Refresh A Databound Combo Box?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a program where a user can select something from a combo box in a data grid view control. I have it so that they can add something to the combo box via input box. The new item would automatically show up in the combo box at the bottom.

Now the problem is with deletion. I have it so that a user will click delete and a dialog box will pop up with the combo box. There a user will select an item and click delete. The item deletes just fine from the db but it doesn't update the combo box on either the delete dialog box or the datagridview. The only time it shows deleted is when I exit the program and reload.

Here is my load event that populates everything.

Public Sub LoadData()
Dim cmTasks As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Select * from Tasks where Department_ID =


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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Refresh Databound Combobox After New Data Is Imported?

Nov 20, 2011

ut refreshing a databound Combobox After New Data in Imported into the Database. As it seems not be updating Without Closing the Form Thus resetting the Binding Source. but how can i do this on the Fly Lets say on the Combobox is Clicked it dose the updated List?

Its starting to be Quite Irritating That it is dosen't seem to be affected by:


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Sql - Refresh/update Databound ComboBox Immediately?

Nov 21, 2011

I've made a windows form in which I can change names in my databasetable 'stations'. To select which station to change I've used a databound ComboBox which gets all stations from the database table.

Now when I change the name of a station I want to get it immediatly updated in my combobox without restarting the application.

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VS 2008 Refresh Contents Of Databound Combobox?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a combo box that's filled from a query in the database. If I add a field to the database, the new field won't show up in the form until I close it and reopen it.

So, how do I refresh the contents of that combo box?

I bound the data onto the combo box like this:


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.net - Databound Combo SelectedItem Doesn't Seem To Work

Jun 12, 2009

I'm attempting to bind a combo to a collection of objects:

Dim t As New TradeOrderStatus()
Dim ts As List(Of TradeOrderStatus) = t.GetStatuses
With Me.cboTradeStatus


This works fine and I see the list of items in the combo. However when I try to set the SelectedItem of the combo to one of the items:

Me.cboTradeStatus.SelectedItem = Trade.TradeStatus

nothing happens. Trade.TradeStatus is an instance of the class TradeOrderStatus and all the necessart statuses are visible in the drop-down list. The SelectedItem remains as Nothing (or as the first item in the list if I omit the .SelectedItem = Nothing line from the binding code).


also returns false.

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Adding A Blank To A Databound Combo In A DataGridView

Apr 27, 2010

I've inherited a form that has a DataGridView that is bound to a dataadapter and it is connected to a binding source. Within the DataGridView is a combo box that is bound to its own bindingsource which basically just calls a stored proc to bring back the possible values for the dropdown combo control

With a blank new row and sometimes even with an existing row, this value for the combo box can be NULL which is a legitimate value for it if no value selected. Problem is everything is so tightly bound if the user mistakinly clicks the dropdown then a value is populated and there's no way to get back to NULL

I've tried to catch the mousecelldown event and others to try to catch this before a value is selected but the Cancel=True doesn't work - I can catch the event but don't know how to return the cell to unclicked or reset it to NULL or pre selected value if NULL I know how to at a new row with the datatable and then set the combo datasource to it and I have my null blank value but with a tightly bound control how do I add this row?

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Avoid Getting Empty Fields In A Databound Combo Box?

Oct 18, 2010

How to avoid getting empty fields in a databound combo box?

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Pizza Shop - Take Orders - Populate Text Box From Databound Combo Box?

Sep 28, 2010

got a pizza shop and the assingment is to create a application which alows the user to take a customer's order... I have a combo box filled with all of the items you can order (data from an access file)... and I need to have it so that when you select an item, it shows up in a text box below... I keep getting an error message saying you can't convert datarowview to string..

here is some

Private Sub TakeOrders_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PROJECT4DataSet.Items' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub


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Dynamicaly Refresh Databound Combobox Items Based On Selected_index_changed Event Of Another Combobox?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using VB.NET together with ADO.NET to create a program. I have set my TableAdapters as needed and bound the correct tables-columns to my comboboxes.My problem though is this:My combobox2 item is bound to a datatable. The table adapter's Fill method (the select command basicaly) includes a public variable in the where clause to fetch the correct results. I ll put some code here to clarify it a bit more.Public Class Frm_inv


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How To Refresh Combo Box In Vb 2005

Jun 16, 2009

I have some text boxes in my form that takes data and saves the data to the database. There is a combo box at the bottom of the page that loads data from a specific field of a database. when I enter and save the new data (using the textboxes), the combobox doesn't show the newly entered data. I tried to refresh the combobox using code like combobox.refresh, me.refresh etc, to refresh the form but nothing is working the combobox only display the new data when I close the form and reload the form again. anyway, the data loading in the combobox is done using datasource, displaymember, valuemember in the properties. So, how can I make the combobox show the just added record (field)?

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Using A ComboBox To Refresh Another Combo Box?

Nov 15, 2011

I just had a question because I cannot seem to find the answers anywhere on the internet... also we are not upto this part in class yet.. Say I have 2 combo boxs... cmb1 and cmb2.. both are datasets from an access table.. how do I make it so cmb2 refreshes based on the value of cmb1? eg; if cmb1 is say, period 1, then i want cmb2 to only show results bases on items I have in period 1?

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C# - Refresh A Combo Box Item In-place?

Sep 17, 2009

The ComboBox Items collection is an ObjectCollection, so of course you can store anything you want in there, but that means you don't get a Text property like you would with, say, a ListViewItem. The ComboBox displays the items by calling ToString() on each item, or using reflection if the DisplayMember property is set.

My ComboBox is in DropDownList mode. I have a situation where I want to refresh the item text of a single item in the list when it gets selected by the user. The problem is that the ComboBox doesn't re-query for the text at any time besides when it loads up, and I can't figure out how else to do what I want besides removing and re-adding the selected item like so:

PlantComboBoxItem selectedItem = cboPlants.SelectedItem as PlantComboBoxItem;
// ...
int selectedIndex = cboPlants.SelectedIndex;


This code works fine, except for the fact that my SelectedIndex event ends up getting fired twice (once on the original user event, and then again when I re-set the property in this code). In this case, it's not a big deal that the event is fired twice, but it's inefficient, and I hate that. I could rig up a flag so it exits the event the second time, but that's hacking.

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Refresh Combo Box In Windows Form?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a Main form (a window form) in VB.NET which has a Combo Box to display a list of countries. A sub form activated from a "Button" on the Main form allows users to add Countries to their list. But After Adding a new entry the Combo Box on the Main form does not show the update (while it is still open). I have to exit the main form and relaunch it to see the update.

The populate function in shown below. I call this method after adding new countries but still; not good. I have used Invalidate function of combo box but of no use as well.

Public Sub PopulateCountry()
Dim rsLocal As New ADODB.Recordset


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DatagridView Containg Combo-boxes Can't Refresh

Dec 5, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a bindingsource. This datagridview contains one column which is a combo-box.

Upon a click on a button,I change the underlying datasource. The selected values of the combo-boxes change.

But the change doesn't appear on the screen ! To make the changes visible (refresh each combo-box), I have to hover on the datagridview with the mouse or use the scrollbar !

Question 1 : why do I see this ?

Question 2 : what should I do to make the changes immediately visible ?

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VS 2005 Adding A Refresh Button To Update Combo Box Drop Down List?

Jul 16, 2009

See the below

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


the last value inserted into the access database will be add to the drop down list of their corressponding combo box.

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Refresh Windows Form When Ever User Clicks Refresh Button?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???

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Pick A Word In Combo Box A That Has Specific Words/phrases In Combo Box B Show?

Feb 24, 2009

i wanted to link options selected from Comb box A (general) to specific options in combo box B (specific). I want to pick a word in Combo box A that has specific words/phrases in Combo Box B show. But not all the words to show in the combo box B if they aren't associated with the Word picked in Combo Box A. Ex.When "Soda" is picked in A, only "Coke, Sprite, Fanta" should be visible in combo box b, not everything else.This is the code i used to make the boxes, but i don't know how to link them.

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' fills the combo boxes with values


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Object Null Combo - Error When Try To Populate Some Combo Boxes With A Value

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting an error when i try to populate some combo boxes with a value, the combo box has values in and the right amount the code is getting the right number.

the error msg is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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One Combo Box Fills Another And Hits The Second Combo Box's Lost Focus Event?

Jun 7, 2012

Combo box 2 is filled based on a selection made in combo box 1 and a listview is populated based on the selection made in combo box 2.When the LostFocus event completes in combo box 1, it hits the LostFocus event in Combo Box 2 but it shouldn't. How do I prevent this from happening or if I can't prevent it, how do I work around it? The following is the code used.

Private Sub cboCategory_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategory.LostFocus


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Javascript - Change Values In Combo Box By Selection In First Combo Box?

Jan 12, 2012

I've got some code like the following. I want it so that when I chose an item in 'select 1' it changes the in the second combo box but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Does it have to be AJax or can it be done with just Javascript?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Datagridview Combo Box - Set A Single Cell As A Combo Box?

Feb 13, 2009

is there a way to set a single cell as a combo box? it looks to me that you can only set the whole column.

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Forms :: Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work


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Programmatically Add Combo Box Items To A Combo Box In A Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I know how to add the items during design time but how do you add the items through code. I want to fill the combo box in the datagrid with the results of an SQL query?

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Enable/Disable Combo Box From Another Combo Box?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a form with 8 combo boxes and would like to disble certain combo boxes, depending on what was selected in another combo box. The reason is so the user will not have a blank return on a query. The first form I created like this worked great, no issues. This form only allows one combo box (Number_of_Lightheads) to disable any others. Below is the code I have for this Form. why the other combo boxes will not disable the ones that are called out in the code?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub High_Def_AfterUpdate()
If Me.High_Def = Yes Then


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Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box i have this code for now but it does not work

j = 0
Do While j < cmbSession.Items.Count
If (j <> lesson) Then


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Add A New Row To The Database Using Databound?

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a new row to the database using databound textbox's but they keep adding blank rows to the database. If i use textbox's that arnt databound the info will get added

This doesnt work when using a databound textbox - it simply adds a blank datarow with no information

Dim row As DataRowView = CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() row("CompanyName") = CompanyNameTextBox.Text() CompanyDetailsBindingSource.EndEdit() TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(MainDataSet)

However if i use a textbox that isnt databound it works and the data is added to the database


Dim row As DataRowView = CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() row("CompanyName") = TextBox1.Text() CompanyDetailsBindingSource.EndEdit() TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(MainDataSet)

Is it possible for all the databound textbox's to be added to the database in one go without having to manually add them to the code?

e.g. Why wont this add a new row and insert all the data in textbox's to the database but if i change the AddNew to EndEdit it will update all fields at once?


Me.Validate() Me.CompanyDetailsBindingSource.AddNew() Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.MainDataSet)

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Get The Value Of A Databound Textbox?

Aug 31, 2011

Normally I would create a form and handle the binding of controls myself. However, the current table I'm working on has 180 something columns so I decided to use the BindingSource to control the amount of code I have to write. This has all worked well until I try and call the value of one of the textboxes.

So.. I bind my form like so: Me.MyTableAdaptor.Fill(Me.MyDataSet.MyTable)

Whenever I call a textbox e.g.: Dim myVar as String = txtName.Text myVar remains "" or Nothing. I just can't get myVar to equal what is typed into the textbox that is databound.

Is there anything I can do. I know that binding isn't the recommended use, but I really could do without having to write the insert, select, and update commands for 180+ columns.

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Add New Item To Databound Combobox

May 2, 2012

I have a combobox that is bound to a dataset (via datatable and datatableAdapter). The combobox displays the current data in the table as it should.I have programmatically added the string "ADD..." to the list at the form.shown event:[code]when the user then click on (select) "ADD...", i open a new form to allow the user to add a new item to the list.The code i have behind the "ACCEPT" button on the new form stores the NEW value to the DATASET. I have verified this by previewing the data in the dataset.My problem is getting the combobox to reflect the changes to datatable to which it is bound.[code]

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Assign A Value To A Databound Textbox?

Apr 24, 2011

I am experiencing aproblem in my VB.NET App. The salary form is a databound form in my app to a linq data source. There are several text boxes to enter and calculate different salary fields. e.g. Basic Salary, Budgetary Allowance and Adjusted Basic Salary...

all the above three controls are bound to the datasource. now on the Leave events of the Basic Salary and Budgetary Allowance there is a function to calculate Adjusted basic salary.

The problem is i dont see the calculated amount in the adjusted basic salary but i see only the underlying data in the database instead of the programmatically calculated amount.

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