Extract Values From List(of Datarow)?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm sorting data in a dictionary there each key has a list with like 3 items.I want to get all the data from the dictionary to a datatable with the key and the list items on the same row.

all i manage to get is "key" System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Data.DataRow]

i'll guess somehow i will loop trough the list and add all elements to a string?[code]...

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Cast/convert From List(Of DataRow) To List(Of String)?

May 22, 2012

I'm trying to solve a problem regarding types of list. First of all I have a stored procedure in my DB which does a select of a single column and I try to proceed it in my app in VB. By making a method function I declared a DataTable that loads through the SqlCommand(with the CloseConnection behavior). After that I publicly declared a List(Of String) which needs to be populated with the rows/items from the stored procedure that is on the way. Below is my snippet of the code:

Dim dt As New DataTable()
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then


It's LPrefix = collection.Cast(Of String)() where I get an exception error telling me that I can't really convert it. The old fashion way is to iterate with for/for each loop but that's not what I want for best use of performance especially if the list will have thousands of rows from a single column. So basically, I want to insert those items from that DataTable to the List(Of String) without For/For Each loop.

Running on VisualStudio2010 Ultimate, .NET FrameWork 4.0.

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How To Keep Original Values In DataRow

Aug 16, 2010

I am using VB 2008 and Access DataBase. My code need to store original data values for row being updated to compare it with new values later. For this to accomplish I wrote following

Dim dRowOriginalRow
As DSetPurchaseSale.PurchasesRow
Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
[Code] .....

When I am running this code, i am not getting the original values in dRowOriginalRow variable insted it is also updating with new changes made in controls, so the dRowOriginalRow and dRowModifiedRow are always same. Again may I use Equal To sigh to compare both rows as I did in my code?
True : dtPurchaseDate.Focus()

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.net - Using Values From Two Different DataRow.Columns For One DataGridView Column

Jan 21, 2011

I need to display a column called Full Name in the my datagridview, but the datasource (datatable) does not have a FullName column. It only has FirstName and LastName columns. I'm setting up my DataGridView like this:


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How To Sort List Of Datarow

Aug 5, 2011

i have a list of datarows. each row is having mutiple columns like userid,date,flag,etc.i want to sort the based on date. how can i do that ?

my code is:

listOfRows As
New List(Of


i want to sort the listOfRows in ascending order of date which is a column in a row?

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Set Some Form Controls (textbox) To Values From A Single ADO.NET DataRow?

Sep 9, 2010

I'd like to see how others might handle this scenario and perhaps provide some comments on this particular solution for handling null values. I have run into a situation where my application requires data from an ancillary source that cannot be altered/changed, which of course means dealing with poor database architecture and implementation! In this case, my app is running into errors when attempting to set some form controls (textbox) to values from a single ADO.NET DataRow. Perhaps I should be handling this when attempting to set the controls? Not sure, but here is the current way this is done:

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Populate A List(of Integer) From Datarow?

May 25, 2010

1. How can I populate a List(of Integer) from datarow

2. How can I take only certain columns from datatable.select() and copy the data to datarow? So it's like this: datatable dt has columns ID,Name,age,address and DOB I want to take only the columns name, address and age where age>40 and put the result set into a datarow dr.

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VS 2005 Generic List Of Datarow Not Binding Correctly To Datagridview?

Apr 8, 2010

So I have the following

With Me.dgv
.AutoGenerateColumns = False
.DataSource = Info.PESList


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.net - Use XmlTextReader To Extract Values?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to parse this XML for the values of puppies and kittens.


Here's my code


On the first read, the element name is "Pets" and the Case Else gets hit. On the next read, the element name is "Puppies" and puppyCount is correctly set to 4.

But then it seems to skip over "Kittens" and go directly to the inner XML. What should I be doing?

EDIT: XmlReader is faster than other .NET parsers, but my files are small enough that it's probably not a benefit. Joe Ferner's tests. EDIT 2: There's a reader positioning problem in the original code.

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Extract Values From String?

Dec 18, 2011

Lets say I have a string that could look like this[code]...

I want to break each of those in to two strings. The break point would be two decimal places to the left of the existing decimal point. So in the first example I would end up with 123 and 07.37 and the second example I would end up with 44 and 01.0. I assume I need to use a form of .indexof("."), but I cant figure it out.

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Way To Extract Values From A String

Jun 13, 2011

Looking for the simplest way to extract values from a string. For example consider the following:Dim args As String = "/firstname:Bob /lastname:Jones"..To simplify, I need to be able to popup a box that says "Firstname = Bob" or "Lastname = Jones"

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Extract A Value From A Listbox That Prints 2 Different Values

Jun 4, 2009

I have a listbox that prints 2 different values each line. The first one is String and the second one is an Integer, (although I've converted it to String). How do I extract the first String value? One is suposed to be able to mark one line, and remove the selected lines values from 2 different arrays, and for that I need the String value.

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Extract Dynamic Textbox Values?

Oct 6, 2009

I have been trying to comb through information to code in VB.NET, but I can't seemed to find anything helpful to do what I need to do for my in-house project.

What I need to do is:

1. load dynamic textbox and buttons

2. when I click the dynamic buttons, it will extract the right dynamic textbox.[code]...

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VS 2005 Extract Values From String

Mar 8, 2010

Have following string: PHP Feed.SmulocV2.Equipment,CAT,,DFT08783,2567,Hours,2010-02-07 06:37:41,Lat:35.10495,Lng:-82.99304 The string will always have text "Lat:" and "Lng:". The value of Lat and Lng could in some cases be nothing. Now I need to extract the values for Lat and Lng.

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Extract Items Of A List(40) To A Sublist(5)?

Aug 8, 2011

i want to extract items of a list(40) to a sublist(5)

sublist.items = list.itmes(2,6,12,21,27)

what is the right syntax

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Extract Some Data From A List With A Linq Querry?

Nov 15, 2010

I need to extract some data from a list with a linq querry like

(from p as MYClass1 In List where P.Datetime> UserDate1 P.Datetime< UserDate2 Select p Skip (StartPoint) Take (Range)

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Extract / Convert Values From JSON Response To A Object And Vice Versa?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm getting a JSON response after accessing a web service with my window application written in VB.NET. How can I convert the JSON response to a VB.NET object and vice versa?

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Extract Numerical Data From A Column Of A List View?

Jun 22, 2010

I wonder how can I extract numerical data from a column of a list view and sum every and show in a label?

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Extract All Characters In Unicode, UFT8, Iso-8859-1 To 9 Etc To A List Or Array In VB?

Jan 11, 2010

How do I Extract all Characters in Unicode, UFT8,iso-8859-1 to 9 etc to a list or array In VB?I have a SQL Database of which contains values from 51 languages. I need to detect which ISO-8859-? Was used to encode the string value. For example Turkish Characters i.e. "Ö Ş ş ğ ü Ç" Once I have the correct ISO, I need to convert the Chars with-in the string to Unicode using only if the string value contains values that are not UFT7, and convert the string to HEX?The reason I need to detect the ISO etc is because we are sending SMS, of which jump from 160 characters to 70 if a special characters are used, i.e. "Ö Ş ş ğ ü Ç" Is there a simple way to extract the ISO-8859 Character Set to a Array etc, or is there a simple way to check if the character exists with a ISO-8859 data set?

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Make Values Of Checked List Box Contain 2 Values?

Sep 13, 2011

[url]...base on the thread ive linked.

i am able to pass the checked value of the checked list box to a list box

my current problem is

i am going to save the values [ for instance mat_name ] on the listbox in the database

but i need the id [ for instance mat_id ] of that value

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Updating A Datarow With Another Datarow?

Apr 28, 2010

I have two datatables with similar structures that I want to make one existing row to be updated from another datatable.

For example, "tableA" has three columns: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key...

and "tableB" has three columns as well: "one", "two", and "three"; with "one" being the primary key.

Say there is a row on tableA that is different than a row on tableB (with a matching primary key). What I wanted to do, as efficiently as possible, is to take the that row from tableB and replace the one on tableA so it'll be modified.

I'm not sure if there's an easier way of doing that instead of using loops for setting the row's items.

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Add Values From A List Box?

May 4, 2011

I have a listbox that i have generated some values in currency format.

i am trying to write some code that will add the strings and generate a grand total.

the list box can hold from 5 to infinite entries so i need a generic do untill end of item index or some such.

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IDE :: Add Values From A List Box?

May 3, 2009

I am trying to code the calculate button on a form to add the values that were entered from the user and displayed in a list box. For example, the user enters grades of 90, 95, 88, 74. I want to get the sum of 347 so that I can continue with my calculation to display the average.

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XOR All The Values In A List?

May 4, 2012

I have an array list that stores Hexadecimal numbers, I want to Xor all of the values in the array list e.g. array list contains 3A, 4B, 5C; I want a output textbox, Textbox1.Text = 3A Xor 4B Xor 5C

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A List Where An Index Has Three Values Associated With It?

Nov 16, 2011

I have been searching everywhere but I am unable to find a reference to what I need.I have a huge number of entries where each entry is composed of three long numbers:

a b c
1 2 40
2 1 40
1 8 12
3 9 13
8 1 12

in my algorithm I will find that I need to disregard values in column a which will then lead me to disregard values in column b. I initially thought that I may want to use three arrays and just change the disregarded value to a null value with each iteration. find function that would allow me to not have to loop through the entire array every time.This lead me to want to define the columns as lists where I could remove specific values from the list and reduce the size of the list with each iteration of the algorithm. The problem then is how do I say, listb.remove(8) and at the same time have the corresponding values for lista(1) and listc(12) removed?

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ASP.NET VB - Comparing A Value To A List Of Specified Values

Dec 19, 2010

I'm working on a Website in Web Developer 2010 where the content of a text box is checked against a list of values to find a match. There must be an exact match for the user to be allowed to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

Is there a shorter method to do this using the VB 'If' statement, other than specifying each condition individually?

I've tried something similar to the following, but for the amount of values it would be more practical if there was a shorter method.

If TextBox1.Text = "User1" Then
Label1.Text = "Ok, That username is valid. Click NEXT to continue"
LinkButton1.Enabled = True


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Combobox - Allow Values That Are Not In The List?

Dec 4, 2009

I was useing VB a lot for some years ago and now I have started again..then, think I was useing VB3 or VB4 there was a property on ComboBox and listboxes that allows only to select the values in the Combox.. Not able to write own values..

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Generic List, Add, And Same Values?

Jan 17, 2011

<div class=PhorumReadBodyText>Hi, I have a problem with adding of items to generic list, problem is when I insert 1. item to the list, everithing is ok, but if I insert second item, first and second has same values.

code looks like that (asp.net 4.0): </div> <div class=PhorumReadBodyText> </div> <div class=PhorumReadBodyText>Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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How To Set An Array To A List Of Values

Apr 8, 2010

I cannot figure out how to set an array to one of two sets of numbers (there will be more later), every way that I have tried throws some kind of error. I have tried to Dim the array inside the case statements, but then I cannot use the array in the For Each, which makes this worthless. [Code]

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IDE :: Add Values To Dropdown List?

Mar 7, 2011

how to do this Also the drop down list in web service..

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