Dynamically Resize Font To Fill Up RichTextbox?

May 29, 2012

How do i dynamically resize the text in a RichTextbox so that it fills up the entire rich textbox?

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Can't Resize Font Properly

May 29, 2010

I have a timer program. Initially, the font for the time is the correct size, and when I click "start", the time is the right size too(I had set the initial size to 26 in the properties menu). When I click "break", once the time is up, it displays "Break Over!!" to fit the label(because I changed the font size). Then when I click "start" again, the font has shrunken, even though I set it back to the original size of 26. Why is the font size for the timer not back to it's original size when I click "start" after I have clicked "break"?[code]...

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Winforms :: Why Changing Form Font Resize Some Controls

Feb 15, 2011

All my forms inherits from one base form where we handle background paint and set standard properties. Recently, I think of cheching if the app is running on Vista or Later to use Segoe UI font, and I added this. The problem is than inherited forms changed sizes and their inner controls changed also... even PictureBoxes! The controls and forms seems to be thinner (in width), so square picturebox became vertical rectangules!


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Resize TableLayoutPanel Dynamically

Feb 19, 2009

In my application i need to resize the TableLayoutpanel dynamically..when i resize this control automatically resize rows and columns equal size. I wrote below code it's working but it's working very slow.

Private Sub tbpanel_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim iColCount As Integer = tbpanel.ColumnCount


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Fill Font Color In A Combobox?

Jul 1, 2011

Do any of you know how i can filled the font color in a comobox and then change the color of the text in the textbox?

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Resize Font Of All Windows Form Control When Change Screen Resolution?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to resize font of all windows form control when i change screen resolution..I am able to resize all the controls but font resize driving me nuts..

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Get The Table To Resize With The RichTextBox?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a table in a RichTextBox component (RICHEDIT50W) however as I have to use the cellxN RTF tag in order to specify the number of cells it gets the width from N.

Is there any way I can get the table to resize with the RichTextBox?

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How To Scale DataGridView Font To Fill Cell

Jun 12, 2008

I have a VB.Net application with a datagridview consisting of several columns. I would like to be able to increase/decrease the cell font size when the user resizes the cell so that the value fills the cell. I do not see a property that would do this and wonder if there is one or if there is some algorithm by which the appropriate font size can be calculated based on character count and cell width.

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How To Dynamically Resize A Silverlight 4 Child Window

Mar 23, 2011

I came across an issue which I see has been discussed a few times, but there doesn't seem to be a defintive answer to the question.How can the child windows in Silverlight 4 be dynamically sized to fit within the size of the current browser window?The problem is on smaller displays where the browser window may be smaller than what the child window was originally developed for.What occurs is the OK and Cancel buttons are off the screen and cannot be scrolled to via the browser.You can duplicate this problem by simply shrinking the height of a browser window manually while the child window is displayed.The controls will disappear and there is no way to get to them.This is pretty much simulates what users with smaller monitors see.So the question is how can you set up a child window to dynamically size itself so it users can still interact with it?

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Interface And Graphics :: Resize Objects Dynamically In .net?

Oct 13, 2009

I need to let the end user move and resize objects (like a textbox or button). There are several examples that demonstrate this in VB, but not in VB Express 2008, based upon VB.net.It looks like earlier you needed to access Windows API, but these calls does not work in VB.net. I understand that these call are replaced by "native" .net calls, but I cannot find any that does the job.

A typial example from old VB is:

Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

This does not work in VB.net.

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Crop And Resize The Image In Richtextbox?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to crop and resize the image in richtextbox.

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C# - How To Calculate Font Size Of TextBlock To Fill In Canvas

Feb 13, 2012

What I need is some formula to calculate font size of TextBlock for its owner - Let's say I have Canvas height 100.0 then which TextBlock font size should be to fill all space of the Canvas?

P.S. The main problem is that I scroll those TextBlocks horizontally...

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Javascript Events :: Dynamically Resize The Multiline Textbox?

Dec 22, 2010

I am working on a site it is in VB.net, I need to createa mutliline text box. I am able to increase the height of the textbox as number of characters increases using java script,however when page get refreshed or loaded again then textbox size comes back to the default height.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtDescription" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" rows="3" onkeypress="grow();" Width="590px"></asp:TextBox>


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Resize Columns And Rows Dynamically In TableLayoutpanel At Runtime?

Sep 1, 2009

I need to resize Rows and columns dynamically in TableLayoutpanel..I achive this but it's not perfectly come in some times.. My requirement is how we are resize the rows and columns of TableLayoutpanel at design time..Same like i need to implement at Runtime.If i resize any row or column only That perticuler item only resizing ..

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Fill DataSets Dynamically?

Jul 11, 2009

I'm not sure, if this is possible, but what I would like to do is fill a DataTable with results from "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM myDB.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES" and then fill individual data sets in a For Each loop. I'm able to fill a data table with the table names I want to populate, and I can update my SQL Command of the SqlDataAdapter, but when I try to fill the data set by using the results from the row, I run into an error that I can not convert a string to a DataTable or DataSet. Each DataSet is named just like the table name. The code is at home, so I can't paste all of it here, but hopefully, you understand, what I mean. A small amount of the code that I remember is below, and this is inside a Using block connecting to a SQL Server.For Each row as DataRow in dt.rows

tsql = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM myDB.." + row("TABLE_NAME"), mycon)
oleda.SelectCommand = tsql

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Changing Font In RichTextBox?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm trying to change the font in a RichTextBox, but it's not working:

RichTextBox.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
this apparently read only
With RichTextBox
.SlectionFont = "Times New Roman"
End With

here I need a System.Drawing.Font class and not a string

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Make A Richtextbox Only Have One Font

Dec 29, 2009

I need to use a richtextbox, not a normal textbox because of the way it keeps the caret position, from line to line. But I need to keep the text at the same font all the time even if it is pasted. At the moment I have it selecting the entire text and changing the font to the original (Lucida Console) but it look horrible when you paste into it as it flashes blue.

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Change Textbox Font Size Dynamically?

Dec 26, 2007

we have project in VB.NET (Win forms), I need to increase Textbox fontsize dynamically on selecting the Expand button, Please let me know how to Increase and descrease the fontsize dynamically.

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Scrollbar To Dynamically Change Font Size?

Jul 14, 2009

I read in a book about changing font size in a label via a scrollbar. I was wondering if it is possible to do this with a rich text box.I have the following code

Private Sub vsbHeight_Change()
rftOutput.FontSize = vsbBar.Value
rftFontHeight.Caption = vsbBar.Value


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.net - RichTextBox Append With Font Color?

Jun 19, 2012

I need to set the color of the font every time I add text to the RichTextBox

I'm using. RtbResults.AppendText(DisplayPacket)

To add a new line of text, but each line needs to be a set color.I found this on the net but it doesn't seem to work in my VS11b RtbResults.AppendText(DisplayPacket,forecolor,backcolor,font)

Are these the correct overloads? can I do this another way if this doesn't work?I don't want to have to insert the text then go back and select and change its color.

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Adjusting Font Style For A RichTextBox?

Dec 23, 2011

I'm having trouble adjusting the font style in a RichTextBox and I've seen a few different approaches that talk about single attributes (like toggling bold on and off)... but I'm trying to make it so that my font class can adjust any attribute (bold, italic, underline).

I realize that Font.Style is a set of Boolean flags (a bitfield?)... but I'm not sure how to handle the attributes all at once.

Here is the troublesome code:

Public Sub ModifyFontStyle(Optional ByVal Plain As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal Bold As Object = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal Italics As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal Underlined As Object = Nothing)


What is happening to the font? The text should be underlined and in italics not strikethrough...

Is this a logic error or a simple misunderstanding on my part?

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Change Font Color In RichTextBox?

Mar 30, 2012

how change font color for some word in Richtextbox example : when write "The lost" in Rich font color change to blue ...and other word don't change ...other example : same "DIM","AS" and "integer" in VB.NET ,,how i can do it?how to save the word from richtextbox to text file ?

Note : I'm using VB.NET 2008

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Change The Style Of The Richtextbox Font?

Sep 17, 2010

this code does the change, but I noticed a little unwanted effect.if you have some text mark up for esample 24pt, selected. and run this code. you will lose the mark up.

Private Sub Styles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnBold.Click, BtnItalic.Click, BtnUnderline.Click, BtnStrikeOut.Click

Static styleValue As Integer = 0 Const bold As Integer = 1, Italic As Integer = 2, UnderLine As Integer = 4, StrikeOut As Integer = 8 'Since more than 1 button is attached to this event, the if statement will sort out what button was pressed to fire this event If TypeOf (sender) Is Button Then


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Font Dialog To Change In RichTextBox?

Oct 25, 2009

I am using visual studio 2010 and I put a font dialog to change in a rich textbox. I tried this code:
richtextbox1.Font.Name = Fontdialog1.font
and it didnt work I dont know why.

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Get Font From Combobox And Apply It To Richtextbox

Aug 18, 2009

I am building a word pad clone with extra a few extra features. I am trying to get two combo boxes (one with font names, the other with font sizes) to apply their selected attribute to the selected text in a richtextbox. This was my latest attempt, and I think I'm starting to get close, but I still get an error for InvalidCastException - Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.


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Programatically Add Formatted Font To Richtextbox?

Oct 22, 2010

I am trying to add formatted text to a rich text box..For instance, I want to add a heading as bold ("HEADING: ") and some data after it as regular ("REGULAR Data")...then a new line and do it all over again.

first name: blah
last nem: blahh

I'd like to have a couple functions to perform the action.When I use the below functions to add txt to a single rtf box, I get lines in either all bold or all regular. It doesn't seem to keep the font formatting after it adds text..


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RichTextBox Formatting - Selection Font Gets Set To Nothing

Dec 15, 2010

I have a RichTextBox. I process all the formatting and everything works fine. There is an exception. When I have selected text that have two states of formatting in it, the SelectionFont member is set to Nothing. I notice that WordPad recognizes this condition
and kindof greys out the affected format.

Let's take this example:
This text is in Bold.
The rest of the comments here and not in bold.

When I select these two lines, the SelectionFont gets set to Nothing. WordPad sets the Bold button grey, but still clickable. If I click the Bold button in this state, the entire selection is set to bold. How do I achieve this same functionality?

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VS 2008 : Changing Font In A RichTextBox?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm trying to figure out how to change the font in a RichTextBox without having to select the text I want to change first. I know I can select text and change it like this:

RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Find("working")
Dim tfont As New Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Regular)
RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = tfont

What I want to do is set a font and then any text added to the richtextbox will use that font. Then I want to set another font and all text after that point will use that font and so on. I'm adding text to the RichTextBox with code, but I'd eventually like to add a RichTexBox to an app where the user enters the text and can change fonts like a word processor.What I'm try to accomplish would go something like this:

' Set the font for the header here
rtbPrint.Text = rtbPrint.Text & mHeader & vbCrLf
'Set the font for the body here
rtbPrint.Text = rtbPrint.Text & mBody & vbCrLf

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Dynamically Resize Labels And Position Each Subsequent Label A Perdetermined Distance From The End?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to dynamically resize labels and position each subsequent label a perdetermined distance from the end of the label that was just generated. My code looks like this:


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DYNAMICALLY COLOR - Change Font Row With TextColor Value In Datagridview

Apr 30, 2010

I use an SQL Table with (ID, Code, Comment, ..., TextColor, BackGroundColor) The TextColor and BackGroundColor are Decimal Value. I would like to do, in a datagridview, to change the font row with the TextColor Value, and the background row with the BackGroundColor. If I want to show data in textboxes, it will be the same : the font with the TextColor value, and background with the BackGroundColor value.

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