Develop Webpages In Program?

Jan 7, 2012

I'm starting to work through Murach's ASP.Net 4 Web programming with vb2010.

Do I leave the 2010 studio default collection of settings from Visual Basic Development to Web Development or Web Development(Code Only) in order to follow the examples and learn to develop web pages? And are there other things I should do to set up the enviornment for persuing this.

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Develop POS Program In VB?

Aug 9, 2011

Want to develop POS program in visual basic?

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Develop A Program That Will Get All The Processes?

Dec 24, 2009

i am trying to develop a program that will get all the processes in the task manager and from there, i'll get a specific application so that i will restart it. the problem is this:

I can call that specific application yet before restarting it i shall manipulate it's pause button before i can actually kill it,.HOw do i "click" the pause button on the called application? Can you help me with the code that i need to use?

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Develop A Stock Program VB?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm having problems with a stock program that I'm developing. It's a program that adds a quantity of products to a field called stock quantity in a table named Stocks. In the part of adding a quantity inserted by the user it's ok, it works, but it adds to all fields in the table.I need that the user may choose also the product Id of the product to add, in order to prevent the situation above.


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Develop A Translator Using Program?

Oct 3, 2009

I have no problems with the Syntax Errors.So far the only problems I'm having are with the Runtime Errors and Logistic Errors.

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Ebook Program Develop In VB

May 3, 2011

As I need a program to develop an ebook, I wrote one. But perhaps I am re-inventing the wheel. Does such a program already exist in visual basic, that is to say is it available in the forums? If not I am willing to upload it.

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Develop A Simple Program To Sendkeys To Another?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to develop a simple program which will show a form with a listbox and a button. The buttom will allow a listbox entry to be selected and close the form. The entry will them be sent to the previous open application.

For example, I could select my postcode from the listbox and have it sent to the currently selected field in my internet browser. Or the current date to my text editor.[code]...

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Develop Modbus RTU Master Program

Jul 11, 2010

I want to develop Modbus RTU Master program ..

I am expert in Modbus communication and I have designed the Modbus pre-programmed remote controls ,, Now I want to interface some Modbus RTU slave devices to my own developed application ...

I am much familiar with the Modbus RTU syntax and I've tried following to initiate the the master query but I am getting initial 3 bytes ok ,, rest of the bytes are changing the values on COM port so slave is not responding to my command ..


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Develop Smart Device Using Program?

Jul 21, 2009

I dont know how 2 develop PDA system... using

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Communications :: Develop Modbus RTU Master Program?

Jul 11, 2010

I want to develop Modbus RTU Master program ..I am expert in Modbus communication and I have designed the Modbus pre-programmed remote controls ,, Now I want to interface some Modbus RTU slave devices to my own developed application ... and looking for kind guidance ..I am much familiar with the Modbus RTU syntax and I've tried following to initiate the the master query but I am getting initial 3 bytes ok ,, rest of them are changing the values on COM port so slave is not responding to my command ..

Private Sub Button10_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button10.Click
Dim BYTE1 As Byte = 1
Dim BYTE2 As Byte = 6


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Develop A Program Structure In Very Broad Terms

Jan 22, 2009

I'm trying to develop a program structure in very broad terms. At this point, the Forms used do nothing but call other Forms and allow for their closure. After startup and initialization activities, I want the user to set up options and run the program. The program can be run again (click one button) and again with the same options, or (click another), the options can be changed for the next and subsequent runs. Clicking a third button will cause shutdown activities to be performed.

Sounds pretty simple. However, I get the options form the first time, but subsequent ShowDialog calls cause the form to pop up (I detected a Load and an Activated call) for an instant, then disappear, and the program rolls on without permitting option selection, even though the key variable NewSetup is definitely True.

Public Class RunMain
<STAThread()> _
Shared Sub Main()


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Develop A Program Which Input A Student Details?

Jul 14, 2011

am looking to develop a simple program which inputs a students details and prints to the output,

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Develop An Inventory System Using Program With Msaccess?

Jan 17, 2009

I need to know how to develop an inventory system using with msaccess

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Develop A Program That Will Allow A User To Automatically Log Into A Website With A Username And Password?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to develop a program that will allow a user to automatically log into a website with a username and password and click login, which works fine, However after clicking login i am trying to have the pragram click another button to submit a file. This is where the program bombs. This secondclick will work in a separate event but not in the same event as the login.

View 9 Replies

Develop A Program For Finding Location Of An Object In Cctv Camera Range?

May 26, 2012

Is it possible to develop a program in which can find the location of vehicle in a cctv camera range?if possible ,what are the APIs and technologies used for it?can any one suggest any link or the steps involved in this process...?

View 5 Replies

Block Webpages And More?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm working with an antivirus scanner.But I would like my scanner can block websites.So that some URLs are blocked from any browser[code]...

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Building Webpages Is It Possible With Vb

Mar 26, 2011

building webpages is it possible with vb

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Get The Values From Webpages?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to get the values from web pages using

<input type="text" name="sample" <strong>id</strong>="sample" value="" />


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How To Print Webpages In .net

Feb 23, 2010

I currently have this code use for printing a table in mysql database , but there's a problem, the print button is also shown when I print the table. Do you know of any alternative or even a code that will print what is currently on the web browser in one being dragged from the toolbox used to view web pages or php files).


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Open More Than 1 WebPages?

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to create a program that will open multiple web pages at a specific time. The code works but it will open multiple windows.[code]...

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VB6 Or .net And Dynamic Webpages?

Jan 8, 2011

I have done a lot of coding in vb6, in particular with winsock. I have briefly looked at .net and written a few simple programs.I need to write a server application that incorporates some kind of dynamic web pages. I have looked at ActiveX, php and asp. I need to create a website where users will log in and change values in an array. I have not done anything like this before and I am not a professional programmer.

So my question is, what is the best and easiest way to create dynamic web pages?Secondly what should I program in, vb6 or .net. I have done a lot of work in vb6 and know it quite well, however if the host server is NT6.1 I will have to supply the vb dlls. Then there is .net which I have not done much of, however I would not need to supply any extra files and finally I will start to move any from vb6.

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ASP.Net - Custom Namespace For Webpages?

Apr 9, 2011

I want to be able to define some namespaced constants on the code-behind of my pages. For example,


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Build Webpages / Applications With VB?

Jun 8, 2010

is it possible to build webpages / applications with VB?

and wich one do i need in order to do that

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Emulate VS For Examining Webpages?

Aug 17, 2011

I can load web pages into VS 2008 and then examine each component. Is there a way to load a web page in a browser control but not make it "active" - in otherwords, If there is a field for "Search Term" anmd a button for "Search", I want the prog to diosplay the properties of those elements rather than taking action.

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Interact With Webpages Using Programs?

Oct 7, 2009

Basically all I want to do is to interact with webpages using my programs.. To be more clear, Im trying to make a chat client, but theres one thing that I dont know how to do.. For example, I want to write "hello" and press the "send" button, so it will send "hello" to the chat room... Or better yet, Let me give you a better example.. Lets suppose I wanna log into my space, but I wanna do it trough my application, so when I write the email and the password it will log into my account.

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Interacting With A WebPages ComboBox?

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to have a ComboBox on my form, be able to change the selected item in a Listbox/Combobox on a website, through a webbrowser control.

For instance, here is the HTML coding I am trying to interact with on the webpage:

<select name="day">


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Latex Font Which Is Used In Webpages

Nov 19, 2009

After a lot of research on how to put proper maths symbols i.e. FRACTIONS in VS2008 in a windows form application, I came acroos this LAtex font which is used in webpages, can this be used in my application.

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Pass Variables Between Webpages?

May 20, 2009

I'm practicing creating a website for a test, although I am having trouble passing varialbes between the webpage with which the user logs in, and the web page in which the user sees/amends their details (it's an online bank).

Basically, I want the user to enter their customer ID and password, then click on the 'Login' button. When the user clicks on this, I want to display their details based upon their login info (ie their own, and nobody else's bank details).[code]...

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Request Many Webpages As Fast As Possible

Nov 4, 2010

I found the below sample to retrieve webpages. I need to request a lot of pages from the same website which requires authentication. Because there are a lot of pages to retieve I like to speed up the requests and like to avaoid to send the credentials and also the certificate. Is it somehow possible to stay connected?


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Retrieve And Use Icons From Particular Webpages?

Jul 23, 2008

This is what i had in mind first;

Dim myIcon As System.Drawing.Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(cmbUrl.Text)
Me.Icon = myIcon

But that didn't do much :s

Then i started to search and found that when you build a web page and you want browsers like firefox etc. to use your custom icon you have to name it: 'favicon.ico'.

I'm also searching to make multiple searchbars, found the one for google,
wich is quite simple;

web.Navigate("" & txtGoogleSearch.Text)

the other ones though, i haven't found yet

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