Displaying MessageBox After Value Entered Properly

Sep 27, 2009

Im trying to create a textbox where you must enter a value from 15 to 95; and if you dont you get a messagebox stating that you must do. Heres my code:

Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged
Dim number As Integer
number = CInt(Val(TextBox2.Text))
If number < 15 Or number > 95 Then
MessageBox.Show("You must enter a value between 15 and 95", "Name Entry Error", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
End Sub

Whenever I type in one digit it automatically comes up with the messagebox. I know what its doing; its automatically reading the first number and not giving you time to properly enter anything.

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Exception Messagebox Come Up Only When A Name Is Not Entered

Nov 15, 2010

Im writing a program that is supposed to display a name, which is one array, and then show the phone number to that persons name, which is another array. What happens is when you enter the name, without any capital letters, it will show the number, then show the exception messagebox that says you have no friends with that name. When you enter a capital for the first letter, it will show the number, then it will show the messagebox with the name and phone number. My issue is 2 things,

1.) I need to have the exception messagebox come up only when a name is not entered, and

2.) I need to have a partial code snippet that will display the correct information even when a full name is not entered. [code]

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Displaying A Generic List In A MessageBox?

Apr 25, 2010

I can't seem to get the syntax right for this. I have a structure stored in a generic list and when it displays I get this "GenericList_T_.Form1+stuMotorInfo" in the messagebox. I've tried a few things and get roughly the same thing.

Here is the code:

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Structure stuMotorInfo
Public MotorId As String


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Stop Displaying Messagebox In Timer

Aug 17, 2009

i hv task to perform in timer which includes msgbox of type YesNo it should stop to get the response (Yes or No) but it is showing msgboxes continously. i want the apllication to stop for response (Timer also) as it does in vb6.0 i hv attached the file(see it to get the exact idea of problem)

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MessageBox And MyArray Displaying Current Information?

Mar 21, 2009

I need for the current values entered into the textboxes to show up in a messagebox when enter is selected. I will also need to know how to also have in this message box only the checked boxes of the CheckBox.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myArray(12) As String
myArray(0) = TextBox4.txt


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VS 2010 Displaying Multiple Values In Messagebox?

Apr 26, 2011

I am trying to make a message box display evens from textbox1 (being the user's low input) to textbox2 (being the user's high input). I currently have it displaying the correct numbers for evens, but they are appearing it separate message boxes. I need them all to be displayed in the same message box.i.e. Textbox1 = 1 , Textbox2 = 7 MessageBox = 2 4 6...Also, I have to do the evens in a Do While loop and the odds in a Do Until loop.

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Form Not Displaying Properly?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a windows form with listboxes, buttons and a checkbox. It works fine at home but when I take it to school it doesn't display properly. I have been given full privileges and the .NET framework V3.5 is installed. I have all my buttons/checkboxes on the right hand side but they don't display like they aren't even there (there is no extra blank form space either). The form sized wasn't locked

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Application Displaying Sum Of All Integers Entered By User

Jun 21, 2010

I Create an application that when a user enters a positive integer value in a input box(the default number is 10) when the OK button is clicked, the application should display a message box with the sum of all the integers form 1 through the value entered by the user. If the user enters a negative value, the application should display an error message. I believe I have to use a loop condition but I have no idea what to do.

EX: User enters 10 in the input box once OK button is pressed a message box pops up and says "The sum of the numbers 1 through 10 is 55". Use the following test data to determine if the application is calculating properly
5 15
10 55
20 210
100 5050

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Datagrid Keeps Displaying Previously Entered Data?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm having this weird problem with my windows application, I have fields for entering data into an underlying access database, my problem is after clicking the submit button upon entering the first data it shows neatly in the datagrid but subsequent data entered repeats what was initially entered into the datagrid.

Private Sub BtnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSubmit.Click
'Sets Null Fields to 0


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DB/Reporting :: IP Address Not Displaying Properly In DataGrid?

Apr 9, 2008

I have populated a dataset with the contents of a csv file. Here is a sample of the imported data:

Protocol,Process ID,Process Name,Local Address,Local Port,Remote Address,Remote Port,Status

Here is the code that I used to import and display the data:

Dim sConnectionString2 As String
sConnectionString2 = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
& CasePath & ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"""


The problem is, all of the data gets displayed correctly except for the ip address. It gets truncated to "134.1892". How can I change the formatting for the "Local Address" and "Remote Address" columns.

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Creating User Input With Textbox.text Input Then Displaying In Messagebox?

Feb 19, 2012

If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.

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Date In Datagridview Not Displaying Correct Date Entered?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm working in visual studio 2005 and developing a windows form that has a datagridview on it.

One of the cells is a Calendar Column type (custom made). I pulled the code for it off the internet - it basically allows the user to select the date from a small calendar.

When the date is changed, it gets the correct value and it also saves into the database with the correct value.

The problem is that it doesn't load onto the grid with the correct value. In fact, no matter what date I enter in, it always displays it as 1 day earlier. e.g. If I saved it to the database as 4/19/2012, it displays it as 4/18/2012.

I verified that there's no other column in the query that retrieves the data for the grid that contains the value it's displaying.

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MessageBox In Visual Basic Express 2010 Open Form3 From MessageBox?

Mar 28, 2011

From my login form, and when a correct Username and Password has been succesfull and I get a messageBox saying "welcome to your System" (Picture Below) and when I press the OK button in that MessageBox, I want to open Form3.do I add code to the Underlined code (below Picture), or Do I write a completley different code after the messageBox code.


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How To Properly Open A Image Using Bitmap Class And Dispose It Properly

Jun 22, 2010

I am looking for a code snippet which opens a image, creates a clone of this bitmap in memory disposes this opened image so that all handles are closed.

Usually we can open a bitmap using this[code...]

the following code however keeps the Image File locked until the application is running, any suggestions how to dispose it properly. (So that no handle is left open )

Things i already tried: use dispose method of bitmap <= doesnt work (need to write implementation)
Using Block also doesnt work.

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Implement A Search For The Calendar So A Date Can Be Entered Into A Text Box Which Intern Moves The Calender To Show The Date Entered?

Oct 4, 2011

I am creating a Calender application using the monthly calender control.I am trying to implement a search for the calendar so a date can be entered into a text box which intern moves the calender to show the date entered. I have been try to figure this out with no luck, is it even possible to do?

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Have The Messagebox Come Up Only Once?

Sep 26, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim num3 As Integer


If I dont enter any text into any of the first three textboxes; then how do I have the messagebox only come up once? Instead it'll come up three times.

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Web App Messagebox?

Apr 4, 2009

im new here and im learning Visual Basic 2008 :P im geting an Book tomorrow about it ...but anyway ...I wanna no if its posable To ..make an App in VB that when you pen your default web browser ( like Firefox) a messagebox will appear saying "hello"

Well i no how to do the messagebox already i just need to no how to make it so when the app runs ...it waits(sleep) till i open up my internet, to Show the messagebox

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How To Get Data From A MessageBox

Dec 7, 2011

I tried this but it did not work.

Message As


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How To Refer To A MessageBox

Aug 25, 2009

I am amateur programmer.so far, I can use Visual Basic .Net only. That is all I know!!How can I refer to a MessageBox?or how can I Programatically handle a MessageBox after it is displayed?I need to close a MessageBox after certain time if no response from the user.

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MessageBox Persistence In .net?

May 30, 2011

I'm using MessageBox to give some information to the user, but when such a box pops up, I want it to block access to the main window. So, until the user has clicked "OK", they should not be able to click (or even focus on) the window that's below it.

Does anybody know how to do this? I've noticed that MessageBox has very few functions, so maybe I'll even have to use a different object for this.

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Oddity In A MessageBox?

Jun 1, 2012

I have this

Dim st1 As String = sref.ConfirmLogin() 'A WCF method call.
Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(st1 & Environment.NewLine & "blue", "Result")

What is interesting about this is that there is no new line in the messagebox, and "blue" doesn't show up. If I reverse the order, then all is well. If I turn st1 into some other random string, all is well. However, as long as st1 is a string that comes from the WCF call, everything after st1 in the MessageBox is ignored.So what is coming from the WCF call?

The lines are these:

resp.GetResponseStream.Read(buff, 0, 99)
Return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buff)

resp is a WebResponse object, though that shouldn't matter, as the key is that I take a stream, move it to a buffer, then turn that buffer into a string. What is it about the string that is alterning the way the string is displayed.If I highlight the "st1 & "Blue"" part, and press Shift+F9, it is all there. What I do notice is that there is a significant space beyond the end of st1 and before the Blue. Trim doesn't get rid of this space. My theory is that what is there is a series of Null bytes, and MessageBox is interpreting that as the end of the string and terminating the display at that point, even though it shouldn't really be terminated there. That's especially interesting because I can add in an Environment.NewLine, which would normally add a new line, but even that gets ignored.

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Two Forms And Messagebox?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a Main and a Secondary form. I want that the secondary form appear if the no button in the messagebox is pressed (but the main main don't). Only if I press the yes button or when closing the secondary form the Main must appear. How can I do that?

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Use A Dialog Box And When To Use A Messagebox?

Sep 1, 2009

When to use a dialog box and when to use a messagebox?suppose i am perfoeming a delete operation and i want to take a final permission from the user whether he wants to delete it or not.in this case i used a dialog box and when the delete operation is completed,then i showed a messagebox.is this a correct way to do this or i should use messagebox in both the cases?

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Yes/No Function In A Messagebox?

Feb 7, 2012

I want to add a yes/no function to a message box (Are you sure you want to exit?) in InfoPath 2007. If the user clicks 'Yes' the InfoPath form closes, if no, then the user is taken back to the form. From what I have read this will not happen in InfoPath. So, I added a new windows form that has the Yes/No buttons.

For the 'No' button, I have (me.close) which closes the windows form and the user is left with the InfoPath form. when the user clicks 'Yes' meaning they want to close the windows form AND the InfoPath form. Below is my code so far.

Imports Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.XPath


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.net - Variable Truncates When Using Messagebox?

Dec 23, 2011

I have a strange problem here. In my code, variable b string, has the value "Test Test Test". This value we can see while debugging the variable as well as in the text visualizer.Now the problem is, if I show the same string using Messagebox, the value is just "Test". What can I do here to get the complete value.

I am converting from an ebcdic encoded bytes to corresponding utf8 string and doing the above operation. Any thoughts. below is my sample code.


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Add Random Numbers To Messagebox?

Jun 21, 2010

i am trying to create a messagebox which brings up four random percentages which add unto 100%, i can create the messagebox with[code]messagebox.show ("") {icode]

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Center Message In A MessageBox?

Jan 30, 2010

Is there anyway I can center the message in a MessageBox??

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Change Width Of The Messagebox?

Jun 21, 2010

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Console Output To A MessageBox

Nov 11, 2011

I am making a windows forms application that helps me with running some commands in command prompt. Each button has a different command and they work perfectly.


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Control Key + S To Just Throw Up A Messagebox

Mar 8, 2011

i have vb 2005 and i dont know how to make Ctrl+S work so that it throws a messagebox on the screen.ive tried a couple of different threads, looking for my answer and i cant seem to find it. its just a simple application, but i want to spice it up a bit with a shortcut to save the info on the screen.i dont want to deal with the saving part yet, but just to get vb to recognize that the user pressed the Ctrl key and the s key in combination.

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