Forms :: Add Text In Recursively Copy?

Jan 11, 2012

How do I recursively copy all files and directories? - vbCity - The .NET Developer Community

Now, I want to add a line to display text like: "Copying file xxxx" for each file being copied.

I created a label and code like

label1.text = sFileInfo.fullname (added it in "for each" loop)

but this code never fire until last file.

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Add Text In Recursively Copy?

Jan 10, 2012

I copied code from the link below. It works fine.[url]...

Now, I want to add a line to display text like:

"Copying file xxxx" for each file being copied.

I created a label and code like

label1.text = sFileInfo.fullname (added it in "for each" loop)

but this code never fire until last file.

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How To Code Recursively To Find .jpg Files In Folders And Subfolders Then Copy .jpg

Mar 8, 2011

I have been trying to get a .jpg files from subfolders that get's updated and a new subfolders is created. I have been trying to figure how to code to read the folders/subfolders and to get the .jpeg files copy or move to different folder.

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File I/O And Registry :: Recursively Edit Text Files In Sub Folders?

Jul 20, 2010

I found this code on here to open a text fille, do a find & replace then save the changes, and the code is in a loop that will do that to every file in a given folder. My question is I also have files in sub folders, and more sub folders, and i'm not sure how deep it goes. I want to recursivly go though all the sub folders and do this to all the files, not just the files directly in the main folder.

Here is the code so far:

FolderBrowserDialog1.Description = "Select Path for files to edit"
OpenPathVariable = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath


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Forms :: Copy Text From MessageBox?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a DataGridView and when user clicks on a row, a messagebox pops up with some value. I would like to copy some portion of this text from the messagebox. Is there a way to do it?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick


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Copy The Value From One Text Box To Another Text Box From Different Two Forms?

Jan 6, 2011

I use the panel in the form, the panel contains one text box and the form contains another text box. When I click OK button the panel, ill hide.and the form ill show, the value of text box in panel is transfer to the another text box in the same form.

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Forms :: Windows Forms App Copy A File To A Preset Folder?

Jan 9, 2012

a program and i need to have a button put a file into a folder, i know how the button works i already have it doing some other stuff. i just don't know the code to copy and past it to a folder.

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VS 2005 Crystal Report Viewer - Unable To Right Click->Copy Or Ctrl+c And Copy Any Text

Dec 28, 2009

I got a problem...after load crystal report viewer, I am unable to right click->Copy or ctrl+c and copy any text. I am using 2005, crystal Report 11...I am showing the report content on the Report Viewer..

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Getting File Names Recursively?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to create a small application that will pull values from a config file (which is working) and then based on those values will search through directories recursively for files with specified extensions. In the end I would like these files deleted but I also need to have the app write a list of each file that is successfully delted to a .log file.Here is what I have so far, the values from the config file are successfully being passed to the sub routine however nothing is ever written to the .log file.

Sub activeRecursive(ByVal activeStat AsString, ByVal rootDirectory AsString, ByVal fileExtension AsString, ByVal maxAge AsInt32) IfNotDirectory.Exists(rootDirectory) Then EndIf Dim tmpFile AsString = "C:Files.log" Dim objWriter AsNewStreamWriter(tmpFile) Dim allFiles() AsFileInfo Dim dirInfo AsDirectoryInfo dirInfo = NewDirectoryInfo(rootDirectory)


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Recursively Add Child Nodes?

Apr 14, 2009

I want to make a treeview from a Listbox.The Listbox contains N number of items.Suppose the List contains:Node1Node2Node3Node4Node5I want this to appear as shown below:


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Forms :: Creating Paragraph Styles Of Text In Window Forms Text Controls?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to build a NOTEPAD/WORDPAD like application with on visual studio 2008.

I need an option to define and choose (MsWord, or CSS like) paragraphs styles, such as: "heading1", "green quotes", etc.

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Declare Objects Into Array Recursively?

Mar 26, 2011

I need to declare dozens of objects (Textboxes and Checkboxes mostly) into differents arrays but when i try to do this, they are added as strings and not as objects. I'd like to add them as objects to run through them recursively.


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Permissions Whilst Recursively Searching?

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to recursively search through the entire computer, this includes: My Documents, Application Data, Windows Folder, Documents and Settings(Windows 7 misnomer/pointer?).This is for my own educational and academic purposes, I am just searching for an MD5 hash of an EICAR test file that I have made.

EDIT: This is on Windows 7 Currently. DISCLAIMER: This is not, nor ever will be an antivirus project, this is not a school assignment. This is purely for my own knowledge. this be done? With the following code, I get exceptions thrown regarding access to certain directorys (App Data, etc), even when I build and run as administrator.


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TreeView Control - Populate From ArrayList Recursively

Jun 13, 2010

I'm needing some help with populating a Treeview control using an ArrayList. The ArrayList contains a collection of a class called Task. The class properties contain the following:

1.) taskID (int)
2.) parentTaskID (int)
3.) taskLevel (int)
4.) subTasks (ArrayList)
5.) taskName (string)

Each Task instance can contain subtasks (which is a collection of the Task object), which can also contain subtasks, and so on. The base task starts at level 0. A subtask of the base task would be level 1. A subtask of a level 1 subtask would be a level 2, and so on.
-- The parentID would be the taskID of the parent Task. The parentID at the base task (level 0) would be -1.


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Record User Action And Recursively Download Content?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm working on a self motivated project; basically I want to be able to navigate to a website, for example,there I want to be able to able to record my actions - for example:

Step 1) Right Click & save on celebrity photo
Step 2) highlight & save the photo's description
Step 3) Click on Next link and repeat


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Recursively Search Folder And Place That List Into A ListBox

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to make a program where I browse for a folder and that Browse dialog displays user selection into a Text Box that part I have completed, when that user selects the folder it will recursively search all folders and subfolders in the directory the user has chosen and display that list in a ListBox here is the code I have so far. Also to note I have found a function for recursively search a folder but I have no idea how to implement it to display in the ListBox from the User selected directory.

This code is the code that lets the user select the folder and display it in the textbox

Private Sub SourceButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SourceButton.Click
With SourceBrowse


On a side note I also want the list to display all the files in the folder as well.

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Recursively Search Folder And Place That List Into A ListBox?

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to make a program where I browse for a folder and that Browse dialog displays user selection into a Text Box that part I have completed, the part I need help with is when that user selects the folder it will recursively search all folders and subfolders in the directory the user has chosen and display that list in a ListBox here is the code I have so far. Also to note I have found a function for recursively search a folder but I have no idea how to implement it to display in the ListBox from the User selected directory.

This code is the code that lets the user select the folder and display it in the textbox

Private Sub SourceButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SourceButton.Click
With SourceBrowse
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
SourcePath.Text = .SelectedPath


On a side note I also want the list to display all the files in the folder as well.

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Way To Copy Forms

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to create several forms by copy a form. the only difference is the controls. One has a Listbox the next has a Listview so on and so forth. When I copied the orginal form creating a SelectForms3. I get a bunch of messages about multiple definitions. I did not get those message with SelectForms2.Is it possible to copy forms in VB? I got like 20 of these.

1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.

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Copy Forms From Other Projects?

May 20, 2009

ok.. I'm not going to pretent that I know all the inner workings of the windows generated code.. but it was lots easier on vb6.. so I have a program that I wrote.. one for one version of our product and one for a newer one.. the config screen is very similar
from A to B.. so now I'm trying to make one version that has A and B config screens and I'll show one or the other based on some other setup.. so I just did add existing and pulled in the config form from the other project.. but now I get lots of these type errors


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If Multiple Checkboxes Are Checked / Then Copy Checkbox Text And Label Text

Apr 28, 2012

I would like to know if there was a way to loop through all the checkboxes on a form and if the checkbox is checked then I need it to copy the text from the checkbox and the label. Thera are 23 of these labels with two checkboxes for each.I need to be able to paste this in notepad and have it formated as such

Yes 1. Are you older than 18?

No 2. Do you like dogs?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Reflection - Iterate Object's Properties Recursively Within Own Assemblies?

Sep 11, 2009

I wonder if anyone can help me - I've not done much with reflection but understand the basic principles.What I'm trying to do:I'm in the process of developing a class that gathers a lot of information about the local system, network, etc... to be used for automated bug reporting. Instead of having to change my test harness every time I add a new property, I'd (ideally) like to be able to serialise the lot as an XML string and just display that in a textbox.

Unfortunately, the Framework won't use the default XML serializer on read-only properties (which almost all of mine are) as they wouldn't deserialize properly [Not sure I agree with the assumption that anything serialized must be de-serializable - MS says this is a feature "by design" which I suppose I can understand - Perhaps a tag to indicate that it should be serialized anyway would be advantageous?]

The initial approach was to make properties gettable and settable (with a throw exception on the setter) but the amount of work tidying this up afterwards seems a little excessive and I would want the properties to be read-only in the final version.What I need help with:My current plan is to use reflection to recursively iterate through each (public) property of my topmost gathering class. The problem is, the samples I've seen don't handle things recursively. Additionally, I only want to inspect an object's properties if it's in one of my assemblies - Otherwise just call .ToString on it.

If I don't have the inspection limited to my assembly, I assume I'll get (say) a string which then contains a Length which in turn will have .Tostring method.For the purposes of this project, I can almost guarantee no circular references within my code and as this will only be used as a development tool so I'm not too concerned about it running amok now and then.

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Forms - Copy Form As Template

Nov 22, 2009

What is the best way to copy a form? I have one form which has a lot of work and would now like to use this as a template for another form.

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Forms :: Copy And Rename From Subfolders?

Oct 21, 2011

I have an excel sheet with two columns. One column is the name of a file and the other column is a name that will be added to the filename once the file has been copied.

Column B = test.tif
Column A = find

The result will be = find_test.tif once the file has been copied and renamed......

All is good, however, it appears my program is not looking in subfolders and only in the main directory folder for the images.

What I have so far for the copy portion:

'copy the files specified in column 1 of the first sheet of the Excel workbook
'from the folder given by txtSrce to the folder given by txtDest
Dim xls As New Excel.Application


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Search For Files Recursively While Updating A Progress Bar And Returning The File List To The Application From BackgroundWorker?

Dec 10, 2011

I am currently trying to develop an application which will backup large folders to a specified destination. To find all the files in the specified 'backup' directory I am using the following code.


I have tried putting my GetFilesRecursive function into a separate background worker to run first so I can update the GUI however I am struggling on how to return the List of found files back to my application (I get cross-threading exception) and how to update the progress bar to show the progress of the GetFileRecursive function so the user knows it is processing the list of files and has not crashed/frozen.

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VS 2005 : Stop The Copy/paste In One Text Box To Another Text Box?

Jun 5, 2009

how to stop the copy/paste in one text box to another text box

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Copy The Formatting To Create Similar Forms

Jun 21, 2010

I have a form in VB2008 with 3 panels, each containing panels. How can I copy the formatting to create similar forms to it?

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Forms :: Copy A Control And Place It In Another Location?

Sep 10, 2011

Does anyone know how to copy a control (button, panel etc...) and place the control with the same click event on another part of a form while keeping the original in the same location? I have a custom user control that I created that has special features on click. If I have the control on the left side and want to drag it over to the right side I want the control duplicated, as this control can be duplicated unlimited times, and still have the same click event.


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Forms :: Copy And Paste Image From Picturebox?

Apr 8, 2009

I'm try to save image from pictureobx where the image is bmp pool from my database. I create a contextmenu for rightclick function to copy the image but cannot make it.....

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Forms :: Copy Certain Buttons, Textboxes And Associated Code

Jun 8, 2011

I have a grid which users enter their contact information - fname,lname then phone number.

I want to know how i can when the usr clicks a button create an extra row of input boxes

And if possible be told how to make the form scrollable, so i can have many, many input boxes present when required

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Forms :: Copy Files From A Dynamic Location?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm developing an application which relies on several files to be copied over to a specific location on the users hard drive ("C: est") when they run the program for the first time, and am having a hard time wrapping my head around how to account for the fact that the original location may be in a different location for each user.

Any ideas for either getting the path where the files would be and then copying them to the desired destination?

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