Equivalent To JOIN Query With Dataset Multiple Tables?

Dec 21, 2011

How to Query multiple tables in a dataset to form single consolidated table without using any external database. I know this can be done using 'JOIN' in SQl.

Now my condition is I have multiple tables filled with data in a dataset and each table is interrelated with a common 'column'. For example ,

Table 1


Here I mentioned only two tables but in my case there are many tables. I need a generic answer for this dynamic query .

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Join Two Tables In Dataset And Show In Gridview Using Program 2008?

Jan 27, 2010

How to join two tables in dataset and show in gridview using vb.net 2008?

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LINQ Query - Join Tables On Nullable Columns

Apr 17, 2011

How to JOIN tables on nullable columns? I have following LINQ-query, RMA.fiCharge can be NULL:
Dim query = From charge In Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge _
Join rma In Services.dsRMA.RMA _
On charge.idCharge Equals rma.fiCharge _
Where rma.IMEI = imei
Select charge.idCharge

I get a "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid" in query.ToArray():
Dim filter = _
String.Format(Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge.idChargeColumn.ColumnName & " IN({0})", String.Join(",", query.ToArray))
So I could append a WHERE RMA.fiCharge IS NOT NULL in the query. But how to do that in LINQ or is there another option?

The problem was that the DataSet does not support Nullable-Types but generates an InvalidCastException if you query any NULL-Values on an integer-column. The modified LINQ-query from dahlbyk works with little modification. The DataSet generates a boolean-property for every column with AllowDbNull=True, in this case IsfiChargeNull.

Dim query = From charge In Services.dsERP.ERP_Charge _
Join rma In (From rma In Services.dsRMA.RMA _
Where Not rma.IsfiChargeNull
Select rma)
On charge.idCharge Equals rma.fiCharge _
Where rma.IMEI = imei
Select charge.idCharge

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Access - JOIN Two Tables With Multiple WHERE Conditions

Jun 21, 2010

I have two tables 1) tblRequests and 2.) tblMainTags. The Fields in tblRequests are Tag_Request_No, Employee_ID , Accepted, Accepted_Date, and Accepted_Time. The Fields in tblMaintags are Tag_Request_No, Tag_ID, Completed, ... The fields 'Accepted' and 'Completed' are set to YES/NO.


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Join Multiple Tables In Diffrent And Same Database?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a problem i need to join two table from different sql servers and as a test i have tried to get data from two table but i realizethe adapter can have only one connection statement as argument how do i get records from two table from diffrent database

Please see my code
Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet


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C# - LINQ To SQL Join 3 Tables And Select Multiple Columns And Also Using Sum

Aug 19, 2010

I have three tables Student, TimeSheet and TimeRecord.

Talbe columns:
Student : StudentId, FirstName,
TimeSheet: TimeSheetId,StudentId, IsActive


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Update DataBase For Dataset Filled By Join Query?

Feb 26, 2012

i have a dataset that filled by this query :

SELECT Invoices.ID, Invoices.invoicenu, Invoices.pdate, InvoiceList.icaption, Invoices.icaptioncode, Invoices.ccode, Invoices.postedbill, Invoices.billnumber, SUM(InvoicesDetaile.price)
AS Tprice


a datagridview is showing dataset data and user check checkedcolumn of datagridview (postedbill filed) and after user mark a few rows , i want update (invoice table) in database .

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VS 2005 Load Multiple Tables Into A Recordset Using The Join Command?

Jun 3, 2009

I've found alot of examples for add/edit/delete a single table. In VB6 ADO you could load multiple tables into a recordset using the join command. Then manipulate or modify the data.

I've found how to retreive multiple tables like,

Da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select groups.groupid,groups.userid,lots.groupid,lots.lotid from groups inner join lots on groups.groupid=lots.groupid order by groups.groupid asc", DB) But the only way I have found to update is to use seperate Update commands for each table.

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Join Multiple Datatables Using LINQ To Dataset?

Feb 8, 2012

I have been searching for quite a while about joining multiple datatables via LINQ to dataset (When i say multiple, i don't mean just 2!!!), and it seems there aren't lot of examples in the net. I have seen examples of joining two datatables, done that, no problem there. Now i want to join three datatables. And there's nothing i can find out there.For example i have a 3 datatables:

PERSON (columns: person_id, name, gender_code, ethnic_code)
GENDER (columns: gender_code, gender_description)
ETHNICITY (cols: ethnic_code, ethnic_description)


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Inner Join - Join Two Tables,'Employee' And 'Dispatch'

May 17, 2012

Iwant to join two tables,'Employee' and 'Dispatch'. Dispatch has column 'DispatcherID' and 'TechnicianID' which are both foregn keys to EmployeeID in Employee table.I want to join these two tables using EmployeeID so that i can obtain the matching name to each id.but it only works when i make a single join to either DispatcherID or TechnicianID and not for both.


select Employee.firstname+' '+Employee,secondname as Technician,Employee.firstname+' '+Employee.secondname as Dispatcher from Dispatch inner join Employee on Dispatch.TechnicianID=Employee.EmployeeID inner join Employee on


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Dataset - Multiple Tables - Multiple Columns

Sep 18, 2009

I have a small project i am doing for work to compare our website catalogue to our actual inventory in our financial software. To do this, i have exported the online catalogue as a delimited text file using "^" as the delimiter. I then want to go into our Accpac data a find out if all the items are still active, the current price and the stock on hand.


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Dataset That Contains Data From Multiple Tables?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a VB.Net dataset that contains data from multiple tables. how to query data out of the dataset. I want to run SQL-like queries on a dataset to extract data that fits a certain "where" statement.

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VS 2010: Multiple Tables In A Dataset

Mar 1, 2011

First off I'm a newbie to VS but hopefully my question isn't terribly clueless. I've been searching endlessly for an answer but I don't find much relating to VS 2010 I'm running VS2010 Ultimate and I'm creating a Windows Form app in VB .net 4. I'm connecting to SQL Server 2005.


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Update Tables Using Bindingnavigator Save Button From Join Tables

Oct 29, 2010

In my datagridview I was fill in using join tables (table1 = pr_employees, table2 = pr_employee_deduction). My problem now is during save button I want to update records from table2 only.[code]

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VS 2008 Multiple Tables In Single Dataset?

Apr 6, 2012

I am a new user. Apologies if I am posting this in wrong place and also if it is repeated one. I have few queries:

1.Is it possible to store multiple tables in a single DataSet?

2.If yes then it is a good practice? or should i prefer having separate connection object, separate DataAdapter and separate DataSet for each of the table to be accessed? I am new to VB.NET and using VB.NET 2008 Express and MS-Access 2007 as backend for my project.

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Error While Trying To Fetch Values From Multiple Tables Into A Dataset?

Jan 27, 2010

while trying to run the following code:-

Class Form1


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MySQL Update Dataset With Multiple Tables - Close?

Nov 7, 2010

I've been working with a remote mysql database. The design of the database pretty much requires that I use SELECT commands that include multiple tables, and sometimes joins. Updating a single table query is SO EASY, yet dealing with multiple tables has me pulling my hair out.


What's killing me is that if I make a change to a field in the products table in the datagridview and press button1, the changes are saved. If I make a change to a field in the specials table in the datagridview and press button2, the changes are saved. If I combine the two updates together in a single routine, only the first one is saved. I presume this is because after the first update executes, the dataadapter no longer reports that there are any changes to save, since the update already happened.

I've tried breaking this up into separate dataadapters for each table, but then even using dataset relations, I can't get the data together in a single datagridview. On top of that, the grid itself is only intended to be used for searching and querying data. It still needs to be bound along with a set of textboxes that accept the input.

Lastly, this database is part of an ever-evolving website database with dozens of tables that need interfacing. I just can't see manually maintaining hand written sql statements for every table. That's why I've been working so hard to get the commandbuilder to handle it.

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Query Multiple Tables In A VB2008 Program Using SQL?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a 4 table database and need to query at least 2 tables (the single table query works fine). The output goes in textboxes / labels on an existing form.

I'm trying something like this:

Sub AddCustomer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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DB/Reporting :: Optimize Query (aggregates On Multiple Tables)?

Feb 20, 2008


- Company
- Department
- Employee
- CertificationA
- CertificationB

I am trying to return a recordset that gives some summary information about each company. The fields in my returned recordset should look like the following.

Company.Name, NumberOfDepartments, NumberOfEmployees, NumberOfCertificationA, NumberOfCertificationACompleted, NumberOfCertificationB, NumberOfCertificationBCompleted

There are actually about 10 different Certification tables but, with Certification A and B you should get the hang of it. When an employee starts a certifaction, a record is added to the that certification table.Below is a query I wrote that works (gets me the data I need), but I am unsure if it is the most efficient way. There will be quite a lot of data so performance is an issue.


Dim sqlNumberOfDepartments As String
sqlNumberOfDepartments = _
"(SELECT COUNT(*) " & _


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Iterate Through LINQ Query - Results From Multiple Tables

Dec 7, 2010

I have a VB .Net linq query that I want to return values from two tables. I currently have this:
Dim query = (From c In db.Client _
Join u In db.Users _
On u.UserID Equals c.UserID _
Where (c.ClientID = 1)
Select c, u).ToList
query (System.Collections.Generic.List(Of )) returns several rows as expected each item containing a c and a u.
How do I iterate through the queries collection?

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How To Join Tables

Sep 1, 2010

I've been using Java for a number of years, and now I'm at the beginning again with VB.NET.How would I go about joining two tables?- order doesn't matter, as long as i can print/display the order
Here's an example of what I'd like to do:

table 1
data 1 , data 2 , date time
12 , 23 , 2010/8/20 10:00:00


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SQL Join On Two Tables?

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to do a join on two tables but i'm having a hard time. Here's the table schemes:

table1 : tbl_Trainees_IntentToParticipate
TraineeID (PK)

I want to select all TraineeID/FName/LNames from table1 where TakenTest (from table2)= false

heres the sql statement I have so far:

SqlJoinStatement = "SELECT tbl_Trainees_IntentToParticipate.FName, tbl_Trainees_IntentToParticipate.LName" _
& "FROM(tbl_Trainees_IntentToParticipate, tbl_Trainees_TabScores) " _


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.net - Ms-Access: Join 3 Tables?

May 23, 2009

how to join 3 tables, I have the following statement but I'm getting a missing a (syntax error "operator error")

da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [S].[Scheduled Vege], [V].[Description],
[DS].[Task], [DS].[Task Date], [DS].[Completed] FROM [Scheduled] AS S
INNER JOIN [Date Schedules] AS DS ON [S].[SchedID] = [DS].[SchedID]


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DB/Reporting :: Join Two Tables IN SQL?

Jun 16, 2010

I am working on a Visual Basic 2008 program using an Access 2000 database. My SQL codereturns no records, but I know the table has a record. A simplified example of the code looks like this:

SELECT Table1.Field1, Table1.Field2, Table1.Field3, Table1.Field4, Table2. Field1, Table2.Field2 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1 AND Table1.Field2 = Table2.Field2 WHERE Table1.Field1=@Field1 AND Table1.Field2=@Field2;


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VS 2010 Join Tables From 2 Different DB's?

Nov 30, 2011

Is it possible to join a table from a SQL Server DB and an oracle DB?

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.net - Join 2 Tables With A New Compute Field?

Mar 14, 2012

here what i try to get:

Table A:
Field: Name A
Field: Id_A


In fact i want to list in grid the table A with a column which contains a checkbox and is checked if the item is include in table B (field TableA_Id_A).

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Join 2 Tables From 2 Different Access Databases?

May 22, 2012

I am tying to build a COMMAND that joins two tables from two different access databases in vb.net,

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LINQ To SQL And Join Two Tables With OR Clause

Apr 23, 2009

Let's say I have Plans and Documents
Dim myPlans = _context.Plans.Where(predicate1)
Dim myDocuments = _context.Documents.Where(predicate2)

I have structured the where clause for each using PredicateBuilder. So, myPlans and myDocuments have a correct SQL statement. What I'd like to do is join these two tables into one linq statement. The problem I'm having is that, by default the AND condition is joining the where clauses.

myPlans Where clause : (p.name like "%test%" AND p.name like "%bed%") OR (p.description like "%test%" AND p.description like "%bed%")
myDocuments Where clause : (d.name like "%test%" AND d.name like "%bed%") OR (d.description like "%test%" AND d.description like "%bed%")

When I combine the two the desired result Where clause is:
Where (d.ID = p.ID) AND
(myplans where clause above) OR (mydocument where clause above). Meaning, I'd like the two where clauses in each of the tables to be "or" instead of "And".

The current result where clause is:
Where (d.ID = p.ID) AND
(myplans where clause above) AND (mydocument where clause above). Meaning, I'd like the two where clauses in each of the tables to be "or" instead of "And".

I'm forming the statement like this:
Dim test = From d in myDocuments _
Join p in MyPlans on d.ID Equals p.ID _
Select d.Name, p.Name

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Populate INNER JOIN Tables Into DATAGRID?

Jan 27, 2010

I used INNER JOIN to bind the two tables and my problem is how to populate/show on the datagrid.[code]....

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Can't Use A Where Clause On Both Tables In A LINQ Group Join?

Jun 7, 2011

Here's what I want to do:

Dim queryX = From m In db.Master
Where m.Field = value
Group Join d In db.Detail
On m.Id Equals d.MasterId Into Group
Where d.Field = value

In English, I want to join the master and detail tables, specifying conditions on each. But this causes the following compiler error:

"Name 'd' is either not declared or not in the current scope."

It works if I put this same condition in functional form:

Group Join d In db.Detail.Where(Function(x) x.Field = value)

but I think this is more typing, harder to understand, and introduces that irritating dummy variable. I really would prefer to use the query comprehension syntax. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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