Draw 2 Lines In The Center Of The Screen?

Aug 24, 2009

How would I do this? I want my Program to draw 2 lines in the center of the screen.

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Center The Messagebox On The Parent Form Rather Than Centering It On The Center Of The Screen?

Jan 3, 2012

When I call this Messagebox, is it possible to center the Messagebox on the parent form rather than centering it on the center of the screen?

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Center Image / Pbject In Center Of Screen?

Jun 11, 2012

i found this video today and its a simple vb game but made me wonder how they kept the charater centered during movement.url...Anyone have a simple snippet to demostrate how they made a larger resulution then vewable and kept the picturebox centered and only moved the viewable area?

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Putting VB Content In The Center Of A Full Screen With Variant Screen Size?

Feb 2, 2012

Now I'm creating at app in VB (Microsoft's, Visual Basic 2010) which will be in full screen but I want to know if I can put all my content in the centre of the screen. At the moment it's at the far top, left of the screen. When the screen size varies I want it will stay in the middle for all shapes and sizes. Like :

<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 500px;"></div>

But this is for web pages using HTML and CSS.

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Draw Circle With A Center Reference?

Feb 4, 2011

Is there a way to draw a circle by specifying the center of the circle rather than the upper left corner?

This is what I'm using to draw the circle[code]...

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Draw(Graphic) DrawString And Center In Rectangle?

Dec 3, 2011

I got this code to create textstring and make it center in the rectangle. The probleam that I faced is, it make the text only center for the hight rectangle( as you see in the pic). How can I make it center for both width and height?.

Dim drawString As [String] = "Sample Text"
' Create font and brush.
Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 16)


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How To Draw Black Line Across Center Of Picture

Feb 19, 2010

I have to draw a black line across the center of the picture from one side to the other, how do I do that. Here is the code:
Dim bmp As Bitmap
Dim x, y As Integer
Dim pixel As Color
lblLeft.Image = Image.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)
bmp = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)
' manipulate bmp here
lblRight.Image = bmp

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VS 2008 Draw Directly On The Screen (not On A Specific Window) Just On The Screen?

Jul 1, 2009

I send a message a while ago and no one answerd, how can I draw directly on the screen (not on a specific window) just on the screen, neither if it's on the desktop or anything else.Is there is any option to bring up the switch between applications window (Alt + Tab), I don't want to use sendkeys because the user need to keep the key down and I just want the user to select the application with his mouse.

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VS 2008 Center Text From Draw String On Image?

Mar 24, 2009

I assume that this will be an easy one for you guys. I have never dabbled with drawing in VB.NET. I have searched the forum and Google already, but have turned up nothing to help me. Here is my problem. I have an image that is in an image box. I would like to draw a string of text on it, centered vertically and horizontally. Here is what I am using to draw the text.


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How To Center The Screen In Form

Feb 2, 2012

I have a form size is 1092, 626 in design time. i set startPosition screen center. i write a code in loading event Me.Width = 486 i mean resize my form . but when it load i will not center. it was in little bit left size.

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.net - Graphics.drawString - Draw String In Multiple Lines And Know How Many Lines Given String Will Take

Aug 26, 2011

I want to draw string in multiple lines and and I want to know how many lines given string will take. I am using following method.


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Center Parent Out Of Screen Resolution?

Jun 21, 2010

well my problem is that when i put center parent its centered from the form that was open obviously but when i put my program after the screen resolution like it cuts more then the half of the program and i open then other form as center parent the form appears like completely touching the end of the screen it doesn't cut offs, i need like if my program is cutting off from screen the second form have to cut off too

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Center Screen Sprite Walking?

Apr 27, 2012

I have been searching the internet for a few days now, looking for ways to solve my problem, but I can't find anything. What I am trying to do is make my sprite walk. The way I did this was I made multiple GIF's with my characters different movements, but when I try to switch which ones are showing by releasing an arrow key, it does not do anything. Does anyone have a solution for this? My code so far is below, but it only lets me switch to the running GIF and not to the standing one.


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Displaying Text To Center Of Screen

Feb 18, 2010

I know i've made a few posts previously on this, but none have fully worked. I now have my program doing everything I need it to do, except having the ability to display the text to the centre of the screen. It needs to be able to perform the same functionality it does on the form but without the form being there (e.g. the letter disappearing after being pressed)


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Lock Mouse To Center Of Screen?

May 29, 2009

I thought of something quite cool i would like to try. Would it be possible to revert the mouse and the screen, so when you mouse your mouse up, the arrow stays still but the desktop moves towards it.

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Open Form Center Screen?

Oct 25, 2011

I just converted from Visual Basic 2008 to Visual Basic 2010.The application that I'm working on has several forms that change size depending on the situation and I want them to appear in the center of the screen.

This code:

Me.Height = 161
Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen

worked perfectly in VB 2008 and doesn't in VB 2010

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Show A Form At Center Of Screen?

Dec 15, 2011

I m trying to open a filter form at the center of a form which is inside the panel 2 of a split container.. I ve selected Start Position of the filter form => Center Screen but the problem is that when I push the button which opens the filter form for the first time the form appears at the upper left corner of the panel 2.. next time I open the form it appears at the center.

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Center Form And Make It Full Screen?

Aug 23, 2011

how to center my form and make it full screen


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Center Form Contents For All Screen Resolutions?

Sep 18, 2009

Im trying to make the contents of my form appear in the center of the screen, no matter what screen resolution is being used.I have been searching the net and have found code similar to the following but i cant get anything to work.

Dim x As Integer = _
(Me.ClientSize.Width - GroupBox1.Width) 2
Dim y As Integer = _


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VS 2008 : Moving A Form To The Center Of The Screen?

Feb 7, 2011

Is there any way I can move a form in the center of the screen ? I am talking about run time for a form that is already shown . I need this because some times this form may become larger or smaller during run time and I'd like it to be moved in the center of the screen in order to look better . Back in VB6 I used to show again the form (despite being already shown) by MyForm.Show , which resulted i the form being moved to the center , but now it seems this doesn't work anymore ...

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VS 2008 Start Application At The Top And Center Of Any Screen?

Mar 4, 2010

How can i have my app start in a certain position on "any" screen. I want to start my application at the top and center of any screen that its open on.

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Make Multiple Pictureboxs Center On Screen The Code?

Sep 21, 2008

Using visual basic 2008 express enition How do you make multiple pictureboxs center on screen the code i got from a book is this

Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
PictureBox1.Left = ((Me.Width / 2) - (PictureBox1.Width))
PictureBox1.Top = ((Me.Height / 2) - (PictureBox1.Height))
PictureBox2.Left = ((Me.Width / 2) + (PictureBox2.Width))
PictureBox2.Top = ((Me.Height / 2) - (PictureBox2.Height))


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Draw Lines In A Picturebox?

Oct 25, 2008

I'm making the transition from VB6 to VB2008 and I'm having difficulty finding the equivalent to[code]...

It seems in VB2008 I can only use pens inside a picturebox1_onpaint() subroutine, I can't tell a picturebox what to do from a button_click subroutine or form_load subroutine first and then send the results to a picturebox. I have no control over when the graphics are drawn and from which subroutine. How do I solve this in VB2008 ?

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Lines Won't Draw To Picturebox?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a simple picturebox, line drawing procedure (call it "DrawTheLine"), which fires ok when I call it from a command button. But when I try to call it from the boot form_load procedure it doesn't work; no lines draw. No errors are raised.

Things I've thought of are:

1. The form_load procedure is not done creating all of the controls on the form, so it can't work with them yet. Doesn't make sense because my drawing call is the last thing in the form_load procedure, and it executes, but the picturebox does not show the lines.

2. Tried Application.DoEvents, but no go.

3. Tried using picturebox.invalidate to force a paint event and "called" the drawing procedure that way, with the appropriate arguments. Again, the procedure "DrawTheLine" fires, but no lines draw to the picturebox.

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Trying To Draw Lines On A Userform?

Sep 21, 2011

I have the following form:I want to join the boxes so that it looks like this: would rather create the lines on the userform manually but I do not think there is a way to do it. I've tried the following code but I cannot see the line:

Private Sub DrawLine(ByVal X_From As Integer, ByVal Y_From As Integer, ByVal X_To As Integer, ByVal Y_To As Integer, _
ByVal Line_Width As Integer, ByVal Line_Colour As System.Drawing.Color)


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Use A Picture Box To Draw The Lines?

Jun 12, 2011

Iam doing a sample project for school and i CHOSE Tic Tac toe. sample program of it becuase i have no idea where to start. And do I use a picture box to draw the lines?

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Way To Draw Dashed Lines

May 29, 2009

I need to draw dashed lines. I use this code:

Dim MyPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black, MyWidth) With {.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash}

MyGraphics.DrawLines(MyPen , MyDots.ToArray)

But since the distance between successive lines it too short, the dashes start each one too near to the last. It causes a continuous black line

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Draw Lines By Mouse Move?

Apr 25, 2009

I can draw one line by mouse moving on a form, but i used cls function to clear screen when move mouse (otherwise it wont show single line when move mouse), so i cudnot draw next line with out clearing previously drawn line, kindly help how to solve this problm


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Draw Lines In Highlight Pen Style?

Aug 19, 2011

I am making a drawing application (Graphics class), with a highlight pen and a calligraphy tool. But the pen tip should not rotate according to the line direction. I have tried the CustomLineCap, but still not working.

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Draw Lines Inside Circle?

Feb 2, 2011

How to draw lines inside the circle. I mean a circle with n-number of lines within in it.

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