DatagridView Containg Combo-boxes Can't Refresh

Dec 5, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a bindingsource. This datagridview contains one column which is a combo-box.

Upon a click on a button,I change the underlying datasource. The selected values of the combo-boxes change.

But the change doesn't appear on the screen ! To make the changes visible (refresh each combo-box), I have to hover on the datagridview with the mouse or use the scrollbar !

Question 1 : why do I see this ?

Question 2 : what should I do to make the changes immediately visible ?

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Combo Boxes In Datagridview

Jan 26, 2011

i am using a couple bound comboboxes in a bound datagridview. It seems though, when the combo's are changed, and the tableadapter is filled again, the changes are not being saved to the table. Is there a special trick to getting the data in the combo boxes to saved when the values are changed?

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Datagridview Results With Combo Boxes?

Apr 9, 2010

I don't know how to ask what I'm hoping to achieve, so I'll give you an example.

I have two tables in my database...


Fruit SupplierCode Price


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Filtering Using Combo Boxes And DataGridView?

Mar 20, 2010

I am building a simple GUI to view data within a database. I am getting stuck when it comes to filtering data. I have followed Beth Massi's video entitled How Do I: Filter data on the client?

However my datagridview will not filter, it simply moves the highlighted cell down to the location of the item selected in the combo box. The items in the combo box are also repeated as opposed to grouped by what they they are called, for instance I have a column called region and every cell contains the text "West" and the combo box just shows a list of all the cells as opposed to just one.I followed the video several times and every time this happens. Even with a new project. Could it be because my data isnt a table but a query of several tables? I can filter on this data in excel and access easily.

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Datatable Containg Names And Addresses Displayed In A Datagridview?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a datatable containg names and addresses displayed in a datagridview and need to send these to the printer.

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Combo Boxes And Arrays - Create For Random Numbers And Place Them Into For Different Text Boxes

Nov 3, 2010

So as the name states; I am a newer coder.

This is the code i have:

Public Sub RandomNumbers()
Dim s(4) As String
Dim RandomNumber As Byte

I don't know if you can tell what I am trying to do here, so I will try to explain. I what to create for random numbers and place them into for different text boxes. I also would like to do this with combo boxes and their selected indexes. So if the combo box has 10 items in it; the new selected index would be the random number generated above.

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Send Data From Text Boxes / Combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.

The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

I've already asked on other forums and people are where replying giving me third party programs that I could use to implement this, something I don't really want to do.

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Sending Data From Text Boxes/combo Boxes To Access Database?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.

What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.

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Assign Values To Items In Combo Boxes And Check Boxes?

Feb 27, 2009

I used this code to created 2 combo boxes General and Specific...and Only show Specific (Combo when Combo A is chosen.....What i need now is to know how to assign specific values to the items in combo b (Specific).??? If i chose a sode, Fanta, i want the total price to be $10.00 (this price will show up in the finial price box..

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Selecting Values Of Combo Boxes And List Boxes In Web Browser?

May 22, 2012

I am developing a program that makes it easier for users to log on to a website and search for specific data. I have the first portion finished in which I have a form with the Ax Web Browser control.

The web browser control navigates to a local website and automatically logs in for the end user. This is done by using code which automatically fills in the username and password and then submits the form to logon using something similar to this: WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.Item(, 0).elements("txtUsername").value = "user"

Once logged on - there is a search page which contains a combo box and list box. I am trying to set specific values for the combo box and list boxes.For example - the combo box on the website is titled: cbxDate and contains the following values: Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month.

A list box titled: lstArea contains the following values: Zone A, Zone B, Zone C, All.I am trying to figure out if there is a way through code to select, in this example, "Yesterday" in the cbxDate and "Zone B" in the lstArea on the webpage.If anyone knows of a solution, please feel free to let me know. Be advised that I am using the Ax Web Browser Control.

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Object Null Combo - Error When Try To Populate Some Combo Boxes With A Value

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting an error when i try to populate some combo boxes with a value, the combo box has values in and the right amount the code is getting the right number.

the error msg is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Clearing List Boxes And Combo Boxes?

Mar 20, 2009

what is the syntax to clear a combo box and also a list box?

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How To Refresh Combo Box In Vb 2005

Jun 16, 2009

I have some text boxes in my form that takes data and saves the data to the database. There is a combo box at the bottom of the page that loads data from a specific field of a database. when I enter and save the new data (using the textboxes), the combobox doesn't show the newly entered data. I tried to refresh the combobox using code like combobox.refresh, me.refresh etc, to refresh the form but nothing is working the combobox only display the new data when I close the form and reload the form again. anyway, the data loading in the combobox is done using datasource, displaymember, valuemember in the properties. So, how can I make the combobox show the just added record (field)?

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Refresh A Databound Combo Box?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a program where a user can select something from a combo box in a data grid view control. I have it so that they can add something to the combo box via input box. The new item would automatically show up in the combo box at the bottom.

Now the problem is with deletion. I have it so that a user will click delete and a dialog box will pop up with the combo box. There a user will select an item and click delete. The item deletes just fine from the db but it doesn't update the combo box on either the delete dialog box or the datagridview. The only time it shows deleted is when I exit the program and reload.

Here is my load event that populates everything.

Public Sub LoadData()
Dim cmTasks As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Select * from Tasks where Department_ID =


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Using A ComboBox To Refresh Another Combo Box?

Nov 15, 2011

I just had a question because I cannot seem to find the answers anywhere on the internet... also we are not upto this part in class yet.. Say I have 2 combo boxs... cmb1 and cmb2.. both are datasets from an access table.. how do I make it so cmb2 refreshes based on the value of cmb1? eg; if cmb1 is say, period 1, then i want cmb2 to only show results bases on items I have in period 1?

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C# - Refresh A Combo Box Item In-place?

Sep 17, 2009

The ComboBox Items collection is an ObjectCollection, so of course you can store anything you want in there, but that means you don't get a Text property like you would with, say, a ListViewItem. The ComboBox displays the items by calling ToString() on each item, or using reflection if the DisplayMember property is set.

My ComboBox is in DropDownList mode. I have a situation where I want to refresh the item text of a single item in the list when it gets selected by the user. The problem is that the ComboBox doesn't re-query for the text at any time besides when it loads up, and I can't figure out how else to do what I want besides removing and re-adding the selected item like so:

PlantComboBoxItem selectedItem = cboPlants.SelectedItem as PlantComboBoxItem;
// ...
int selectedIndex = cboPlants.SelectedIndex;


This code works fine, except for the fact that my SelectedIndex event ends up getting fired twice (once on the original user event, and then again when I re-set the property in this code). In this case, it's not a big deal that the event is fired twice, but it's inefficient, and I hate that. I could rig up a flag so it exits the event the second time, but that's hacking.

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Refresh Combo Box In Windows Form?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a Main form (a window form) in VB.NET which has a Combo Box to display a list of countries. A sub form activated from a "Button" on the Main form allows users to add Countries to their list. But After Adding a new entry the Combo Box on the Main form does not show the update (while it is still open). I have to exit the main form and relaunch it to see the update.

The populate function in shown below. I call this method after adding new countries but still; not good. I have used Invalidate function of combo box but of no use as well.

Public Sub PopulateCountry()
Dim rsLocal As New ADODB.Recordset


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C# - Working With .net Combo Boxes?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a form which has a Combo Box Control. I have selected the drop down style property to DropDown. I have also set the DropDown Width to 250.I have set the auto complete mode to suggest and the auto complete source to works absolutely fine when i click on the drop down. but when i type in somethin, the auto complete mode activates a drop down which has a small width.i wanna know how to increase the width of the auto complete drop down via code so that the list items are viewed properly.I am using C#

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Combo Box To List Boxes In VB?

Nov 30, 2009

I am trying to create a WPF browser application that allows you to search and display recipes. The combo box presents choices, the Ingredients display in one list box and the "cooking" instructions appear in the other list box. What's happening is the first time you make a selection from the combobox nothing displays, and this could be happening because the first line of code under Selectionchanged clears the List Boxes however, it should be populating those list boxes with content, shouldn't it? Anyway, as you make other selections List boxes 1 & 2 get populated but they do not match what displays in the Combo box, i.e. if you select "Easy Taco Dip" any random recipe might appear in List Boxes 1 & 2.

Option Explicit On
Class Page1
'User Makes a selection from the ComboBox which populates List Boxes 1 & 2


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Combo Boxes And Gridviews?

Oct 8, 2011

I was having a heck of a time populating a gridview combo box.I learned a ton in the last 48 hours but would really like to know the answers to the bottom three questions.You guys are the experts, so I'm hoping you will enlighten meBut the summary of it is below:I was never able to get the ComboBox to bind to the data source. I tried everything until I turned blue. So I went to the basics and coded all the automatic stuff. I'm curious as to why the automatic binding didn't work. Perhaps its because my gridview datasource was LINQ.Here is how I pulled it off. I hope someone down the road benefits from the last 48 hours of my delima:First of all, know that I have two drop down lists on my form, one is the GPField and the other is the BankField. These are already populated DDLs that are static. So I used them to cheat on the values instead of using enums.

Sub fillGPFieldListDDL(ByVal obj As Object)
Dim db As New CompanyDataDataContext
Dim myConn As New Connection With {.ConnCls = ConnCls}


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Conditional Combo Boxes?

Apr 14, 2010

I have two combo boxes: cboRepairCategory (plumbing, landscaping, etc) and cboVendors. I am using Stored Procedures in SQL to store the data from my database and then load them into the combo boxes.The cboRepairCategory will be loaded first. Once the user has selected what type of repair it is I want it to restrict the amount of vendors that can be selected, so instead of saying:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.up_Fill_Vendor_Combo

SELECT VendorID, CompanyName
FROM Vendors


I would select only the vendors that have the RepairType of say Landscaping, so thecboVendor would load now only Vendors with Landscaping instead of all vendors.My question is this: Is this done in SQL in my Stored Procedure or is it done in VB in my functions for my combo boxes. I've never tried this before I am totally lost on it. I have fiddled with the code on both ends but to no avail.

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How To Preload Combo Boxes Better

Aug 19, 2010

im trying to learn how to code more efficiently and was wondering how to preload combo boxes better. im working on a project atm that has many comboboxes with the same menu information. how to i link the information in a sub procedure when the comboboxes all have different names?

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Linking 2 Combo Boxes Together

Jun 9, 2011

i've been searching everywhere to try to get this setup. I am running Visual Basic 2008 I have 1 Combo Box that Has 3 Entries, Kyocera>Konica>Toshiba I have a 2nd Combo Box that has entries for each of those manufactors ...Kyocera has 3035,4035,5035....the konica has c250,c352,c452......the Toshiba has c3520, 4520


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Linking 2 Combo Boxes Together?

Jan 12, 2011

i've been searching everywhere to try to get this setup. I am running Visual Basic 2008 I have 1 Combo Box that Has 3 Entries, Kyocera>Konica>Toshiba I have a 2nd Combo Box that has entries for each of those manufactors...Kyocera has 3035,4035,5035....the konica has c250,c352,c452......the Toshiba has c3520, 4520

I want it so when i click on Kyocera the 2nd combo box only reads 3035,4035,5035 and when i click konica it only reads c250,c352,c452 etc etc

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Unsynchronize Two Combo Boxes

Oct 14, 2009

I have an employees form with the employees home anddress and work address. I am working with VB

2008 Express.In each address I have a combobox bound to a table of the States.Wn I select any state

in either one the other is locked to it. How can I break this synchronization.I tryied using a

different dataset, another bindingsource, with the same results.

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Using Multiple Combo Boxes?

May 17, 2011

I have a school project where i have a form that works as a class registration. There is cboGradeLevel and cboCourse and cboNumber. If cboGrade level is freshman i only want the numbers that start with 1 in cboName to be displayed, sophomore =2, junior =3, senior =3. Then i want cboCourse to work the same for the second number in cboNumber. english=1, history=2, math=3, science=4. So if freshman and history were selected i only want the numbers that start with 12- to be displayed. What can I use to make this happen?

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VS 02 / 03 Populating Combo Boxes

Jul 15, 2009

I am using the following code for populating the combo boxes in my application. It is really nice. If any one requires, may use this. It takes three parameters. The first, the name of the Combo Box and the second, the SQL Statement to populate the combo box and the third is the number of column to be displayed (from the SQL statement)


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Working With Combo Boxes?

May 4, 2010

How can I set something to the default option when the form is loaded? Meaning...If I want the combo box to have the options of "Hoops,Jams,Dunks", how can I set "Hoops" to be displayed in the combo box before it's clicked?

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VS 2005 Adding A Refresh Button To Update Combo Box Drop Down List?

Jul 16, 2009

See the below

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


the last value inserted into the access database will be add to the drop down list of their corressponding combo box.

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Clear Combo Boxes With Button?

Mar 20, 2010

I need to know how to clear what is currently in the combo box with a 'Clear' button. Basically, I have a combo box with a list of destinations for the user to choose from. Say the user selects Australia, when I click a clear button, I need this selection to disappear, and be ready for the next user to select a destination.

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