Forms :: Error "system.argumentException; Column 'test_id2' Does Not Belong To Table Table
Mar 24, 2009
I am getting the error "system.argumentException; Column ' test_id2' does not belong to table Table. At System.Data.GetDataColumn( string columnname0 at columnName).
This error is occuring right after I set the parametervalues in the report object of the Crystal report.(Note this a visual 2005 windows form application.)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cryRpt As New ReportDocument
Dim sql As String
The value for the first parameter @Parm_1d1 value to the crystal report version 11 is correct. However, when trying to access the second @Parm_1d2 parameter ,the values past to the crystal report is not correct.
I have a routine in a custom class that is assigning values to an object based on data from a table row. However, several tables may be used to update these values and only have some of the fields in common. Therefore, I want to check each field value to make sure it exists before I attempt to access it's value to assign to my object. However, I am getting the error "Column x Does Not Belong To Table."
'error occurs on first line If Not memberRow.Item("nickname") Is Nothing Then returnval.NickName = Trim(memberRow.Item("nickname").ToString) End If
I have data codes in the format abcd123, abcd345,... present in the table Info of database.I want to drop abcd from code and display remaining code in a combobox of datagridview.
Dim dsCodeList As New DataSet Dim dtCodeList As New DataTable
It is giving error at first statement inside for loop saying Column Code Does not belong to Table Info.If i write simple query without use of right function and use dtCodeList.Rows(i).Item("Code").substring() to ignore first 5 characters, it works well.
I have a form to set reminders on it. When I write a 1 reminder, everything works well. But when I write 2 reminders in same time, it comes this message.(Column 'Reminder_Time' does not belong to table Reminder.)
Dim i As Integer TextBox3.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() TextBox4.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString[code]......
I have the following code running, the first time I change the selected index, everything runs smoothly. However, if I try to change the selected index again, nothing happens and the subcategories combobox values do not change.
Private Sub cboMainCategory_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboMainCategory.SelectedIndexChanged '* make sure the combobox is fully loaded
I got some simple sql statement to see a record but I get an error - column does not belong to table...
Here's my
Dim mydataset As New DataSet mystring = "select max(NoteRef) as max_NoteRef from notes" Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(mystring, nwindconn) adapter.Fill(mydataset, "notes") Label1.Text = mydataset.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("NoteRef")
I am writing an app in VB2010. My code parses a text file, assigns data to variables My? and then attempts to store this data in an access 2010 table. Yet, whenever my code gets to MyRow.Item("Artist") = MyArtist I get an error 5 'Artist' does not belong to Table T, but the field/column does exist in the table as do all the others.[code]...
In this screen I want to let the user decide which elements are on shown on a label. When I hit the update button (BDUpdate_Click; see below), it first checks whether the Barcode sample text is empty. Afterwards I want to invole the refresh of the label preview. The strange thing is that the first time it works fine, but when I alter the sample text and hit the button again, I get the Error "System.ArgumentException was unhandled. Parameter is not valid." The error points to the DrawSting function in the LabelPreview_Paint Sub
Dim BarcodeLabelUpdate As Boolean Private Sub BDUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BDUpdate.Click If BDBarcodeSample.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please enter a sample text", MsgBoxStyle.Information Or MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, ProgramTitle)
I get the Following Error: Cannot add or insert the item 'Cake' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it Parameter name: item.I am trying to copy all the items in one column of a ListView to another Listview.
I would like to know how to filter out system tables and only return user tables .when i run the code it displays lists of system tables with user tables list in combobox.I have just gotten into and have tried few ways to do this but dont understand well enough.
Let's say, I have something like a table in the WebBrowser component, it's not actually a table, because the data organized in flash, but, it's organized like a table, it has like rows and columns. You can see more in the attached file. Can I transform this text organized as table into DataGridView or some another tool that serves as table. like_a_table.JPG
I am using the following code to insert record into my database but I keep getting the "Error while inserting record on table...Invalid column name 'xxx'." but when I tried to issue the command in SQL server: INSERT Movie_Table VALUES(100, 'Avatar');
Private Sub store_Data() Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim iCounter As Integer
I have a table adaptor that pulls from the sql database, when I edit the table adaptor query it makes this specific table adaptor not a part of the dataset. I have added a column to my database which will contain an integer, when I try to add this column to the query this error occurs, i am using the configure area of the table adaptor. Error 'AuditProductsTableAdapter' is not a member of 'MemKingClient.MemKingDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager'.
I have a form in an application that I'm building that shows a datagridview with the last field being a checkbox. What I'm attempting to do is if the user clicks on the checkbox and then clicking on "Save Changes" all of the fields on that datagridview row (except the first field) is then saved to a database. I have the following
Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
Here is the code I am playing around I am getting error populating the table cells into my listview. In my codes it is always add only in one cloumn in my lv.
Private Sub DumpTables() Dim t, c As Integer ' Used to count tables and cells. Dim IWebDocument As HTMLDocument
I have a data table whose one column is related to a column of another table. I have a listbox in a form which shows a column (which is sorted by another column value by ORDER clause) of the parent table and other columns are in textboxes. The child table is represented by a datagrid. When I add a new item in parent table and click save, the newly created item is listed at the bottom of the listbox violating my ORDER clause. When I wrote some codes to fill data again after updating, it shows an error message[code]...
I have error. How I can fix this? My error message is "The value for column 'Type' in table 'Fields' is DBNull."
Dim adapterFields As New _MyDatabase_1DataSetTableAdapters.FieldsTableAdapter Dim fieldsRow As _MyDatabase_1DataSet.FieldsRow For Each fieldsRow In adapterFields.GetDataByCategory(Me.ComboBoxCategory.SelectedValue) msgbox(fieldsRow.Type) Next
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll it also says make sure you do not have infinate loop or infinate recursion il give all code in order that they are executed in Check the chechbox and it disables all irelevent stuff and populates the combobox
Private Sub CheckBox_Spray_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox_Spray.CheckedChanged If Me.CheckBox_Spray.Checked = True Then
I made a program with Visual Basic Express 2008. I got this error message when I try to close my program after running it. (PS: It is a simple code that can login into Microsoft SQL Server)The error message shows the error was caused by the "system.drawing" (Parameter is not valid). Also, I have been trying the code in VBA (Excel). When I tried to close Excel after running my code, I got the same problem (Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and need to be closed.....) and the error report shows the error was caused by "system.drawing" as well.