DhcpGetSubnetInfo From DHCPSAPI.dll Returning Info To Structure In 2003

Sep 13, 2006

I'm trying to write an app that will enumerate all the subnets on a dhcp server and retrieve subnet info for each subnet. I can enumerate the subnets but am unable to retrieve the info. Returns 0 i.e. it's read successfully but nothing other than the subnet ip is returned. Here's the documentation on msdn for the function


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Returning A Structure From A Web Service?

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to return a structure from one of my web services. It throws up this error:

Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. --->


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Struct - .net 2003 Arraylist Of Structure Which Have An Arraylist?

Sep 22, 2011

I have two structures Public Structure myResearchData

Public batchName As String
Public arraylistRData As ArrayList
End Structure
Public Structure myResearchSubData
Public researchDescription As String


Cleared MyResearchData.arraylistRData for new data to be put in but it also clears the arraylist inside MyResearchDataAList and didn't old the contents of the arraylist

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Asp.net - Returning In Oracle INSERT Is Not Returning Proper Value?

Mar 15, 2012

I have an ASP.NET web application (VB.NET) using an Oracle database. On an insert, I need to get the identity of the inserted row back. I am trying to use RETURNING, but I keep getting a value of 1 returned.

Dim strInsert As String = "INSERT INTO L.TRANSACTIONS (LOCATION_KEY, TRANS_CREATOR, TRANS_EMAIL, TRANS_PHONE) VALUES (:location_key, :trans_creator, :trans_email, :trans_phone) RETURNING TRANS_ID INTO :ukey"


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Returning A Function Vs. Returning Variable Name?

Dec 12, 2011

My brain may just be fried since it's the end of the semester, but my teacher kicked this back to fix and resubmit...she said that I am "returning the name of your function rather than your variable name".

Here is my code for all 3 forms.


These are forms to calculate the cost of getting a cell phone package.

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Structure Inside Another Structure Receives Null Reference Error?

Jan 5, 2012

Module Module1
Public Structure structure1
Public TRANS() As structure2
End Structure
Public Structure structure2
Public X() As Integer
End Structure
End Module

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Class Structure - Large Structure That Has Lots Of Properties ?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm new to VB 2008 after having spent a long time with VB6, so I apologize if this is a stupid question. But I'd really like to have this straightened out.

Let's say I have a pretty large structure that has lots of properties.


Now say that I want an internal database with about 10 instances of this structure total, describing, say, 10 different products that a store sells. When these values are loaded from a database, they remain totally static. (However, they can be different each time a program loads)

Now say that I have a class. Each instance of this class is a type of that BaseProduct structure. Meaning, each instance of the class pertains to one of the 10 types of products that the store sells. However, this class has additional properties that pertain specifically to each instance, which are not static.


Now, the problem here is... If I have 200 different transactions, each one contains an instance of BaseProduct. BaseProduct is HUGE, and is largely redundant (only 10 types possible), so I think it's a little silly to include a whole copy of it with EVERY transaction. However, the Transaction class really needs information regarding the base product it pertains to. Is there a way to, instead of declaring a New BaseProduct in the Transaction class, to simply make one of the properties of the Transaction class a pointer to a BaseProduct variable?

In VB6, I would accomplish this by making a BaseProduct(10) array, and then giving each Transaction an ID number referring to an entry in that array. But in VB 2008, using class structure, this is impossible. I can't define the BaseProduct(10) array outside of a class in a namespace, and if I define it in the actual application's form, then the class loses modularity since it relies on the application that's using it.

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Converting Structure Within Structure To Byte Array For Socket

Aug 29, 2009

I am trying to communicate with an external device and i am trying to send a byte array to the external device via sockets but i am always getting a response the message size is too small so i am not sure what i have done wrong. Between the data type there should be no alignment present and all numbers are represented in little endian format. The char array is not null terminated as mentioned in the protocol specifications.

I have to send data based on a struct that embeds 2 other struct. So here's my vb.net code for the struct used to convert to byte array and the sending part.

Public Structure MESSAGETYPE_OIP_Login
Dim UserName() As PSTRING


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Writing Info To And Getting Info From .text File Using A ListBox's Display

Jul 31, 2010

I am working on a media player, and I would like to setup a local playlist feature. I am using a single ListBox and its "Display-" and "Value-Member" properties. The display is the song's Artist and Name, and the value is the song's file path (i.e 'C:UsersUSERMusicetc.').To write the file path to the .txt file, I believe I can use the following code:[code]

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Create Quick Info And/or Parameter Info For Own Code?

Jul 23, 2009

how to create Quick info and/or parameter info for own code?

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Read Info From A Text File And Add Info To A ListBox?

Jun 22, 2011

I am making a program, obviously, and I require some assistance. I found an explanation on how to read information from a Text file and have modified it for my needs. Here is my (modded) version:

Public Function GetInfo(ByVal playlistname As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlaylistInfo As String


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VS 2008 Add More Than 1 Info In A Database, But The Rest Of The Info Stays The Same?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm making a database app. I've finish the search, add new, and add function. What I'm trying to do is to expand the functionality of the add new item function.

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VS 2010 - Fill Out A Form With Certain Info, Put The Info Into An Array?

Nov 17, 2011

I am trying to do is fill out a form with certain info, put the info into an array, and write it to a listbox using loops, arrays, and maybe a function if I need one. This is for VB2010 and here is what I have so far... I think there are ways to make it shorter but I cannot figure it out.... maybe just brain dead from all the coffee I have been drinking!


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Invalid Structure Size When Marshalling C Structure To .NET

Apr 14, 2012

I'm experiencing a problem with the following c-structure:

typedef struct tagTEXTUREPROP
DWORD dwSize;


The Marshal.SizeOf obviously calculates a size of 76 and it works with the DLL function, but it leaves me with some bad feelings.

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VS 2008 Convert The XML Structure Into A Class Structure?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm having a problem that's driving me crazy; I can't understand how to convert the XML structure into a class structure (that I want to use to hydrate a XML document).

The XML document looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<artists xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns="http://www.spotify.com/ns/music/1">


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Application.Info Not Showing Correct Info?

Sep 6, 2011

under my project I have the following

However when I use this code.

lblABOUT3.Text = "Version : "
lblABOUT3.Text += My.Application.Info.Version.Major.ToString()
lblABOUT3.Text += "." & My.Application.Info.Version.Minor.ToString


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Correlate Textbox Info To Listbox Info?

Mar 17, 2009

how to correlate info from a textbox based on a listbox item selection. For example the user will select an item from the listbox, enter say the length of a song in the textbox say 2:00 for song #1, select say song #2, enter the song time for that song say 3:00, click on song #1 again and have the same textbox display the length of that song and be able to do that until there are no more songs on the list.

View 5 Replies

Arraylist Of Structure Within Array Of Structure?

May 23, 2010

I want to make a structure within a structure. Basically it will appear like this:

Structure ID
dim CardType as string
im CardCode as string


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Assign Array Of Structure To Another Of Same Structure?

Oct 12, 2010

In Vb.net I am trying to assign an array of structure to another array of same structure[code]...

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Cookie Info - Get Info From Stored Cookie On The Local Machine?

Sep 17, 2011

Can I get info from stored cookie on the local machine. I have a Webbrowser control in a winform, and I would like to output data from a cookie to a label or so.

View 4 Replies

Structure With A Structure Array?

Sep 12, 2011

I have two structrures

Public Structure PhoneScheduleEntries
Dim Count As UInteger
Dim PhoneSchedule() As PhoneScheduleEntry
End Structure

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VBA UDF Returning #VALUE

Nov 13, 2010

So I have a pretty simple UDF written in visual basic for use in excel. It calculates your approx. taxes. Lets say I use it as such: =Taxes(I23-I18,I24-I20,"Married")

If I type this in it works great. Now if I save the sheet and restart excel the cell now says #VALUE! If I select the formula and hit enter once again it recalculates it fine. What am I doing wrong? Application.Volatile shouldn't be needed but I was trying ideas. [Code]

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.net - Calling A Sub And Returning A Value?

Mar 15, 2012

This might seem like an insanely easy question, but I cant seem to find an answer anywhere to it. I'd like to think that I am decent at VB but while I was learning javascript the other day I found something that seemed awesome and now I cant figure out how to do it in VB.in javascript it looks like this

var someValue = getThatValue()Its both calling and setting the value from the getThatValue() sub. what is the VB equivalent?


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Asp.net - DaylightSavingTime Returning Different Value?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a piece of code that checks a time and then adds hours based on the daylight savings time value.

Dim CommentDateTime as Date = "11/2/2010 8:21:42 PM"
If CommentDateTime.IsDaylightSavingTime Then
'do something
'do something else
End If

The problem that I'm having is that IsDaylightSavingTime behaves differently on the production server than it does on the development.On the development server the case is TRUE, but on the production it is false.

Both servers are running the same OS and are both running .NET 3.5


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Asp.net - GetConstructor Returning Nothing

Oct 10, 2011

I have two different GetConstructors(), one is returning what it should be returning the other however is returning nothing. ItemName is BSRPTReportPerformanceSubcontractorRating
The first one which is returning what it properly should is:


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C# - Returning XML From A Web Service?

Mar 20, 2012

I have an XML file that sits on the hard drive of a Server running my Web Service. I need to access that file from another application.

This is my method on my Web Service

Public Function getXMLFile()
Dim xmlDocument As System.Xml.XmlDocument
xmlDocument = New System.Xml.XmlDocument()


This is caused when I try to return the xmlDocument object

From the information I gathered, it's like SOAP wants to wrap my XML in more XML and stops me from doing that.

How do I go about getting the XML File from my Web Service if I can't return XML?

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Combobox Isn;t Returning A Value?

Nov 23, 2010

i am new to VB programming, actually this is my first time with VB any ways here is my situation that is driving me mad


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Msgbox Returning A Value?

Jun 22, 2010

I am creating a message box in VB8 for an error. I created the message box and everything works. The message box returns a value of 0 which is the default one. Where does it return 0 to. Or do you have to tell it where to return it.

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Returning A DataTable In WCF And .NET

Apr 25, 2011

Thanks William, that was the ticket. Had to assign the name property on both ends [DataTable.TableName].

On a side note here: There appears to be some school of thought (no offense Marc) that the following statement is always true:

"Everything in the world can and should be made into an object."

It is, simply, not always true. There are cases where you cannot cram your 'object' into any cookie-cutter or class no matter how you try to customize it. For me to objectize this beast, I'd have to create roughly 4,000 objects. I don't have time to do that, and yet this project must run as a service. Frankly I think the developers at MickeySoft need to get out more into the real world, and see for themselves that although theory is great it does not represent true-life challenges. I am all for working with objects for the obvious benefits, but there is a reality that universals do not exist. In my trade, even 'most of the time' rarely happens.

Before they push out a new technology set, and cease support of an old one, they need to make sure that the new technology has the same capabilities the old one had.

For the record: The people who believe the above statement to be true are also the same people who would refuse to take the project I'm currently working on.

Just the same -- thank you both for your time, efforts and opinions!

I'm trying to create a WCF function that will return a table to my console testing app. I am a total noob. The data is 2-dimensional and looks like this:

23 Letter
42 Another Letter
43 Document


...Of course, it won't work. I just need to get the WCF to pass a basic table to my console application. The execute SQL seems to work just fine, I just can't get the data back to my application.

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Returning A Function Value

Dec 14, 2009

returning a function value? I have a simple function that returns an integer. This function works fine when executed in SQL Developer but, when called from my apps, it always returns 2 regardless of anything. I have checked it over and over again, I cant seems to find where I am going wrong.


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