Copy The Formatting To Create Similar Forms

Jun 21, 2010

I have a form in VB2008 with 3 panels, each containing panels. How can I copy the formatting to create similar forms to it?

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Forms :: Create Tabs Copy Controls From Base Tab To New One?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a tab (created in the form developer) that contains about a dozen controls. I need to be able to clone this tab w/all controls. I have no problem creating the forms. However, the controls don't copy. This is true whether I create the new tab with a string:

TabPages.Add(MO.Name)Or with a tab object assigned to the base form:

Dim NewTab As New TabPage
NewTab = MyBaseTabPage

In either case, my first tab has everything it should have the other tabs have, the other tabs have only the tab name.Basically, I want to be able to clone my base tab into n number of tabs.

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Copy The Body Of An Email, Including Formatting, And Paste It Into The Body Of A New Email Such That Formatting Is Preserved?

Jan 13, 2010

While I understand there are properties of MailItem that would allow one to programmatically create a formatted email, I would prefer the ability to copy the body of an email that is already formatted to my liking (bolding, italicizing, embedded pictures/tables, set margins, etc.) copy and paste it to a newly composed email such that this formatting is preserved.

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Forms :: Filtering Similar Items In A Listbox?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a listbox already filled with links from a search engine. I am trying to filter out some of the links from the same domain:

Error Test cricket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <---- remove this link because same as first entry


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How To Create A Similar Structure

May 28, 2010

I'm trying to create an enumerable class, similar to System.Drawing.Color - My goal is to have places in the code where I can define a variable as the type of my structure, then be presented a list of static values to pick from.I'd also like to use this for a property of a UserControl.I don't know if I'm using the right setup here with the class, structure, etc.I'm just trying to mimic the Drawing.Color class.I'm creating a Public Class called Person.Inside it, I have two Public ReadOnly Properties for Name and Age, their corresponding Members, and a Constructor to create a new Person.Second, I have a Structure called Persons and it has two ReadOnly Properties: Billy and Sally.[code]In my attempt, I get the full freaking .net class library in my intellisense list. Using Drawing.Color, I get a nice pre-defined list of values to pick from.No extra methods.No constructors.Just values.

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Create A Line Similar To <HR> Tag In HTML?

Jun 9, 2010

I am looking for some thing to create a line similar to the <HR> tag in HTML.

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Create A Vertical Slider Similar To Ones?

Dec 22, 2010

I would like to create a vertical slider similar to ones you would find designed in AJAX but I need to do it in a VB.NET Windows Form. I'm hoping that someone has seen this done.

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Create EventArgs And Return Value Similar To FormClosing?

Dec 6, 2010

This is for a WindowsCE project,

Windows WM6 does not allow you to hook in WndProc easily as this has been hidden, I've built a class that inherits from MesageWindow, which allows me to receive Messages as intended.

What I'm trying to do is create an event that will return a value Boolean bypassing base.WndProc(ref m);

basically saying I've handled the event it does not have to, similar to how the Form_closing event would work e.g e.Cancel will cancel he closing off the form.

I've not finished my WndProc function as of yet but you should get the picture.

public delegate void WndProcEventHander(object sender, WndProcEventArgs e);
public event WndProcEventHander OnWndProc;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)


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Create Something Similar To The Paint Bucket Tool?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to create something similar to the paint bucket tool in microsoft's paint, but using the code I created I get an infinate loop.

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Create A Calendar Program Very Similar To Outlook's Calender?

Sep 28, 2011

create a calendar program very similer to Outlook's Calender.But only on its own, i want it to be able to have multiple user access so several people can check eachothers calender obviously.But i have no clue where to start, doesnt have to be the exact same as outlook just have the same functionality.

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Create Gradient In Form Similar To That Of Custom Control

Aug 11, 2009

I have gradient on a form set as follows in Example 1 below. I also have a custom panel which has its colour set as in Example 2. I want to get the same colour from Example 2 into Example 1. However I am not sure how to do this within example 1.


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Create A Small Paint Component( Similar To MSpaint But Not The Same Thing) In .net?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a small paint component( similar to MSpaint but not the same thing) in have a panel that holds the background image and a picturebox over the panel that I draw on. I'm using graphics to draw shapes and I have my own custom double buffer, meaning that I draw on the picturebox while the mouse ismoving and on mouse up I draw the final image on the buffer image and on paint event the buffer image replaces the picturebox image.also, i have set the form properties to enable double buffering

Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)

my problem is that no matter what i've tried the picture box keeps flickering. as long as the mouse is moving, the paint event keeps getting called and the image flickers like crazy what i need is more ideas(or pseudocode) on how to avoid flickering.

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.net - Given A Large Number Of Objects, Create Multiple Forms In Designer For Them Or Use Code To Create The Forms?

Dec 29, 2010

If I have a large number of classes, each similar to the other in certain aspects (they all share a common base class, but each does things differently), and I need to create Windows forms for each to allow easy changing of their values through a GUI? Create one matching form for each object in VS' forms designer, Or Use code to create the forms dynamically at runtime.

#2 makes the most sense to me, because a lot of these objects will share very common features of the form, notably "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons. But one object might need to draw a textbox on the form while another might need to draw a combobox. Not to mention, if I want to put icons on the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, I'd have to do this for each copy of the form in designer, and that sounds like it could get out of hand quickly.But is drawing forms through code sane? VS' forms designer is pretty sophisticated and designed to make life easier. Am I wise to consider ignoring its functionality and diving into the trench warfare of forms design through code? Or are there examples of automating form creation based on an existing object's properties?

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Formatting VB Forms Before Loading?

Mar 24, 2011

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form's background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form's background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module, with generic collections of all the picture boxes on the form. Am I able to do this before the form loads?

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Forms :: Formatting Paragraphs In Labels?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to read from a text file and display it in a label. However, when I do that, I see that there is no word wrapping. In the sense, a whole paragraph is displayed in one line and the next one in the next line and so on. Can some one please tell me how to read text from a file and make it display as it is (lines as they are)? I am using the following code right now:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word


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Forms :: RichTextBox Markup Formatting?

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to bind a RichTextBox to data from an XML file where text within a paragraph may be tagged with formatting tags. As an example the text may look like this:"The size of the area is 5000 m<superscript>2</superscript>".Text may also contain other formatting tags such as <bold> or <italic>:"The quick brown fox <bold>jumps</bold> over the <italic>lazy</italic> dog".

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Forms :: Windows Forms App Copy A File To A Preset Folder?

Jan 9, 2012

a program and i need to have a button put a file into a folder, i know how the button works i already have it doing some other stuff. i just don't know the code to copy and past it to a folder.

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Formatting Visual Basic Forms Before Loading?

Jun 2, 2010

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form’s background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form’s background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module,

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Forms :: Formatting Textbox String Into Date Format?

Dec 19, 2010

My user wants to have textbox fields that don't have any masks but wants those text fields to reformat any text that is entered as mm/dd if it is a real date entered. They won't be using the year.

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Forms :: Formatting Bound Data - So The Phone Number Appears In The Label Properly?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a window form with a label. On the form I have a dataset, bindingsoure, and tableadaptor (all created by the IDE in response to binding the text property of the label) To fill the datatable, the IDE created this: Me.ClientsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MyDataSet.Clients) Works fine. The bound field is a phone number, stored in the db as a 10 digit numeric string I need to format this with the standard ()-, and I have a function that will do just that. How can I apply the formatting so the phone number appears in the label properly?


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Create Logon Using SQL Server Similar To The Windows Live Logon

Aug 20, 2011

I am wanting to create a logon similar to the Windows Live logon, so in other words. user has frmLogon and is located in Australia. The user enters his/her details and then the program connects to a server in the United States and checks the Username and Password to make sure it is correct if it is correct it allows the user to logon and move to the next stage, if it is wrong it will give him an error message. I am wondering if anyone has a tutorial or source code laying around that I can rip apart and see how it works. I want to put the database on my server and connect to it from my desktop using the logon form.

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Know If An Array Of Lists Contains Similar Items (similar Lists)?

May 20, 2010

I know how to check whether an item exists in a list using (MyList.Contains), But I do not know how to check the whole list. For example (use one button and one richtextbox):


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Way To Copy Forms

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to create several forms by copy a form. the only difference is the controls. One has a Listbox the next has a Listview so on and so forth. When I copied the orginal form creating a SelectForms3. I get a bunch of messages about multiple definitions. I did not get those message with SelectForms2.Is it possible to copy forms in VB? I got like 20 of these.

1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.

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Converting C++ Printf Formatting To / From String Formatting

Sep 30, 2010

I have some VB .NET software that interfaces to a load of old (but sound) COM objects. The VB provides a GUI for the COM objects, part of which consists of setting various options on the COM objects - several of which relate to string formatting.I have a simple pair of VB .NET functions that convert basic %f, %d, %g formats to/from .NET equivalents using a large select case covering specific common strings, but they don't cover all formats.[code]Before I start diving in and making it more versatile with some parsing, does anyone know of a class (eg VB or C# .NET) that provides a decent ready-made implementation? Or perhaps some regexp wizadry could be used?

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Copy Forms From Other Projects?

May 20, 2009

ok.. I'm not going to pretent that I know all the inner workings of the windows generated code.. but it was lots easier on vb6.. so I have a program that I wrote.. one for one version of our product and one for a newer one.. the config screen is very similar
from A to B.. so now I'm trying to make one version that has A and B config screens and I'll show one or the other based on some other setup.. so I just did add existing and pulled in the config form from the other project.. but now I get lots of these type errors


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Forms - Copy Form As Template

Nov 22, 2009

What is the best way to copy a form? I have one form which has a lot of work and would now like to use this as a template for another form.

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Forms :: Add Text In Recursively Copy?

Jan 11, 2012

How do I recursively copy all files and directories? - vbCity - The .NET Developer Community

Now, I want to add a line to display text like: "Copying file xxxx" for each file being copied.

I created a label and code like

label1.text = sFileInfo.fullname (added it in "for each" loop)

but this code never fire until last file.

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Forms :: Copy And Rename From Subfolders?

Oct 21, 2011

I have an excel sheet with two columns. One column is the name of a file and the other column is a name that will be added to the filename once the file has been copied.

Column B = test.tif
Column A = find

The result will be = find_test.tif once the file has been copied and renamed......

All is good, however, it appears my program is not looking in subfolders and only in the main directory folder for the images.

What I have so far for the copy portion:

'copy the files specified in column 1 of the first sheet of the Excel workbook
'from the folder given by txtSrce to the folder given by txtDest
Dim xls As New Excel.Application


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Forms :: Copy Text From MessageBox?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a DataGridView and when user clicks on a row, a messagebox pops up with some value. I would like to copy some portion of this text from the messagebox. Is there a way to do it?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick


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Create A Data Forms With Forms Wizard In VB 2005?

Jan 21, 2010

How to create a data forms with the data forms wizard in VB 2005

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