Dynamically Populate Listview From File?

Apr 14, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to dynamically populate a listview with data from a file, except I only want specific lines and columns from that file. I have code right now that works to populate the listview from the file, but it writes the whole file and I only want specific lines and columns. Here is the code I currently have to populate the listview when the form loads:


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Populate A Listview With The Last Two Elements Of A Xml File?

Feb 9, 2011

I would like to populate a listview with the last two elements of an xml file. In the xml file there are the news,this is an XML element:

<title>Scientists describe 'secret of life'</title>


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How To Populate Listview Control With Contents Of .DAT File

May 19, 2012

I've got 1 form that has the user enter 7 fields of data.When they click my "Save" button those values are stored in a .DAT file.On that first form there is a button that brings up a second form with a listview control.I have all the headers set up but can't figure out how to populate the listview control with the contents of the .DAT file.A friend of mine told me I may need a Do while loop but this is my first time doing this and I am so lost. I don't even know where that loop would go and whether or not I need extra variable for it.

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Populate ListView With All File Icons In A Folder

Nov 7, 2011

I'm a VB beginner. The following image comes from a Mac application that I've developed. This window lists all visible files and their icons for a particular folder.


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Populate Listview File From Accompanying TreeView Of Directories

Jul 20, 2009

This is a follow-up questions to the following post: [URL]

Below (Example 2) is working code for populating a treeview with directories only down to 1 level. Note just directores are added- No files. I want to add a Listview control beside my treeview and have the Listview populated with the "files" from the selected node in the treeview. This would fire off the NodeMouseClick event of the treeView. I have used Example 1 (NodeMouseClick) before with other code that I have. However, I cannot get the code to work with the Example 2 code below

how to change the Example 1 code to work with Example 2?

Example 1
Private Sub treeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) _


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VS 2010 Populate Multi-column Listview From File?

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to populate a multi-column listview from a file. I have gotten as far as reading the correct data from the file to an array and populating the correct columns with said data. However, sometimes the array will span multiple lines of data in the file and I need all of these matches to populate the listview but the code that I have now only populates the listview with the data from the first matching line. I have tried declaring the variables as listviewitems instead of strings, which allowed me to use listView.Items.AddRange(arr) but then all of the data appeared in the first column instead of spread across all columns like it is supposed to. At this point I am at a loss because I can only figure out how to either fill the first column with all data or fill all columns with only the first line of data. Here is the code that I have


It is really only the last part of the If.. Then statement that I need help with. I was thinking that a loop would accomplish what I am trying but I am still pretty new to VB and do not know the correct code.

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VS 2010 Listview Add And Select - Populate A Listview And Leave Selected Records That Are True

Apr 19, 2012

I want to populate a listview and leave selected records that are true

I have a DB record which is ID int, desc varchar, selected boolean.

I have tried the code below

LVProducts is a Listview and DS is a dataset


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How To Populate The Listview It Populates All Of The Listview Items

Mar 13, 2012

I have the code below and when I try to populate the listview it populates all of the listview items but only the first subitem. No clue what I've got wrong.[code...]

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Search In ListView And Populate The ListView Table?

Mar 11, 2012

Here's my code and It's now working. I put that in "txtSearch.text"

If lvList.View = View.Details AndAlso lvList.Items.Count > 0 Then
Dim lvItem As ListViewItem = lvList.FindItemWithText(txtSearch.Text, True, 0)


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Populate Comboxes Dynamically?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a windows form in VB.NET. In that I create two Comboboxes dynamically during runtime. Lets name them CB_A and CB_B. Now when these are created, CB_A is populated by calling the handler which is created while creating the control.I want to populate CB_B which will depend on the value selected in CB_A. e.g. The first value in CB_A will populate one set of values in CB_B while the second will populate another set and so on...The approach which I tried was get the name of the CB_A and then deduce the name of CB_B, but it does not recognise as it says it cannot change from string to objec(combobox).

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Way To Dynamically Populate Menu

Feb 7, 2011

I am creating an add-in for Microsoft Word, I want to create a drop down menu that will be populated from another file, is there a way to dynamically populate the menu?

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Use Labels Dynamically And Populate Them From A Dataset?

Mar 8, 2011

I am creating an electronic display board using Visual Studio 2005, this will be an application using VB and not web based.What I am trying to do is use labels dynamicly and populate them from a dataset, Now there is a lot of labels on this board and to be honest the perfect solution would be to use a Data Grid View, unfortuantly I have to fit the information into a Custom Graphic that was created, hence the reason for labels.So obliviously I dont want to have to name each label and specify its information, for example:

Label1.text = MyDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)
Label2.text = MyDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(0)
Label3.text = MyDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(2).Item(0)

So I thought about something as follows but not sure how to get it work.Say I new I had 100 Labels Label1 to Label100.

Dim i as Integer
For i = 1 to 100


Now the above doesnt work but it doesnt throw up any errors either.

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2008 : Listview With Image List - Change The Image In The Listview Dynamically?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a listview control. it has an imagelist attached to it with two images in it. I have entered items into my listview, and they are using the first image in my imagelist.... GREAT! Now, there is a variable I have that will tell me which index in the listview is currently active, noting to do with what I select that could be at another index it's just what's being processed by the program at the time in some task.

Create a function that will change the images of all my listview items by looping through them. If the index variable is set to 2, I want the 3rd item in my list view set to use the 2nd image in my imagelist. The rest of the items in my listview need to be set to the first image in the imagelist.

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How To Populate Listview Using Database

Jun 8, 2011

I'm stuck, can someone teach me on how to populate my listview using database.

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How To Populate ListView With XML Data

Apr 13, 2010

I'm programming in VB, using Visual Studio 2008.This is a Windows Forms program.GOAL: I want to populate a multi column ListView1 with the <Name>, <Calories>, and <Fat> of each <Food> when I click Button1.

Objects I'm using:
Profile.xml (not technically an "Object," I know ...)


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Populate A Listview In ASP.NET 3.5 Through A Dataset?

Apr 8, 2010

Is it possible to populate a listview with a dataset? I have a function that returns a dataset. Why im asking this is because my SQL is quite complicated and i can't convert it to a SQLDataSource..


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Populate A Listview With 3 Columns?

Mar 20, 2012

i've 3 listboxes...

- listbox1 (A, B, C)

- listbox2 (1/1/2000, 1/1/2001, 1/1/2002)

- listbox3 (1,1,1)

I want to populate a listview with 3 columns.

- column1 with items of listbox1...

- column2 with items of listbox2...

- column 3 with items of listbox3...

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Populate A Row Into A Listview Control?

Jul 11, 2009

I am trying to populate a row into a listview control and only the first items shows up (the ProductID). the product name, cost, and quantity don't show up.

I guess the control's properties must be set for this. I went and added 4 columns appropriately named, but those column headings don't appear either.


'* Add new row to the Order details grid if the currently selected product
'* in the products grid is not already in the Order Details list view
If Not bItemFound Then


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Populate Data For Each Row In Listview?

Aug 15, 2011

it's a search listview and i want to retrieve the data all i want is to populate a data in listview per each row

here's my sample code
Dim objDataReader As OleDbDataReader
objDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader
If objDataReader.HasRows = 0 Then


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Populate ListView Using A Thread?

Jan 22, 2012

cedure that populates a ListView, but it does a lot of work and it takes too much time to display all it's items (about 100-200 items). I want to use a thread to display the items as it's extracting data (real-time).I posted a question earlier here, but using a ListView it's not working for me...

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1


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Populate ListView With XML Data?

Jan 30, 2012

I have some trouble populating ListView with XML data. Writing data in XML isn't a problem. The following figure is an example XML data.[code]...

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Create And Populate A 3 Column ListView?

Mar 30, 2012

I need to create and populate a ListView with 3 strings that come from another function. I also want to be able to select multiple pieces of the data to change their values during runtime (is that possible with ListView?).

I've looked all over online for info on this, but I can't seem to find any.

I've seen somethings on GridView as well. Would that be better for this application?

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DB/Reporting :: Using ListView To Populate Database?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a database in ms access. I am trying to use a listview to populate this database. I have comboboxes and textboxes that populate the listview. I have tried to just make sure that my database will populate with the combo boxes before I try to code it to populate from the listview. I am running into an error while trying to populate this database. The error I am receiving is the following,
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
The error is occurring in the da.update(ds, "TrapDatabase") line.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbprovider As String
Dim dbsource As String
[Code] .....

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How To Populate ListView With Items From DataGrid

Jun 8, 2011

I want to populate a listview with items from datagrid view. I've been searching for solutions but it seems that all the scenarios I found were about populating listview with items from tables in database, not from another listview or datagrid view.

I'm trying this code:
For count As Integer = 0 To (DataGridView1.Rows.Count() - 1)
Dim row As DataRow = DataGridView1.Rows(count)
Dim item As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(row(fieldfirstcol).ToString())
But it doesn't work; it says DataGridViewRow cannot be converted to DataRow.

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How To Populate ListView With Variable Values

Jun 8, 2011

Let's say I have 50 cars and I created 6 attributes for each of the 50 cars (therefore 300 total variables and values for those 300 variables). These attributes are created and valued based upon the following structure:

Car1Name = "Dark Red Car"
Car1Color = "Dark Red"
Car1DoorCount = 4
Car1Cost = 10000
Car1Appeal = 10
Car1BoughtStatus = False

Car2Name = "Bright Red Car"
Car2Color = "Bright Red"
Car2DoorCount = 4
Car2Cost = 11000
Car2Appeal = 8
Car2BoughtStatus = True
and 48 others of similar structure/syntax

How do I take a a module with these variables and values and populate them into a listview within a form such as Form1 and ListView1 without continuously going into listview's UI and manually entering the data? The goal is to show the USER a list of 50 cars, their color, door count, cost, appeal, and purchase status.

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Populate Data From Note Pad Into Listview?

Apr 29, 2009

currently i have created a note pad which contain names

For Example : ( inside the note pad ) Sam1


But it not showing up in my listview1 box , it seem to go straight into the Error Msg ( File not found )

Private datCallDefaultResult As StreamReader
Private Sub frmTesting_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Populate Listview And Getting A DBNULL Value Error?

Jun 5, 2010

Im trying to populate my Listview and im getting an DBNULL value error. Ive tried the following code but it doesnt work.

Me.SpMainSearchTableAdapter.Fill(Me.CapitalVisasCRMDataSet.spMainSearch, Me.tbxSearch.Text)


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Populate Listview With A MySQL Database?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a local MySQL server which has a database. Now, I want to populate a listview with all entries (Rows) in that database. [code]...

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Populate Simple ListView With XML Data

Apr 14, 2010

How to populate *simple* ListView with *simple* XML data? VS 2008. I'm programming in VB, using Visual Studio 2008.

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Search Box Then Populate Listview From Database?

Jun 18, 2012

how can i populate listview from database? If the user search for a particular column (ex.Employee) then the output will be on the listview.

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