Extract Values From String?

Dec 18, 2011

Lets say I have a string that could look like this[code]...

I want to break each of those in to two strings. The break point would be two decimal places to the left of the existing decimal point. So in the first example I would end up with 123 and 07.37 and the second example I would end up with 44 and 01.0. I assume I need to use a form of .indexof("."), but I cant figure it out.

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Way To Extract Values From A String

Jun 13, 2011

Looking for the simplest way to extract values from a string. For example consider the following:Dim args As String = "/firstname:Bob /lastname:Jones"..To simplify, I need to be able to popup a box that says "Firstname = Bob" or "Lastname = Jones"

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VS 2005 Extract Values From String

Mar 8, 2010

Have following string: PHP Feed.SmulocV2.Equipment,CAT,,DFT08783,2567,Hours,2010-02-07 06:37:41,Lat:35.10495,Lng:-82.99304 The string will always have text "Lat:" and "Lng:". The value of Lat and Lng could in some cases be nothing. Now I need to extract the values for Lat and Lng.

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Parse A Text Looking For The String - [[Extract|xxxxxxx]] And Extract The Xxxxxxx Characters?

May 28, 2010

I need to parse a text looking for the string - [[Extract|xxxxxxx]] and extract the xxxxxxx characters.How would I do this?

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.net - Use XmlTextReader To Extract Values?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to parse this XML for the values of puppies and kittens.


Here's my code


On the first read, the element name is "Pets" and the Case Else gets hit. On the next read, the element name is "Puppies" and puppyCount is correctly set to 4.

But then it seems to skip over "Kittens" and go directly to the inner XML. What should I be doing?

EDIT: XmlReader is faster than other .NET parsers, but my files are small enough that it's probably not a benefit. Joe Ferner's tests. EDIT 2: There's a reader positioning problem in the original code.

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Extract A Value From A Listbox That Prints 2 Different Values

Jun 4, 2009

I have a listbox that prints 2 different values each line. The first one is String and the second one is an Integer, (although I've converted it to String). How do I extract the first String value? One is suposed to be able to mark one line, and remove the selected lines values from 2 different arrays, and for that I need the String value.

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Extract Dynamic Textbox Values?

Oct 6, 2009

I have been trying to comb through information to code in VB.NET, but I can't seemed to find anything helpful to do what I need to do for my in-house project.

What I need to do is:

1. load dynamic textbox and buttons

2. when I click the dynamic buttons, it will extract the right dynamic textbox.[code]...

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Extract Values From List(of Datarow)?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm sorting data in a dictionary there each key has a list with like 3 items.I want to get all the data from the dictionary to a datatable with the key and the list items on the same row.

all i manage to get is "key" System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Data.DataRow]

i'll guess somehow i will loop trough the list and add all elements to a string?[code]...

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Extract / Convert Values From JSON Response To A Object And Vice Versa?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm getting a JSON response after accessing a web service with my window application written in VB.NET. How can I convert the JSON response to a VB.NET object and vice versa?

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Extract String From String When Only Beginning Of String?

Aug 12, 2011

Basically I have a webresponse stream:dim lol as string = readstream.tostring there is a lot of information within the string but only one link starting with http: located near the end of the string - however there is no constant character point where I can start... (i.e. 38)

I want to extract the link from the string i.e. dog cat plane car [URL]..that is approximately how it looks above - words and url substituted I want to just extract [URL]..I had an idea of parsing the string from http: to the end Then after that splitting the string up again to remove the }], however it does not return anything

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Extract A Value From A String?

Jun 15, 2009

What is the best way to get '123456789' from the string[code]...

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Vb8 Code To Open A Txt File - Search For A String In It & Extract String In A Excel File

Oct 11, 2010

i need a vb8 code to open a txt file,search for a string in it & extract string in a excel file.

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C# - How To Extract String From Certain Position

Nov 3, 2011

I am struggling to find a solution in string manipulation - I am trying to extract a certain part of the string element after the '=' character - say for ex. dim s as string = "/mysite/secondary.aspx?id=1005"

I am trying to get the string after the "=" and just to grab the 1005. I tried indexof and split, but i am not sure where i am going wrong.


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Extract 2 Words From A String?

Sep 29, 2009

im working with a receipt layout and trying to divide up a products descriptiontext into 2 lines if its longer then 24 characters.my first solution was something like this:

If Row.Description.Length >= 24 Then
TextToPrint &= Row.Description.Substring(0, 24) & " $100"
TextToPrint &= Row.Description.Substring(24) & vbNewLine


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Extract A Number From A String?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a string in the following and want to extract each number from the string.

dim s as string="10,20,30,40"
dim a as integer
dim b as integer


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Extract Certain Substring From String In VB 6.0

Sep 8, 2009

This is a tricky situation. I want to extract a certain substring from the strings given below, using VB 6.0. I process each string (row) in a for loop one by one.


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Extract Data From String?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a variable with date and time, with the next format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss" (e.g. var = 20100228_171535)

I'd like to write it in a file, but in a separately way. I mean, to write[code]...

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Extract First Portion Of A String?

Sep 7, 2011

I am trying to extract the first portion of a string up to the first SPACE or any non-numeric digit.I thought I could do it but the string may contain an alphabet in the front followed by varying digits of numerals, making it more complicated.Here are some examples of the string to be parsed and the expected results:


I would have to use a series of instr statements but the code would be much cleaner using RegEx.

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Extract Letters From A String?

Mar 30, 2009

I'm trying to make a program that takes input from the user and take what they put in an take every letter and give it a value. Like a code or something so if they have "Apple" then it changes to something like "122515" so[code]...

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Extract Number From String?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a string, specifically its "Ballpen $10 x 3pcs"i want to extract 10 and 3 then multiply it so i can get the total of 30$,i tried using regexp but im too noob with it

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Extract Numbers From A String?

May 9, 2009

I included all the code this time. In calculate click event the value is zero and I don.t understand where I went wrong. My work is due tomorrow, if anyone can tell me why I can not extract the price from the string. What this program is doing is taking items from the stockListBox and adding them to the shoppingList Box then extracting the price from the shoppingListBox and adding the prices together.

Public Class SupplyCalculator
Dim lists As String = "staple" & "stapler" & "folder" & "notebook" & "pencil" & "eraser" & "pen" & _


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Extract Part Of A String?

Sep 16, 2010

I'd like to be able to store the word swimming, the 2 words either side are always the same but the text before and after that is different each time.

Basically I'd like to be able to grab a piece of text in between 2 strings.

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Extract Part Of String?

Sep 23, 2011

I want to extract part of a string starting at a specific character, in this case the asterisc[code]...

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Extract Some Data From String

Jun 22, 2010


i just want to extract red number which is its stand for angle/azimuth ... so how can i do that in vb.net? the problem here is its not separated by any space or comma delimiter... so how could i extract this information?

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Extract Text From A String?

Nov 20, 2009

i have a string called strXML which hold this text:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<one:Notebooks xmlns:one="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2007/onenote"><one:Notebook name="Work Notebook" nickname="Work Notebook" ID="{5DB5E9BD-9929-4587-AC79-42750C130E77}

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Extract The Specified Word From String?

Aug 18, 2011

I am receiving data from other computer over tcp/ip and the received type is below...

"Info,Reply:Timestamp 75ff, SpecificID c07c343aInfo,Reply:Timestamp 76ff, SpecificID

In the above string, i want to get only BOLD string value.

Sometime the data would be "Info,Reply:Timestamp 75ff, SpecificID c07c343a" and

sometimes it would be many repeated value like

"Info,Reply:Timestamp 75ff, SpecificID c07c343aInfo,Reply:Timestamp 76ff, SpecificID
c07c3089Info,Reply:Timestamp 75ff, SpecificID c07c345aInfo,Reply:Timestamp 76ff, SpecificID

Some people say I will be able to get them through regex.

But I don't know how to make regular expression for getting this value.

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How To Extract A String Between Two Tags

Aug 26, 2010

I want to extract the jhon I want to extract the jhon

<font color="#008800">
1 jhon

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IDE :: Extract A Substring From The Given String?

Aug 25, 2009

got a string "Douglas". how do i extract a substring from the given string? how do i add a character or string in the middle of the word?

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.net - Regex Extract Data From String?

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to extract data from a string using Regex in VB.net This is my string CN=firstname lastname/OU=orgunit/O=org;shortname I am basically trying to retrieve firstname lastname (together),orgunit,org and shortname

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Extract The Bracketed Part(s) Of A String In .net?

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to extract the bracketed region of a string into another string. For example

(abc) - (xyz)

How would I extract the 'abc' and 'xyz' into two separate strings?This is what I have tried to do so far:

If (operation.Contains("(")) Then
Dim first = operation.Split("(")
Dim firsteb = operation.Split(")")

But I then got confused because I could not work out how to avoid it from going to the first and last brackets in the above example?

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