Forms :: How To Refresh Browser Instance

Oct 4, 2010

Can we Refresh Browser Instance using VB.NET 2005

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Browser Is Made In VB And Get Rid Of Message Whenever Refresh " To Display The Webpage Again, The Web Browser To Resend The Information Previously Submitted"

May 27, 2011

I have been searching a lot online but couldn't find a solution for my problem. I want it to refresh every certain interval of time without this message to display. Now Ican't minimize my program because I'm putting an automatic Sendkeys.send("{Enter}") after the refresh to get rid of that message by clicking on "Retry".And If I minimize it the Enter will be executed on the active Window, which might be any other Window.

I hope that you understand what I mean, If not, I will clarify more.

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How To Refresh All Browser Tabs

Aug 29, 2011

For Each wb As WebBrowser In TabControl1.Controls
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

View 2 Replies - Server.Transfer Vs Refresh Of The Browser?

Aug 30, 2011

I created two forms in, there are test1.aspx and test2.aspx. The test1 page contains one submit button. If the user clicks this, I do transfer to the test2 page by using server.transfer method. In this situation, the browser will show the test2 page content but the address bar of the browser will show the test1 page location. When the user clicks the refresh button of the browser or F5, the test1 page is worked and the submit button is worked. I don't want to work this. I want to refresh the test2 page. How could I do that? I don't want to use response.redirect.

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Open An External Browser Window And Refresh It Inside Application?

Feb 27, 2012

We have an existing application. Upon an event, we need to open a browser window. I'm able to open the browser window like this:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://s3web01/suggestions?item=" + strItem + "&co=" + strOrder)

Upon another event, we need to refresh the browser window with different parameters for strItem and strOrder.

If I call the same code above, it opens a new tab in the browser window. Is there any way to refresh the same browser window that was previously opened?

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Refresh Parent Browser Window On GridView Page Change?

Apr 17, 2012

I'm using; I have a popup browser window that contains an databound gridview with textboxes. It has an "Add to Order" button which takes the values entered and updates the database, then closes the popup and refreshes the parent. This currently works perfectly using window.opener.document.forms[0].submit();self.close(); in a RegisterScriptBlock

I now need to update the database on gridview page chage so that textbox values are not lost. I put window.opener.document.forms[0].submit(); into the PageIndexChanging event of the datagrid, but it does not refresh the parent window. Refreshing the parent window with the order lines helps the user see what they have already ordered. My update database method runs fine, just not the parent browser refresh. I also tried "window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href" to no avail.Refresh parent browser window on GridView page change?

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Doc Opens In New IE Instance Not Web Browser Control?

Jan 18, 2009

I'm just starting to write a program to manipulate some intranet based databases using the web browser control, but have a problem with one specific database.I can log in from the start page of this database from my browser but it then opens in a new instance of IE (I think it's the java code (not java script) which does this when the page loads).How do I get it to open in my browser?OK, I can manipluate it with a doc object, but would prefer to do it in my browser for consistency, as the other databases open fine in my brower.I can't be more specific but could post the html text if necessary.Currently using the built in web control with VS2005 running on XP.

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Get Instance When .exe Or Browser Is Clicked To Open?

Jun 7, 2011

Actually i am a PHP/Mysql developer.i am newbie to and i am trying to develop a application which asks for a password when the user tries to open any.exe file

for example:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Tabbed Browser Instance Handling On Tab Delete

Mar 11, 2010

I've been creating a Tabbed Browser application and am wondering about the garbage collection. I've zeroed out all of the variables, but I am wondering about the instances of the browser I am using when creating and deleting tabs.


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Forms :: Web Browser Images - Save All Images Only Displaying On Any Web Page In My Browser?

Jul 5, 2011

i am creating a web browser using microsoft 2008 and i want to save all images only displaying on any web page in my browser. i have added check box to save images. browser.PNG when i click on check box , the browser will prompt to save only images files on web page.

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Forms :: How To Refresh Array List

Mar 15, 2009

How to refresh an array; I mean lets assume an array with some values. Now I just want to clear all the contents of array by clicking a button. That button will have the code like array.refresh.

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Forms :: Listbox Items Do Not Refresh?

Jan 15, 2010

I am adding an object to a Listbox which has the properties "ID" and "Text". I have set the "DisplayMember" property of the Listbox to "Text" and "ValueMember" to "ID".Everything works fine when I add a new item to the list, but when I edit the item and change the "Text" value, it is changing in the object but the Listbox still just showes the original value.I have tried calling ".Refresh" and ".Update" to see if they worked, but made no difference.I usually use VB6 for prototyping programs but decided to use VB.NET for this one. Did not realise VB.NET got shot of the "ItemData" property in the ListBox control.

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Forms :: Make A Frame On A Website Refresh With A New Src?

Jun 4, 2010

Im trying to make a frame on a website refresh with a new src.

This is my function in a seperate module PHP

Public Function StatusRead()
If Form1.WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
Dim theStatusCollection As HtmlElementCollection = Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("frame")


The flag is declared at class level in my form1.vb and the reason for the flag is to stop the frame endlessly refreshing

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Refresh Data Bound Controls In Win Forms?

May 20, 2010

I have a windows form with multiple TextBoxes that are bound to a DataSet of type XML. I load text into the textboxes using DataSet.ReadXML method in the form's load event.

I have another windows forms application which edits the XML contents in that XML file.

How do I force the textBox controls on this form to refresh once the XML datasource file items are changed?

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.NET Windows Forms Custom Designer Doesn't Refresh The Menu

Oct 26, 2011

I have created a custom designer (PannelloSfondoDesigner) for my custom control, a background panel (PannelloSfondo).

Public Class PannelloSfondo
Inherits UserControl


It works, I click the little arrow, the context menu appears:I click the menu item, the event is fired, the control is docked:but the menu description is not updated or refreshed (it should show "Undock from parent container"). Then if I click outside the control to deselect it and then I click back on the arrow to show the menu, the right menu item is displayed:How do I refresh the menu items?

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Forms :: Refresh Data In A Listview After Adding/deleting Or Updating A Record?

Jun 16, 2012

I have designed a form which contains a listview(to see the list records) and textboxes (used for adding or updating).an already save record into table using this

cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO student_info_tbl VALUES('" & txtUserId.Text & "','" & txtFirstName.Text & "','" & txtMiddleName.Text & "','" & txtLastName.Text _


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Pass String Between Forms Instance?

Sep 3, 2010

how to pass string between forms instance throw the instance it self not any other form

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Use An Instance Of A Class On Multiple Forms?

Aug 29, 2011

I don't know how to do this and I've googled this to death.

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Forms :: Form Does Not Open Correctly On Second Instance

Nov 13, 2010

I have a question that I hope to find a much more simpler solution to.I have two forms in my program which are named Main and Second. The Second form has several textboxs, buttons (some disabled) and comboboxes. When the Second form is opened via the Main form on the very first instance, everything works fine.

However, if I re-open the Second form after previously closing it, the disabled buttons are no longer disabled and the text controls and comboboxes show the previous values entered from the first instance which I do not want. How can I ensure that the Second form will be opened "clean" every time.

Currently I have to add instances to the onload event to do this to ensure that the form is cleared on the second instance.textbox1.text = ""textbox2.text = ""textbox3.text = ""button1.enabled = False

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Forms :: Open An Instance Of Explorer.exe In A Panel

Oct 24, 2008

I'm having a hard time getting this code to work, here's the code, I'm trying to open an instance of explorer.exe in a panel. Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Forms :: Chart (Series Colors, Graph Refresh On Timer, Etc) Application That Ties Into A SQL Database On The Back End

Dec 29, 2011

I am working on an application that ties into a SQL database on the back end. Currently the main form contains a series of combo boxes (Graph type, data format, location, and customer), two date pickers, and a button to launch the selections in a new form. Everything works just fine except there are a couple of things I can't seem to accomplish.

Example Data:


Case Select (with commented out lines for variations attempted):


1) I would like to be able to use some sort of case statement to color the bars in my chart based on value. I have tried approaching this in a couple of different ways but neither of the options seem to work. First, I tried this (the If Not is used because depending on what values are passed to the stored procedure in SQL, different columns will be returned):


Only one series is created with this method, so I can see how/why a Select Case would set all bars the same color. I have also tried creating a series for each row in the returned dataset but it results in 22 bars of different colors, for each of the rows (484 bars):


So is there any way to modify the second set of code there to only select the value from the "Percent TMHB" cell that corresponds with Row(i), rather than ALL values from the "Percent TMHB" column for EACH Row(i)?

2) Since I am drawing/creating these graphs in a new window, is there any way to also create a new timer on the "newFrm" and have the tick refresh the data? I've struggled with this but I feel like it should be easy. Say someone chooses a "TMHB", "Percentage", "Chicago", "All" (Graph type, data format, location, customer) and launches the graph, which opens in a new window, then they want to do "TMHB", "Percentage", "LA", "All" and have both windows up, refreshing automatically throughout the day. Can I somehow store the SelectCommand.Parameters values in the new form/timer so that it will query the database again every 5 minutes?

Example code for the StoredProcedure and creating the new form:

If combo_GraphType.SelectedItem = "TMHB" Then
Dim newFrm As New Form
Dim newChart As New Chart


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Forms :: Internet Explorer Object - New Instance To Be Opened

May 27, 2010

I am developing a application where a url is supposed to be passed to Internet Explorer using a search button. But if more than one url passes it should open in same instance. I dont want new instance to be opened every time. I am using SHDocVw.dll for the same. I have coded for opening a new IE instance and URL is getting passed successfully. But meanwhile if I close that open IE then I get exception and my program dont work.

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Forms :: Opening Childform Creates New Instance Of ParentForm

Dec 31, 2011

I am in the process of upgrading a VB6 Project to My problem is that when I open a child form in my project from within the Parent form a new instance of the Parent form is created. The code is fairly simple:

frmnewContract.MdiParent = Me

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Use Instance Or Form Name When Addressing Public Variables Between Forms?

Nov 17, 2009

In, you can address a public variable from another form using the form name along with the variable.
form2.k = 3

However, if you use a form variable to show an instance of the form, you must use that variable name to address the public variable. Two instances of the same form are displayed in the following example. The public variable k is assigned a value of 3 only in the first instance of the form, the one from frm.k can be used to assign a value to the other form.

dim frm as new form2
form2.k = 3

Assuming only one instance of the form is shown in the application, is it reliable to address a public variable using the form name (form2.k), or is it better to show the form with a form variable and use that to refer to the instance of the form (frm.k)? Would the same answer apply to a property as well as a public variable?

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Forms :: Get Text From Browser?

Nov 15, 2009

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentNavigated(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted


what i want is to extract the text placed between "<h2>Welcome, " and "</h2>".

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Forms :: Use AddTab(URL) To Add A New Tab With A Web Browser

Nov 29, 2009

I've created a tabbed web browser.

I use AddTab(URL) to add a new tab with a web browser.

The only problem I'm running into is that when I right click on a link and try to "open in new tab" that is not an available option.

so I need to be able to add that to the right click menu and then have it execute AddTab(URL) with the selected link.

Public Sub AddTab(ByRef URL As String, ByRef TabControl As TabControl)
Dim NewBrowser As New CustomBrowser
Dim NewTab As New TabPage


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Initialize A New Instance Of A Class, But Pass It To Other Forms Too For A Wizard Based App?

Dec 20, 2011

As an ameture developer, I've never really used classes. However, I've been reading about using classes and automatic properties. I have therefore created a class which looks similar to this:

Public Class Quote
Property QuoteNum as integer
Property AccNum as String
Property Price as Decimal
End Class

The stumbling part for me comes in the way of letting form2 know which class form1 has initialized. There are in this example 3 forms to this wizard. If someone starts another wizard whilst half way through the first wizard we need to keep the variables seperate hence using the class. I think I'm along the right track, but maybe confusing myself a little.


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Refresh Windows Form When Ever User Clicks Refresh Button?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???

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Forms :: Automating A Web Browser Window?

Dec 19, 2011

I am creating a small program that can automate the input to a web browser window, Like a survey filling bot but for my personal use,All I want to know is there any way to simulate a Mouse click for a particular element in a web browser window so that It can submit the form automatically ?

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Host Forms In On-form Web Browser?

Sep 30, 2009

I've done simple preliminary research without success--I'm posting now simply because time is an issue. I wanted to see if I could use the on-form web browser to pull up forms not on the server or internet, but locally hosted in the solution. Based on what the user selects in a combo box, I need certain parameters (any 5 are relevant out of approx 100 total). I was hoping to do this without a button--pulling up a form with command button is a last resort. Is this possible?

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