Deploying An Application Express 2010 With A Sql Server 2008 R2 Database?

Apr 10, 2012

I have recently developed a back end database in SQL server 2008 R2 and attached it to a application in VB express 2010.Everything works fine and when i publish the application, it works fine on my machine, but once i try to setup up the application on another machine i get the error message: A network related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server was not found or not accessible please verify the instance name is correct or allow remote connections.I have read numerous forums on this saying about changing the connection string and instance name.but with being novice i dont understand what needs to be changed etc.The sql server allows remote connections, but i am unsure what else needs changing to allow the application to work with the database on another machine.

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Deploying A 2005 WinForm App With A SQL Server Express Database?

Jun 2, 2006

I have a VB.NET 2005 WinForm app that accesses a SQL Sever Express database.I use the Microsoft Practices Enterprise library to handle my data access with the following appearing in my app.config file.

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Deploying Desktop Application With SQL Server Express As Backend Db On Local Area Network

May 28, 2009

Basically back in VB6 days, I created several VB6 apps with Access as the backend database. I'd package my Access db file with the application setup, which copied it on to a shared network drive, and then different computers on the LAN could use the same backend database file, and that worked just fine. With SQL and VB .Net, I've done work with a SQL database hosted on a remote server, so you can basically build your query string easily and anyone can connect to it from anywhere, and it works just fine.However, what I'd like to do is have a local SQL express database as the backend for a VB .Net application and make a setup program that can install it in a way that it could be shared on a Local area network, without the user who is installing the application do anything.

I know about building a connection string with the local machine name, but I don't really have any experience with including an actual MDF file with the application. Does anyone know how it works, and is it a better approach? Does it work similar to placing an access file in a shared unc path?I know that ClickOnce (which is awesome) can install SQL express easily on a user's machine. However, the key is that I want SQL express to be installed only on the machine that is going to be the database server in a LAN enviornment, and not on every machine, unless it is neccesseary. And then how does your VB app know how to build the connection string to access the database from any machine on the local share?

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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VS 2010 Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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VS 2008 Deploying App With Database On Server

Mar 20, 2010

I have an application that accesses a sql server 2008 database. The server and database is stored on my local harddrive and I would like to learn to scale this up to having multiple users in our office access the application which I will i deploy on a server. For now the database will stay on my pc until I am ready to put it on a dedicated server for myself but for now how do I allow the application still to access my database without allowing anyone direct access to my server or my pc drive. Here is my current connection string:


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Deploying A .net Application With A .MDF File(sql Server 2008) + ClickOnce?

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to deploy a application that is currently using SQL Server 2008 as its database to connect to.I need this application to be able to include a copy of its data so that wherever I install the application there is no need for them to install SQL Express.

What i have been reading is that I should of been using SQL Server Compact Edition to do this. Is there any way that I can do this with using an .MDF file?If not, is it possible to convert an .MDF file to .SDF and then just include it in my app?

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INSERT Or Update In SQL Server 2008 R2 Express In VB 2010 Express

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to re write a VB6 program using MS Access, many years ago, using VB 2010 express and SQL server 2008 R2 Express. I have a database with several tables, which I created using the designer. I am able to connect to the database and select data and display it in textboxes etc in vb code. What I have not been able to in code is to INSERT rows DELETE rows or UPDATE any data in the tables. I can do any of these operations using the Query Designer, but I want to do it in code. I can post some code if necessiary, but I thought it might just be some property that I had not set in the designer.


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Installing An Application With SQL Server Express Database?

Jun 11, 2010

I have an app developed with VB .NET as front end and SQL Server Express 2005 Database. Now I want to install it on a server so that other client PCs can access it. My gquestions are:

1. Do I have to install SQL Server Express on the Server before I can install my database on it?

2. Do I have to install Visual studio on the clients before I can install the front end?

3. Is there any online walk-through/tutorial on how to accomplish this (ie, installing a database app on a server and connecting the clients)?

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

there Dream in Code Community! Im an okay programmer as far as skill right now I am still learning as we all are I need some help from some experienced VB.NET programmers in the community, Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords.


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Deploy Windows Application With Its Local Database SQL Server R2 Express?

Apr 5, 2012

how can i deploy windows application developed using and Sqlserver R2 Express as local database? can i make it in setup format(including sqlserver) to deliver to clients?is it compulsory the client should install SQL Server R2 Express in his system apart from the installation of this windows application?

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Connect A Sql Server Express Database In 2010?

Sep 17, 2011

I want to use a connetction string for connect a databse in sql server express by My code is : Cn1.ConnectionString ="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" but i when open then connection i see this error Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'Shahab-PCShahab'.

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Deploying Vb 2008 Express Edition Project?

May 2, 2010

i have a project and i used NSIS to create a Setup file. I am able to install it to my system but some parts of the program do not work (and they work when i run my project in VB). For example i have a Back Up option that creates a back up but this does not work when i run the application via the installation file. Probably it has something to do with the directories?

If System.IO.Directory.Exists(CurDirectory + "Backup Folder") = False Then
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(CurDirectory + "Backup Folder")
End If

how can i make it work from the installation file? Do i need to copy something somewhere?

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SQL Server - Local Database With Visual Basic Express 2010

May 24, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Express, lets the user to add a Local Database with .sdf extension. These databases needs MICROSOFT SQL Server to be created or they can run in the user's pc without any additional software? What are the limit of these databases unlike an external database?

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Table Created In VB 2010 Express Database Explorer Does Not Appear In Underlying Server?

May 10, 2010

The above is more or less the complete question. I have created a table in the VB 2010 Database Explorer but I cannot for the life of me work out how I can get this copied or created into the underlying server. It is not appearing in the underyling serverand when I run the code of course I ge "invalid object <tablename>" I have data as well in the table that appears in Database Explorer. I think I have missed something fundamental in my overall conception of using VB 2010 Express with SQL Server Express in that I don't know if I have a local copy (that isn't then mirrored on the server), or what (the ____ have I got)? An article that explains the overall relation of Database Explorer to the underyling Server would be great as well

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VS 2010 Express Database Application Deployment?

Sep 28, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net Express 2010 and am having difficulty deploying it. The only deployment method available to me using the Express version is OneClick deployment. I can't figure out how to include the Access database file in the package.

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Deploy Stand Alone SQL Server 2008 Express Database?

Dec 10, 2008

How can I deploy and reference a stand-alone SQL Server 2008 Express database with my 2008 Express app ?

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Deploying Windows Form Application With Database?

Jun 6, 2011

I am about to finish an application for a client. Now I'm having hard time deploying it since I really don't know how to do it.How do I deploy a windows form application with database?I've already downloaded the prerequisites redistributables. I also want those to be included in the installer.

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VB 2008 Express - Connect To SQL Server Instance And Select The Database

Sep 5, 2009

I'm trying to connect from VB 2008 Express Edition to a database in an instance of SQL Server 2008. Both, VB and SQL Server are running on the same machine. From a VB project, when I try to define a new Data Connection I find just three Data sources available: [Code] I selected the last one but when I browse for the mdf file I cannot select it because it tells me that the file is in USE. I have stopped all the services but still I'm not able to link the database file.

Two questions: 1. Is there a way to connect to the SQL Server Instance and from there to select the desired database? 2. How to connect using the Database file.

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DB/Reporting :: Multi User - Windows Application With Back End As SQL Server 2008 Express

Mar 17, 2009

I'm working on a multi user VB.Net windows application with back end as SQL Server 2008 Express. The SQL Server is installed on the intranet network drive. This is the connection string I will be using. Is this correct?

Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=Q:DatabasePrintDB.mdf;Integrate d Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True

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Connect SQL Server 2005 Express Database With Visual Basic 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

i am new with SQL server 2005 and visual studio do i connect the forms and the tables in the database

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Sql Server - Face Database Limitation Issue In SQl Sever Express 2008?

Aug 4, 2011

im decide to develop Vb .net Application With Sql server Express 2008 ,but microsoft says they limit 4 GB Sze for per DB! So im developing my app for Single user Desktop pc , so what i do when the DB reached to the Maximum size? when the db size reached to maximum size , is it Good thing to create new DB and allow my application to work with both DB s ?

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VS 2008 - Downloaded SQL Server Express - Create A Database - Find/connect ?

Feb 26, 2010

I've just downloaded SQL server express and have created a database in there. Now back in my VB.NET application from Visual Studio how do i find/connect to it?

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Deployment :: Deploying A Application And Creating An Access Database

Mar 25, 2009

I have to deploy my VB.NET application, and create a new access database with 5 tables, some filled in with values on installation in a specified folder in the C: drive which also needs to be created. I have found using google havent seemed to work for me. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, so maybe I need to use a proper copy of Visual Studio 2008 to do this.

So basically I am looking for a way to create a .exe file that will be used to install my program on a user's computer, and create a folder and database with some values on instalation. Could anyone tell me how I can do this or point me in the right direction? EDIT - Also would you be able to answer this question for me. Will the computer that the program will be installed on require visual studio or any other software to run my program?

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Update Data In SQL Server Express 2008 Using VB 2010

Jan 17, 2012

Here is the code snippet

objCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE tblCustomers SET weight= @weight, height= @height WHERE id=@id "

What i want to do is the following:

I have a form and i want,by clicking the appropriate button, to update the height and weight values which have the specified primary key 'id'.

The primary key 'id' is of type IDENTITY.The problem is that the above code does not work. It says Must declare the scalar variable "@id".

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VS 2010 Deploying A .NET Application With A Font?

Aug 5, 2011

Im wondering if anyone would be able to point me to a very well detailed tutorial as to how to Embed a font into my deployed application , So when its installed on an end user,s computer, they can see the font.

I currently have this code and have embedded the font.ttf into the resource under the files option.

esources" & fontName & ".ttf", fontName)

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Connect To A Database On SQL Server R2 Express From Visual Basic Express?

Nov 1, 2011

Is it possible to connect to a database on SQL Server R2 Express from Visual Basic Express? I am following a set of tutorial videos done in SQL Server 2005, but cannot seem to connect to create the database. I have created the database in SQL Server R2 Express, but cannot connect. Is there a work around?

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Winforms - Deploying A VB 2010 Win Forms Application

Nov 16, 2010

I am deploying a 2010 winforms application, and when I install it on the client's machine, the install process also installs an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. The application connects to a central SQL database on the server. To install, I am using the "Publish" option in VS 2010. Why does it do that? There should be no need for a local instance of SQL Express. Is there a way to avoid installing SQL 2005 Express (I know it is free, but I would rather not have it installed if possible).

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Deploying VB 2010 App With Access Database?

Jan 9, 2012

I've tested an application (one that I'm developing) that utilizes MS Access database (.accdb) on a backup machine. And I consistently get an unhandled exception error saying 'The Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. I suppose I get this error because the backup machine doesn't have a driver or whatever to read the Access database file. Reading

this topic titled "How to deploy VB 2010 application as a standalone without MS Access", I understand that I can just specify a prerequisite for this component (driver or whatever...) in the project designer window in reference to this page. I wonder if there is a simpler way of delivering the database component to users? Or should I abandon the Access database and use a different one for easier accessibility?

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XCopy Deployment Of A VB Express App Which Uses A SQL Server Express Database?

May 13, 2005

It's probably just a case of me not looking in the right place or not seeing the obvious, but does anyone know if a machine with just version 2.0 of the .NET Framework should be able to run a VB.NET Express application which accesses a SQL Server Express database file? Or is there an additional requirement for a non-development machine to have some kind of SQL Server Express runtime component in addition to the 2.0 Framework?It seems to be counterintuitive to expect that a VB.NET application would be able to access any kind of SQL Server data without having some kind of SQL Server host component (Express or otherwise) installed. But then again, it seems just as counterintuitive that Microsoft would require the download and installation of the new framework as well as a separate database runtime in order for the average user to run an application with accesses a local SQL Server Express database.To me, it runs contrary to the whole concept of XCopy deployment to require more than just the application's files and .NET Framework for an application to run properly. But nothing I've read so far explicitly indicates that a user would require anything more than the app files and the framework to run an application which accesses SQL Server Express data. But...I can't get any VB Express applications which uses a SQL Server Express databases to run on any machine that doesn't have SQL Server Express installed.What am I missing?(Apologies if this isn't the right group to post this in.

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