Expression Not Producing A Value

Dec 16, 2011

Expression not producing a value [code]...

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Producing A Synthesized Sound

Aug 18, 2010

How would I go about using certain frequency tones in my program? I need to be able to generate various tones at frequencies from about 90hz to about 2khz or more (audio frequencies). For instance, how would I play a 120hz tone for 10 seconds?


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2 Buttons With Same Code Producing Different Results?

Mar 8, 2012

so im using two split containers to show four different panels at the users request using two buttons. Split container 1 works fine and will only show the panel requested by the user but split container 2 when i hit the button does not hide panel one and only show panel 2 it shows both panels at the same time yet the code for the buttons are exactly the same

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnShow.Click


View 4 Replies - IHttpHandler For Images Producing A Stackoverflow In IE?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a directory of images that reside outside the context of my web application that I need to serve to the user. Currently I'm using an IHttpHandler to serve the images and using some javascript to navigate through a set of images (the navigation is primitive for now). I followed examples for using IHttpHandler to serve images closely but when I view the images in firefox the browser hangs and when I view in IE I get a "Stack overflow at line: 0".

Code for the IHttpHandler

Public Class ShowImage : Implements IHttpHandler
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) _
Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest


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Producing Array Of Unique Values

Mar 17, 2012

I need to create an array, then iterate through a string, adding the string value to the array only is it does not already exist, to produce an array of unique values. The issue I am having is with the array.length operation - on a array that is nothing I am unable to retrieve the array length (0), as such I am unable to redimensionalise the array to be array length (must be array length as arrays are indexed from 0), providing me the ability to add the new value to the array and then continue the loop until all values have been checked to see if they exist within the array (using contains) and the value contain only unique values..

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XML Literals And Producing MS Word Documents?

Apr 22, 2009

been working on a large scale project and Iow looking into the document print engine for the application. been a while since Ie built an app that retrieves data from the database and outputs to Word. I generally always used the mail merge feature of Word but after reading the link above this seems far easier.

View 2 Replies - Linq Where Clause Not Producing Expected Results

Nov 8, 2011

I have the following xml:

<Result img="1.png" name="a">


What is wrong with linq query. Why does a 1 work but a 2 does not? I would also like xml structure preserved after filtering.

View 1 Replies - Producing A Span Tag For Every Group_concat() Item. MySql

Aug 29, 2011

I currently have a sql select statement that selects several things from 3 different tables at the moment, here is that code:

group_concat(w.event) as events, group_concat( as dates,
group_concat(a.time) as times, group_concat(DISTINCT w.tmc) as tmcs,
group_concat( as weathers, group_concat(a.surface_temperature) as


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FreeImageNET.dll Producing A Strong Naming Violation?

Apr 12, 2011

I am getting a strong naming violation for the dll file and really new to signing applications. How would I proceed in resolving this so that I can build the application I will be supporting? Also, as the FreeImage reference gets updated will I need to re-sign it?

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Linq To DataTable Not Producing Distinct Values?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a datatable which has been dynamically generated from FoxPro tables using a UNION Select statement. e.g.SELECT * FROM x UNION SELECT * FROM y UNION SELECT * FROM Z ORDER By v_alue1This produces a datatable with about 100 rows, each containing many fields, one of which is c_olor. From this datatable, I would like to select the distinct colors and then output in a dropdown.I have a public class Color which just has one property which I can then use as the DataTextField and DataValueField for the dropdownlist

Public Class Color
Private _c_olor As String
Public Property c_olor() As String


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Text Formatting Isn't Producing Expected Results

Oct 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple tool to format SQL code so that I can use it in VB.When I put in the following:

USE master

I get...

"USE master" & vbCrLf & _"
CREATE DATABASE netGuest" & vbCrLf & _"
GO" & vbCrLf & _"

So it almost works. Really the only thing not working is that the lines are ending with the " rather than starting with them.Here's my code:

Protected Sub btnConvert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnConvert.Click
If txtVB.Text IsNot Nothing Then : txtVB.Text = "" : End If
Dim input() As String = txtSQL.Text.Split(vbCrLf)


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VS 2008 Producing A Log From A Command Line That Does Not Produce One

Sep 22, 2009

I need to parse a log file from some information provided via an external command line application. The problem is that the command line app doesn't produce its on logs. So, I was wondering how I might be able to obtain the information form the command line. The only thing I could think of was to redirect the output to a TextBox, write it to a text file and then parse the data. Does anyone know of any other to do this?

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VS 2008 Updating Database - Producing Duplicate Values

Jul 29, 2009

Here is my
cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=BHgardeners11.mdb;")
str = "UPDATE Products SET ProductCode = ?, ProductManufacturerCode = ?, ProductsTitle = ?,
[Code] .....

If there is only one item in the database, then this code works. If there is more than one record then the error is produced that it is trying to produce duplicate values. This is down to the Primary key in my database which is the only thing that cannot have duplicate values. However, when I remove the primary key it has the predictable problem that it goes crazy and does weird things.

View 14 Replies

VS2008 Move To W7 - Compiler Producing Different Size Install File?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm currently moving over to W7 from Vista I've moved my source over (amazingly hassle free), but the Build option on my installer in my solution produces a different size (200K+) setup.exe file.

Initial question are:

1) Is there a log file I can compare betwen the two builds (V7 -v- Vista)

2) I thought that any compiler settings would 'follow the solution' Is this so?

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Delegate 'System.Threading.ThreadStart' Requires An 'AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression As The Only Argument To Its Constructor?

Jan 23, 2010

I got this Error. below is my code.

GenerateTheList is function.Need help
Private Sub buttGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttGenerate.Click
Dim thread1 As New Thread(New ThreadStart(GenerateTheList))
End Sub

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Code To Put In An Expression To Add Database Columns In A Row And Display It In The Expression Column

Mar 21, 2010

While looking in the dataset designer for a database table I am doing in visual basic 2008 I found a line for expressions under the property menu for a specific column. I need to know the code that I would put in this expression line so that this column adds up the numbers I input into three other columns and displays that number in the column. I need it to automatically calculate this for each row in the database table.

View 13 Replies

DataColumn.Expression: How To Use A User Defined Function In Expression

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to write following expression on a datacolumn. But it results in error:Replicate('*', nLevel) + NameWhere: Replicate() is a user defined function (in a module). nLevel and Name are two other columns in same data table.

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Expression Parsing Using FLEE And Custom Expression Context

Jun 12, 2012

I am using Flee to build a formula builder. It works great but the only problem I'm facing is that Flee doesn't understand Generic Methods I guess. I have a function called IIf declared in the expression context I'm using. [code]How can I work around this. I mean cannot , in sense, write all possible overloads of the function of all .net primitive types. What approach should I take.

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AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression

Feb 22, 2009

From this code


If I put New Action(AddressOf PrivateMesage), then I get the following error: Bounds can be specified only for the top-level array when initializing an array of arrays. on the following code


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LINQ To SQL Delete Producing "Specified Cast Is Not Valid" Error

Jul 23, 2009

I've got a painfully simple table that is giving me a "Specified cast is not valid" error when I try to delete one or more rows. The table has two columns, an "id" as the primary key (INT), and a "name" (VARCHAR(20)), which maps to a String in the LINQ to SQL dbml file. Both of these statements produce the error:


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Process.start Producing The Error "The Directory Name Is Invalid"

Dec 23, 2011

I am getting "The directory name is invalid" while calling process.start function.My code is

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
p.UseShellExecute = False


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Forms :: Producing The "slide" Effect?

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to produce the effect of a projector screen (side on) sliding downwards and want to achieve this by the screen (narrow rectangle) changing its height, waiting, changing its height again so it looks like its sliding.I have formed this code for the button but for the life of my cannot work out why it won't work. I am using Visual Studio 2008.

Dim Sleep As Integer = 500
RectangleShape1.Height = 60


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Converting Arithmetic Expression With Operators In A String To An Operable Arithmetic Expression

Feb 5, 2010

I must convert string data from a CNC that is arithmetic expression to a number that I can use in a VB application that I wrote. The following is what I get out of the cnc. [18722*65536+19377]/67108864. I need to evaluate this expression in my VB ap. The format of the string is not always the same as what I have illustrated.

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The Name "The" Is Not Permitted In This Context. Valid Expression Are Constants, Constants Expression, And (in Some Contexts) Variables

May 31, 2012

I am calling this function when a button is CLICKED and received the error; The name "The" is not permitted in this context. Valid expression are constants, constants expression, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string 'True)'.

The function is as follows;

Private Sub Save()
Dim conn As SqlConnection = GetDbConnection()
Dim query As String
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

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Equivalent Expression In VB For This C# Expression ?

Jun 28, 2009

I would like to know the equivalent expresion in VB for this C# expression: Container.TotalRowCount > 0 ? Math.Ceiling(((double)(Container.StartRowIndex + Container.MaximumRows) / Container.MaximumRows)) : 0

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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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.net - Getting The Regex Expression?

Apr 8, 2011

i have a string similar to this one:

Hi, <<
ame>> <<surname>>, this is an example << est>>.

I what a regex that match and split this string in:

"Hi, "
" "


I tried this one: (<<*.*?>>)|(>>*.*?<<), but doesn't work.

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.net Equivalent Of C# Expression?

Jan 10, 2012

What is the expression of this c# expression ?

Frame.GetController<ShowNavigationItemController>().CustomShowNavigationItem += new EventHandler<CustomShowNavigationItemEventArgs>(WindowController1_CustomShowNavigationItem);

View 4 Replies - Use Class Name As Expression?

May 28, 2011

I'm not sure if this is possible but I would like to associate a class name reference to a shared member method / property / variable. Consider:

Public Class UserParameters
Public Shared Reference As Object
Public Shared Function GetReference() As Object


In another part of the program I would like to simply call UserParameters and have it return Reference either by aliasing GetReference or the variable directly.

I am trying to emulate the Application, Request, or Session variable:
Session(0) = Session.Item(0)

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C# - Lambda Expression: CS To .Net?

Aug 24, 2011

I am dumb founded at this statement....maybe its just too many hours/days of doing C# to VB.Net conversion but i am drawing a blank on this conversion.

List<string> sColors = new List<string>(this.CustomPaletteValues.Split(','));
try {
List<Color> colors = sColors.ConvertAll<Color>(s => (Color)(new ColorConverter().ConvertFromString(s)));

What i have so far:

Dim colors As List(Of Color) = sColors.ConvertAll(Of Color)(....)

As you can see its the content of the lambda that i am hitting a brick wall with.

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