Declare Public / Global Array?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to declare a array that I want to use in the module and in the forms. I like it to be usable all over but I cant get it to work.[code]...

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Declare A Global (or Public?) Variable On Load?

Jun 13, 2012

Just working on getting more fluent in Visual Basic over the summer so I'm still sharp for my next visual basic class. My teacher went over variables, but only in local scope.I have looked everywhere, but I can't find exactly what I need. I'm making an alarm clock of sorts, and I have this code to populate the minute array and the hour array.

Public Class Form1
Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Using Array In Other Subs - Public And Global

Jun 20, 2011

I have an array that I created in a sub with a button. I was wondering how I could use this array in other subs after it has been created. I tried making it public and global, but it didn't work.

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Use Global X As String In Vb6 In A Module To Declare It With Global Privelages?

May 1, 2009

i could use Global x as string in vb6 in a module to declare it with global privelages, how can i do this in vb2008? how to declare a global variable in vb2008? so that i could use it anywhere i want. i know global variables are not recommended in programming but i need one.

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Declare A Public Param For Public Class Form1?

Apr 7, 2011

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel[code]....

how to declare "smsport" on class smscomms as public so that it can be access in class form1 or button1_click event.

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Declare A Public Variable And A Public Sub In An Aspx Webpage?

Aug 26, 2010

How do declare a public variable .aspx web page that can be used in all the pages within my web application?

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Declare Out Global Variable?

Nov 11, 2010

how to declare out global variable? i tried out but get error.. below is my orginal code


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How To Declare Global Variables

Aug 16, 2010

How I can declare global variables in that I can access them in all windows of my application?

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Declare A Global Variable And Access?

Jun 21, 2010

I need regarding declarations of global variable.. I created a module here is the script.


and then I set the value of that variable in my Login form and then my PROBLEM is when accessing it on the my Main form and I want to display the data of that variable in a textbox, the variable does'nt hold the value that I already set. I'm waiting for replies!

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Declare A Static Variable As Global?

Oct 25, 2006

How can i declare a static variable as global in static variable)

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Declare Global Value Type Variables With New?

Dec 29, 2009

What happens if I do: Dim x As New Int32? Is a object of int placed on the heap? If it is, maybe your application would be able to access global variables faster if they were reference types.

A global variable as an value type should be somewhere at the bottom of the stack most of the time and it might take more time to get to this then to get a object from the heap. Unless it's the same story with the pointer of this object is also at the bottom of the stack of course.

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Declare Global Varibles In VB 2010

Dec 25, 2010

How do I declare a global variable in VB - these variable need to be accessible from all the vb forms. I know how to declare public variable for a specific form. but how do I do this for all the forms in my project.

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How To Declare A Global List Object

Jun 8, 2012

I would like to declare a list above Sub procedure and to be able to add/modify it. I would like to have something like this:


When i run the above example i get an error like: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Declare Some Global Variables For Use In Various Subs/functions?

Oct 21, 2011

At the head of a module, I wish to declare some global variables for use in various subs/functions.

What is the difference between.Dim x as string and Private x as string / Public x as string, and when would I use one over the other?

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How To Declare A Global Variable In A Button Click Event

Jun 8, 2011

I'm wondering whether it is possible to declare a global variable in a click event. I need to declare an array of a specific size. The specific size is generated using a series of IF statements. I only need to know how to declare it.

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Call Global / Public Class Anywhere

May 23, 2012

I have Errorlog.vb in my 2008 project. It is for public class. Public Class ErrorLogger I want to call this public class anywhere. So on EACH vb file I use import "mainproject name".ErrorLogger How can I declare once some where at the beginning and that class will be availabe through out the project?

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Cant Declare A Public Const ?

Apr 2, 2012

Is their a reason why I cant declare a Public Const this way?


Public Const whatever as string =

I don't understand why not.

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Declare The Connection As Public?

Jul 3, 2011

how to connect VB2010 to MS Access and how to declare the connection as public? I just switched from VB2010 from VB6.0 and found some major changes since VB6.0 in terms of interface and functionality. Must I use a global module for it just like in VB6.0 (.bas module)?

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HOW To Declare A Public Variable

Apr 23, 2012

Later on i have a form where a cost for a class is calculated by timing the duration of a class by the costperhour textbox which is in a different form.

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.net - Accessing A Public Class From Global.asax?

Aug 5, 2011

I would love to implement the routing but i have a basic question.

In my Generic handler i have the following Global class

Public Class MyHandlerRouteHandler : Implements IRouteHandler
Public Function GetHttpHandler(requestContext As System.Web.Routing.RequestContext) As System.Web.IHttpHandler Implements


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Declare Variables In Public Class Form1?

Apr 29, 2012

When and why do you declare variables in the Public Class Form1 section?

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Declare Public Constants That Are Available Solution Wide Across All Projects?

Jan 11, 2012

How can I declare public constants that are available solution wide across all projects?

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Declare Public Variables, Constants, Functions In A Proper Way?

Jan 13, 2011

I'd like to get a more refined programming style and I was wondering if any of you might give me a hand...(How to declare public variables, constants, a proper way),is there any useful link or pdf document I could have a look in order to improve my style?

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Declare Store And Access "global" Variables?

Jan 17, 2011

I have an application that I'm writing and I'm trying to declare two variables from my sql server, store the values and pass them to my forms.[code]...

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Put Element From Procedure Array In Global Array?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a dynamic are declared as global and one dynamic array in procedure , how is posible to put element from procedure array in global array


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C# - How To Do "Public Declare Ansi Function" In VB6

Jan 28, 2012

I'm trying to convert this VB.NET / C# Declaration into a VB6 one, having trouble. (included is C# version, converting to VB.NET not a problem)

[DllImport("urlmon.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
private static extern int UrlMkSetSessionOption(
int dwOption,


Tried google this for 2 hours but it was useless [anybody else notice their results relevance becoming incredibly worse since last algo change?]...

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Declare An Internal Class Within A Public Class?

Nov 17, 2008

how to declare an internal class within a public class using

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Way To Declare An Array?

Jun 13, 2011

What is the right way to declare an array
Dim lblname As Label() = New Label(get_num_of_children()) {}
Dim mealcheck As Integer() = New Integer(get_num_of_children()) {}


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.net - Declare An Array Of Classes And Set Value?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a little syntax declare problem in VB.Net.

Dim proxy As USImportoerServiceTypeClient = DMRUtils.CreateAndConfigureClient()
Dim request As New USDeclare_I()
request.DeclareCollection = New US_ITypeDeclare() {}


This above code do not work, becase the "US_ITypeDeclare() {}" is empty an only contains a new DeclareCollectionStructure

declare a KoeretoejErklaeringStructure to this an set this date value til "DeclareCollectionStructure.DeclareCollectionValidDate" ?

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Declare A 2D Unlimited Array?

Apr 30, 2012

I Declare a 2D Unlimited array.My code:

Dim array As String(,) = New String(,) {}
array(0, 0) = "top left"
MsgBox(array(0, 0))

The problem is the msgbox shows nothing.

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