Databound ComboBox Not Displaying Items Correctly

May 30, 2012

The Combo-box only has three items (Top View, From South looking North, From West looking East). Bound data from an Access Query called qryViewsFilteredByJob. I'm using it to pass a parameter to the filter for a binding source on a second query called qryAllSections2 (I don't think that's important though.)

When the form loads up it displays correctly stating on 'Top View', and I can click another other item just fine. When I pick another item, however, the first item, 'Top View', disappears and it replaced by whatever item I just clicked. So if I clicked 'From South looking North', the three item choices are now 'From South looking North', 'From West looking East', and 'From South looking North' again...

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Dynamicaly Refresh Databound Combobox Items Based On Selected_index_changed Event Of Another Combobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET together with ADO.NET to create a program. I have set my TableAdapters as needed and bound the correct tables-columns to my comboboxes.My problem though is this:My combobox2 item is bound to a datatable. The table adapter's Fill method (the select command basicaly) includes a public variable in the where clause to fetch the correct results. I ll put some code here to clarify it a bit more.Public Class Frm_inv


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VS 2005 - Databound - Populate ComboBox To Display Unique Items Directly From The DB

Oct 25, 2009

On the form load event i want to populate my ComboBox1 to display unique items directly from the DB. For that i have set the DataSource property of the ComboBox1 to the selected field. On the ComboBox1_SelectionChangeCommitted event i have set the filter for the DataSource which is working fine.

Now when i select an item from the ComboBox1 i get the filtered result in DataGridView but when i again drop down the combobox i see nothing other than the last selected item. Why is this happening? Is there a better way of populating ComboBox with the items directly from DB with default selected value as null?

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Displaying ComboBox With Filter Items?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a combobox that has filter items in it:
Me.cmbFilter.DataSource = (From f In files _
Let extension = "*" & Path.GetExtension(f) _
Order By extension _
Select extension Distinct).ToArray()
Displays OK in Vista - doesn't in XP

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.net - Databound DataGridView Not Sorting Date Correctly?

Nov 19, 2010

My DataGridView is not sorting my date column correclty and it doesn't seem to be sorting it by String either. The column is bound to a date property, all is done using the designer.The set which I'm viewing it on is 424 entries long, there should be two entries for each date and they should be next to each other (regardless if sorting by date or string)The last few dozen entries are sorted correctly but the initial entries are not.Initially every second entry at the start is correct. Here is an extract if some of the sorting it does.(The beginning of the sorted grid is on the left, and the end of grid is on the right)

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Characters Not Displaying Correctly?

Jun 5, 2009

I am currently working on a project that will read HTML pages and store some information. I am doing this by loading the HTML page into a webbrowser, then viewing the source of the page by using:


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Sql - Textbox Not Displaying Correctly

May 4, 2011

Based off this VB code I'm getting everything to create correctly within my SQL database but instead of the Food_ID displaying in the txtfoodid it's popping up in a message box (I think it's because of the Try/Catch).


I've tried multiple ways of getting it to display but nothing's worked so far.

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Correctly Displaying Image In PictureBox?

Jun 12, 2009

I am using a PictureBox to display images. I have SizeMode set to StretchImage. While this does indeed show the whole image, it is of coure stretched. Is there a way to prepare the image to be displayed so it will fit correctly in the PictureBox? I just want it displayed without distortion and within the box.

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Empty Points Not Displaying Correctly?

Jul 27, 2011

I am not able to get an empty point to break the line and be skipped in MSchart. I am using a spline chart for the data and when it reaches an empty point I want to line to break. I have tried setting the marker-style and border-width to nothing and 0 and also tried setting them in code but no success.

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Text File Not Displaying Correctly

Oct 21, 2011

-Castlevania (info).txt-


Description] "Every hundred years, the dark vampire known as Dracula resurrects and terrorizes the land. A vampire hunter named Simon Belmont bravely ventures into the Count's mansion in order to defeat him. Along the way he'll have to defeat skeletons, bats, fishmen, medusa heads and other evil creatures.Castlevania is a side-scrolling platform action game. The player taking the role of Simon Belmont is able to jump and crack his whip directly in front of him. Power-ups can be obtained by defeating enemies or by whipping candles that appear in the castle. One such power-up increases the power and length of Simon's whip. Different weapons can be gathered which consume hearts when used, these hearts can also be collected from monsters and candles. Additionally, some walls will hide secrets such as the health-restorative turkey or the Double and Triple shot abilities for the weapons Simon has collected. At the end of each section of the castle is a boss, which must be defeated. Progression through the castle eventually leads to a confrontation with Count Dracula himself."

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Textboxes/Labels Not Displaying Correctly?

May 17, 2012

My textboxes and labels are fine in design view, but when I switch over to Debug or Build, a couple of the textboxes are pushed together and the labels aren't in their original spots.Haven't seen this before and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to why and how to fix?

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Help Displaying Dates Correctly In Calendar Control

Jun 29, 2011

I have a dataset that returns the following data:[code]The first character is the shift code, the next date is the beginning of the shift the next day is the ending day of the shift and the last field is if it is a day shift (0) or night shift(1).I need to display the dates for the DBX dates in a light blue and the ACY in white.These shifts are always on the same days, just A,B,C,D rotate from night I am new to web development and just trying to create a shift calendar on the fly,What the result should be is a calendar with 4 days shaded blue, and 4 days shaded white.

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Add New Item To Databound Combobox

May 2, 2012

I have a combobox that is bound to a dataset (via datatable and datatableAdapter). The combobox displays the current data in the table as it should.I have programmatically added the string "ADD..." to the list at the form.shown event:[code]when the user then click on (select) "ADD...", i open a new form to allow the user to add a new item to the list.The code i have behind the "ACCEPT" button on the new form stores the NEW value to the DATASET. I have verified this by previewing the data in the dataset.My problem is getting the combobox to reflect the changes to datatable to which it is bound.[code]

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Cannot Re-Bind Databound ComboBox

Dec 27, 2010

I have cascading data-bound combo boxes, however, if the second of the two boxes does not have the value, I am trying to change the data source of the original process to the default selection.

However I am getting errors no matter what I try to do to get the combo box to clear.

cboSubSystem.SelectedIndex = -1
cboSubSystem.DataSource = Nothing
Call cboSubSystem.Items.Clear()


Currently: "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." at the Items.Clear If I try to remove the clear, I get "Cannot bind to the new value member. Parameter name: value" at the valuemember set

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Databound Combobox And Autocomplete?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a combox that is run-time bound to a table that is run-time built and populated from a text file. I have set the combobox autocomplete mode to suggest and the source to list items, but only the 1st item will work. Ok so here's the code:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

The file is a text file with a list of the 50 states and their abbreviations in the format : stateName - abbr.Now what happens is the data is displayed correctly, but when I begin to type a letter for the autocomplete the only letter that shows anything is the "a" and it will only show the very first item in the text file.Everything else does not display with the autocomplete, but does show in the list. I have tried variations such as adding the data as items like this:

Private Sub SetStateComboBox()
'set autocomplete for combobox
state_cmbx.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend[code]....

This way does not allow any autocomplete when I begin typing but everything is in the list. I've also tried converting the table to a customautocompletestring and still the same results.The only way that I have been able to get it to work is be entering each state as an item: state_cmbx.items.add("Michigan - MI"), then it works correctly.Also the combobox dropdownstyle is set to dropdown, and I'm using visual studio 2010 ultimate and coding using VB.

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Databound Combobox Returning -1?

Sep 10, 2009

All I want is to enter text into a databound combo box. If the entry is not in the list, then the user should have the option of updating the table that the combo box is bound to.The way I have set up the project is by dragging objects from the toolbox and having the application set up the datasource through the data sources tab. This in turn creates the bindingsource, dataset and tableadapter.For updating the combobox I have added code into the leave event. This does indeed update the client table as required. However, the id stored in the quotes table is -1. How do I make sure that the correct id is stored that references the newly added client record. For your information, the client table only has an id and clientname column.

The code is as follows:

[CODE] Private Sub ClientComboBox_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ClientComboBox.Leave
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dsClients As New DataSet


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Select Value On A Databound Combobox?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a ComboBox that's been bound to a DataView that's taken a filled DataTable. This DataTable has three columns. Before the DataView is bound to the ComboBox I add another column and set some values.


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Wpf - Using A Databound Combobox On A Datagrid?

Jan 9, 2011

With a datagrid, I want to use a databound combobox to set the value of a property with the combobox's selected value. How would I go about doing that?

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DataGridViewComboBoxCell Not Correctly Displaying Objects Returned By GetValue Function

Jul 14, 2009

I have a Class MessageIndex which holds an integer. I have a custom DataGridViewComboBoxCell which has a MessageIndex variable. If the MessageIndex is not set, the cell acts as a normal DataGridViewComboBoxCell; if the MessageIndex is set, then the GetValue and SetValue methods of the DataGridViewComboBoxCell are overridden so as to return the value of the object from its DataSource at the index of the integer stored in the MessageIndex.

As far as I can tell from stepping through the code, that actually works fine. The object returned by the GetValue function is fetched from the DataSource, based on the integer stored in the MessageIndex.

The problem is that when the DataGridView is displayed, all of the cells are blank. The values of the cells can then be set using the ComboBox dropdown, which appears to work fine.

But why are the initial selections not being displayed? As I say, as far as I can tell, the correct information is being retrieved by the GetValue function of the DataGridViewComboBoxCells when the form is initially displayed. It's just not ending up on the screen.

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Add Data To Databound Combobox In VB2005?

Apr 4, 2012

How can I add data to databound combobox in vb 2005

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Customize The DisplayMember Of A DataBound ComboBox?

Apr 10, 2009

This is what I came up with:

Public Class IndexedDropDownItem
Private _KeyCode, _Display As String
Public Property KeyCode() As String


I want to be able to have the DisplayMember show "key_code - descript", while retaining the value I have set.

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Databound Combobox Cannot Lose Focus

Jan 11, 2010

been struggeling with this issue for quite some time now. I`ve got aan combobox on a detailform.


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Databound Combobox Selection Retention

Apr 20, 2009

On my form I have three fields and a datagrid view.One field is a combo box.All fields are databound.The datagridview is a detail grid, bound in the "normal" way. Scrolling through records, etc., all work fine.What doesn't work is when a selection is made using the combo box.The underlying table has a self-join of one-to-many: ParentID, ChildID. ChildID is the main ID for the underlying table.Children may have a parent This is just by way of example.So, the combo box's Value is bound to ChildID, and the SelectedValue is bound to the ParentID.On the form one chooses the Parent with this combo box.When I test this arrangement, I select a Parent, then click Save (using the default toolbar actions). However, the combobox seems to "reset" the selection to the first in the list.

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Forms :: Add Item To Databound ComboBox?

Sep 7, 2009

I started a Windows app using all code for database connection and validation. However, it was always losing the formatting that I had set at run time. So I thought I would use the long tedious process of using all of the studios objects with minimum code.

I am now at the position where I am mostly happy with the layout and how this operates. However, I want to be able to add a non-databound value to a databound combo box. I have set the properties for the combo box in the combo box tasks.

Also, I want to add the ability for the user to update that table that is bound to this control, when a value is not in the list. I know that there is a NotInList event in Access, but I can not find it in VB.Net. I did get so far with updating from the combo box using the Leave event. However, when the database was updated the control could not find the ID in the Clients table to save to the Quotes table.

View 1 Replies - Setting A DataBound Items Visibility To False?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a GridView with a load of data in, there is an ID associated to the data that I would not like to be visible to the users. All worked fine when all the cells were visible, but as soon as I change the ID DataBound column to false, when I try to access the item in code I get "" instead of it's actual value (that worked perfectly when it was visible).

Is there a reason for this? If not, how should I be approaching this?

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Creating A Blank Entry In A Databound ComboBox?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a databound ComboBox on my form. Is there any way that I can make the first field blank.

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Refresh Databound Combobox After New Data Is Imported?

Nov 20, 2011

ut refreshing a databound Combobox After New Data in Imported into the Database. As it seems not be updating Without Closing the Form Thus resetting the Binding Source. but how can i do this on the Fly Lets say on the Combobox is Clicked it dose the updated List?

Its starting to be Quite Irritating That it is dosen't seem to be affected by:


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Refreshing Databound ComboBox Values On Form

Jun 9, 2008

I have a databound combobox that displays a list of items, and I have a windows form that opens after clicking a button that allows me to make changes to the table that the combobox gets it's values from. When I make the changes and save them (successfully) and return to the parent window, the changes aren't reflected in the combobox. If I exit the app and launch it again the changes are reflected perfectly. I've tried me.combobox.refresh() on the forms GotFocus event, but no luck.

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Sql - Refresh/update Databound ComboBox Immediately?

Nov 21, 2011

I've made a windows form in which I can change names in my databasetable 'stations'. To select which station to change I've used a databound ComboBox which gets all stations from the database table.

Now when I change the name of a station I want to get it immediatly updated in my combobox without restarting the application.

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Take Orders - Populate Textbox From Databound ComboBox

Dec 1, 2010

I got a pizza shop and the assingment is to create a application which allows the user to take a customer's order... I have a combo box filled with all of the items you can order (data from an access file)... and I need to have it so that when you select an item, it shows up in a text box below... I keep getting an error message saying you can't convert datarowview to string..

Here is some
Private Sub TakeOrders_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PROJECT4DataSet.Items' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
[Code] .....

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