Display And Sort Data In DataGridView Control In Program 2008?

Jan 24, 2010

I've been asked by a local window cleaner to design a small utility that can display a grid of customer data, sort them, and then export it out as a formatted .txt or rtf file.

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Created Datagridview Control Used To Display The Data Using Sqldatareader?

Apr 15, 2010

I am having problem with datagridview. Actually I have created datagridview control used to display the data using sqldatareader. My problem is that How can I fill the data in textbox control when user selects the row in datagridview using coding. For e.g. my form is having a) Datagridview and displaying values of columns: Name, Address, City, State etc and textboxes: txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4. Now if the user selects any row from datagridview the selected value of Name is filled with txt1, address is with txt2, city with txt3, state with txt4. I am directly dealing with database with using DataAdapter.

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Display Data From Checked Box Column Row In The Datagridview Control

Mar 14, 2011

I am having trouble in allowing the user to select the row in the datagridview.

I managed to include the checkbox column in the datagridview but i do not know how to wrte the code such that when the user wants to update or edit the data in the checked row, he just have to check the affected rows checkbox, can be one or many, and then click on ok button, which will then lead him to the data updater form, allowing him to update the data.

Currently i have the below code which can populate the checkboxclumn only.

dbProvider = "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source = '" & Form1.TextBox8.Text & "'"
con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource


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VS 2008 Enter The Data In A One Control Then The Related Data Display In Other Control

Mar 17, 2011

I created Dataentry forms. In the form there are so many controls like DropDowns and textboxes. I am using Access database. Now I enterd the few records into the controls, and these records are saved into the Database. But now if i enter the any data which i recently saved in the database to the textbox or any other control then the remaining controls should be display the related data.

For example i have 4 controls in my form one is dropdown and 3 are textboxes. If i select the data in the dropdown then the remaining 3 textboxes shows the related data. How can i dispaly the corresponding data to the other controls?

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Creating An Program That Will Display Array Data To Datagridview?

Jun 28, 2011

Im a newby in creating programs using vb.net. Currently 'm creating an program that will display array data to datagridview. Can somebody help me how to do it?

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Sort Not Working Datagridview Gives "DataGridView Control Must Be Bound To An IBindingList Object To Be Sorted?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a few classes, one is a form, the other is the source of the datagridview. I want to be able to sort the columns of the datagridview by clicking on the header. Here are the classes that I am dealing with:

Imports DiscoveryByte.AddTools.Misc_Tools
Public Class ViewDiscoveryFlashCards
Private DBBindingSource As New BindingSource


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Display Data In Datagridview By Using Data Source In Vs 2008?

Jun 2, 2010

i'm got this sql query code in dataset designer

SELECT pkt.fldPackageID, pkt.fldPSID, pkt.fldQuantity, pkt.fldQuantityUsed, pkt.fldRetail, pkt.fldPK, ps.fldName
FROM tblPaketRow AS pkt INNER JOIN
tblProdukDanService AS ps ON ps.fldID = pkt.fldPSID
WHERE (pkt.fldPSID = @param)

I'm trying to display the results in datagridview,i drag from the data source in vs 2008..I can't figure out to do that.I use this code to set the @param on form_load event.

Me.TblPaketRowTableAdapter.JoinTable(SalonDataSet.tblPaketRow, modCommon.s)

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VS 2008 : Display Data In Datagridview?

Jan 19, 2010

Table gpass has data as

Then there are two textbox having values as


I these codes and it generates error message as ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled.Idex was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of collection. Parameter name: Index

Private Sub txtGat_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtGat.TextChanged
If Len(Me.txtGat.Text) > 0 AndAlso Me.txtDat.Text IsNot Nothing Then
str = "Select * from gpass where vou_no= " & Val(Me.txtGat.Text) & " And Date = '" & Me.txtDat.Text & "'"
dt = GetTable(str)


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Rutime Sort The Data & Display To Gridview In Two Coloum?

Jan 7, 2010

I want display database value in datagridview 2 coloum ..how to may i bind the dataexmp:- Suppose in Database 100Dr,200Cr i want in datagrdview 1st coloum 100Dr & Second coloum 200Cr............

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Ms Access - Sort Data Using Datagridview In .net?

Jan 3, 2010

how to sort data using datagridview in vb.net.How do I do this by making use of textbox to input my query, I'm currently using oledb.

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VS 2008 Control Input Data In DataGridView

Apr 16, 2010

Here is my problem: I have a DataGridView and I am adding a new row. In a particular cell, I have to check that the user does not enter existing values in the related table. That is, the value of that cell must be unique. If the user enters an existing value, the application must:

- Show error message

- Clean the cell

- Put the focus again into the cell, to allow the user to enter another value.

Would you know someone do this?

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Displaying And Sorting Data In The DataGridView Control In VIsual Basic 2008?

Jan 24, 2010

I've been asked by a local window cleaner to design a small utility that can display a grid of customer data, sort them, and then export it out as a formatted .txt or rtf file.

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VS 2008 - Sort Datagridview By Dragging?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a datagridview showing data from an Access database. I have dragged the datagridview from "Data Sources" window - and not written any code. In bindingsource I have choose to sort on an autonumber field. Is it possible to let the user use the mouse to change the order, and the database to remember this the next time the user starts the application.I guess I have to have a number field in the database, and write code to change the value in number field as the user change order - and then save this back to the database? Does the datagridview support changing order by mouse at all?

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VS 2008 : DataGridView Sort By 2 Columns?

Mar 26, 2009

How do I sort a DGV by 2 columns? The DGV is not bound.

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VS 2008 : Updating A Data Base File Via A DataGridView Control When Called From Another Form?

Jul 24, 2011

I am sorry to keep bothering you about this damn DataGridView control ... As you might have noticed I am having a hard time with the DataGridView control ... My latest problem has to do with updating the data base file (Access) through a DataGridView control .
Up to now I have managed to successfully edit an entry in the DataGridView control and moreover to successfully update the data base file itself .

The above form and its code work fine . The problem starts when I am trying to run the code of the Update button from another form .
You see , I have another form , through which I change the contents of some of the cells in the DataGridView control (back in Form1) . What I want next is to simply update the data base file itself , just like I was doing with the button in the first form , after I manually changed the cell in the DataGridView control .Thus , on the second form I have a button with this code :

Form1.Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing) (of course the Click event is declared public)I have also tried :


but still nothing ...Although Form2 successfully changes the cells back in Form1 , the data base file itself does not get updated ...If I manually press the Update button in Form1 I once again successfully update the data base file , but I want to do the whole thing by calling the Update button from Form2 .

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VS 2008 DataGridView - Refresh Without Changing Sort Order

Nov 15, 2009

Asset Database, with DataGridView that is populated with desktop and laptop PC's by 'Office' and 'PC Type' (Combos). You can double-click a row to open an editing screen to edit the PC details eg: assigned user, purchase date, serial number and so on. The problem


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Display A Bmp In A RTF Control In Program?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to Display a bmp image inside a rtf Box for a Bot program I'm making.This function is supposed to convert a bitmap to rtf code whis is inserted to another rtf formatter srtring with additional text. Kind of like Smilies being used in a chat program.

For some reason the output of this function gets rejected by the RTF Box and Vanishes completly. I'm not sure if it the way I'm converting the bmp to a Binary string or if its tied in with the header tags[code]...

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Display Data In A Datagridview?

Feb 10, 2009

I'm new here but I've got some questions. First of all how do you add data to a datagridview? I have an Access database and there are some records I want to add to the datagridview by use of a query.

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Display Data In Datagridview

Jun 21, 2010

Table gpass has data as


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Display Data In Datagridview?

May 17, 2009

I have 3 tables in access database. I want to display all the records from these 3 tables. But I am only able to display 1 table records instead of 3. Currently I am using Visual Basic 2008. This is the code.

If CheckBox3.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
If checkbcexists() = True Then


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Cannot Display Data In DataGridView Using Adodb

Aug 13, 2009

Private Sub frmDAFTARGAJI_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Display Additional Data Into Datagridview?

Oct 5, 2010

I've got 2 data tables.

tblComponents - CompID (keyed), Name, PartNo
tblProductComponents - ProductID (keyed), CompID(keyed), PercentValue

I want to show tblProductComponents and have only the PercentValue the only value that can be updated. But, I also want to show the component information as well.I can do this in a view but then I lose the update ability using the tableadapter.

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Display And Insert Data From Datagridview?

Jun 22, 2010

Im making one window application in vb.net.I have design a form in which there are three input field with one submit button.Below submit button i have added DataGridview control also.Now if i enter any data in those three input fields and press submit button then its should first popup for adding record or not, and if i press yes then the record should inserted into database table and also its should show in DataGridview.

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Display Data From The Database Into A Datagridview?

Jun 6, 2011

i know how to write a code to display data from the database into a datagridview, and i know how to use text boxs for uplying chnages on the database and directly display them in the datagridview, but what i want is to be able to aply changes without using textbox but directly the datagridview, so the user will be able to see that data on the datagriedview and insert his data in its field and update other and when he saves it will directly effect the database.

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Display Data In A DataGridView Vs Console (2)?

Jun 27, 2009

How can I output the attached code in a DataGridView instead of a Console without re-writing the query string[code]...

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Display Data In Rectangle To Datagridview?

Jan 16, 2011

here i add a rectangle and label to datagridview

my problem is that when i load the form the rectangle only shows on the last add data

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Forms :: Display Data In Datagridview?

Jan 19, 2010

Dear Experts

Table gpass has data as


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Get Data In Datagridview To Display At Runtime?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 in Windows 7. I've added a datasource to my project and dragged an element, a sort query, from Data Sources onto my form. It automatically created a DataViewGrid and placed this statement in my form load event: Me.SortBillsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.DoBills_2009DataS et.sortBills). The datagrid view shows all the fields/columns. When I preview the data element from right clicking the element, selecting Preview Data, and click Preview in the Preview Data dialog box, the data appears. But it does not appear when I run the app. The datagridview is empty. What am I missing to get the data to display in the grid at run time? I did notice that in the properties for the dataviewgrid the databindings property is empty. Is that right or am I supposed to do something there?

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How To Display Data Daynamically In Datagridview

Jan 15, 2012

How to display data in datagridview starting from the record which we pass at runtime? In C# For example, there is 10 rows in a table. When i run the app i'll pass 5th record's value so it should show all data of table starting from 5th row.

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How To Display Data Inside DataGridView

Jun 22, 2010

I have this problem about the datagridview. I try many codes. I can add, delete, and retrieve data, but it doesn't show in datagridview. The codes that are being posted has a button to click with, so that it will display data in datagridview. I need a code that will automatically display the stored data inside mysql command line client.

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