Embed App.config File - Application Won't Find The Dll?

Oct 17, 2010

I've just moved an external dll into a folder different from the main exe directory, so I had to use the <probing> command in an app.config file. Now however, the application won't find the dll unless I have the app.config file in the same directory as the main exe! So how can I embed the app.config file in the EXE, or alternatively move it to the folder called 'Resources' where I store the external

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Save Application Settings But For USER But Cannot Find The User.config File

Aug 7, 2009

in vb.net i am trying to save application settings but for USER but i cannot find the user.config file

when does this file get created?

i searched my entire hardrive. i also searched the entire project.

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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

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Why Can't Find My App.config File

Oct 11, 2010

I was under the impression Visual Studio 2008 (and probably other versions) already made an app.config file for Forms applications. I've edited the app.config on multiple occasions without creating a new app.config file. However, I just created a new application and I can't find the app.config file.I hit Show All files and it still doesn't show. I know I've seen the answer somewhere before, but I can't remember where.

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Cannot Find Config File,Exist!?

Apr 23, 2010

Every time I turn on my computer this little message box comes up. By simply clicking OK it goes away. Is there a problem and how can I get rid of it.

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Entity SQLCE Can't Find Connection String In App.config File

Sep 21, 2011

I've been getting this error when I try and use my model container:

No connection string named 'PFModelContainer' could be found in the application config file.

I have my edmx file in a separate project. I checked the app.config file and my model was there, and I also put it in my main project app.config file. Still doesn't work. Here's the connection string:

<add name="PFModelContainer"


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Embed A Standard EXE File Inside An Application?

Aug 18, 2009


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IDE :: Embed A File Or Many Inside Application So Wherever It Goes So Does Myfile?

Jul 23, 2010

Just adding a file to my application so when it is published the file(s) goes with it is not enough, this application has links in it so when you click the links the file and it corosponding application open. I can link to the file on my computer easily, but this application is going to be distributed via CD or DVD so i need these file to go with them or the links are useless. I would just point the links at the cd drive, however not all PC's have the same drive letter making a default drive link a little complicated( yes im a newbie ). Here is a sample of what im working with, i want to link to 3 file types .docx, .pdf(thanks ADOBE SDK), .ppt and the like. so far the applications are working great so all i need is either how to add all of these files to myapp and link internally or some knowledge on how to write a link to the CDROM drive as oppossed to the D: or E: drive specifically. Here is a snip of a MSWORD link-


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C# - When/How Does My .NET Application Use It's App.Config File

Dec 31, 2011

I've never thought about it before; but I recently learned how I could modify the app.config file to add/remove trace listeners (for example, to redirect all of the Trace.WriteLine output to a text file).But I don't quite understand how it works? I know the corresponding C# code to do the same as the config (in this example) - does that code get generated/executed before my application's entry point?

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Using Own Config File In Application?

Oct 23, 2011

As a practice exercise at my college we have to make a simple room booking system, complete with its own config file. We're not allowed to use the one built into VB.NET (the professor wants us to adapt to not relying on things like that) so I've made my own. This is a sample:

// Config file.
// First column is the variable name that will be used to
// reference the value in the second column. Seperate each


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Config File In Window Application?

Nov 24, 2010

In my solution I have 3 project and I want to create the single config file for all project, I mean instance of creating config file for all the 3 project I am creating one config file in the solution level that serve the purpose of all the project.

Now when i am reading the config file I am writing like this , in one of the project-


but this return me noting always.

App.Config file location - D:ProjectCommunico_SCEPMS Outlook Add-in

and the project location where I am to accessing the app.config file- D:ProjectCommunico_SCEPMSFileViewEPMSFileView

This is my config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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Secure App.config File In Application?

Feb 4, 2012

How to secure App.config file. As it contains all the passwords that connections use so any body can see the data in my databases. If we donot save the password at the time of making connection string, will it still be able to connect with the DB the same way?

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VS 2008 Where Is Application .config File

May 15, 2010

Can someone tell me where this is? Most places on the net say it's in same folder as the .exe, but when I look in there I don't see it. There is an .xml file in there but that doesn't look like it's it.

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Make Application 'single File' And Get Rid Of XML Config File?

Dec 29, 2010

I have this pretty simple application, it uses a webService to transfer data to my servers DataBase. Now it is very important for me to keep this application as one single file, and not having some XML files needed for it to work, but this is the case. I think the XML file holds the information to this webService, so without it the application crashes. Is there a way to get the application to work without this XML file, or a way to put the XML inside the exe archive?

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.net - Read A Settings Value From The Web.config File In An ASP.NET Application?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to use the following command:

Dim xmlFilePath As String = _

to retrieve the following setting:

<setting name="XmlFilePath" serializeAs="String">


However, xmlFilePath shows up as Nothing after that line of code is run.

What's the correct code to get a setting out of the web.config file in an ASP.NET application?

NOTE: Although you can add keys individually to the <appsettings> tag, I'm trying to figure out how to use it with the "Settings" tab in the project's properties.

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How To Put Application Settings In An External App.config File Using V

Mar 10, 2009

I have been searching and posting regarding this problem and have found nothing to aid me. Discussion is either on web.config files or deal only with external files for connection strings or earlier versions of vb.net not 2008.I have already successfully put connection strings into an external config file, but trying the same approach with application settings has failed.There are two sections of the app.config involved with application settings.

1. the configuration and config sections at the top of the config. file where the section group and the section name are described.

2. the actually data for the application settings by section group section name which appears in the body of the configuraton section of the app.config.[code]

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Integrate The App.config File With An Application Written In .NET?

Dec 7, 2009

how to integrate the app.config file with an application written in VB.NET. Specifically I need to extract database connect strings from the app.config file.

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Xml - Read A Value From An Application's App.config File From A Asp.net Webpage?

Feb 19, 2012

Basically i have a .net application that has a directory path stored in the app.config file. this directory path outputs xml files that will be read by an asp.net web page.

Is there any way i can get the asp.net web page to read the directory path stored in the app.config file? Should i look to use the web.config file at all?

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Changes To Application.dll.config File Does Not Reflect Inside System

Jun 29, 2011

I'm quite new to this app.config function. Hope someone can show me the road on this. I have a solution which comprise of 5 projects and one of them just to retrieve the value from the app.config file to be read by other projects. So, in the app.config file, i have my connection string stated inside and i can use it nicely.


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Read A Value From App.config File In Windows Form Application?

May 16, 2007

How can i read my connectionstrings value which i stored in my app.config file (for windows application)?

i tried many times to use more than one option but i could not do it.

i am using VB.NET 2005 with framwork 2.

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[2005] Create A Windows Application - File For App.config?

Jan 12, 2009

If I create a windows application. Where is the file for app.config? Can I modify it?

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Modify Contents Of App.config File At Runtime After Starting Application?

Mar 29, 2011

Is there a way to modify contents of app.config file at runtime after starting application?

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Reading Connection String From Config File In Windows Application

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using vs2010 and can't get this to work. The same code has worked in earlier versions. What has changed?

config file:
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Data Source=MikeLaptop;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2008R2;Integrated Security=True"/>

Dim strProvider As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
strProvider is always = nothing
How to do this now?

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Store The Connection String In The App.config File That Include The Application.startup Path?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and flatfiles.the problem is how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path?

<add name="cn" connectionString="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "data;Extended Properties=text;" />

i got some error when writing to app.config.

"Missing attribute value on attribute 'Application.StartupPath'."

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The Application Is Used To Find A Given File Name In A Given File Directory And Put Messages To Remind User At A Given Time?

May 13, 2011

the application is used to find a given file name in a given file directory and put messages to remind user at a given time.

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Embed The Dll`s In The Application?

Feb 7, 2010

Im making an online radio , just a simple one for myself. Ive got my .exe in the release folder, when i copy it to my desktop it wont work , but when i copy the 2 DLL`s thats in the release folder to the desktop also , it works.

Can i embed the dll`s in the application? Ive created a radio before and never had to move the dll`s to the same location.

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How To Embed One Exe To Application

Dec 7, 2009

how can i embed calculator in my application.

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C# - Unable To Find Assembly Error When Using <codeSubDirectories> In Web.config

Jan 7, 2010

I have a web site that uses the both c# and vb.net in the app_code section. The different languages are separated into their own folder and correctly configured in the web.config.

<add directoryName="BasicCode"/>
<add directoryName="CSharpCode"/>

This works fine 95% of the time. In production using 2 load balanced servers I sporadically receive an error message along the lines of:

"Unable to find assembly
Version=, Culture=netural,

The site is hosted in IIS7 and I think it has something to do with the name of the dll assigned during dynamic compilation. I do not see this problem in a single server environment. Could this be because when the session is balanced to the second server the dynamic compiled dll name is different?

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Embed A Exe Application Into A Form?

Apr 24, 2012

i want to embed a exe application into a form i have this code


but with this, once the form loads the Acad.exe loads but not inside the form what am i doing wrong btickle1

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Embed A Font Into The Application?

Jul 5, 2011

I am creating an app that uses a special font (a font that does not come by default with Windows). I want to embed the font so that users will not see anysort of design flaws if the font is not installed on their computers. I want to embed the font in the application. How can I do it?

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