ApplicationExit Event And Cancel Event In App With No Forms?

Jan 20, 2010

ApplicationExit Event and Cancel event in app with no forms?

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Cancel Save Event - E.cancel

Sep 21, 2011

i want to do this: when user click save button, the form must be check first..

if user did not insert the required data, user are not allow to save form..

the code:

Private Sub AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AssetMasterBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Call Another Forms Event Procedures Event

Nov 24, 2010

I have two forms: main and sub

I need to access the even procedures like textchanged,lostfoucs,changeindex of sub form so that it can be used in main form all controls placed in sub form are included in main form and hold same name and values as of sub form how should i call it from main form to access all procedure of sub form

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ComboBox Cancel SelectedIndexChanged Event?

May 21, 2009

I have a ComboBox that contain ProductIDs and a DataGridView that lists Categories which a product can be a member of. My DataGridView list ALL categories, however, it has a checkbox column that get checked when the ProductID is a member of that Category, otherwise it is unchecked. A user may also check or uncheck a category checkbox then save.

The problem is, if a user forgot to save before changing the ComboBox, then his changes on the previous ProductID is gone How can I give the user a chance to either save or ignore the changes done on the previous ProductID (before selecting a new ProductID)?I searched the internet for an answer and I found the following code but it is in C# and I am not sure if it solves the problem or not!


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C# :: Reliable Way To Cancel ItemCheck Event On CheckedListBox?

May 4, 2012

Does anyone know of a reliable way to cancel the ItemCheck event on a CheckedListBox? I am in a situation where the ItemCheck event should basically discard changes on a form, however, if the person decides to cancel the discard I would like the ItemCheck event not to fire so as not to change anything.

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Cancel A Form Loading In Its Load Event?

Oct 18, 2010

what's the best way to stop a form from displaying in its Load event.I initialise a form using the following code:

Dim MyForm as new MyCustomForm

In the Load event of MyCustomForm, I ask the user to select a folder and use that to populate a listbox on the form.folder.If the user presses Cancel instead of selecting a folder, I don't want to display the form. Right now, I just call Me.Close in the Load event, but that still causes the form to briefly appear and disappear in the background. Also do I need to call Me.Dispose?

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Regex - Cancel Handler On A KeyUP Event?

May 11, 2012

There a way to use e.Cancel () on a keyup event?

I'm trying to validate a textbox with a Regex and I need to cancel the event if it no meets the Regex expression, or delete the key pressed to meet so that the expression

For Example:

Dim rex As Regex = New Regex("^[0-9]{0,9}(.[0-9]{0,2})?$")
Private Sub prices_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Textbox1.KeyUp,


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Button - .NET: MessageBox With YesNoCancel - No & Cancel Triggers Same Event?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a message box with YesNoCancel button..

Pressing Yes will do some action and close the app - works fine,
Pressing No will do nothing and close the app - (see below),
Pressing Cancel will Do nothing and keep the app open - (see below).

I'm using DialogResult.No for No button and DialogResult.Cancel for cancel button. But pressing either of them triggers DialogResult.Cancel event. Whats the problem?

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Cancel The Input On Textchange Event Depending On A Condition?

Jun 18, 2009

i want to cancel the input on textchange event depending on a condition, how? for example, as user type in textbox, it fires textchange event, in that i want to do some condition testing, if value is true then accept new character or cancel the new input.

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Control Cancel Event Of Cyrstal Report Print?

Jun 21, 2010

I have written a code to print the crystal report instead of using print button in the crystal report viewer control.(I have done this in order to keep record of printed pages.) So, now there is a print button in my form, which upon clicked will show the printer select dialog box to print the crystal report pages. Now I need to track the event when user presses the Cancel button shown in the print dialog box?

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Radio Button Checked Change Event Cancel

Mar 9, 2011

I have two radio buttons. I fhte user swtich between radio buttons, I need to popup warning message and if user confirm, then only I need to swtich to next radio button. Otherwise I shouldnt switch. I am using CheckedChanged event. As by the time I popup warning message, control is already switched. I tried adding and removing event handler.


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VS 2005 - How To Cancel Arrow Buttons Event (TabControl)

May 23, 2009

When I click the left or right arrow buttons on the keyboard my tabcontrol tabpage changes from one tab to another. How can I cancel the arrow buttons from changing the tab pages? In other words how can I disable the arrow buttons when the tabpage has focus? Is it possible to do this without extending the base class?

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VS2008: Unable To Cancel Tabpanel Validating Event?

Jul 21, 2009

Winforms, VS2008 I have a mainform that has 2 usercontrols: UC1 and UC2.UC1 has a treeview with treenodes. UC2 has tabControl with few tabPages. Selecting different nodes displays different details view in the TabControl's TabPages. What I need is canceling the event when the user has selected a node in the treeview, then he selects another node (i want to be able to cancel this last event:selecting another node, all depending on a certain logic)I mean: When the user is working on a tabpage in the tabControl, when he clicks on a different node in treeview (different from the currently selected node), before displaying the new node's details in the TabControl, I perform some logic, then depending on that logic, I set

e.cancel = true in the UC2 Validating event handler. (Rememebr UC2 includes the TabControl and the user, supposedly, has the focus on a control somewhere in TabControl)

But mysteriously, the event gets never canceled and the user still moves to the next node, displaying its details in the TabControl, although I set e.cancel = true.

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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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C# - Difference Between Load Event,Activate Event And Enter Event In The Form?

Mar 30, 2009

I am using VB.NET for Windows applications. What is the difference between Load event,Activate event and Enter event in the Form and in which order the above event is executed.

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Override An Event - TextChanged Event Not To Be Triggered When The CellClick Event Occurs?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to validate a few things in a form I'm building. It has a datagrid with clients info (taken from an access database) and a few textboxes where the user can type some search criteria. The thing is that those same textboxes are used to add new clients to the database and to modify a client's information if one from the datagrid is selected, so I made it that the buttons to insert and modify clients are disabled on load and thenevery time the text on a textbox changes ("TextChanged" event) they become enabled. So far so good. But then I wanted to make it so when a client from the datagrid is selected both buttons become disabled again until the text on a textbox changes (to make sure they're adding a different client and not the same one that was

I tried using the CellClick event from the datagrid to disable the buttons, but since every time a client is selected from the datagrid the info is shown on the textboxes, this triggers the TextChanged event too, and the buttons become available.So, is there a way I can tell the TextChanged event not to be triggered when the CellClick event occurs?

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Cancel Fires But Other Code Also Fires When A Click Event Occurs?

Mar 9, 2012

A form has many buttons. One of those buttons contains code to update the TableAdapterManager. One of the many TextBox controls has code in a Validating event handler. There is code to make sure a US phone number is formatted properly.If the user tabs out of the TextBox the Validating code works perfectly and show a message to the user if the phone number is not properly formatted and the focus is place in the offending TextBox.If the user clicks on a button that has code to update the TableAdapterManager the Validating code fires but instead of focus remaining on the offending TextBox, the code in the button Click handler also fires.

I would like to stop the button code from firing.Here is the code for the Validating event of the TextBox:

Private Sub TextBoxPrimaryPhone_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles TextBoxPrimaryPhone.Validating
' Make sure the phone is formatted correctly.


What additional coding to I need to include so focus remains on the TextBox?

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Cancel The Delete Activity From Within The Delete Click Event?

Feb 5, 2006

I have a BindingNavigator and combobox tied to the same BindingSource. I want to allow the user to confirm a delete after hitting the delete button of the navigator. It appears that the row gets marked for deletion after my BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_Click event handler is processed. Is there no way to cancel the delete activity from within the delete click event? If not, then it becomes necessary to store a delete flag and catch another event to RejectChanges.

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.net - Event Handler Is Never Called Because The Original Event Is Raised In Another Event Handler?

Apr 18, 2011

The event handlers in my parent class are never called though the events are raised in the child class.

The Code:

Public Class childForm
Public Event checkboxchangedEvent(ByVal checkbox1 As Boolean, ByVal checkbox2 As Boolean)
Private Sub checkboxchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


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Airline Reservation Application - Creat An Event Handler For The FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged Event?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm trying to complete this airline reservation application, but having a problem in this part of the question:Creat an event handler for the FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged event: select FlightBindingSource in the class Name combobox then select position changed in method name combobox to creat the FlightBindingSource's PositionChanged event handler. Write a code to access the currently displayed flight object and pass its flightNumber to method DisplayPassengers as a decimal.This Is my code so far:


Public Class AirlineReservationForm
Private database As New ReservationsDataClassesDataContext()
Private Sub FillAll()[code].....

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[Timer] Trigger Event Manually - User Must Wait For A Minute Before The Event Is Triggered

Feb 12, 2010

Eg. """ timer event trigger on purpose". This application is meant to run at all times to download a web page every minute. To avoid freezing the UI, I read that the best solution is to move the code from a While/Sleep loop to a Timer that will be triggered every minute. The problem I have, is that the user must wait for a minute before the event is triggered:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Interval = 60000
Timer1.Enabled = True


Is it possible to force this event to occur instead of waiting for it?

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How To Force Form Load Event On Form2 From Click Event On Form1

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to execute different code depending on the button clicked (button 4 or 5) on Form1, but when I click on button5 to activitae the code on the Form2's Load event everything is Ok, but when I click the back button to return to Form 1 and click on the Button4 to activate the code on the Form2's Load event again, it doesn't active the Form's Load event, is there a way to form the form load event every time I access it from Form1? [code]

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Make Sure 'ProgressChanged' Event Executes Completely Before Executing 'RunWorkerCompleted' Event Of Background Worker

Sep 20, 2010

Starting from my understanding about Background worker control, I understands that the background worker runs the code in its "DoWork" method in a seperate thread, while ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted events are executed on the main thread.In my senerio, I report the progress and under an specail condition my application displays a message box to the user in "ProgressChanged" method using MessageBox.Show(). and in "Run Worker Completed" event the application finalize some work. There the sequence is important, suppose that the message is of Yes or No type and finalization depends on it. Now when i run my application, the background worker triggers "ProgressChanged", but as soon as backgroundWorker's cancelAsync() is called the program leaves the current "ProgressChanged" method and executes "RunWorkerCompleted" code first.How can i make sure that the "Run Worker Completed" code executes only after the completion of ProgressChanged method.

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Disable Scroll Event Of Listbox After The Keydown Or Keypress Event?

Apr 9, 2010

Programming language is

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Event Argument For The Form Click Event Has The Type "TimedEventArgument"?

Dec 23, 2009

As you noticed, in the code bellow, the event argument for the form click event has the type "TimedEventArgument".When the event is raised, e.Time holds the time where the form was clicked.Add the missing code in the class Form1 to make this work.You will not change anything to the methods "Form1_Click" or "Form1.Load".You will not use Option Strict On. HOWEVER, you will not do any narrowing or late binding that wouldn't have been allowed if Option Strict was on.You cannot create any new Class, Structure or Module.You cannot cast the EventArgs to TimedEventArg in any way


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Event Handler For Dynamic Controls - Add An Click Event To Labels

Oct 20, 2009

Below I create an array of labels. I would like to add an click event to my labels. Can someone point me in a direction?


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Get Information About A Processes When An System Process Event Is Raised An Event

May 17, 2012

I am making a function of an application that when a function is called the application will close all processes that are owned by the user and were started after a specific point. My thoughts on this would be to trigger an event in my application every time a process is started and ended, and only if the processes is owned by the user, the event should get information (e.g. the process ID, name, etc) about that process and add or remove that information to/from an array depending on if the process starts or ends. Then when a function is called end all the processes in that array.


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LEAVE Event And LOST FOCUS Event When Entering Data

Feb 9, 2011

I have a Visual Basic Program that, when I enter data into a textbox, uses LEAVE events to update it. However, it will not update until I go to another textbox or press a button or other similar control.This also happens when using the LOST FOCUS event.How can I make the textbox update (be it doing a financial recalculation or some other custom function) happen when the user clicks/tabs out of the textbox and NOT having to click on a button or into another textbox?Do you recommend having a separate button for performing the custom functions?

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VS 2005 Text Box Leave Event And Button Click Event?

Jun 30, 2009

Can i Know how to catch between these 2 event, Leave and Click?

I have one checking in a textbox Leave event. I will go check whether this ID is already exist in DB or not. If exist, I will prompt MSG box to user.

When I click on Close button while focus is on textbox, this textbox Leave Event will trigger first before Button Click event.

So, the form remains open without trigger Button Click event.

how to prevent this textbox leave event or how can i catch/control this situation?

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VS 2008 Call KeyUp Event From MouseUp Event For A Textbox?

Aug 16, 2010

In VB6 we had a code inside textBox_MouseUp to call textBox_KeyUp(-1, 0) and the signature of KeyUp was
Private Sub textBox_KeyUp(ByRef KeyCode As Short, ByRef Shift As Short) Handles textBox.KeyUp

Now when I migrate to .NET I changed the KeyUp event to Private Sub textBox_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles textBox.KeyUp

How can I do this call textBox_KeyUp(-1,0) now from textBox_MouseUp event?

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