a table in a HTML report that I want to populate with data from a Database. The headings are Customer ID, Amount to Pay, Amount Paid, and Total Owing.I am running the SQL Query:

SELECT CustomerID, SUM(AmountToPay)" & vbCrLf & "FROM Orders" & vbCrLf & "WHERE CustomerID = 20202" & vbCrLf & "GROUP BY CustomerID" & vbCrLf & "UNION" & vbCrLf & "SELECT CustID, SUM(AmountPayed)" & vbCrLf & "FROM Payment" & vbCrLf & "WHERE CustID = 20202" & vbCrLf &


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VS 2008 Searching Database By Filling Data Table

Jan 9, 2011

I got a problem I need to search by First Name OR Surname. So the user can enter one or the other or BOTH.

So here's what I got I set two primary keys to try and find the row but I'm gettin all sorts of problems, for example when I set FirstName & Surname as primary key which you need to do to use the find method i get an error as it expects two values..

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=UserSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=StudentTeacherDB;Integrated Security=True")


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VS 2010 Using Datagridview To Show Some Table Data From Database?

Oct 3, 2010

I am using Datagridview to show some table data from database. It is working but its appearance is not what i am looking for.Is there a way to edit columns and rows manually ?This is a list of what i want to do :

1. First of all i want to change column captions. because they are like "Fld_name" etc.

2. There is a column that shows date. I want to write a code for it ( convert date type )

3. I want to add a button at the end of each row and write a code for it ( show detail about that record )

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Set "autocomplete Custom Data Source" To A Mdf Database Data Table?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a data table (mdf). I want my text box to show suggestions from a column of that table.

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