Filter With Multiple Column And One Statement

Dec 1, 2010

How do I combine the following two similar statement into one. They are similar in the sense that they both get input from the same textbox:
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "ParkingSpaceID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'"
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'"

I have tried couple :
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'" Or "ParkingSpaceID ='"& txtSearch.Text & "'"
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID Or "ParkingSpaceID ='"& txtSearch.Text & "'"
......just none of them works...

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DB/Reporting :: Sql + And Statement - Selecting Rows On Multiple Column Values

Sep 15, 2010

What iam trying to do is selecting rows on multiple column values. But the statement below doesn't preform like i thought it would...


Select Distinct Variable From TableName Where (ColumnA Like"%AAA%") And (ColumnA Like"%BBB%")

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From Excel To DataGridView And Filter Column

Feb 11, 2012

With this code I import Excel to a datagridview , works fine. But how do I filter a Column lets say "Number" ? with a textbox

Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DtSet As System.Data.DataSet
Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='C:stof.xls';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;")
[Code] .....

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Add Persistence To Multiple DataGridView In Terms Of Hide/Show Column And Column Width

Feb 24, 2010

Add persistence to multible DataGridView in terms of Hide/Show column and column width

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Filter And Only Show The Rows With Null In That Column?

Sep 29, 2010

I've using binding source filter to filter the data i see in the datagrid based on the value of the cell (this is in relation to the checkstate of a checkbox column), so far so good

InvBindingSource.Filter = "Saved = '1'"

what if i wanted to filter and only show the rows with null in that column?

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Filter Column In Datagridview Then Show At Combobox?

Oct 24, 2011

I had a datagridview which connect to oracle database. I want to filter one of the column of the datagridview.

Then the filter value will show it in the combobox.

Any suggestion to filter it and show at combobox?

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Filter Datagridview Using Column Names In Program?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a datagridview with column names as dates.[code]....

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Perform Calculation On A Column's Context In A Filter?

Mar 24, 2009

how to do an aggregate function on a column in a bindingsources filterExample


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Select Column With Filter Criteria Within A Row In A .Net DataSet?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm writing an app for someone where I am pulling in work orders table information. The information includes: worknum, fname, lname, customername, description, etc. I do not plan to update the data in this table, only to read from it.I'd like to display a combo box for the work order numbers. The user would start typing the information for the work order in and it would autocomplete based on what's in the list. As work orders are displayed in the combo box, I want to update the data in text boxes representing the various fields.

I'm thinking rather than query the database several times, it would be a good idea to create a DataSet with information for the work orders table within the last x months then query the data from that dataset. I know there is a DataSet.Select method, but it looks like it returns the entire row. Is it possible to retrieve just a column of distinct values? For example, I'd like to do a select statement similar to this:

SELECT worknum FROM {WorkOrderDataSet} WHERE date >'{today-x}

The first part in curly brackets is meant to represent the work order dataset I create when first importing the data from Access. The second part in curly brackets will be replaced with variable data to represent a date to reference. I also don't think I'll need distinct because the workorder is unique (edit: is a primary key)Is it possible to retrieve just a column of distinct values from a DataSet with multiple columns? How do I do this?

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VS 2008 How To Filter For 11 / 2010 In Date Column

Nov 26, 2010

i would like to filter a datagrid thats bound.i have the value as string 11/2010 wich is datevalue [code]i want to filter the dates that contain "11/2010" this value.obviously the result will be


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[2008] How To Filter Datagridview With Combobox Column

Jan 19, 2009

I have a datagridview and a bindingsource. The first column is a comboboxcolumn which is bound to a table field and then the rest of the items are populated from another datatable. What I have on my other forms is a textbox called txtfilter and on the textchanged event I have this

Me.ProductBindingSource.Filter = "BatchNo LIKE '" & txtFilter.Text & "*'" that works great. Now I want to filter the combobox columns just like this.

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C# - Filter On Multiple SubItems In ObjectListView?

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to programmatically add in a ModelFilter to my ObjectListView that will look at two (or more) columns and filters on each separately. Currently, I think that ObjectListView only supports one filter, but I may be missing something in the code/documentation.


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How To Filter Gridview With Multiple Checkboxes

Apr 21, 2012

How do I filter my DataGridView with multiple checkboxes names? I want to filter in which region the suppliers are located. ex. RegionTable.Regionrow. And I have 4 different regions(checkboxes text name) I want to filter with. Compatible to use multiple choices in filtering.

So. Checking 2 of the 4 regions and pushing the filter button should filter the gridview after checked checkboxes. I have tried different methods for 4 hours and search the net but can't find any good method.


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How To Filter List Of(t) By Multiple Criteria

May 14, 2012

I am trying to filter a list of (t) by multiple criteria. here is what i have:


I now want to filter this list by myObject's various properties. Heres the problem:

1. A user should be able to either filter on one specific custName or remove the filter for this property AND

2. A user should be able to either filter on one specific notificationDate or remove the filter for this propertyl AND

3. A user should be able to either filter on one specific materialType or remove the filter for this property

I know I can just write a lot of if..then but i'm looking for a more elegant solution.

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VS 2010 : Pass Combobox Value In Query Builder Filter Column?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm develloping a small application over na Access 2007 database. how can i pass the value of a combobox to a query being built with the query builder tool?If I use ? in the Filter column I�m prompted to enter the value but what I need is to pass the value of a combobox in a form. I tried to use:


but it is ignored, interpreted as the value to be filtered.

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Filter Multiple Clauses In A Binding Source?

Jan 26, 2012

How can I filter multiple clauses in a binding source. I've tried

Form4.CustomersBindingSource.Filter = "[Last Name] = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'" & "[First Name] = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'"

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Filter Multiple Columns In Datagridview Using A Value From Textbox?

Jan 14, 2012


But what if I wanna compare textFilter with FirstColumn and SecondColumn and ThirdColumn at the same time?

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Multiple Selection On A Checkboxlist To Filter A Datatable .net?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a datatable loaded from a database. I bind the datatable to a gridview on page_load. Now I want to filter the gridview by a user selection so I made a checkboxlist and wrote some code as follow at CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged


With this code above, it can filter if there is only one selection on the checkboxlist. I try to loop the checkboxlist myself but always ended up in errors. Hope someone can help me out to make this work.

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VS 2008 Dataview Filter Multiple Comboboxes?

Feb 15, 2011

This post is a continuation of my other post concerning 'List(of) with multiple comboboxes refill problem.'. I threw the list overboard and began anew with a Dataview.

So far I (finally) managed to get 2 comboboxes (will be more, but if it works for 2...) loaded with the same data using different dataviews (DataView1 & DataView2) so I can select a value from each combobox without the other following the selection.

But now I want to filter out the selected value from the other combobox.
This also works.

The only thing is this: If I select in combobox1 the value 3, and select in combobox2 the value 4, combobox1 will change to the value 2.

If I select in combobox1 the value 2, and select in combobox2 the value 1, combobox1 will change to the value 3.

It works also the other way arround. I can't seem to get my hands around the problem..

Does somehow the index of the items in the combobox play's part? I don't use the selectedIndex, so from my point of view it can't be..

The code I use:
(with the item 0 as 'neutral' option)
Public Class Form1
Dim dTable As New DataTable


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Sql Server - Using Multiple DropDownLists To Filter Each Other And Then GridView Items - VB

Feb 7, 2012

I have an web page with VB code behind linking to an MS SQL DB. On the web page I have 4 DropDownLists and 1 GridView. Each DDL is populated with a SELECT DISTINCT query on 4 corresponding columns from 1 table in the DB. What I would like to be able to do is: when any of the DDLs have their selected item changed the other DDLs are updated. Crude example:


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VS 2005 Filter The First Column Of A Listview Which Holds Date Values Using Add Days Method

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to filter the first column of a listview which holds date values. If the date is less than 21 days from today it deletes the row from the listview.


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When Dependant Column In DatagridView Then How To Filter Data Because Privious Selected Items Are Disappear

Nov 15, 2011

In my datagridview there are two dependent columns, one is category and the other is items. So I want to filter my item column list as per selected category. But the problem is that when I change the category wise data to datasource of items combobox, previous selected items names disappear because previous items is not in current datasource.

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Sql - ADO.Net Not Recognizing Column In Select Statement

Oct 7, 2009

I have a query that executes fine in TOAD, but when bringing back the results with either an ADO.Net DataReader or DataAdapter/DataSet, it's not recognizing a column in the select statement. See the query below... the column in question has its data coming from a dynamic table or sub-select or whatever you call it. I don't see why this is a problem in .Net:

Dim sql As String = String.Format("select bu.row_id,, selectedOrgs.bu_id as selectedOrg " _
& " FROM SIEBEL.s_prod_int_bu pb " _


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Quickbooks/QBFC 8.0 - Multiple Criteria Of An Identical Request Filter Type?

Aug 18, 2009

I would like to query an Employee by matching First and Last name. Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify that in one EmployeeQueryRq QBFC object.

I think I have a start:

Dim EmployeeQueryRq As IEmployeeQuery
EmployeeQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendEmployeeQueryRq()

Is there any way I can add an additional NameFilter to the same request? Or am I stuck walking a response list for the other criteria (albeit a smaller one limited to containing at least one value)?

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Run A SQL Statement To UPDATE A Column In A Table With New Data?

Apr 27, 2012

Attempting to run an SQL statement to UPDATE a column in a table with new data. The column being updated is defined as varchar(40) and the new data is 41 bytes (varchar(41)). I get a generic 'data will be truncated' error message, but no detail on which column caused the problem. I've attached a sample VB program to illustrate the issue. In this scenario, Company is defined as varchar(40).

My question: Can I get a more detailed error message? i.e. can I get an error message that tells me the row and column that the truncation occurs in? Often times, I may be updating hundreds or thousands of rows and only one value in one column from the source file is too large for a database cell. As a related question, does each OLEDB provider create its own error messages. i.e. will the MS SQL Server OLEDB provider potentially give different text in the error message than say the MS Jet OLEDB provider?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Module1
Dim cn As OleDbConnection


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Specify Database Column That Contains A Space In A Linq Statement?

Jun 23, 2010

I thought this would have been quite common but can't find anything on this. I'm trying to query columns that have spaces immbedded within them. For the life of me I don't see a way of selecting them when I'm trying to assign them to an alias when creating an anonymous type result. [code]...

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Count Multiple In One Statement?

May 8, 2011

i have a table with data title and date of the data inserted.and right now i want to do count to make the statistic out of it.can i do multiple count in one sql statement?like from, the column date, i want to count how many on this month, and how many in this year, until month selected. this is what i have come up, for now.

SELECT a.trigger_type_code
, c.trigger_name
, COUNT(*) AS number
FROM issue_trigger a


by this is only for one count.

View 2 Replies - Create A LINQ Statement Where The Table Name (FROM) And Column Name Is Variable?

May 11, 2012

In my programming task I've gone down a dark alley and wished I hadn't, but there is no turning back now.

I'm building up a SQL statement where the table name, column name and id value are retrieved from query string parameters i.e. ("SELECT [{0}] FROM [{1}] WHERE [Id] = {2};", c, t, id)

But it isn't as bad as it looks, I'm protected: Only authenticated users (i.e. signed in users) can execute the Page_Load I'm checking that both the table and the column exists beforehand (using GetSchema etc.)I'm checking that the Id is an integer beforehand All my tables have Id columns The database connection is reasonably secure


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Opposite Of A With Statement (Multiple Objects)?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm wanting to to make a color scheme selection feature for my program, which involves changing the foreground and background colors of many components at once. I have the components divided into groups in which all elements should have the same background and foreground.

With BtnLoad And BtnSave And TbxListname And CmbProgDifficulty And TbxRptStandard And TbxQNA And BtnAddProbQ .ForeColor = Color.White .BackColor = Color.IndianRed End With

The problem is that this get's an error message saying that you cannot use "And" (or & or +) in the statement.If I just use one object at a time,

With BtnLoad .ForeColor = Color.White .BackColor = Color.IndianRed End With

it works fine. I have so many objects though, I don't really want to copy and paste this with statement 50 times. is there a way to make a with statement take multiple objects?

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Performance - Difference Between Using Multiple USING Statement And Using Only One

Feb 11, 2011

Which one is best approach out of the following? Or Both has same effect ?

Dim carrierName As String
Dim someotherName As String
Dim anotherOne As String


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