Get Excel Cell By Row NUMBER And Column Letter?

Jul 19, 2011

In VB.NET, using Interop.Excel, I need to access a cell based on a row number and column letter. I tried my luck with...

pages.title = DirectCast(wksht.Cells(rows, "D"), Excel.Range).Value

Since the parameters took type object, I figured maybe this would work, but got no luck. I also thought of enumerating each letter to a number, but the columns in the spreadsheet aren't as normal. Meaning, they're not


They're actually...


I don't know if this makes a difference in the numbering of the columns. The question should be obvious, but just to reiterate, how can I get a cell based on a row number and column letter?

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Change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format To Number No Decimal?

May 26, 2011

VB.NET code to change Excel 2007 Column Cell Format from Text to a Number no Decimal.

Right now Column F shows values that look like


Manually changing it to a Number with No Decimal shows the correct value.

Of course I would like to automate this.

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Get Column Letter In Excel?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm using the following code to search an excel document for the highest value within a range. What I need is to get the column letter that corresponds with that MAX value.

xlTemp.Workbooks.Open("http://somesite/" & String.Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}", DateTime.Today.AddDays(7)) & ".csv")
xlTemp.Visible = False


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Update An Excel Cell By Using The Cell Name - Not The Row And Column?

Jun 7, 2010

I would like to update an Excel cell using the cell name, such as "A1", instead of using the row and column, such as (3,2). I haven't been able to do it. Here is the code I used to update the cell by row and column. How would this code be updated so that it updates the cell by cell name instead?


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Trim Each Cell In Excel Column

Mar 11, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that I need to trim 3 columns. I have scoured the net but can't find anything that I've been able to use to trim each cell in columns A, H and I. I am using Excel 2003 and VS2005.

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.net Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Active Cell + 1 Column?

May 25, 2012

I have code that will plus Row but need help with pluse column.Full code snippets:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ButtonTab_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonTab.Click
Dim MyExcel As New Excel.Application


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Sql - Query Excel Using ADO When A Column Name Is A Number

Feb 8, 2011

I am using VB.NET to query via SQL an Excel spreadsheet using ADO. The general way is like this: SELECT [firstname], [secondname] FROM [Sheet1$] Which works perfectly
However, one of the headings is called 3, so I want to do: SELECT [firstname], [secondname], [3] FROM [Sheet1$] However, this does not work. I know I can use * to get all columns, but later on I want to use (using dataReader): dr("3") which won't work

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Get Total Number Of Rows And Column From Excel?

May 24, 2012

Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWBa As Excel.Workbook
oWBa = oApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFile)


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Importing Excel Sheet - Date And Number Column Showing Blank

Jun 8, 2011

I am Importing a Excelsheet(xls) in to my Application, but the date and Number column showing blank in dataset when comes to application. The values are there in Excel. Any other way to import the excel sheet to application, so that i should get all the values same as there in the excel sheet.

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Display The Column Header And Cell Value Of The Clicked Cell In The Data Grid?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to display the column header and cell value of the clicked cell in the data grid. For example if I click Argentina from the country column, the text box will display country = Argentina.So far the code I have is, please help me figure out the code for displaying the information in the text box

sender As


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Select A Record (A Cell) In The Column 'Dog And Have The Text Of That Cell Appear In A Textbox?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using something call ultragrid in my program.The program works as a mini-record keeping area (Like any datagrid, really). Well, I am adding a history to it and it allows the user to see the last 50 records searched. They get a grid showing the records. This, thus far, works perfectly What I want to do is this: I want to select a record (A cell) in the column 'Dog and have the text of that cell appear in a textbox. This is what I've tried with no success.

Private Sub HistoryTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HistoryTextBox.TextChanged
If ugHistoryButton.ActiveRow.Cells("Dog").Selected = True Then


It just doesn't seem to want to transfer over when I select the cell in the 'Dog' column.

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C# - -copy A Formatted Cell In Excel To A Table Cell In Word Using .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc as a template. It has a table at the top which I can copy to the end of the doc, add rows as needed, and fill in the word table cells with the data from the excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, all the formatting disappears. All I get is the text itself.

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Office Automation :: Loop Through Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Oct 4, 2009

I have user form that copies data form on excel sheet to anther after the paste takes place.I need to perform a cleanup process. If the cell Value = N/A or the Cell formating is Strike thruIt need to1) Cut the Entire row 2) Shift the Row up3) Then paste the cut row into an anther sheet in the workbook

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Loop Thur Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Sep 30, 2009

I have and form that Copies form on excel sheet to anther after the Paste takes place I need to perform a cleanup process. I need to cut the entire row, Shift Rows up, and paste it in anther sheet in the workbook if the value is N/A or the formatting is strike Thur. I am having trouble figuring out the code here is where I got to.

'Declared Stuff
Dim wbTemplateSAS As Excel.Workbook
Dim rangevalue As String = LastRowtx.Text - FirstRowtx.Text + 9


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Gridview Cell - Goto To Cell Which Row = 3 And Column Is 4?

Oct 17, 2011

using code, how can i goto to cell which row = 3 and column is 4?

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Assign Letter To A Number?

Dec 17, 2009

Public col, nmb, x, y, z As Variant
Public hw(17) As Variant
Public buses(17, 200), sht, dt, nme, per, rnk As String


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Concatenate And Number And A Letter?

Nov 28, 2010

Ok I am a newbie and I need to concatenate a number and an integer. Can somebody give me a idea on how to accomplish the following/I need to take the number (which is an integer from a simple math function) and the letter A and create something like "A10" or "A45" or "A123". Can someone please give me a tip on how to accomplish this?The program creates the integer by using the value of a drop down box and a reference number of 9. The maximum value will be 109 and the minimum is 10. It needs to be combined with the letter A, which does not change.

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Converting Letter 'A' To Number 0 Vb?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a string "abc defg h"I wanted to translate each letter into the corresponding number for example 'A' as '00', 'B' as '01'eg'hello' --> '06 04 10 10 14'ps would a dictionary at all with this?

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Replace A Number With A Letter?

Oct 21, 2009

I've been looking at this for a while and I'm stumped. I'm under the impression that if I use strOpass = strOpass.Replace(":d", "Z") that I should be seeing any numbers that a user inputs the code line there will return a Z. It's not working and I don't understandI've also tried "[0 - 9]" and :z, but the program is still returning the original input.B is not giving me a hard time over that line ( no errors or warnings. ) The other statements work just fine and return a X just like they should. Here is the entire block of code:

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim strOpass As String


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Specify A Number Or Letter With Their Ascii Value?

Aug 19, 2011

How do I use key_down event in my is so sucking I have seen so many codes on google but none of them working I dont understand where its going wrong


2) can anyone post a sample of these "a textbox that allows only numbers from user using key_down"

3) I see people using e.keychar but in my I dont have that keyword I guess e.keycode must be used is that right? or e.keyvalue?

4) I see e.keycode = keys.A but I need to accept 'a' not "A" How do I specify a number or letter with their ascii value ?

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Putting A Value In A Cell Via The Column Name When The Column Is Added At Runtime?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a datagridviewrow and add data to it at runtime. I want the row to have the cells correspond to the columns in a datagridview, so that when I add data to the cells i can call the column name (the columns are likely to change around, so i think the name is better to use then the index).I create the row using the following code:

Dim row As New DataGridViewRow

and the column using the following code:

Dim col As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
col.HeaderText = "Reference"
col.Name = "Reference"
datagrid.Columns.Insert(0, col)

I would like to add data to the row via the following code (or something similar that uses the column name instead of the index:

arow.Cells("Reference").Value = Detail.Reference

However at runtime I get the exception Column named Reference cannot be found. Parameter name: columnName I have a sneaking suspicion that the cells cannot be accessed with the column name because the row isnt really attached to columns yet (the row hasnt been added to the datagridview yet. (I tried cloning the cells of a row and then adding them to the row but no success)?

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IDE :: Make Validation In Txtbox Only Allow Letter And Number?

Jul 31, 2010

How to make validation Only Allow letters and Numbers to Input, without any special character in Textbox

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Count The Number Of Times Letter A - E Is In The Input String?

Mar 16, 2010

input = "my mother is a great lady" output = A -3, B - 0, C - 0, D - 1, E - 2

I wanted to count the number of times letter A - E is in the input string.

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SQL Match On Letter And Number Arrangement Without Using Regular Expressions

Feb 21, 2011

Is it possible to write an SQL statement for MySQL which finds all rows which match a specific arrangement of letters/numbers without using REGEXP? i.e. SELECT myCol FROM myTable WHERE myCol='{number}{number}{letter}'Should return 12X and 34Y but not 123X or 34YY..SQL match on letter and number arrangement). The difference is that I have discovered that I cannot use regular expressions with the ADO.Net driver I am using. Whatsmore, I cannot update it since I am using Visual Studio 2003 which is not compatible with later versions.]

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FluentNhibernate And Table/column Name Capital Letter Preservation And Escaping?

Mar 17, 2012

Question regarding fluent nHibernate table mappings:Apparently I was under the mistaken impression, that with an ORM tool, such as nHibernate, one could gain database independence - at least in table creation.Now, I have an automated toowhich creates fluent nHibernate mappings for me.It also works fine (though only if ALL tables have a primary key...)

Here a good representative example for such a mapping as it is created by the program
public class ELMAH_ErrorMap : ClassMap<ELMAH_Error>


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VS 2008 Enter Only 7 Numbers And A Letter - Passport Number Into The Textbox

Oct 26, 2010

I have a customer form and want the customer to enter a passport number into the textbox and want to limit them to enter only 7 numbers and a letter.

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Create An Array And Textbox & Button - Consisting Of One Thousand Number And Letter

Apr 16, 2011

I want to ask about the VB. NET Array

I want to create an array and Textbox & Button Array consisting of one thousand number and Letter( one thousand )

From 0 - 9
From A - Z

When i press on Button, I want to see one thousand random number Every time the numbers must changed! Except the location 400 and 410 for example i want to see in the location 400 " 7 " for example and in the location 410 "Y" for example

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Display The Number Of Times A Specific Letter Occurs In A Word O Phrase

Dec 2, 2007

I'm learning to Program in school and i use 2003. Im trying to create a letter count application that displays the number of times a specific letter occurs in a word o phrase. (uppercase lowercase letters should not be counted) I started out by doing the folllowing:


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Get A Number Into A Cell But As A String Not A Number?

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to get a number into a cell but as a string not a number. For example if I have the number as '12345678901234' instead of putting that exact number in it changes it to ' 1.23457E+13 '. How do I get it to read it as a string and not an integer? Here is the code that I am using.

num As String
If pRow.IsProjectNumNull = False Then


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Ort The Column Like A Normal Number-column With Automatic Sortmode?

Sep 5, 2010

I wrote a function to format numbers like this: 123456100,12 -> 123.456.100,12 (I have a function too, which converts numbers from this strings).Now, I have a dgv and a column with these numbers (or rather strings). The sort mode is set to automatic. If I sort the column, it doesn't work, because the values are not really numbers, but strings. But I get the same result (the sorting doesn't work), if I use the formatnumber function (this returns strings too).

I could use the programmatic sort mode and before sorting I format the strings to numbers, then sort the column, and then format the numbers like above. But this is a bit slow (the dgv has appr. 800 rows), and in this case, I haven't an arrow next to the column header it possible to sort the column like a normal number-column with automatic sortmode?

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