Download Zip In Memory And Extract File To Disk

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to programitally download a file from a https server, that uses cookies (and hence I'm using httpwebrequest). I'm debug printing the capacity of the streams to check, but the output [raw] files look different. Have tried other encoding to no avail.

Sub downloadzip(strURL As String, strDestDir As String)
Dim request As HttpWebRequest
Dim response As HttpWebResponse
request = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(strURL)
request.UserAgent = strUserAgent

So I get the right size file downloaded, but dotnetzip does not recognise it, and the files that get copied out are incomplete/invalid zips.

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Extract Sent Date From .msg File Stored On Disk

Apr 21, 2010

due to folder size limitation in Outlook/Exchange I must archive older mails on disk as *.msg files. So I am still able to search for <TEXT> in explorer.

I create the *.msg files by drag&drop a bunch of mails from the Outlook folder to the disk folder. Unfortunately the changed-at date displayed in explorer is the date of the file creation and not the sent-date as displayed in Outlook.

I know how to change the changed-at date using SetFileTime but I don't know how to extract the sent-date from the .msg file to use it.

My question is: how can I open (in VBA) a .msg file and extract the sent date of the mail?

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Loading An Image From A Jpeg That Exists In Memory (but Not On Disk) Using Direct Memory Access

Nov 5, 2009

In VB 2005, I am calling a C++ DLL function that returns the address in memory and size in bytes of a jpeg image. How can I load that jpeg image directly from memory into a picture box in my VB form? I cannot afford to save it to disk first.

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VB: Download ZIP File From Internet (and Extract)?

Jun 21, 2011

I need to somehow download a ZIP file from the internet using Visual Basic.Here's what I currently have:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim NewAppData As String


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VS 2008 Download File In Memory?

Mar 19, 2010

Im currently working on a chat room application and im wondering if its possible to transfer a file and keep it in memory untill all of file is done sending, then saving that file to the computer.

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Extract A Serial Number Of A Hard Disk In C Or C++?

Nov 24, 2009

Can anyone explain with program how to extract the serial number or unique ID of the hard disk. i need a clear explained program. i m using some tools but i couldn't really understand how they do it.

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Download Zip, Extract, And Put It Somewhere?

Nov 20, 2011

I have a server, in which people use a browser I made, to upload files for others to download. I am making a system in which a user will update their files - other users will automatically download the new files and put them in a special place replacing other files.I have looked this up, and I don't seem to find straight answers in which will solve my problems. Should I do it via FTP, and have it download?The files I wish for them to download need to be put in a specific folders inside %AppData%, How would I do that aswell?

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VS 2010 :: Make An Application To Save Images [or Download Images] To Local Hard Disk

Aug 12, 2010

I was thinking to make an app to save images [or download images] to local hard disk. But to keep it easy, I want this app to create a small picturebox on form to show the thumbnail of downloaded image. Lets say a 5 pictureboxes has to be added with the thumbnails to show the recent downloads. A user can save the location where he wants to save the files on hard disk. A listbox or a dropdown menu will help in categorizing the images, like image1 in friends section, image2 in family section, image3 in others, etc... When the program restarts all the latest 5 thumbnails has to be loaded in pictureboxes and the directory that was chosen. Finally, a button that shows the downloaded images into original image file size one by one or a slide show. Is it possible to make such program?

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Download File From Http Server That Requires A Referral Before Allowing Download?

Nov 18, 2011

I usually download file using following code:My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("url of the file","filepath to save the file")But recently I encountered a site that only allow file download if you click it from its site and not via direct downloading from code.How to download file from http server that requires a referral before allowing the download?

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Asynchronous File Download And Synchronous File Download?

Apr 13, 2011

What is the meaning of asynchronous file download and synchronous file download ?

I came to them while using class

I know a basic meaning of tcp/ip and http .

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Download Multiple File + Progressbar But Cant Download File

Nov 10, 2011

i try to download multiple file + progressbar.. but its seems nothing happened and the file is not download.. my program just function like.. when the file was error.. it will download the latest file from webhost..


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Using A WebClient To Download A File, But Being Able To Get The Download Information?

Oct 23, 2009

Imports System.Net
Public Class DownloadStuff
Dim downloader As New WebClient()


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Open An Excel File If The Value Of LblFileName Is Different Than The File On Disk?

Mar 29, 2012

The following gives me an error when I try to open an Excel file if the value of lblFileName is different than the file on disk by differences of upper or lowercase letters.


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Download A File With A Download Timeout?

Feb 4, 2010

I want to download thousands of files from the web and save them locally. What is the most efficient way? It is important the failures timeout within 10 seconds.

Is there a better way to stream one stream into another? Maybe a smaller buffer, like 1024 bytes at a time, is more efficient for large files?

Dim w_req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://blah.blah.blah/blah.html"), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)


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VS 2005 - Searching For File On Disk?

Jun 1, 2009

Given a filename, how do I efficiently search for that file on disk?
(Visual Studio 2005, i.e. .NET 2.0)

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Copying A Resource Audio File To Disk?

Apr 12, 2012

Is there an easy way to copy a resource audio file to disk?

it is very easy for an image file (in two steps for clarity):

Dim a11 As Image = My.Resources.Speaker
a11.Save(Image_Path & "speaker.png")

All the examples on how to do this with an audio file seem to be very long winded and there are a lot of short audio files that I want to copy.

There must be an easier way in a few lines of code.

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Destroy A File On Disk (irrecoverable Delete)?

Aug 1, 2008

Deleting a file is one of the controversial matters of computing. When a user deletes a file (removing it also from the Recycle Bin), they assume that the file is indeed deleted. However, what happens is that only the reference to that file is deleted, so the system can no longer remember where the file is located, but the file itself is very much intact.

I am looking for a way to delete a file permanently, the way e.g. the application Wipefile would do it, by applying successive overwrites (up to 30) over the actual position of the file on the disk. There must be a way to do this through code (I just presented an example that this has indeed been done ), so I'd like to know how to do it.

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Do A XML Transform Using XSLCompiledTransform From A Stream Instead Of An XML File On Disk

May 19, 2009

I'm using XamlWriter, XML Transform (with XSLCompiledTransform), and XamlReader to create deep copies of a user control with multiple user controls and lots of inheritance.
I have it working and am using it in my Print and Print Preview logic. The problem is that it's SLOW and I need to speed it up. Currently when the user selects Print Preview it takes about three seconds for the view to display. I need to reduce this to less than one second!


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Export Embedded Dll Resource To Dll File To Disk?

May 22, 2011

I am trying to make a little app and I have a problem regarding embeded resources.I have added a dll file to my app resources and now I am trying to get that file back and write it to disk in a specific folder.

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Export Embeded Dll Resource To Dll File To Disk

May 22, 2011

I am trying to make a little app and I have a problem regarding embeded resources.

I have added a dll file to my app resources and now I am trying to get that file back and write it to disk in a specific folder.

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File I/O And Registry :: Writing Structures To Disk

Oct 21, 2010

My application uses structures that contain strings and arrays that I want to write to disk. I understand that I can create the fixed length data types in the structures by using "ReDim" and "String$", but my question is: Does VB reallocate the storage for the structure which includes these redimensioned members in-line (which would be necessary in order to write the contents to disk), or does it allocate heap and merely store a pointer in the structure?If only a pointer is provided, is there a straightforward workaround to allow me to create fixed length data types in a structure that could be written to a disk file?Or, Is there an I/O method that will handle the situation by recreating a contiguous buffer containing the structure before writing it to disk?

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VS Relevant Tmp-file Missing After Disk-cleanup

Dec 23, 2010

After I ran a disk-cleanup (in my case AVG PC-TuneUp), the loading of my project gave error on a missing file.Changing the build-configuration (DEBUG->RELEASE->DEBUG) would recreate the file and all is OK. But I have basic configuration-info for the build, maybe in more complex cases some important details could be lost when the file gets deleted.I would think an information as critical as that, would be placed in the project folder, or be part of one of the many files that make up the project, but not in the temp-folder.

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IDE :: "File Download" Dialog / Way To Perform Download Operation At Back-end

Jun 15, 2010

I have created a application in I am using Web Browser control in it.With this Web Browser control I open an URL and tries to Download something, it will populates an dialog for "File Download" to Open/Save/Cancel for the file..I am downloading the .ZIP file, and it will not show the checkbox for Automatically Do.Is there any way to perform the Download operation at the backend, means it will not ask me for such options.

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.net - Save File To Disk Without The Risk Of Windows Reject It?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm developing a winform application. I want to take input from user (i.e. the user provides username) and use that input as part of filename and save to file.How do I check if the username provided by the user didn't contain windows' reserved characters. And what is the list of reserved characters for windows?

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C# - Using BinaryWriter Class To Write A Binary File To Disk?

Oct 8, 2009

I am using BinaryWriter class to write a binary file to disk. When I invoke the Write method, passing an unsigned short value, it writes it in little-endian format. For example:


writes the value in the binary file as 0x00 0xA0. Is there a way to make BInaryWriter use Big Endian? If not, is it possible to create a new class, inheriting BinaryWriter and overload the Write function to make it write big endian?

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Retrieve MySQL Blob - Save The File To Disk

Aug 29, 2010

I have a mySQL table(IMP_SCANS) holding the file, it's name and size for every document:

scan_1 blob
description varchar
filesize int
doc_no varchar
doc_date date

I managed to insert a file to the table. Now I need to save the file to disk.

So I have the code:

Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
Dim myData As MySqlDataReader
Dim SQL As String
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim fs As FileStream


I all works fine up to the line: myData.GetBytes(myData.GetOrdinal("scan_1"), 0, rawData, 0, filesize) Where it says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I cannot figure out why I receive this error.

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VS 2005 Locating A File In The Computer Disk Drive?

Jul 11, 2009

I ve a file in my computer.......

i want to knw the locetion of my file in the disk drive.....

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Copy A File To 3 Locations, The Local Hard Disk, A USB Drive?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a program that must copy a file to 3 locations, the local hard disk, a USB drive, and a network location. I have the file (about 70mb) loaded into a byte array. My quesion is, since I'm not actively modifying the byte array, can I impliment a form of multithreading where all 3 threads read the same byte array at the same time?

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Importing 403 Rows From .CSV File From Disk Stops After Import Of 100 Records

Dec 14, 2010

Im trying to read A .CSV file into the database.Every time at exactly 100 records the code seems to stop executing.Strange thing is, that when I step through the code manually, the code DOES run to the end...and a total of 403 records are imported.So NO errors are thrown, and no weird data is present in the row at which the code stops running (which makes sense, since the code is all executed when stepped through manually)[code]

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Open / Close / Read / Write A Regular Disk File

Nov 18, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and attempting to get information on how to Open, Close, Read and Write a disk file in Windows using VB. I have attempted to use help on the home page of Visual Basic 2010 Express with no results. It does not give me any instruction or sample.

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