Get WebBrowser Txt To TextBox?

Dec 1, 2009

How To Get WebBrowser Txt To TextBox: How I Can Get WebBrowser1 ALL TEXT To TextBox1

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Display Webbrowser URL To Textbox?

Oct 31, 2009

I would like to know how to display the URL from the webbrowser to a textbox for people to know where they're going.

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Get Text From Webbrowser To Textbox?

Jan 30, 2009

I have a label in the webbrowser. called "R_Email"

i know how to write text from the textbox to the web, but i need the opposite, hwo can i read the "R_Email" [its a textbox in the web].. how can i read the R_Email to my textbox.

for example. lets assume in the R_Email textbox. i typed: "Hello!"i want to click a button. and then the textbox1.text will be "Hello!" ((or whatever i wrote on the R_Email text))

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HTML From Textbox To Webbrowser?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm in the middle of a program, and this one is completely stumping me.GOAL: user enters HTML into a text box, presses a button, and the webbrowser displays the page resulting from the code.

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Include Textbox Value In WebBrowser URL?

Feb 4, 2011

I am creating a program to do an enormous amount of tasks, and I'm embarrassed to say this is the only thing I'm having trouble with!

I have a TextBox, with an id of 'reg'. Now, i also have a button (button1). On button click, i want it to open a separate Windows Form that has a web browser in it. (That's the easy part!).

I also make it navigate to a certain URL, which has a search function. What i am trying to do, is have VB give the value of the textbox (reg.Text) to the web browser, INSIDE the URL.[code]...

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Make WebBrowser As TextBox?

Jul 6, 2007

Can I make WebBrowser as TextBox, so I can write in it when the project is running?

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Using Proxy In A Textbox With WebBrowser

Sep 6, 2010

I am trying to figure out how I can have proxies in a textbox, "Textbox1.Text", used to connect in the WebBrowser control. Also a way to check if the proxy is still any good or not.


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WebBrowser - Allow Chars In Textbox

Mar 11, 2010

Well I made another thread but I know how to make textbox allowed chars but is possible with web browsers? Like if f1 - f12 is pressed then nothing happen like nothing have been touch.

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How To Activate A Textbox In The Webbrowser Control

Mar 23, 2008

how do i activate a textbox in the webbrowser control? I have this code to navigate to the webpage but it does send the keys since the textbox in the webbrowser is not activated:

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Random Number To Textbox In Webbrowser?

Mar 3, 2010

Trying to send random number to text box in a web page. Can't figure it out.

Dim rand As New Random()
Dim number = rand.Next(1, 100)
Dim randnumber As HtmlElementCollection =


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Setting Text Of Textbox In A Webbrowser?

May 26, 2009

I have this code which should set the text of the E-Mail textbox when you login

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("text", "")


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VS 2005 Set Text Into Webbrowser Textbox?

Jun 4, 2009

ok so I am already able to send certain text to the webbrowsers textbox on pageload. NOW I want to add text to it if I push button2. basically I want my program to add more text to the webbrowsers textbox only in certain cases.

here is the code I have to add to the textbox in the webbrowser (it doesnt have a "name" so I have to do it like this):

Dim HTML4 As HtmlDocument
Dim HTMLI4 As HtmlElement
HTML4 = WebBrowser1.Document


for my testing I am doing the above on a So HOW could I successfully add text to that textbox in the webbrowser if I did a For example, if I wanted to add the text: "Billy loves to play baseball". does that make sense?? I tried putting the same code in a command and all it does is erases and replaces the text into the textbox. I want to add it to the text that is already there.

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VS 2008 Add Info From Textbox In Webbrowser?

Sep 11, 2011

i have a form with a textbox, a button and a webbrowser.

I want whatever is in the textbox to be inserted into the webbrowsers textarea, like a form.


<textarea name="proxylist" class="textarea defaultTextActive" cols="22" rows="11">

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VS 2008 Fill Webbrowser Textbox?

Aug 3, 2009

how can i fill in a textbox in my webbrowser just by the name of it this is how it looks name="email"i know how to fill in the textbox if you have the ID of it but can i fill it in with just the name ?

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VS 2010 : Get Text From Webbrowser Into Textbox?

May 11, 2012

When I press Button1, I want to get some text from my website that is loaded in Webbrowser1, in a textbox. The text is: "Have a nice day". It doesn't have any nametag in it, just in a <p></p> tag. How can I do this without using the name= stuff?

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VS 2010 Filling Textbox In WebBrowser?

Apr 16, 2012

I it's my first post on this forum. I need help with filling textbox in WebBrowser.

I wanted to fill textbox in webbrowser. I used for one teztbox and it worked.

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("message").SetAttribute("value", TextBox1.Text)

WEB SOURCE: <input type="text" value="" size="50" tabindex="2" name="subject">In the case above everything was good but how to put the text from textbox3 between '>' and '<'?

<textarea id="message" rows="16" cols="70" tabindex="3" name="text">TEXT HERE

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VS 2010 Get Text From Webbrowser To Textbox?

Feb 8, 2011

A can't get a text from webbrowser to textbox. I check all topic's about this but any one code no work :/

My code from webbrowser.

<span class="given-name">Marsha</span>

I wanna get this "Marsha"

I have a code, but no work :/

Dim name As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span")
For Each elem As HtmlElement In name


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VS 2010 Text From Webbrowser In Textbox?

Jan 23, 2011

So i making app "Stat Checker" for 1 game (combat arms) but i can't get some elements in textbox1

EDIT: I have button and when someone click it that data loads from webbrowser1 to textbox but i tryed lot of things and can get that text..


<div id="divFound">
<div class="player-info">
<!--<span class="playimg"><img src="/Modules/Community/Profile/Avatar.aspx?NickName=" title='' /></span>-->


can you show me method to get atlast RANKING (unranked) text so i will try to do on other ones

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Fill Textbox?

May 19, 2011

<input name="Email" type="text" value="" class="email" />

how to do put text into that field.

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WebBrowser - How To Get Link For Home Via Textbox

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to make the webbrowser get the link for Home via a textbox in the application. In the properties it has a value Url where you can write which site you want to have as Home. I want to do it from a textbox .. is it possible?

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WebBrowser - Search Internet In Textbox

Aug 4, 2011

I've noticed in most web browsers that you can search the internet through a text box, like in internet explorer you can type and it googles it. How can you do that in

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WebBrowser Read The Value Of And Put Inside A Textbox?

Jul 10, 2010

Ok, what I'm trying to do is, on the internet, when you view source, it has something like this.

id="user" value="koolazngy94"

I want to read the value of that and put inside a textbox.I tried this

TextBox2.Text = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("user").SetAttribute("Value")

But not quite sure.

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WebBrowser Scroll Down To Specific Textbox

Jun 6, 2010

I have a small problem with my web browser; Here is what I want to do! After my web browser document completes, I want it to scroll down to a specific text box. For example If there is a text box at the end of the page, I want my web browser to scroll down to that text box automatically after the page loads. I managed to do that with this code,

Webbrowser1.Document.Window.ScrollTo(0, 1900)

The problem with this code, this text box is not always at the same coordinate, sometimes its at the button of the page, sometimes at the middle, or top. Now how can I scroll down to wherever the text box is located. That's all I need to do, and this is the html page code

<input type="text" id="response" value="" maxlength="10" name="response" size="16">

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WebBrowser Style Textbox And Tabs

Mar 10, 2009

I am building an application with a multi tabbed UI. On the form, I have a textbox above, a tabstrip below the textbox and a button for creating new tabs. I am having problems trying to make the textbox accept and procees input for the various tabs I've created, what I want is a senario whereby, the textbox input for Tab1 varies from Tab2 and so on... Just like the way a tabbed browser operates. Let me give some sought of illustration:

""" I create a new tab named tab1, then in the textbox above I enter "Michael", then when I create a second tab, the textbox entry for Tab1 is cleared, then i enter "Jackson" into the textbox. When I go back to Tab1, the textbox entry for tab1 changes back to what I entered earlier which was "Michael". If I then decided to go back to Tab2 the textbox entry should change to what i entered for Tab2 which was "Jackson". """

In essence what I am saying is the textbox should store and restore its state, whether text was entered or not, for each and every Tab that is created.

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Copy Selected Text From Webbrowser To Textbox?

Jun 16, 2010

How to copy selected text from webbrowser to textbox in

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Detect When The Cursor Is In A Textbox/typing In Webbrowser?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm using a custom webbrowser to display a special intranet for my company.I need to be able to display a custom keyboard whenever the user can type in the webbrowser. So if they click on a textbox within the page to type, this custom keyboard appears.when the user is in 'typing mode'. I thought maybe checking when the cursor changes to 'ibeam' which is the typing cursor? How might I do that, or is there an easier way?

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Forms :: Setting Value Of A Textbox In A Webbrowser Control?

Sep 20, 2011

I am having one heck of an issue with a webbrowser control I am using. As part of my job, I am working on creating a tool to automate an older system that we still use. The part that is being automated is web-based, and the group running the automation does not have access to any automation tools like QTP. In order to give them something they can use, the idea was to build an application just for them. In this application, I have everything working perfectly, with the exception of the most important part: the entry of a policy number. The policy number goes into a textbox, and then the user presses a button. A part of the automation sequence involves the use of a timer.

If I manually navigate to the appropriate page and put the .SetAttribute statement in a button action on my form, it works perfectly fine. However, if I put the .SetAttribute statement anywhere that is being controlled by the timer ticking, it does not work.So, this works:

Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Me.wbPrestige.Document.Window.Frames("WORKSPACE").Document.GetElementById("policynumber").SetAttribute("value", "1234567")
End Sub

but this does not:

Private Sub timerLoad_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timerLoad.Tick
Select Case currentStatus
Case Status.wait_for_retrieving


As a note, I do not have the Select statement in the Tick action; I have it in its own little sub. However, since it functions the same way no matter where it is, and to save space, I combined everything here. Also, at the time of the timer firing and setting things into motion to enter the policy number, the page is already fully loaded, so I don't think it is an issue with that, though I could be wrong.

It does not throw an error. The "1234567" above is passed in as a string, and doing a watch on it at run-time does show that the value is actually in there. It just seems like the .SetAttribute is not registering on the textbox. I have tried a few things ranging from "what-if" all the way to "that-is-so-dumb-it-just-might-work." Nothing seems to do the trick. I have tried sleeping everything for a few seconds just to see if there was an issue there. I have tried issuing the .SetAttribute command a few times in a row thinking it just wasn't taking the first time. Since setting .Focus() didn't seem to work for it, I even went so far as using SendKeys to move focus to the textbox on one attempt and API calls for mouse clicks (to click inside of the textbox) on another attempt. As a last crazy attempt, I had the Select statement doing a .PerformClick on btnTest (which works if I navigate to the page manually).

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Setting ElementID String Into A Textbox (webbrowser)?

Apr 20, 2009

I did this before but I completely forgot how I did it... I have a website that has a 'div id', I want to get that text and put it in my textbox on my app.

I think it was something simpe like the following;
TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("IDname").GetAttribute("value") = TextBox1.Text


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[2008] Grabbing Text From Webbrowser's Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

okay so in webbrowser1 is there any way to grab text from it's textbox like say i go to google and type something in the textbox hit send can i grab the text from that textbox ?

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Enter Key Make WebBrowser Load Text In Textbox?

Jan 31, 2008

Is there any way to do this.Enter key make WebBrowser load text in textbox?

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