DirectInput Axis And Button

Nov 2, 2009

Ok, so I am attempting to try my hand in directinput, I got the code up and running within, it recognizes the controller and almost all buttons work, but for some reason 2 or 3 of the axis do not work on each controller.I have tried this with an xbox360 wireless controller and a Logitech wired controller (ps2 style) they both show the correct amount of axis on each controller, but do not work correctly.[code]I have looked everywhere for my problem, but the issue is, I am not exactly sure what the problem is to search for.if anyone also knows how to access the "X" (power) button on the xbox controller, that would be awesome as well, because I want it to interact with my program!and if you don't have a wireless receiver a wired one is exactly the same...

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Formatting Axis Labels Based On Axis Label Values?

May 22, 2012

I have a P/L chart which has a left scale (Y axis) which starts from a negative value. I want to format the axis labels (the major tick mark labels) so that the negative ones are red.
Something like;

If cht.ChartAreas(chtarea).AxisX.MajorTickMark.Value < 0 Then
cht.ChartAreas(chtarea).AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9.0F, FontStyle.Bold, Color.Red)


Of course that doesn't work since MajorTickMark doesn't have a value property. How does one make this work?

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Zedgraph Adding New Y-axis Value When Click On Button?

Aug 5, 2009

for those who know how to use Zedgraph, i am new in zedgraph and need help from u guys. what i want is to add a new y-axis value everytime i click on the button. the x-axis value is set at 0 to 36 and y-axis will start at value 10, at x-axis value 1. everytime i click, y-axis will increase 1 value. Imports ZedGraph

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load, MyBase.Resize


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Mouse Hook In X-axis And Y-axis Coordinates?

Aug 14, 2011

I am having trouble in getting the coordinates of x-axis and y-axis in low level ouse hook...all I am getting is values in x-axis listbox and in y-axis listbox I am getting zeros......why? and my second problem is I am calling the setcursorpos
function in a for loop because I want to automate mouse movements and clicks, but setcursorpos function is not working , maybe because I am getting the coordinates is my code

low level mouse hook

Public Class MouseAutomating
Inherits HotKey
Public lstbox As New ListBox


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Excel - Code In VBA And Recording A Macro - Input A Values For The X Axis Rotation And The Y Axis Rotation

Sep 16, 2009

I am having some major problems with the code in VBA and recording a macro didn't get me anywhere nor is the VBA help file. I have to have it so that I can input a values for the x axis rotation and the y axis rotation so that my 3d surface graph will rotate whatever values I input, the 3d surface graph will rotate those degrees. I also have to have a method for having the default rotation. I was also wondering how to put scroll bars for the x and y rotation. The only other thing I am having trouble with is having an input to check box for right angle axes. So far I have two cells for entering the x rotation value and the y rotation value. I also already have my 3d surface graph.

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RDLC Chart - Produce A Chart Showing The Month Along The Y-axis And The Value Up The X-axis

Jan 8, 2009

I have the smallest dataset in the world that simply consists of a month (text) and and amount. I want to produce a chart showing the month along the y-axis and the value up the x-axis. How do I do it? I have dragged the chart control onto the report page and populated the dataset. The chart shows but nothing like what I would expect. Just to make it simple I populated the dataset with an amount equivalent to the month number so it should show as 1 in January, 2 in Feb etc...However no matter where I drag the dataset's column names I don't get what I want. Where am I going wrong?

I use this simple loop to populate the dataset:


For i As Integer = 1 To 12
dsSales.Tables("Sales").Rows.Add(MonthName(i), i)


I get this as a result:

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Can't Get Joystick To Work With DirectInput?

Aug 23, 2009

I've been using DirectX SDK libraries (Specificaly DirectInput) to use a joystick with an desktop program, but I haven't been able to make the program get the input form the joystick (X and Y Axis). This is the code I'm using on Main Form:


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Emulate Mouseclick When Directinput?

Jul 27, 2009

How to emulate a mouse click with directinput?

like ive been searching for this for hours and can't find anything decent for VB 2008

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Polls A USB Controller For Changes Using DirectInput?

Jun 4, 2010

I've been working with code that polls a USB controller for changes using DirectInput, however I would much prefer I could make it event-driven instead (to cut CPU usage). Does anyone know if there is some method of doing this with DirectInput? I can provide the code upon request.

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Getting Two Game Devices Working With DirectInput?

Nov 9, 2009

Getting two game devices working with DirectInput

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Source Code With The DirectInput Code ?

Jul 14, 2010

A source code with the DirectInput code and yes i have been googling it and couldn't find one for vbnet yah that would be great to have it just Namespace blah blah function blah blah and this is how u use Directinput("0") or sumthn like that

View 10 Replies

Axis Of Rotation In Vb?

Jan 29, 2011

I have created some 3d models(VB) for display in a WPF 3d Viewport and would like to rotate them. I would like to rotate them about an axis of rotation defined by a line through two 3d points. All the examples seem to rotate about one of X Y or Z axes and are not helpful for a more general approach. The angle of rotation is easily found. My maths is a bit rusty now so is there a function that would calculate the axis easily ?

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Set Axis Of Excel?

Jul 27, 2009

I have 2 columns of data B and C.i want to set the data under column B as x-axis and C as y-axis correspondingly to plot a x-y graph.[code]...

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.NET Chart Y-axis Scaling?

May 13, 2011

I am using the MSChart object in VB2010. Live futures data is put into an array, then added one point at a time to a line chart (Chart1, one line only) using (1):

frmChart2.Chart1.Series("data").Points.AddXY(sec10, spreadarray(0, sec10))

All fine and good. However, by the time a few thousand data points have come through, its getting hard to see the detail in the chart, therefore I reset the x-axis so that I just see the last 200 (say) points, using (2):

Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisX.Minimum = frmPrices.sec10 - CLng(lstChartpts.Text)

...where frmPrices.sec10 is the total number of data points, and CLng(lstChartpts.Text) is the number of points required. So if I have 1000 pts, and I wish to see 200 displayed, the AxisX minimum in this case is 1000 - 200 = 800. Points then start to build again one at a time. I am happy with this except that the Y-axis scaling is still taking into consideration all 1000 data values, so need to reset the Yaxis maximum and minimum. No problem (3):

Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisY.Maximum = (max of the last 200 values + a small increment)
Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisY.Minimum = (min of the last 200 values - a small increment)

The problem comes in when I want to change the number of points to display back to "ALL". I could re-write the code to use the max and min of all values, as in (3), but I'd rather just reset the yaxis back to the autoscaling that the chart started out with. I've looked everywhere for a property or method to do this! Or is there a way to autoscale the yaxis according to only the displayed values?

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Displaying Text In The Y-axis?

Dec 20, 2009

I would like to display the word " Volts(V) " in the Y axis, just like the one you see from the attached image. But that image is crop from elsewhere and placed into a picturebox, which to me, doesnt look nice. I would prefer if the words are type in manually into a label and then rotate.

I did some research through the forums and websites, and came across this: [URL]
from there, i have a brief idea on it , tried out but it didnt work though. Or i may not have done it correctly.

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Fliping Around A Point Other Than Y Or X Axis?

Jul 9, 2009

The Matrix Transformation (1,0,0,-1,0,0) flips the points of a path around the X-Axis and (-1,0,0,1,0,0) flips around the Y-Axis. My question is, how (or can you) flip around another point.For instance, say I have a GraphicsPath.PathPoints that consist of 10,20 and 15,40 and I want the result to be 10,40 and 15,20 how would I do that or is it even possible.

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MSChart And Auto X Axis

Apr 29, 2010

in runtime I can see that X-axis limits of my chart (minimum and maximum) are automatically changed as I insert points. That's nice. So I came to an idea to change that minimum and maximum values. It worked. But as soon as I wanted to return (at runtime) to auto I came across some problems. First I discovered that when auto scaling is activated this values are:


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VS 2008 Switch The X And Y Axis?

Apr 18, 2009

way to switch the X and Y axis?

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Zed Graph X Axis Labels?

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to loop through my datatable column sdescr and use the text in the columns as the labels of my x axis, but it isnt working i am getting this error

Value of type
String)' cannot be converted to


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Get The Angle Of A Line In Relation To The X Axis?

Apr 18, 2011

i am trying to get the angle of a line in relation to the x axis. The line is being drawn in a picturebox. So its the Upper right quadrant of the cartesian plane ... but its flipped over the x using this code



The issue is that the line im drawing is almost parallel to the x axis but its returning a value of roughly 90 degrees .It seems like it is giving me the angle in relation to the y axis, but not being super good at the math myself im not exactly sure what to change here.

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Assigning Array To X Axis Of MS Chart?

Feb 21, 2012

I have Date and Time available in xaxis() array format. I would like to assign this to x axis of the MS Chart. My all other data is in datatable format and already have assigned series to this values.Chart1.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(xaxis, yaxis).. but it gives me error as i do not have valid values for y axis.

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Bar Chart - Y-axis Should Still Be Divided Into 10 Intervals?

Dec 28, 2009

I am busy with a routine that will draw a bar chart.The X-axis is from 0 -100, no problem. The problem is the will range from 0 to whatever the highest y-value will be.

My problem is that the y-axis should still be divided into 10 intervals, and the lenght of my y-axis should be the same in my picture box.I am using an array to fill the values, chartdata (0-9). It gets 10 values from the program. the values are 0 -10, 11 -20,21-30....91-100 . here is the code. It is working, but my Y-axis is messed up. Printing the labels of the y-axis is a problem.

Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
Dim chartData() As Single = {mark0, mark10, mark20, mark30, mark40, mark50, mark60, mark70, mark80, mark90}[code]......\vb

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Chart: Sorting Axis By Date?

Jun 8, 2011

Using the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting objects/namespace, am having problems getting by chart to sort axis of dates properly.My data looks like this (dates in US format):

Product Quantity SaleDate
A -- 2 -- 5/1/2011
B -- 1 -- 5/1/2011
C -- 1 -- 1/1/2011
B -- 2 -- 2/1/2011

I'm creating a stacked column graph like this, where dv is a dataview of the datatable:
chSales.DataBindCrossTable(dv, "Product", "SaleDate", "Quantity", "") chSales.AlignDataPointsByAxisLabel() For Each cs As Series In chSales.Series cs.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn cs.YValueType = ChartValueType.Int32 cs.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateNext

So this produces a stacked column graph with 2 A's, 1 B in May 11, etc But the date order is Feb, Jan, May, regardless of how I sort the datatable provided to the chart.

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Date And Time Axis On Mschart?

Oct 7, 2011

I want to associate date and time to x axis of mschart, but only date is shown on x axis and time is invisible.What's problem?

program :Public Sub drawChart(ByVal data() As Double, ByVal AxiX() As Date, ByVal i As Integer)
Dim numOfData As Integer = data.Count


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Draw A Graph Based On X And Y Axis?

Apr 27, 2010

the vb2008( i'm using vb2008) to draw a graph based on x and y axis.. and find the peaks in that graph. Urgent needed

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Fixed Intervals On MSChart Axis

Jul 2, 2011

I have a windows forms project in VS2010 with a simple line chart.The data is dynamic and always ranging between 1.4000 and 1.5000.I want the Y axis's gridlines/labels to always be displayed on every #.##20 data point, as in: [code] So I tried the Interval property for the axis gridlines/ labels, setting it to 0.002, and the result was that the gridlines/labels were displayed every 0.0020 points, like for example this: [code]
but not on 0.0020 points too as shown previously.

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How To Move X Axis Labels To Bottom

Jan 21, 2012

I have inserted a simple chart (Line type) on a form in VB 2010.I reversed the values of the Y axis in order to achieve a water depth graphic.(I used the property: IsReversed)The X- axis seems to be moved to the top of the chart !How can I move the X axis labels to the bottom ??

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Picturebox That Two Integers Can Read The Y And X Axis Of It?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there anyway that I can have a picturebox that two integers can read the y and x axis of it?

Reason I ask, is that I don't want to have up too 50 different integers were I can have about 5

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Rotate ACAD Element Around Z-axis?

May 10, 2011

I want to rotate an ACAD (AutoCAD 2008) element around the Z-Axis. I already have the following code snippet:

Dim mm As Matrix3d = Matrix3d.Rotation(rotateDEG, HOW TO GET THE Z-AXIS HERE?, center)[code]...

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VS 2008 Setting Min/max X And Y Axis In MS Chart?

Mar 24, 2009

I'm trying to set the minimum and maximum x and y axis for a chart.I'm using the next

Private Sub Chart_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
frmMenu.Enabled = False


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