I have been searching for quite a while about joining multiple datatables via LINQ to dataset (When i say multiple, i don't mean just 2!!!), and it seems there aren't lot of examples in the net. I have seen examples of joining two datatables, done that, no problem there. Now i want to join three datatables. And there's nothing i can find out there.For example i have a 3 datatables:
I'm having a hard time joining 2 datatables and have the joined datatable as result. First datatable (labels) holds data including a printerid. Second datatable (printers) holds printer references (id > unc). I would like to have as endresult (joined) a datatable with all data from the first datatable with the field (unc) of the second datatable. [Code]
I have two UNTYPED datatables: "Shelfs" and "Books". Data came from different databases.
I must create a "left join" relationship because I want a list of ALL shelfs and books (if they have any).
Dim dset As New DataSet dset.Tables.Add(dtShelfs) dset.Tables.Add(dtBooks)
I spent hours googling around, but all examples I found were only applicable to strongly typed dataSets, and how to build queries (not to get the data)
I could solve this the "easy" way: by looping both datatables and sending the rows to a third one, but I want to do this the "right" way and, of course... LINQ exists to make things easier and I don't know how to use it
i think i have not represented my question correctly here My LEFT OUTER JOIN MSDN reference is here to visualize my problem in access databaseTABLE "T1"1234567TABLE "T2"1,sunday2,monday i need output as 1,sunday2,monday34567 i need it to done through LINQso far i did is here
Dim RIGHT_table As DataTable = ds1.Tables("t1") Dim LEFT_table As DataTable = ds2.Tables("T2") Dim OutPut = From LEFTsource In LEFT_table.AsEnumerable(), RIGHTsource In RIGHT_table.AsEnumerable() _
i am having 2 tables one table stores the WEEK-days another table stores the WEEK-days + other fields.i need the LINQ query to return all WEEK-days + other fields just like SQL LEFT JOIN query so far i did is [code]....
The query works but only retrieve the joined rows, i want to retrieve all rows in the first datatable.My current query:
vb.net Dim q = From regE In (From registoE In _dtRegistosAEnviar.AsEnumerable Group registoE By colaborador = registoE.Field(Of String)("Colaborador") Into grupoE = Group Select New With {
Heres my issue, I am retrieving data from xml and populating a DataSet with the results into multiple DataTables but i have an issue where an item is repeated in my input data and it is causing it to exception because of the constraints imposed between these tables. how can i determine if a row exists prior to adding the DataRow and thus not include it in my DataTable?
Select Distinct s.* from #ScopeIDs x Join Scopes s on s.ScopeID=x.ScopeID or x.ScopeID is null
in LINQ to SQL? (This query would return all Scopes whose ScopeID is present in #ScopeIDs, unless one of the entries in #ScopeIDs is null, in which case it returns all Scopes).
A "literal" translation doesn't work, since LINQ doesn't support joining with multiple conditions - code along these lines ...
From x in ScopeIDs Join s in Scopes on s.ScopeID equals x.ScopeID or x.ScopeID equals nothing Distinct Select s ... doesn't compile.
How to Query multiple tables in a dataset to form single consolidated table without using any external database. I know this can be done using 'JOIN' in SQl.
Now my condition is I have multiple tables filled with data in a dataset and each table is interrelated with a common 'column'. For example ,
Table 1 ID Name 1
Here I mentioned only two tables but in my case there are many tables. I need a generic answer for this dynamic query .
I don't know how to join multiple datatables created in Designer in 1 single Datatable. I need 1 Datatable with all data in it so I can give that single Datatable to one single Tablix in ReportViewer (rdlc). Problem: ReportViewer Tablix can accept only one datatable at time and I need them all at once in one tablix.
How did I get stuck here:* I have added Dataset from Solution Explorer to my Project (ds1). Double click on that item gave me Dataset Designer (ds1.xsd). Here I have created 4 Datatables with all needed columns, mutually connected with parent-child relationships (one to many, nested). dt1 is parent to dt2, dt2 is parent to dt3, dt3 is parent to dt4 (dt1 > dt2 > dt3 > dt4).
On my forms I have binded all my controls to this 4 Datatables and their respective columns so the data is populated hierarchically to dataset (as planed). I have added ReportViewer Control to one form for reporting purposes and Design a new report (rdlc)...As I have read in past few days (read: week or two) I need to Join all my datatables to one single (flated) datatable somehow and then feed that DataTable to my Report.
So basically I have 2 questions: 1. How to join my 4 datatables? Can I do it from Designer or I must do it in code? 2. If I cant do joining from Designer how will I see this new datatable with all columns from my Report? If I wanna add a Dataset/DataTable to my Report I go to Tab Report Data - New - Dataset - comboTo SelectExistingDatasets and if Datatable/Dataset is not created in Designer I can not see it here to add it to work with it.
I've added a column to one of the tables in the database. Is there a quick to reset one of the datatables within my dataset so that I do not have to delete the whole datatable and add it back in?
I've seen several posts on the subject, but none seem to answer this particular dilemma. I have two datatables that I obtained by querying two separate servers.[code]
We are updating our SQL SERVER 2005 database to reflect the name of our new corporate masters and we need to change the values of the fields.
Once we do so, we will hit those fields with update queries, but right now, my group just needs a listing of the affected tables There are over 250 tables to search, is there a way to iterate through the tables?
I imagine I could search the datatables once I get them, so that part isn't a problem. I just need to know how to set up some code to peek in, record what needs to be changed, close it and move on to the next table.
I've done as much for a single table, but never a load like this.
Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.I have a have a DataSet, created from (part of a) Access database. I have tow tables in it (say A and B). When I change something in table A, I need to get data from table B to complete table A.My approach was to use the RowChanged event inside a (Partial) Class of table A. For that to work however table B needs to be shared. (I don't like to refer to an instance.) I got it to work by changing the DataSets designer code, but don't want to do it all over again when the code is regenerated for some reason. So: would there be any way to have these tables shared by default?
I am referencing a project so I can create a messaging system on my website. [URL] how I would replicate this function in my dal and bll so that I can get the same output. In the example they use a datacontext. I mostly return datatables in frim my DAL.
public List<MessageWithRecipient> GetMessagesByAccountID(Int32 AccountID, Int32 PageNumber, MessageFolders Folder) { List<MessageWithRecipient> result = new List<MessageWithRecipient>(); using(FisharooDataContext dc = conn.GetContext())
I have this query that I tried to join 2 tables together, one which holds the product name, and product numbers, and take a product number, and go to the other where to find a Art_no which is like the product number.[code]
Given two tables, customer and orders, how would one do a linq query to entities to find any customers with open invoices started before a certain date?
I want to create a third datatable to include records from dt1 when they are NOT in dt2 using LINQ. In this case, I can bind the third datatable to a dropdownlist.
I created a DataSet using the DataSources wizard. I can display the rows of each Datatable one at a time. But in this case, I needed to add a new DataTable (newDT) using the Add New Table Adapter control(?) on the toolbox. newTable is derived by JOINing three different existing tables (or, dataTable) in my DataSet designer. The query works fine and returns all the data as expected. Trouble, if I try to display the rows of the newDT on textboxes, I get a NULLREFERENCE Exception.
I am trying to create a LINQ query statement that retrieve intersecting data from 3 datatables (dt, dt1, dt2). My first attempt to do so with the following LINQ query statement was successful: [code] However in my design, I would need the LINQ query statement to be dynamically generated, because I want a user to be able to retrieve intersecting data entries from VARIABLE number of datatables. In this case, the first option is not as good as the "INTERSECT" query operator, with which I can just easily connect each SQL query statement with a "INTERSECT" operator. The problem is that my second attempt using the "intersect" operator fails, and after many trials and errors I still can't get it to work. [code]
I am new to ado.net and I am trying to learn capabilities as much as get this particular task done.Let me set the stage for my question.My goal is to load up a dataset, write out an XML, transfer the file to another machine, read the XML back into a data set, load up the local tables, find missing records from the local database and add them.These tables are for employees. There is the 'Employee' master, "Employee Job" the employee job code, and "Employee Hours", the employee time punches.I thought I could treat a dataset as a database and do SQL queries against it.For example to find missing Employee , my thought was to do a outer join on employeeID and look for null in the second table.Something like:
Are the below two queries functionally the same?The first one doesn't return any data, but the second works fine with same exact input.Can someone point out what's wrong in my first query? [code]
Im trying to use LINQ to query Objets. I'm doing the following:
Dim myList As Generic.List(Of MyItem) = (From ThisItem In LinqToSqlObject.Items _ Join Folder In LinqToSqlObject.Folders _ On Folder.Id Equals Item.Id _
This however will not return any item that has a ParentItemId of null. I am trying to do a left join so as to return all "Item" regardless of whether it has a parent or not. I am aware that this is feasible in C# by adding an "into X" on the join, and selecting from X.DefaultIfEmpty(), this however does not appear to work in VB.Net.
I can't figure out that linq to entity query syntax. My problem is that if the value of the Calls table is null then noting comes up, I want to make something like a left join to get 'all' rows from the Calls table.I tried to group it but I can't figure out the correct way to write it.
Dim TicketQuery As ObjectQuery = From c In EnData.Customer _ Join t In EnData.Calls On t.CustomerID Equals c.CustomerID _ Join Status In EnData.Lists On t.Status Equals Status.ListValue _