Datagrid Obtain First Value?

Mar 15, 2012

How can I obtain the first row value. ex.

1 peter 14
2 Jogn 13
3 Luke 6

If i click peter I will get 1.I can get the clicked value but I do not know how to get the first item in the selected row.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Obtain Data From A Dll?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to obtain data from a dll, but I do not know how to do it.My code is:

Public Declare Function SET_XML_PATH Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef ruta As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GET_PRODUCTS Lib "EbmPapstFan.dll" (ByRef ruta As String) As Long


This isn't a mistake with the path because Int_A is 0. In addition, GET_PRODUCTS gives me the number of products that software has.The manual say that this function also has string character output.I don't know how obtain this other string character output.

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How Do Obtain Window Handle

Jan 10, 2012

I am following some instructions that apparently work with vb6, but as i have downloaded the lastest version of visual studio i think its up to version 10.

The code i am trying to make work is,[code..]

I searched a bit for an equivalent.

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How To Obtain The Value Store In A Byte

Sep 27, 2011

my problem is that is have to create a program in which I enter some text in a text box and then in an other text box it will display the value store in a selected byte. I really don't know where to start. I have a form with three text box and a button. One of the text box to copy o write whatever I want, the other text box to write the number the byte I want to get the value and the last text box to display the value stored in the byte I choose. With the button I will start the function that will get me the value in the byte.

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How To Obtain Window Handle

Jan 10, 2012

I am following some instructions that apparently work with vb6, but as i have downloaded the lastest version of visual studio i think its up to version 10.[code]The error is that hWnd is not a member of windowsapplication1.form1.

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Obtain Avg Of Multiple Points Per Day?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a general idea of what the code should look like but I can't seem to finish/put it together.I have a year's worth of data such as December 01, 2010 to December 01, 2011.The problem is that there are more than 365 points, some days for example have 3 data points and others have 4, etc..What I would like is to only have 365 points of data by averaging the data points for the days that have multiple points.


- So far I have another column with dates from Dec 1st 2010 to Dec 1st 2011.

- I think I'll need an IF statement for if the whole range of A column equals one of 365 days, it'll equal the average data.

- then I'll need to have a statement for x+1 date for each consequtive day.

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Obtain First Word From A String?

Apr 9, 2012


Is there any trick that could give me the first word of the str [code]...

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Obtain The First And Last Items In A Queue?

Aug 20, 2009

Say I have a rolling collection of values where I specify the size of the collection and any time a new value is added, any old values beyond this specified size are dropped off.Obviously (and I've tested this) the best type of collection to use for this behavior is a Queue:

If myQueue.Count > specifiedSize Then myQueue.Dequeue()


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VS 02/03 Error: Cannot Obtain Value In Watch?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm testing a window application which was written in VB.Net 2003.I set a few BreakPoints and Debug the project.When the debugger hit one of the breakpoints, it stops at there. Its correct.But when I try to add one of the variables to "Watch", it said "error: cannot obtain value".I tried to search the Net and found that some said "its because of structures", some said "its because of passing too many parameters." and some said "its because of too many line of codes (LOCs)".but my problem is not in passing parameters or too many line of code.the function i set breakpoint has only around 300 LOCs (including around 100 line of comments)And the value I tried to get is from my TreeView which is on my Win Forms.its very strange that I can't even get the value from Forms.

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VS 2010 How To Obtain From Url Only The Domain Name

Mar 28, 2011

I have a listbox with urls. For example

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How To Obtain A Handle For A SerialPort Object

Mar 10, 2010

I have a .dll provided by a vendor and it requires me to pass a handle to the com port the device is represented as in order to access some other functions. Can I get the handle from the SerialPort object? The device I'm working with is a USB-UART converter chip with auxiliary I/O. I need to access the I/O which involves using a Visual C++ 6.0 .dll which is the one that requires the handle to the Com port.

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Obtain A Collection Of ProcessThreads By ID Like You Can With Processes?

Jan 15, 2010

Is there a way to obtain a collection of ProcessThreads by ID like you can with processes? I know the ID of the threads and I need to obtain additional information about those threads. So I was hoping I could get a collection of threads and then pull the required info.

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Obtain A Value By Calling A Stored Procedure?

Sep 3, 2009

I am trying to obtain a value by calling a stored procedure I am trying to use the n tier design as opposed to the wizards. I am not sure how my function should look when it is called from the persistance class. I am using MYSQL for the database.

The persistance class works and the stored procedure works in the database.

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Obtain Default Network Card?

Jul 15, 2011

Is there a way to obtain the "default" network card that's being used by the OS (WinXP, WinVista and Win7)?I've been able to get all stats from all NICs (or just a particular NIC); however, I can't figure out how to identify the "default" network card or "default" network connection or the network connection that's being used to send/receive data.

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Obtain Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors In VB2010?

Sep 8, 2011

how to obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors in VB2010 ?

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Obtain HTML Content From Forums

Jun 9, 2011

After trying to port a C++ program which was a console application where it crawled the forums with the url provided and in the end stored the result inside a database for further analysis.


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Obtain Registration Key For Vb 2010 Express?

Dec 23, 2011

i downloaded vb 2010 express. as usual it requires a registration key after 30 days but i cannot get the registration key . i have an live id but still i cannot get a registration key.

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Obtain Some Additional Features On A Treeview?

Mar 27, 2011

I am looking for a way to obtain some additional features on a treeview. Both, to show as to be able to input some data with a particular hierarchical structure For that on each node I need next to the nodetext a entrypossibility to input some data or to make a selection. This input possibility should be either a textbox, a combobox or a chechbox. An example of what I wisch is almost this article, except that the comment column is only a fixed text, and that I need there a input control like a textbox, or combobox.

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Obtain The Declaration Statement Of Which There Are A Few Different Versions?

Oct 11, 2009

I am having problems using the GetWindowRect statement I've searched many forums and used the API text viewer to obtain the declaration statement of which there are a few different versions, a couple being :

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Obtain The Mac Address Of A Specific Computer?

Jan 29, 2009

I've searched and seen alot of posts about obtaining the mac address of computers but I'm not sure if I understand completely or if those are the ones I need.

I am needing to obtain the mac address of a specific computer via an ip address. Most of what I've seen returns to me an array or list of items.

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Obtain The Primary Key Value Of A Newly Inserted Row?

Dec 18, 2010

How to obtain the primary key value of a newly inserted row?

View 15 Replies

Obtain/save A Response From Web Service?

Sep 22, 2009

I have a windows application in that uploads some files to an existing web service. I know that this web service is providing a response back (success or failure), but I have no idea how to view it or save it.

Dim username As String = "username"
Dim pass As String = "pass"
Dim myWeb As New webserviceaddressishere[code].....

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VS 2010 How To Obtain Every Pixel From PicturebBx

Apr 14, 2012

This program using Visual Studio 2010, WIndows Form App I want to create a program which need RGB value from an picture in PictureBox But it has an error, NullReferenceException was not unhandled

The code Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Obtain Data From A Text File To Sql Database

Jun 24, 2011

My aim is to obtain data from a text file to sql database.I have already created my database. database name is: "musteridb.mdf" and tables are: "kimlik" and "sehir"lets assume i have those lines in my text file:

-1060 34
-1070 06

as it seeni i want to place "1060" to "musteri" table and "34" to "sehir" table. but im new to visual basic..[code]

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Any Third Party Dll That Can Be Incorporated In A WPF Application To Obtain On Fly Encryption?

Jul 4, 2010

Is there any third party dll that can be incorporated in a WPF ( application to obtain a on the fly encryption?

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ComboBox - Obtain Value From DataSet Based On Other Column Value

Jun 9, 2011

I have a combobox which is populated from a dataset (pulling values from the column Actuator_ID). When an item is selected from the combobox, I need to return another value from the dataset (column Gateway_Channel). In the 'selectedindexchanged' sub, I have the following line which should return the value from the second field (gateway_channel) but whatever item is selected in the combobox, only the value from the first row is returned.
errBox.AppendText((ds.Tables("Actuators").Rows("Actuator_ID" = ComboBox3.SelectedItem.substring(0, 2)).Item("Gateway_Channel")).ToString

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Count - Dictionary In .NET Obtain Keys Grouped?

Aug 3, 2009

I have this dictionary..

Dim Rooms As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Of Integer)
Rooms(1) = 101, 102, 109, 110
Rooms(2) = 103, 104, 105
Rooms(3) = 106, 107

I want to know if i can obtain how many keys are in the dictionary For example, in this dictionary i have 3 keys, and if i use Rooms.Count it returns me 9 thats each pair of keys-values, but i want to obtain 3, each diferent value as key.

EDIT: Sintax error P.D: I cant use now because i have to use in a webservice filtered by IP, but VS2010 if i use count on the dictionary, tells me that will contain the number of the keys/value pairs.

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Count - Dictionary Obtain Keys Grouped

Jun 9, 2012

I have this dictionary..
Dim Rooms As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Of Integer)
Rooms(1) = 101, 102, 109, 110
Rooms(2) = 103, 104, 105
Rooms(3) = 106, 107

I want to know if I can obtain how many keys are in the dictionary. For example, in this dictionary i have 3 keys, and if I use Rooms.Count it returns me 9 that's each pair of keys-values, but I want to obtain 3, each different value as key. Syntax error. I cant use now because I have to use in a webservice filtered by IP, but VS2010 if I use count on the dictionary, tells me that will contain the number of the keys/value pairs.

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Determine And Obtain The Value Of The Item That Has Been Selected In The Combo Box?

Apr 1, 2011

I am having difficulty using the selected value of the combobox while calling it from the ok button click event procedure. While debugging in the Ok button coding none of the values are their, but for the comboxbox coding it appears that it is working properly.I made a seperate funciton to handle the combobox, could this be my error?

Public Function choosepipecomboboxcoding(ByVal cboChoosePipe As Object,
ByVal HDPE As Double,
ByVal PVC As Double,


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Forms :: Obtain Listbox Items From Another Form ?

Sep 15, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express. I have 2 forms. A main form which does all the grunt work and then a small supporting form to get some additional user inputs.

Some program background...I am developing a program to characterize solid rocket motors based on test stand data for a hobby project. I load the time, thrust data into lists via a streamreader from a text box.

However, since the data is raw I would like for the user to select the "start" and "end" of the burn. I am currently trying to do it right after I load the data. As I read the data in, I just put it in the listbox of the supporting form as well. My main issue is, I need two values from the user. A start and end time. the index would probably be easiest, as I will rewrite the data list based on the time increment and delete everything before the first listbox selection and everything after the second selection. I can't get the values from the main form. I have exhaustively searched the internet trying to find something that I can apply. If someone could help with a framework on how to do this.

I understand how to get text from this text box on a different form, but this deals in variables and maybe setting up a class? I am having trouble communicating between the two forms.

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