Error After Ri Installation

Jul 3, 2010

I recently formatted my PC, re installed Windows 7 64 bit and Visual Basic 2010 Express.When trying to connect to a database I am getting the following error "he Microsoft.ace.oleb.12..0 provider is not registered on the local machine"..After Googling the error most point to suggesting compiling to 32 Bit.I cannot see how to tell VB 2010 to compile to 32 bit.

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VB6 SP60SP6 Installation Error?

Mar 2, 2010

I have Vista Build 6001 and use the VB6 development IDE. I downloaded the service pack VB60SP6-KB957924-v2-x86-ENU.msi. When I try to install it I get this error message: Could not access network location ToolsVBControlsControls_Backup. I am not on any network. I use a Dell XPS 1330 laptop with plenty of speed and memory.

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Error 1935.An Error Occurred During The Installation Of Assembly 'msddslmp,version=""

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to install Visual Basic Express edition 2010 on my windows Vista computer. The .net framework 4.0 is installed (or so the control panel says), but the visual basic installation fails every time it gets to "Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express," which is the first item to be installed. before installing, I uninstalled the .net framework 3.5 along with vb and c++ 2008 express editions.First, I get the following error message 7 times in a row: The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package.

The error code is 2908.Then, I get the following error message: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly'msddslmp,version="",publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a",processorArchitecture="MSIL",fileVersion="10.0.30319.1",culture="neutral". refer to Gelp and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x8002802F.Then, the installer quits, with the screen: Setup could not install the following component:Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - ENU?

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Error After Installation Of Compiled Program

Jun 2, 2011

I've written an app in VB 2008.using .net framework 3.5

It uses a MySQL database.No app.config file for settings, I had this, but removed it when troubleshooting :S

Error is this.

When I compile in VB2008, it runs flawlessly, no issues.I added a setup wizard so I can distribute the project as well.When I put this on a client machine, it installs fine, but on the program run, this exception is thrown.[code]...

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Winsock Error During The Installation Process?

Jan 18, 2009

How Do you install Winsock ....I did everything it said

1.) save target
2.)add to system32
3.)run winsock*************But When i run It Gives me an error code**************

Info about my computer:

+ I have An HP
+ vista

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Create .net Dll For Exe Ie Displaying Error In Message Box After Installation?

Sep 24, 2009

I want to create dll for exe ie displaying error in message box after installation....For example if connection file is not correct after installation then it should display in error message for that db connection is failed.....It should happened after installation....

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Installation Error - Unable To Install Or Run The Application

Oct 1, 2009

I've made a program but when others try and run the installer they're getting the error "unable to install or run the application.The application requires that assembly Microsoft.vbe.Interop Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache first.

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Deployment :: Combine WAMP And Application Installation Into One Packet Installation?

May 24, 2009

I just made an application using MySQL for the database. I use WAMP.Can I combine WAMP and my application installation into one packet installation ?

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Error 1001 Exception Occurred While Initializing The Installation

Sep 28, 2011

I am trying to install a 64 bit windows service application and I get the following error:Error 1001. Exception occurred while initializing the installation: System. BadImage FormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Program Files or one of its dependencies.An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

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Office.interop.outlook Version Installation Error

Dec 23, 2011

i have created a application that uses office outlook. my development machine has office 2010. now when i try to install the application on a computer that has office 2007 i am getting an error that says i should install office.interop.outlook version in the global assemblies cache.

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VS 2005 : Error : The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation

Jul 15, 2010

I've downloaded the MSDN "101 VB Samples" from the MS site and I'm getting an error that reads "The project type is not supported by this installation". I can open the other files that I've tried (about a dozen in other folders), so I'm wondering if it is something specific with the VSTO files, or something about my VB setup.

I thought at first it was a problem with the path where the file is sitting, but even moving it from C:Documents and Settings[my name]My DocumentsMSDN to C: didn't work...Edit: I have also tried opening in notepad and converting the file to UTF-8, changing the File Association from MS Visual Studio version selector to devenv.exe, and running devenv /setup at the command prompt, all with no luck (all these ideas were found through Googling the error message....).

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Error When Writing Filepath To App.config During Windows Service Installation

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to write a user defined filepath to my app.config file. When i enter c: as the filepath it writes it to my xml file but adds and extra /

Im not too sure why its happening? i have all the correct custom actions set up and my install method is as follows:

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GIF Encoder Decoder Sample Has Error: 'The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation'.

Aug 12, 2009

I have tried to find the sdk ('Windows Software Development Kit') mentioned in the 'GIF Encoder and Decoder Sample', but there are so many SDKs I can't find the one I need. I am using visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition on Windows XP. The language I program in is VB. Can someone point me to the right SDKs for the sample and OS and VS version?

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System.Process.Start - Running Msi Error: Installation Package Could Not Be Opened

Nov 4, 2010

When i try to run a msi using System.Process.Start("test.msi") in a vb app i get the following error. The installation package could not be opened. Contact application vendor. Msi file works fine when double clicked, tried System.Process.Start with text files and exe files and they work fine, problem only with msi files. Running vista. Also tried xp but no luck.

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Global String Array Declaration In ActiveX Control And Package Installation Error

Apr 12, 2011

I have been working on an activeX control which works on serial port communication. Now I have completed the project and created its setup.exe using Visual studio 6 -> Tools -> Package and Deployment Wizard. Then I installed the control in another PC and in a new project included the control using project -> components. But when I click on the control in the toolbox and then include on the form it gives the following error : delete current link ? and on clicking OK, nothing happens. I tried searching a lot on google but didnt find anything. Another problem is that I have created a string array as a global array which can be accessed by all the methods.I am able to include the same activex control in my own pc when I have created the project. Here it works fine, I am able to access all the methods that I coded in the control, but the String array mentioned above can be accessed in other project. I tried writing Public before the array declaration but it give me the compile error : "Constants. fixed length strings, arrays, user defined types and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of object module." [code]

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Error "Disk Or Network" After Installation Of App With Ms-access

Dec 18, 2010

I have developed an app containing a form in with MSAccess as its back end . I have deployed it using Install shield . I have packaged Access 203 redistributable image with it . Every thing works fine till installation. When i launch the app , enter a value in the text box and search for it in the database and display it , I get the following error ,


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C# - Visual Studio 2010 Express Phonegap Error "The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation"

May 26, 2012

I just installed VisualStudio 2010 Express and Windows phone SDK 7.1. I downloaded Phonegap 1.4 and added the PhoneGapStarter to the projectTemplates folder. When I hit new project I get the Phonegap icon. When I double click it to start a new project I get this error:


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C# - Regarding DLL Installation In GAC?

Jul 20, 2010

I have installed a DLL in GAC it is isnstalled properly but it is not refelcted in reference.

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App Can't Find DB After Installation

Mar 11, 2012

my app cant see my access db after installation.i traced the location of the db on the computer after installation


didnt get using below code in the program to locate the db.

'declare provider and location
strPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) & "\bin\Debug"
dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source=" & strPath & "\wwtbamDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=kkkkkkkvvf??"

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Application For Installation Via CD Or DVD?

Apr 11, 2009

I've published my application for installation via CD or DVD. I installed it on my machine and it worked fine. I have a couple of questions, I couldn't find the answer to in the GUI. First, when the application is installed, it immediately launches. Can I make something in the installation where a user can click a checkbox saying launch after install? If not, how can I disable the application from launching after the install. And secondly, the application is installed, a desktop shortcut is created, and the application is added to the programs on the start menu. How would I add an uninstall link in the program menu along with the icon to launch the application? Currently I have to go to the control panel add remove programs to remove the application.

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Get The MSI Installation Status?

Mar 14, 2011

I am writing a installation program that will copy embedded MSI's to the local disk, install each one then delete the MSI's and I don't know how to get the MSI installation status so that my application knows when the installation is completed for each one.

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Installation Of A Vb Project?

May 13, 2009

i've just completed a vb application and i 'm asked to write installation notes + system requirments to install and the requirments needed to run this application.

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Installation With .Net Framework 3.5 SP1?

Sep 10, 2009

I downloaded Vb express 2008 from Microsoft site. I am using WindowsXP The download was completed and when the setup starts the progressbar of .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 stops in half way and it is just stuck up with no further movement ahead even after 30 or 40 minutes time. I tried it several times but it just stucks up in half way.Because there are 5 or 6 components of vb express 2008 download and it installs only first component and when it reaches the second component of .Net Framework SP1 the progressbar just helds up in the half way.

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Run An Installation Automatically?

Dec 13, 2011

Using the code below, I am determining if the computer has service pack 1 installed for office and windows. How do I then execute the SP1 .exe if it is not installed?


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Run Application Without Installation?

Jul 1, 2010

I am creating a small VB.Net (Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008) application, requirement is small.

I want to make an EXE and that should run without installation.

I am Ok if all the dependencies, like dlls, are present in ApplicationStartupPath().

The Application should be standalone without installation. Bcoz, I don't want to create a big scene to install a huge .Net Framework in client PC for just a small application, as I said the requirement is small.[code]...

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Screenshots Appear During An Installation?

Sep 4, 2011

How do i insert the images during an customize installation?

For example, when i was installing Skype, screenshots of Skype appeared during the installation. How would i make that during my installation, with images appeared and disappeared just like skype. I know i could use code to bring back and front, but that is not how i wanted it to be. I tried that code before, but doesnt look good enough.

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Unique Key For Each Installation?

Mar 5, 2009

I code on the side for a little extra cash. Up to now it has always been one off conversion programs. The problem is that I am being asked to generate a report program and there is a dealer acting as the go-between for the end user. I want to maintain control of this program. I don't want this dealer to be able to distribute it to all his customers (or worse sell it), but have no idea of the best way to do it. Since I do this on the side, I obviously cannot afford to purchase a third party utility.When I try to search, all I get are links to people asking what to do when an installation fails. Can anyone point me to a tutorial or article on how to do this without resorting to buying a utility?

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VB Installation Is Not Working?

Jun 27, 2009

I have finished my VB program and have been publishing it. I included all the necessary prerequisites and published it, and it worked fine. But then i tested it on some other computers, and while installing the prerequisite SQL server express, it will fail the installation.

When i installed it on computers with Windows 7, SQL did not require do restart and it worked fine. When i installed it on computers with Windows Vista and XP, SQL did require to restart and the installation will always fail.

I think i know whats causing it as well, while publishing it comes up with the warnings

"Item 'Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1' could not be located in 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv6.0ABootstrapper'. "

and also

'SQL Server 2008 Express Edition' could not find dependent item 'Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5.SP1'.


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VS 2010 Installation On X86 Or X64?

Mar 18, 2012

Are there any disadvantages working in a 64-bit environment?

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Delete File On Installation?

Mar 13, 2012

I am trying to figure out where to place a code that would cause an application to always delete a database file ONLY when being installed. However, it should not delete this file after installation I.e. when being used. I know you can use: If File.exists() Then File.delete(). But where do you place this code sothat it does not Delele the file when being run? I have tried this but it copies a new file everytime I run the application and data is lost.

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