Find Program Reading Resources?

Dec 11, 2011

I am new here, i want to get few websites or books which provide me source code and examples.

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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Reading From Embedded Resources?

Jun 19, 2010

i have added 3 .png files [done.png, failed.png, busy.png] to my project & changed them to "embedded resource" [from this wht i understand is that they will be integrated within the exe hence eliminating the dependency on the actual location it is stored]

i have 1 picturebox on my form whose image i have to change as per the output of something else

this is wht my code looks like :

If text1.text = "Done" then
picturebox1.image = my.resources.done.png
end if


but it gives me error during run time.. am i using the right code ? or is there an alternate method for this ?

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Resources Reading And Writing?

Jul 23, 2009

how to write and read from and to resource file, pressuming they are text files. I tried using the standard file streams but that does not work.

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VS 2008 Reading Images From Resources?

Sep 5, 2010

Ok, here's my problem. I already understand referencing a image using My.Resources.(Image name), But this won't work for my current situation, because the image name is in a string so I can't Hard-Code it into the program. IE. The file name is found by doing the statement:Filename = "_" + poke + "_"

Where poke is as string that contains the name of the file. The normal way to call this would be to use My.Resources._(contents of poke)_ but that doesn't work since i can't just inject the contents of poke into the line without making the entire thing a string, and by making it a string that command doesn't work normally.

I just can't seem to find a guide anywhere that talks about this, and I've been stuck on this for quite some time now. I've been able to reference XML's that are included the same way as the images using My.Resources.Resourcemanager.Geobject but this doesn't seem to work for the Images, and I haven't found any other way.

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Text Files Reading Writing Resources

Jul 30, 2009

I am witting an app that will generate batch files to do an unattended installation of a share point 2007 farm. I already have a batch file I use and it's pretty big. I copied and pasted the content into my application, and I'm using the System.IO.StreamWriter to write to the batch file from the winform. [code]As you can probably guess, I'm doing all of this in my mainform code window. There are maybe 3 or 4 batch files that will be generated based on the selections made on the form. For example, I'm generating a batch file to create the OU, Group and service accounts the farm will use in active directory, I'm creating a batch file for all of the variables that will be used for the additional batch files created, etc. How can I split this up? is there a way to create the batch files without having to actually copy, paste my existing batch file content into the mainform code window? I'm using file.writeline on each line of the pasted content by the way.

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Could Not Find Any Resources Appropriate For Specified Culture

Sep 24, 2009

could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture ot the neutral culture. make sure " resourses. resorses" was correctly embeded or linked into assembly "" at compile time or that all the satalite assembelies required are loadable and fully signed.

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.net - Find The Name Of The Default Resources File In C#?

Feb 1, 2011

I've created an attribute, similar to the ToolboxBitmapAttribute, that allows you to associate an Icon or Image to a class.

To associate an image, the resource file base name, a type (to find the assembly), and the name of the resource are passed to the attribute constructor. I then use the ResourceManager to get access to the resource:

Dim rm = New ResourceManager(ResourceFileBaseName, passedType.Assembly)
Dim obj = rm.GetObject(resourceName)

This is fine except that I want the option to pass just the resource name in the constructor, and omit the resource file base name. Then I would pick up the resource from the default resource file. When I say default resource file, I mean the one when you start Visual Studio, open the property pages and click the Resources tab.

The problem is, when developing in VB.Net, the base name is 'RootNamespace.Resources', and when developing in C#, the base name is 'Rootnamespace.Properties.Resources'.

Where can I programatically find the name of the default resource file?


What I can do is get a list of all resource names:


I can then look for a name that ends with Resources.resources and use that to build the resource file base name.

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Where To Find Great Samples And Resources

Aug 1, 2011

Where I can find examples of codes?Like event calendar or any?

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Find VB Resources Like Sounds, Graphics & Other Files?

Nov 5, 2011

where can I find VB resources, like graphics, sounds, & other related files?

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Add Resources To Program Programmatically?

May 6, 2011

I want to add Add resources to programmatically . I want to add an image resource (a .jpg image file) .

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Make A Program Using Resources?

Aug 6, 2011

I want to make a program using WMP tool to play mp3 files which are in resources how to make it

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Get Files From A Sub-directory Of Resources In Program?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm making a map creator that chooses images randomly from various sets. What I'm trying to do is set up subfolders in Resources and put the different images in each folder - e.g., a folder for streets, a folder for monuments, etc. Then I just make an array of images out of the files in the folder, and pick one.

For some reason, I can't find a simple way of getting at the subfolders. I've tried using IO.Path.GetFullPath(My.Resources.ResourceManager.BaseName) and appending the folder name to the end of it, but no luck.

Is there some other way of getting the path? Is it even possible to use subfolders of Resources? Is there a better way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish? I'd really like to avoid creating the image arrays by hand.

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Running Program That Embedded Into Resources?

Sep 29, 2009

Is there a way to running program exe that i embeded into my exe program without need to extract it, and run it from shell ?

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Open A File That Is In The Resources Folder Of The Program?

Jan 30, 2011

How do I open this .REG file in Visual Basic 2010?

I'm trying to make a program that will launch this registry file that I've put already in the Resources folder of the program.

BTW if you're curious it's not a harmful program I'm making.

So all I've done so far is put the file in the resources folder of the program, but I don't know how to actually launch it.

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Packaging .net Program And Resources Together To Make It Stand-alone Exe?

Jul 21, 2011

I'm developing a very simple program in VB2010 Express that will create folders based on entries in a remote database. I am fully aware that the minimum requirement to run the exe is the latest .net framework, however I have a few added resources to the file, and when I try to run the executable on another computer, it fails to run stating that the resources are missing.

How do i compile my VB code AND the resources together into a stand-alone executable that only requires the .net framework to be installed?I have already tried to google this issue, however every answer I find has nothing to do with my initial question..

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Start Exe In Program That Is Stored In My Project Resources?

Aug 30, 2009

I am trying to bootup other executeable file from my project's resources folder, and I can't figure out how

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Access My Text Files In Resources Folder Using Program?

Jul 6, 2011

So in VB.NET I created a resource file called "source.txt" (as its a text file). My program will take in the text in the file, and then compile it into an executable.

How do I access this file which is in my resources folder in my project?

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VS 2008 Place A PDF File In The Resources And Open It In Program Using 'AxAcroPDF1.src'?

Oct 30, 2010

1. Place a PDF file in the resources and open it in my program using 'AxAcroPDF1.src'

2. Place a txt file in the resources, open and change it.

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Error BC30136: Error Creating Win32 Resources: Error Reading Icon '"Recycle Bin Empty.ico"'

Jan 27, 2012

I try to compile a project with msbuild.exe I have this error :

vbc : error BC30136: Error creating Win32 resources: Error reading icon '"Recycle Bin Empty.ico"' -- The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

This icon is the Application icon which is in the same directory of the project.vbc is started with /win32icon:"Recycle Bin Empty.ico" parameter.Don't know why MSBuild can't reach the file.

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Reading Value From Another Program?

Jan 28, 2011

how to read a value from another program, based on a memory reference value? This is not an illegal or anything that violates TOS, I need to know how to do it for a work project that uses a already existing program to pull values from and compound upon it. The program that exist already doesn't have the function that my program does, but I don't want my users to have to manually put them into the program, I want my program to hook into the existing program and read existing values of a specific memory address. I have looked at reading strings from a memory stream but im not quite sure how to do it. I mean i can use cheat engine to find the value and memory address but i dont know what to do from there?

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VS 2008 - Program That Will Patch A Program With A New Exe - "Could Not Find File 'System.Byte[]'." Error

Mar 29, 2010

I'm making a program that will patch a program with a new Exe. Its all working with this code

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles patch.Click
patching = True


I get an "Could not find file 'System.Byte[]'." error.

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Program Not Reading Keystrokes Properly?

Jun 10, 2011

I was trying to make a program which displays two chars A and B on the screen. Using the WASD keys, it lets you move the A char around and using the arrow keys it lets you move the B char around.

I wrote the following:

Module Module1
Dim Box_A(1), Box_B(1) As Byte
Dim Allow_Draw As Boolean


When I run the program, if I press any of the WASD or arrow keys the corresponding char doesn't move. To make it move, I have to hold down any of its keys for a bit after which I can move the char just by pressing its keys. But then, I have to do the same for the other char.

So, if I want to move B I have to hold any of the arrow keys for a bit. Then I can easily move B just by pressing any arrow key once. Then to move A I have to hold any of the WASD keys for a bit and then I can move A just by pressing any WASD key once.

Is there any way I make make each of the char move just by pressing its ket once?

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Communications :: Program Stalling On Network Reading?

Oct 8, 2008

I am playing with network sockets as I need to work on a client-server application. So I have tried this simple code from VS help:

Dim tcpClient As New TcpClient()

'The following line do not belongs to original code 'But I needed to add it as debugger told me that 'I couldnt getStream from closed sockets

tcpClient.Connect("", 8000)
Dim netStream As NetworkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()
If netStream.CanWrite Then


So, I supposed that the code above would write the message to the loopback IP (, it would be kept in the network buffer and would be spited out when it readed the same loopback IP. However, when it gets the line whre it should read the stream, the program just stalls and keep reading it forever. I have tested the stream with as if it was just awaiting for something to read. I have tested the stream with getStream.DataAvailable and it returned me False, what makes me guess that the data is NOT being properly written to the IP.

Firstly I thought that it could be something with the loopback IP, then I tried to provide the machine local IP ( but I got the same behavior: code stalls...

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Forms :: Reading DataGrid From External Program?

Aug 29, 2011

I am working in windows forms with Vb.NET 2008. I am trying to read text in from an external program. So far I have been able to read text in from a standard text box or button, however I am trying to read data in from an external data grid.

When I try to use the following I get no information about the grid
ChildHandle = FindWindowEx(ParentHandle, IntPtr.Zero, "classnameofexternaldatagrid", Nothing)
Dim Hndl As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2000)
NumText = SendMessage(ChildHandle, WM_GETTEXT, 2000, Hndl)
Text = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Hndl)

Usually if it is a standard text box I will get the text data with no problem, but it is a standard data grid and there are no further sub handles to try and read from. If WM_GETTEXT wont read information from an external data grid then how would I read in the data?

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Publish A Program Including "resources"?

Aug 20, 2011

This sounds pretty stupid, and it's not challenging at all. There is a wave file, which is what I want to publish. Then I can't find it in Solution Explorer. And when I publish it in Clickonce, the wave file is gone, as with the Resource folder. Now I want to make the Pesource folder appear and enbedded in the excute file code, that is, there is also a "Resource" and in which there is the very wave file. This is my code. It means I want to click this button and play a wave in Resource folder.


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Diary Program - Reading, Writing Text Files?

Jan 23, 2012

i have started programming a diary sort of program. i have a home form which takes you to other features. im not sure if there is an easier way to do this but the view is week by week with a new week on a new form. and on each form i have a separate text box for each day. using the code:

'In the form load event:
txtMonday.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("DayMonth.txt")
'In the text-changed & form closing event:
Monday.Text, False)

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Reading Data From A Web Open Connect Screen Into A VB Program

Oct 26, 2006

I would like to read information on a Web Open Connect Screen into a VB program and send appropriate key stroke based on the screen been presented.

I am able to send to the screen using SendKeys but I don't seem to be able to manipulate the cursor and read the data at the cursor position.

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VS 2008 Make A DLL-reading Program To Use Its Codes Inside?

Apr 18, 2011

I would like to create an application that can browse the DLL file and use the codes inside it. Not by adding it as a reference, or something. Just browsing the DLL file to use the codes inside it.

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VS 2008 Make A Program That Reads A Txt File After Reading It?

Aug 26, 2009

I have to make a program that reads a txt file after reading it, show it in a richtext box and in another tab make the average of the grades the input received sort it by the student id and then in the same rtb sort it by the average of their grades, and finally save it on a new text file.

The text file input is something like this

12 3 10.0 6.9 7.3
19 2 6.7 9.3
10 3 4.5 9.3 4.5


As you noticed in the input the first number is the student ID, the second number is the number of tests made by the student, and the other 3 numbers are grades, in the output the first number is the student ID, the second number is the average of the tests, and the other 3 numbers are grades, I don't have a problem opening and saving a text file and neither creating a tab with 2 RTB , my problem is how do I tokenize or read the input line by line, i guess that i need to use the split function but I don't know how to implement it into the program.

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