Datagridview Can Not Get Rid Of Scientific Notation Style Numbers?

Feb 19, 2009

I can not column 4 of my Datagridview1 to display numbers as ###,###,### with not decimal places it seems stuck in Scientific notation mode, even though I have set it several different ways in the menus.How do I set it in the program like I set the column width.

DataGridView1.Columns(2).Width = 80This is in VB ExpressGary

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Displaying Numbers In Their True Form (not Scientific Notation)

Mar 12, 2009



I need those in there true form not scientific notation, how do i do this in

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Converting Double To String (Not In Scientific Notation)

Nov 12, 2011

The only post I can find on this matter is one that coverts the double to a decimal before converting it into a string. However the numbers I'm using are far larger than what a decimal can store.
Example: 1/(16^10)

So how can I convert the solution to the problem above. Which equals 0.00000000000090949470177292824, to a string value that is exactly as it's shown?
Cause when I convert this to a decimal I still end up with a string in scientific notation..

View 39 Replies

Displaying Scientific Notation In VB Express 2008?

Sep 28, 2009

I've written a small program that does some calculations and I want to display some of the results in scientific notation. For example, I want to display 0.005 as 5.0E-3.

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EXCEL Reads A Text String As Scientific Notation

Dec 31, 2007

I am working on a project that involes reading an Excel file, picking through it, then creating a flat CSV file. One of the the data elements I am picking up is a 9 character string that may be numeric, or contain one or more alpha chatacters. Excel has a nasty habit of converting long numerics to scientific notaion. I can overcome this by converting the "general" string to "TEXT".

However, there is one instance where I can not get the function to work...the string is "90333E108" ( the CUSIP for USU). Regardless, the text string is saved properly into the CSV file. When opened in a text editor, it reads correctly.

When opened with Excel, it is in scientific notation. Changing the field to "text" from "scientific" still displays "9.03E+112".

how to create an csv file that Excel will open and read correctly?

You can test this by creating an Excel workbook, format all cells as TEXT and add the following data:



View 14 Replies - Prevent Numbers From Showing In Exponent Notation?

Oct 21, 2009

I've got an app that sometimes stores some decently small numbers, such as 0.000023425. These numbers get loaded up in TextBox controls for users to edit.

Dim number As Double = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "2.3425E-05"

As mentioned, the text that shows is 2.3425E-05, which isn't exactly intuitive for the user to see, plus I have numbers even more precise (out to 19 decimal places). I would like the output to be fixed point. Of course I could easily and cleanly do:

number.ToString("F20") ' Shows "0.00002342500000000000"

But then there's an annoying number of zeros left over. So, to fix that, I could do:

number.ToString("#,##0.####################") ' Shows "0.000023425"

Which is what I want, but is there any better way to do it than to have that giant ugly format string there? So, ok, it's not that ugly, but surely there's a different way, right? My goal is to show the raw value being stored in the DB in a friendly way, and I would rather not have to force a format on the number at all.I found that changing the underlying datatype to Decimal solves the issue.

Dim number As Decimal = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "0.000023425" instead of "2.3425E-05"

So it sounds like Doubles aren't precise enough to be displayed normally?

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Scientific Numbers From String Formate To Double?

Jun 13, 2012

I was using the following code:

If Entry.ToLower = "test" Then
Dim test As Double
test = Double.Parse(InputBox("test", "test")[code]....

to check if I can inputoutput scientific numbers tofrom Double.I was able to output the data successfully. (With "E" instead of "* 10 ^" but that's fine)But when I input the same number error occurs.

"System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.Double.Parse(String s)
at Particle_Simulation.General.ConsoleEntry(String Entry) in G:ProjectsVisual BasicParticle SimulationGeneral.vb:line 23"

View 6 Replies

VS 02/03 Use A Double Dot Notation Instead Of The Single Dot Notation?

Apr 11, 2009

I am trying to have a firm grasp of VB.NET and wondering if there is a way to use a double dot notation instead of the single dot notation people are normally accustomed to?The double dot notation that I want to implement is shown directly below:


Currently, the only way I know is by using the call shown below which I suspect is not using the full capabilities of .NET:


My code is shown below:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
modVar.intDay = 25


View 6 Replies (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


View 1 Replies

DatagridView Column Style

Jan 17, 2012

I am using oracle connection to my datagridview and my oracle table contain two fields 1)id and 2)allow id of type number field and allow of type char(1) field {for storing if true then 'T' and if false then 'F' in table)

I want to take datagridview with two columns first one is type textbox and second one is of type checkbox if allow column contain 'T' then it comes in checked in checkbox else allow column contain 'F' then it comes in unchecked in checkbox

I use code to connect datagridview with datasource is


View 9 Replies

DataGridView Filtering - CSV Style Data?

Mar 6, 2012

DataGridView filtering. I have this data bound to a combobox:
Product Index
Prod1 1,2
Prod2 7,8,9
Prod3 10,11

Actual Table structure is:
Index Product
1 prod1
2 prod1
7 prod2
8 prod2
9 prod2
10 prod2
11 prod3
(Product is the Display Member, Index is the ValueMember)

On the combobox's SelectedIndexChanged event, I'm filtering the DataGridView:
DGVCustomers.DataSource.DefaultView.RowFilter = "indexes like '%" + MyDropDown.SelectedValue + "%'"
If MyDropDown.SelectedValue is "1,2" then any record without either number will not be shown , in addition "7,8,9" will only show customers with that string... etc etc. How can I filter the DGV correctly with the CSV style data? (It's not my data unfortunately!)

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Change Style Of Individual Cells In A Datagridview Row?

Mar 27, 2009

Is it possible to give individual cells in a data grid view row different styles such as backcolor, fontcolor etc?

I do not mean giving the whole row a new style, only a specific cell.

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Sort DataGridView Numbers (when Clicking The Datagridview Column Header Text)

Mar 11, 2010

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit:


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Change Datagridview Combobox Cell Style On Form Load?

Apr 23, 2012

at the moment i can change the datagridview combobox cell style using the cellvaluechanged event handler using the following code:
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellValueChanged
If e.RowIndex <> Column1.Index Then


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Definig DataGridView Column Headers Font Style At Design Time

Jul 11, 2010

I am developing a project using VB2010. In the attached example I created a Form.

On tha form I put a GroupBox Containing a DataGridView.

I am trying to set, at Design time, the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellstyle Font of the grid, defining the Font, the size and the style (Bold). After saving the project or running it, The Font properties of the grid headers are changed to the Font properties of the containing


Why is that so? How can I set, at Design Time, a different font for the Grid Column headers and the GroupBox?

To demostrate the problm - Try to modify the Font of the grid headers, in the attached example,

to "Bold" "Size 12", Run the application and see the result.

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Change The Native Scrollbar Style In Application To Custom Style?

Mar 23, 2011

how i can change the native scrollbar style in my application to my custom style. I can adopt a custom scrollbar to attain this purpose but this will not serve my purpose because i want this attribute in entire application. Like it the text in textbox gets longer than its bounds than the scrollbar appers are my custom bar not the formal ones

View 12 Replies

Hungarian Notation In .NET?

May 17, 2011

Our programming teacher taught us to use the Hungarian notation (e.g. intMyInteger, strMyString,...) while programming.But I have heard somewhere this isn't actually used in the professional world. Is this true?

Edit: I just found out this is actually "Leszynski"

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Build A Scientific Calculator With Vb?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm trying to build a scientific calculator with vb .net, except it is vista glass :-p

I basically want the user to be able to enter an equation like SQRT(5 * 6) / (2 ^ 4) and then I want vb to use system.math to solve it. If I write this in my code, vb is able to do it, so how could I do this at runtime.

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Good Scientific Calculator Example?

Apr 16, 2010

Show me a link to the source of a good scientific calculator example?

I'm using VB express 2008. I've been searching, but I can't find any good ones that work with express 2008!

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Implementing Notation And A Messaging Center?

Nov 15, 2011

I've created an application where our clients can have access to our program by logging in. It uses our database for most information. I want to implement a richtextbox where it saves notes but i don't know if i should be saving that information as a file or what. Also I also have an application that handles everything that deals with our clients I also want to implement a messaging system that can leave a message to the client upon opening the application if they are missing any information that we require. Can someone point me the right direction on where to learn about this.

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Official Notation For Private Fields?

May 13, 2009

Is there any official notation for private fields? Like mVar, m_var or another notation?

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Conduct A Code For A Scientific Calculator?

Jun 21, 2010

How to code the sqrt, log, sin,cos and tangent buttons please write down the code for the mentioned buttons

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Write Double In Non-scientific Form?

Sep 18, 2009

I would like to know if Visual Studio does have a setting where you can choose whether it should write nombers like 0.00000127 in scientific notation or not? I am writing such doubles to file but VB2008 writes them in scientific notation. If I treat these numbers as decimals then it writes them correctly, but I also have to take care of performance as I'm writing lots of numbers.

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How To Generate Musical Notation By Importing MusicXML

Mar 23, 2011

What would be the best approach in Vb.Net to generate music notation by importing a MusicXML (example below)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC
"-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN"
<score-partwise version="2.0">
[Code] .....

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Query Notation For Select Overload With Index

Jun 18, 2009

There is a Select overload that adds an index to each element of a sequence :


Can this query be written in Query Notation ?

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Interfacing With Windows Calculator In Scientific Mode

Aug 29, 2009

Introduction: Probably a year or more ago I asked if was possible to use the Mathematical functions in Windows Calculator or use any DLL file it may use without a satisfactory answer. As I require the greater accuracy of Windows Calculator in String format. Would it be easy to keep switching between a Vb.Net Form windows based application and Windows Calculator and, using SendKeys, get results back to a Vb.Net application using Copy & Paste via the clipboard but to do this in an automatic fashion at all please?

What I am particularly interested in is getting Log10 or LogN results and also doing ARC or INVerse LOG10 or INVerse LogN calculations. But I require the greater accuracy of windows Calculator. Additionally, would it be possible to assign a keyboard keymap to each key in Windows Calculator so that, for example, the L key would be assigned to clicking the LOG10 button, ALT for the Hyp checkbox, SHIFT for the INV checkbox and so on?So imagine sending key sequences to Windows Calculator to completely automate it. And Windows Calculator has been updated too in WINDOWS 7, would that make it any easier to work with?

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Prevent Data From Displaying In Scientific Format?

Apr 27, 2012

I have this sql server query that I am running in my .net app.[code]...

Any date that has e in the middle such as 20120731*e*0000001 turns into scientific data.

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Scientific Data Parsing Using A 3 Dimensional Array

Mar 11, 2010

I have data formatted as an ASCII text file with easting, northing, and depth fields. I've attempted an arrayList with some success, but there has to be a better and more efficient approach.


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VS 2005 Create Scientific Calculator - Function Sin, Tan And Cos

Sep 6, 2011

I have probleam with my code, currently i am create scientific calculator which have function sin, cos & tan. The code i create it not working because every time i convert the function it will show 0 as answer. how to correct my code here.

Public Class Form1
Dim total1, total2 As Double
Dim [Operator] As String
Const conversionFactor As Double = Math.PI / 180
Dim result As Double
total2 = Val(answer.Text)


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Dynamic Draggable Labels On Chart For Notation Purpose

Jul 22, 2010

I am deveolping a charting program and have a need to have dynamic draggable labels on the chart for notation purposes. Everything works fine until I try to drag a label past the 32767 (16 bit limit).

Here is the code that I drag the label with:
[Code] .....

I have tried to create a new label and override the Top value with a Long Value, but it still does not do the trick. Hhere is my attempt to overload the top value to an integer.

Public Overloads Property Top() As Long
Return _Top
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Long)
[Code] .....

The charts are dynamically generated from a database and represent depths. Usually at least 10000 feet are plotted at 5 pixels per foot. So some labels will be created or dragged below this 32767 line regularly. Any way to be able to drag the labels past this limit, or possible another option to be able to view these long charts.

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