Forms :: Enable E.keyvalue Event When A Player Hits An Object?

Apr 29, 2011

im looking for some code that can enable a e.keyvalue event when a player hits an object on form but i also want the form to load with the e.keyvalue event disabled

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Forms :: VB App Terminates Before It Hits The Load Event

Mar 1, 2010

I have a simple app written using MS Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 and .NET framework version 3.5. This app simply queries a MySQL table into a dataset, makes a csv file from that data and then uses Oracle SQL*LDR to load a local Oracle table. Nice and simple.

This app runs fine on just about any computer or workstation I have tested it on with no issues but when I move it to the workstation it will live shuts down just before it hits the load event. I have tried to capture any errors but so far there do not seem to be any errors generated at any simply terminates with no explanation.

I even went so far as to recreate the project from scratch and still got the same result. this phenomenon only seems to occur on the very pc I am expected to deploy to.

the only thing I know for sure is that it is getting at least as far as the declaration section of the form. Once it has dimmed all objects/variables/ seems to just shut down.

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Handle An Object's Object Property Changed Event In .NET Windows Forms?

Jun 7, 2012

I know how to handle a single objects property changed event very easily. I want to handle a objects property changed event that is part of another object.

Given Object:

[ObjectY = Y]
+ Public WithEvents X As ObjectX

I would like to do something like:

Private Sub XPropertyChanged() Handles Y.X.PropertyChanged

Right now I need to create a object that equals the object inside that object and then handle this variable pointers property changed, but that is just annoying.

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Make Two Player Game That Allows You To Move Both Player Objects With The Same Event?

Jan 19, 2012

So I am trying to make a program that allows you to move two shapes using two KeyPress events, one to move the first object and another for the second. It works, but it can only move one of the two objects, not both at the same time.


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C# - Windows Media Player - Enable Play Button Without OpenFileDialog?

Oct 23, 2009

this is probably pretty simple, but I've noticed that when trying to start the Windows Media Player (AxWMPLib), it takes the "player.url = path", and only then does the player's Play-button get activated. Thing is, I want to play sound files taken from the URL of a column in a database. And when clicking on that row, the mediaplayer should update, making it's play-button clickable.

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One Combo Box Fills Another And Hits The Second Combo Box's Lost Focus Event?

Jun 7, 2012

Combo box 2 is filled based on a selection made in combo box 1 and a listview is populated based on the selection made in combo box 2.When the LostFocus event completes in combo box 1, it hits the LostFocus event in Combo Box 2 but it shouldn't. How do I prevent this from happening or if I can't prevent it, how do I work around it? The following is the code used.

Private Sub cboCategory_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategory.LostFocus


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Use SortedDictionary To Store 65,000 Keyvalue Pairs?

May 17, 2012

I'm thinking to use the SortedDictionary to store 65,000 set of keypairs and from time to time during my program execution, I need to retrieve the value from the this dictionary. May i know will there any concern especially in term of speed of execution if i use this method as above? Is there max. capacity that a dictionary can hold?

Previously, i was thinking to use a simple 2D array to do this, but it mights slow things down because in order to retrieve the value, i might need to loop through the whole array till i found the value that i want.

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Custom DataGridViewColumn - Error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, E As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)'

Jan 19, 2012

following code from c# to visual basic, and I'm coming up with the following error: 'Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs)' as an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.


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Disable A Specific Event And Enable Later?

Jun 1, 2009

I populate a DataGridView during a sub routine. Later in my code I have a RowEnter event for that DataGridView when the user is assessing it after it has been populated during the main procedure. However this RowEnter event gets fired while the DGV is being populate. I only want it to file AFTER its populated. Is it possible to disable this specific event while the DGV is being populated? I really want the user to have the ability to cursor up/down the DGV and see affects of the RowEnter Event. I know I can also use the CellEnter event but it does not have the same effect.

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Enable A Timer From A SerialPort_DataReceived Event?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to enable a timer from a SerialPort_DataReceived event. I can see that the timer is enabled, but the event does not fire. It's rather simple, but I need some help understanding why it doesn't run the code in TimerWait_Tick.


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Enable Keypress Event With ComboBox ?

Jun 2, 2011

We Could Easily Called A Functions By Pressing Enter In keypress Event. On textbox in Eg.:-

If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13) Then

Call Fsn()

End If

But. I can not called the functions on ComboBox. IN similar fashion. please help me to called a Funtion when we press ENTER IN ComboBox.

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Select / Enable An Object Based On Tag Value?

Feb 19, 2009

What I have is 4 datagridviews named dgv1, dgv2 etc.I also have a variable curr_player whose value is between 1 and 4. I would like to be able to enable one of the dgvs based on the value of the curr_player variable. I'm reluctant to to write select case for each time I want to do this so the question is can I enable one of these objects based on that variable?

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Select/enable An Object Based On Tag Value (or Name)?

Jan 1, 2010

What I have is 4 datagridviews named dgv1, dgv2 etc I also have a variable curr_player whose value is between 1 and 4. I would like to be able to enable one of the dgvs based on the value of the curr_player variable. I'm reluctant to to write select case for each time I want to do this so the question is can I enable one of these objects based on that variable? something like Datagridview(curr_player).enable=true

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VS 2010 Can't Enable A Timer From A SerialPort.DataReceived Event

Dec 16, 2010

So I just spent the last 4 hours trying to find out what was wrong with my code, just to find out that there's a bug in this version or I just don't have enough knowledge of VB2010 (I'm coming from VB6, this is my first program on 2010)I removed the rest of the code just to point out the problem, here it simply tries to enable the Timer1 when you receive data in the SerialPort1

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
If Me.Timer1.Enabled = False Then


After this I found that the code inside the Timer1 didn't run when the 100miliseconds passed, so I added a msgbox to see debug.

Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived
If Me.Timer1.Enabled = False Then


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Enabling/Disabling A ToolStripMenuItem Programmatically Does Not Enable/Disable The Object

Jul 15, 2009

I am developing an application with a DataGridView (dgvData) that requires a ToolStipMenuItem (tsmiSelectNetwork) of a ContextMenuStrip (cmsNetwork) to be enabled and disabled programmatically based on if the column is sorted or not.

I have set:

'tsmiSelectNetwork.Enabled = False' at runtime
'tsmiSelectNetwork.Text = Select All' at runtime
'dgvData.Columns(5).ContextMenuStrip = cmsNetwork' programmatically

When dgvData is sorted by column 5, tsmiSelectNetwork.Enabled should be set to True; when it is sorted by any other column, it should be set to False (see code below)

Private Sub dgvData_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgvData.Sorted
If Not dgvData.SortedColumn Is Nothing Then


The debug output indicates it is functioning properly, but what you seen on the screen is not.

I am using Visual Studios 2008, version 9.0.30729.1 SP; and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1; ContextMenuStrip version

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Windows Media Player Embedded Object - Conceal URL

Feb 16, 2011

What is the preferred method for embedding an audio player with a URL and hiding that URL from the user? I understand anything that gets to the client can eventually be seen by the client but I would like to know if anyone has any recommendations for this problem. What have you used for similar situations?

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Forms :: Enable A Radio Button In The Webbrowser?

Jul 1, 2009

I have three radioboxes in my form, when i click on one on them it shall change a language in the webbrowser.

Here is the HTML

<input type="radio" value="Engelsk" name="spraak" checked="checked" style="font-family: arial;"/>
<span style="font-family: arial;">From English </span>
<br style="font-family: arial;"/>


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Forms :: Enable Multiple Text Boxes?

Apr 7, 2010

I have 7 textbox's.

Names are


I need to do

For i = 1 to MyVar

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Forms :: Enable Cut, Copy And Paste Keyboard Shortcuts?

Nov 26, 2008

How do I enable Ctrl+C, Ctrl + X and Ctrl+V for textboxes in my application? I can copy, cut and paste by right-clicking the textbox but keyboard shortcuts won't work... Also, in the menu under Edit I have Cut , Copy, and Paste but they don't work either. Under the code for these buttons I see the following:

Private Sub CutToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CutToolStripMenuItem.Click
' Use My.Computer.Clipboard to insert the selected text or images into the clipboard
End Sub

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Forms :: Enable/Disable Button Related To ListBox?

Nov 16, 2009

How would I enable/disable a button if listbox become populated?

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Object Scope - Lose The Object In Selected Date Change Event In Calendar

Oct 18, 2010

If I declare my object at the beggining of my page class, and instantiate it in a dropdownlist selected_index change event. Shouldn't this object be available thru out the entire page and also persist thru a postback? I lose the object in my selected date change event in my calendar.


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Insert A Windows Media Player Object In My Form - Not The Control On My Toolbox ?

Apr 26, 2012

I want to insert a Windows Media Player object in my Form, but I have not the control on my Toolbox.

I have done the steps:

the Toolbox -> Choose item -> COM Components -> add Windows Media Player component
(which references to C:WindowsSystem32wmp.dll)

But there is not the control on my Toolbox.

In my project references I see "MediaPlayer" into "Imported namespaces" and it is checked. In the references window it is also present "Windows Media Player". Where is the error?

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Forms :: Media Player Stop And Pause?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem with media player playback control.. When I click stop button, it stopped, but when I cli

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VS 2008 WCF Media Player In Windows Forms

Nov 25, 2009

I thought that I would make a WCF based media player in a standard windows form so I whipped up the following:[code]The video loads ok when the btnLoadAndPlay button is pressed..However the uc.Stop in the btnStop_Click does not stop the video any ideas why this may be happening?

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Forms :: Enable/Disable MDI Parent Menu From Child Form?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm writing an MDI app in vs2010. The MDI form has the default MDIMenustrip menu with several menu items. Each has some subitems. None of the child forms have a menustrip defined. I thought it would be easy to call a public subroutine in the MDI that would disable or enable the MDIMenustrip items. If I execute the routine from the MDI form, the menu items disable/enable just fine. THe problem I have is when I call the routine from a child form. How can I control the MDI menu from a child form?

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Event Handler Code Cause A Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. Error (only Present On Live Server, Ok On Dev)?

Mar 4, 2010

Here is the code for the button click event;

Protected Sub CompetenciesButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CompetenciesButton.Click
Dim con As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("foo").ToString()


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Pos Explorer - Open, Claim And Enable During Program Startup Then Use The Device On Certain Forms?

Apr 20, 2012

When using POS explorer, everytime I claim my receipt printer it takes a few seconds. My question is how can i claim the device at program startup then share the device between forms? Meaning I want to open, claim and enable during program startup then use the device on certain forms.

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Allow The User To Enable Or Disable A Textbox By Clicking Either A Button (enable) Or The Reverse?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to allow the user to enable or disable a textbox by clicking either a button (enable) or the reverse. (disable) if the user clicks the enable button the textbox should receive the focus.

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ApplicationExit Event And Cancel Event In App With No Forms?

Jan 20, 2010

ApplicationExit Event and Cancel event in app with no forms?

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Call Another Forms Event Procedures Event

Nov 24, 2010

I have two forms: main and sub

I need to access the even procedures like textchanged,lostfoucs,changeindex of sub form so that it can be used in main form all controls placed in sub form are included in main form and hold same name and values as of sub form how should i call it from main form to access all procedure of sub form

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