Dynamically Refresh Datagrid View?
Apr 20, 2010
Let's say that I have a windows application in which I have a form with some controls that are bound to a dataset. A DataAdapter or TableAdapter fills the dataset on form load with a large number of records and user can navigate and change the details for each record. This works fine ... but this app runs on a network. And let's say meanwhile you've loaded your form and you're navigating through it (for half an hour let's say whithout saving changes or reloading the dataset) another user modifes the data and updates the database but as long as you have your application running you can't see those changes !!! what is the method to know whether the database has been updated or how to refresh the datagrid view with the new changes updated by other users while the application is running?
code is
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Apr 12, 2012
i'm having with a problem to refresh my datagrid view. I have 2forms and a database create from msaccess2010. This programme is too simple, in form1 requesting a costumer name and save button. After being saved, it'll show form2 which is database in datagrid view. Yes, in first save the name of costumer are being shown there but after i close (which is 'hide' actually,i cant use 'close' due to particular reason) and reinsert the data in form 1 and save it,the second data are not being shown in form2. So my question is,how can i make the data refresh(by form load or button refresh,any of them)?
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a datagrid who's ItemsSource is a strongly typed IEnumerable object In this datagrid, I have a checkbox column, a price column, a part name column, and a 'total selling for' column. On checking the checkbox I need to update the total selling for column with the value in the price column. This part I have working, however, how can I get the checkbox to remain checked when this happens?
Private Sub UpdateSellFor(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
Dim _CB As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
Dim _ID As Integer = _CB.Tag
Dim _PP = DirectCast(DG_PartsToSelect.CurrentItem, PartTyping).PartPrice
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Oct 16, 2011
I have a datagridview with transaction bindingsource I want the datagrid to show the sorted rows only not all the records when i enter a value into a textbox and click button sort.
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Apr 15, 2008
What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:
It says that update is not a member of the tableadapter... Why is that?
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Jun 6, 2011
I am trying to update my form once the delete button is clicked. There are several fields like Name, Date, Date of Birth and so on. Once I delete record I want the form to automatically load with new / updated data. This form fetches data from MS Access using OLEDB. Once when I close the application and reopen then form will be updated with new values. But I want this to happen once the form loads after deleting.[code]
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May 23, 2011
I have a search form on that will be pulling search template queries from a table in the underlying (an Access db on a share). The search form has a calendar control for filtering by date range, a listbox containing the names of the search templates, a second listbox which lists the fields in the selected template, and then some controls which show/hide themselves depending on which field is selected so that the user can pick a field and enter it's unique criteria in the appropriate control for filtering. Below these controls is a DataGrid, which will obviously display the results.
The problem is how to dynamically "transform" this DataGrid to display the selected search template. These templates do not represent tables in the underlying; rather they represent preconstructed SQL queries (stored in a table) which are essentially SELECT queries with joins and no WHERE clause (so they are the results of multiple tables joined together by their keys).
To be honest, I'm having trouble even generating the LINQ queries to represent these template dynamically, but that's not as important, since I can manually translate the SQL queries into LINQ. This is definitely not the preferred method, as the whole point of putting these templates in a table, rather than code, was to allow for future additions without rebuilding/redistributing the application interface.
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Apr 23, 2009
I am using vb06 backend access. Now i want use datagrid. How to use datagrid. How to refresh it. Clear field its.
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a Silverlight Datagrid who's DataSource I refresh every 5 seconds.I would like when the grid refreshes, for the focus to be on the last row, not the first.I have tried setting the SelectedIndex property of the grid to be the last row, but it did not work.
The details:I am binding the DataGrid to an ObservalbleList(Of MyObject) property on it's ViewModel, and the SelectedIndex is also a property on the ViewModel. Both properties raise the property changed event (able to witness this working by seeing the DataGrids DataSource clearly changing, but the SelectedIndex is never set.I have read reports that setting the SelectedIndex on a DataGrid is a known issue, but have not found a work around.
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Aug 8, 2011
I have a datagrid view control that is tied to a dataset. so when the Dataset is updated with a new record,It shows up in the grid. The problem is, I have to minimise the window or some how force a re-paint on that window to see the updated grid.
how to call that refresh? Form.refresh and form.grid.refresh did not work.
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May 26, 2011
I have an app that opens up 3 forms. 2 forms have a datagrid the other form has book lending details. The datagrid forms are for books in the library and books that have been borrowed.
Both datagrid forms will be open as shown in the attachment, how do I refresh the "Borrowed Books" datagrid form from inside the form that has the "Book in Library" datagrid.
So far I've been able to update the "Books in Library" datagrid because control comes back to that form after the details form closes but since the "Borrowed Books" form is still opened up, we would like to refresh the datagrid on that form.
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a main form with player information (it's a sports application). To add or edit a player the user presses a button which opens another form. They either add or edit from this point. When they click 'OK', it saves the data to the database table then goes back to the main form. The amended or new info doesn't appear. If they close the application, then reopen, the new info appears in the datagrid now.
how I can get the datagrid to refresh once I press 'OK' on the input form?
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Dec 15, 2011
My application uses a list view that populates with images from files. The items in the list can be edited by the user including updating the menu images but when that happens the list view loses all it's images and won't reload them without re-booting the application.Here's a screen shot of my list view when you first start up the app Screeshot1 ..which is correct. and here is the code that loads the images (lvBinSelect is the list view in question)..
Function UpdateCalcPicList()
picBinSave and picMenuSave are the image boxes on the second tab you see in the last screen shot that previews the images. These refresh perfectly on updating.Now as you can see it calls the UpdateCalcPicList function again after clearing the list view which should in theory repopulate the list view with the updated images.But All I get is this after a user has changed an image and they go back to the first tab....The images are loading back into teh list view. The only way to get them back is to restart the application and it's fine again and load with the new image the user changed to. I have had to use 'Application.Restart()' after the change is made as a workwround but this is obviously not ideal.
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Oct 1, 2011
i add data in run time i could not see it in datagride till i have to close application and open it, so how can i do a refresh for datagrid just after adding data
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Jan 6, 2012
i am new to vb.net. after insert the data datagrid should automatically refressh itself. how can i do it? for example in C#
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Apr 21, 2006
I'm trying to refresh the datagrid after using the SQL UPDATE statement. The data changes physically in the database but the datagrid is not affected. The data is changed only after i restart the program.
How can i get the datagrid to refresh or update? I have tried using, among other code, the refresh() method, but it does not work.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have a small vb 2008 app that allows a user to select a row in a datagrid control that launches a detail form. When I then update or change the record on the detail form and save, how do I refresh the datagrid on the master form?
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Dec 9, 2011
I have a big problem regarding MdiChild. My problem is that I have 3 forms loaded;
Form1=Mainform / mdiParent
Form2= Display the Datagrids
Form3= This is where I let the user input the necessary fields like Lastname, Firstname,Age,etc...
My problem goes like this, Form3 is the child of Form2, Form2 is the child of Form1 and I call them one by one like this:
Form2.MdiParent = this;
I want in the Form3 to save data and refresh on my datagrid on Form2 so that every data that I encoded in Form3 will reflect in Form2. I let the Form3 close everytime there is data entered but my problem is that the data that entered doesn't reflect in my datagrid.
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Mar 3, 2010
I've got a database that I've been working on for over a year and a half but I've just recently finished the back end to the point of feeling comfortable with starting on a front end.
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Dec 7, 2009
I am adding records to a database from a modal popup. After hiding the modal popup, the page has not been refreshed (even though I have Re-bound the controls). I have reviewed a few postings on the web about this but the solution still evades me. I have attached my code after removing some of the extra detail.
It seems I need to cause a postback, but I don't know what needs to be changed. Some posts have talked about the extender being misplaced.<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">
<div class="divBorder">
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrSessionFolders" runat="server" BorderWidth="2px"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="#C0C0FF"
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May 3, 2012
I'm trying to bind a dataset to a datagrid. I've found many examples online... all look similar to below. My problem is that the bind seems to work, but nothing shows on the datagrid. It's blank. Both rowcounts in the message boxes display the correct number of rows for both the dataset and datagrid. Does something need to be initialized in the datagrid properties?
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May 23, 2011
i have been using to save any changes to the datagrid to the database which had the name statically assigned like this [code]I then decided to allow the vb program to access any .mdb file dynamically by using and open file dialog which all works fine except for my save button which again has all of the field name set statically like Record,[code]can anyone suggest a replacement for the code that would solve my problem i have also attached a screenshot with the original database or statically defined database opened can anyone suggest code that will do what the above code does dynamically so it can open many database files.
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Jul 27, 2009
How should I add a datagrid column dynamically on selectedindexedchanged?
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Feb 4, 2009
Ok Im needing this to go through each row in the datagrid view and it does that fine and it sends an email if the time in the row matches time now but if it doesnt I get an:
The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.
Parameter name: value
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Apr 1, 2012
i want to access the data stored in ma sql server using datagrid using vb.net. i loaded it but i when i change the contents in the datagrid once when i run, these changes doesnt get updated in my sql server.
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May 11, 2011
I want to view one row at a time in my datagrid. When I click on the next button I want to view that single row but with the next person.
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Sep 14, 2011
I'm trying to create a page dynamically, but I falling at the first herdle. I have create the below after reading may blogs/post/articles. The problem I have is when I click the first buttons I created nothing happend, if I then click it again it works.Can any one tell me where I'm going wrong?
ASP Page:
<%@ Page Title="Create / Amend Quotes" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Quote.aspx.vb" Inherits="BIS.Quote" %>
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Mar 10, 2011
In webbrowser, I am visiting a website that lists 10 items per page, I select "20 items per page". The webpage dynamically updates to display a list of 20 items.However when I view the webpage code it still shows 10 items. If I refresh the webbrowser, the code will show 20 items.
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Nov 24, 2009
Using VB.NET How to get Datagridview cell value.
I want to insert a Datagridcell value in the table, How to get datagridview cell value.
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Aug 18, 2010
what is the use of adding new columns to datagrid view? [code]if we can't add / update these columns to databse ?
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